959 resultados para Renal ischemia in dogs
Ischemia-reperfusion injury is the major cause of organ dysfunction or even nonfunction following transplantation. It can attenuate the long-term survival of transplanted organs. To evaluate the severity of renal ischemia injury determined by histology, we applied laser(442 nm and 532 nm) induced fluorescence (LIF), mitochondria respiration, and membrane swelling to evaluate 28 Wistar rats that underwent left kidney warm ischemia for 20, 40, 60, or 80 minutes. LIF performed before ischemia (control) was repeated at 20, 40, 60, and 80 minutes thereafter. We harvested left kidney tissue samples immediately after LIF determination for histology and mitochondrial analyses: state 3 and 4 respiration, respiration control rate (RCR), and membrane swelling. The association of optic spectroscopy with histological damage showed: LIF, 442 nm (r(2) = 0.39, P < .001) and 532 nm, (r(2) = 0.18, P = .003); reflecting laser/fluorescence-induced, 442 nm (r(2) = 0.20, P = .002) and 532 nm (r(2) = 0.004, P = .67). The associations between mitochondria function and tissue damage were: state 3 respiration (r(2) = 0.43, P = .0004), state 4 respiration (r(2) = 0.03, P = 0.38), RCR (r(2) = 0.28, P = .007), and membrane swelling (r(2) = 0.02, P = .43). The intensity of fluorescence emitted by tissue excited by laser, especially at a wave length of 442 nm, was determined in real time. Mitochondrial state 3 respiration and respiratory control ratio also exhibited good correlations with the grade of ischemic tissue damage.
OBJETIVOS: Estudamos os efeitos de alta dose de fentanil (F) em atributos de função renal (FR) do cão. DESENHO: Anestesiamos com pentobarbital sódico (PS) 16 cães divididos aleatoriamente em 2 grupos: manutenção com PS (Gi) e PS com F (0,05 mg.kg-1) (G2). INTERVENÇÃO: os cães foram ventilados artificialmente e tiveram cateterizadas as veias femorais esquerda e direita e a artéria femoral esquerda para infusão de drogas e coleta de dados hemodinâmicos e de sangue para dosagens laboratoriais. Coletou-se urina durante todo experimento. MENSURAÇÃO: Determinaram-se os valores de atributos de FR.. RESULTADOS: PS não mudou a FR e o comportamento de G1 deveu-se à expansão do volume extracelular. O F diminuiu significativamente freqüência cardíaca, pressão arterial média, clearance de creatinina, volume urinário, clearance osmolar e excreção fracionária de sódio e potássio. CONCLUSÕES: A diminuição da FR foi provavelmente devida às alterações hemodinâmicas induzidas pelo F, não se descartando possível ação da aldosterona.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
To evaluate the prevalence of hypertension and its correlation with the severity of renal injury and proteinuria in dogs with leishmaniosis, sixty-six dogs were divided into two groups. Group 1 (G1) was composed of 54 dogs included in stage 1 of chronic kidney disease (CKD), and group 2 (G2) of twelve dogs in stages 2 and 3 of CKD. Prevalence of hypertension was 28.8%, comprising 22.2% of the dogs from G1 and 58.3% from G2 (P=0.011). The mean arterial blood pressure (BP) of dogs from G1 (135.7 +/- 20.5) was lower than from G2 (170.0 +/- 26.3) (P <0.001). Urine proteincreatinine ratio (UP/C) revealed values above 0.5 in 75.7% of the dogs, with 34% presenting hypertension. All dogs with hypertension had histopathological and laboratory evidence of glomerular disease. Although there was no statistically significant correlation between elevated BP and the severity of glomerular lesions (P=0.408), there was a statistically significant correlation between elevated BP and increased UP/C in the studied population (P=0.002). Thus, dogs with leishmaniosis and renal disease must be screened for the presence of hypertension so that treatment may be instituted as early as possible, in countries where treatment is allowed, to prevent the progression of renal damage.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Introduction: To study the functional and hystological alterations in dog kidneys submitted to total ischemia for thirty minutes and the possible metoprolol protective action. Material and methods: Sixteen dogs anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital (SP) were studied and divided into two groups: G1-8 dogs submitted to left nephrectomy and right renal artery clamping for thirty minutes, and G2-8 dogs submitted to the same procedures of G1 and to the administration of 0.5 mg.kg(-1) metoprolol before ischemia. Attributes of renal function were studied. Results: There was acute tubular necrosis and a decrease of renal blood flow and glomerular filtration, and a increase of renal vascular resistance in both groups. Conclusion: the thirty minute renal ischemia appears to have determined the alterations found in the renal function and hystology in both groups. Metoprolol, used in G2, as to the time and dose applied didn't protect the kidney from the ischemic episode.
To evaluate the effect of sildenafil, administered prior to renal ischemia/reperfusion (I/R), by scintigraphy and histopathological evaluation in rats. Methods: Twenty-four rats were divided randomly into two groups. They received 0.1 ml of 99mTechnetium-etilenodicisteine intravenous, and a baseline (initial) renal scintigraphy was performed. The rats underwent 60 minutes of ischemia by left renal artery clamping. The right kidney was not manipulated. The sildenafil group (n=12) received orally 1 mg/kg of sildenafil suspension 60 minutes before ischemia. Treatment with saline 0.9% in the control group (n=12). Half of the rats was assessed after 24 hours and half after seven days I/R, with new renal scintigraphy to study differential function. After euthanasia, kidneys were removed and subjected to histopathological examination. For statistical evaluation, Student t and Mann-Whitney tests were used. Results: In the control group rats, the left kidneys had significant functional deficit, seven days after I/R, whose scintigraphic pattern was consistent with acute tubular necrosis, compared with the initial scintigraphy (p<0.05). Sildenafil treatment resulted in better differential function of the left kidneys 24h after reperfusion, compared with controls. Histopathologically, the left kidney of control rats (24 hours after I/R) showed a higher degree of cellular necrosis when compared with the sildenafil treated rats (p<0.05). Conclusion: Sildenafil had a protective effect in rat kidneys subjected to normothermic I/R, demonstrated by scintigraphy and histomorphometry
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o uso da cápsula renal de eqüino preservada em glicerina 98% no reparo de lesões lamelares esclerais em cães. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 12 cães, machos e fêmeas, com peso médio de 12kg. Foram realizadas avaliações clínica e morfológica aos 1, 3, 7, 15, 30 e 60 dias de pós-operatório. Após anestesia geral e procedimentos padrões de preparo do campo operatório, foi realizada cantotomia temporal, seguida de incisão conjutival e escleral com área de 0,5x0,5 cm na posição de 1hora, próxima ao limbo. em seguida, um fragmento de mesma dimensão de cápsula renal de eqüino preservada em glicerina, previamente hidratado em solução salina, foi aplicado ao defeito escleral criado sendo fixado com pontos simples isolados com vicryl 7-0®. RESULTADOS: A avaliação clínica revelou blefaroespasmo/fotofobia até o sétimo dia de pós-operatório. Foi observado edema conjuntival até o quinto dia, acompanhado de secreção ocular mucóide, que persistiu até o décimo dia de pós-operatório. Não foram observados sinais clínicos de rejeição do enxerto em todos os animais, em todos os períodos avaliados. Os segmentos anterior e posterior do bulbo ocular não apresentaram sinais de inflamação. A análise morfológica revelou exsudação inflamatória aguda nos períodos precoces e intermediários da avaliação e inflamação crônica nos períodos tardios da observação. Houve incorporação do enxerto ao leito receptor. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados sugerem que a cápsula renal de eqüino preservada pode ser mais uma alternativa de membrana biológica para o reparo de lesões esclerais lamelares em cães e no homem.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito da N-acetilcisteína na proteção renal contra lesão de isquemia/reperfusão, quando administrada logo após a indução anestésica, em ratos anestesiados com isoflurano. MÉTODOS: Dezoito ratos Wistar machos pesando mais que 300g foram anestesiados com isoflurano. A jugular interna direita e a carótida esquerda foram dissecadas e canuladas. Os animais foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em GAcetil, recebendo N-acetilcisteína por via intravenosa, 300mg/kg, e GIsot, solução salina. Foi realizada nefrectomia direita e clampeamento da artéria renal esquerda por 45 min. Os animais foram sacrificados após 48h, sendo colhidas amostras sanguíneas após a indução anestésica e ao sacrifício dos mesmos para avaliar a creatinina sérica. Realizou-se histologia renal. RESULTADOS: A variação da creatinina foi 2,33mg/dL ± 2,21 no GAcetil e 4,38mg/dL ± 2,13 no GIsot (p=0,074). Dois animais apresentaram necrose tubular intensa no GAcetil, comparados a cinco no GIsot. Apenas GAcetil apresentou animais livres de necrose tubular (dois) e degeneração tubular (um). CONCLUSÃO: Após isquemia/reperfusão renais, os ratos aos quais se administrou N-acetilcisteína apresentaram menor variação na creatinina sérica e lesões renais mais leves que o grupo controle.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Background. Hyperglycemia is associated with a decreased tolerance to ischemia and an increased severity of renal ischemia reperfusion (I/R) injury. It has been suggested that erythropoietin (EPO) attenuates this effect in normoglycemic animals. This study sought to examine the effects of EPO on treatment renal I/R injury (IRI) in transiently hyperglycemic rats.Material and Methods. Twenty-eight male Wister rats anesthetized with isoflurane received glucose (2.5 g.kg(-1) intraperitoneally) before right nephrectomy. They were randomly assigned to four groups: sham operation (S); IRI (ISO); IRI+EPO, (600 UI kg(-1) low-dose EPO [EL]); and IRI+EPO 5000 UI kg(-1) (high-dose EPO [EH]). IRI was induced by a 25-minute period of left renal ischemia followed by reperfusion for 24 hours. Serum Creatinine and glucose levels were measure at baseline (M1), immediately after the ischemic period (M2), and at 24 hours after reperfusion (M3). After sacrificing the animals, left kidney specimens were submitted for histological analysis including flow cytometry to estimate tubular necrosis and the percentages of apoptotic, dead or intact cells.Results. Scr in the ISO group was significantly higher at M3 than among the other groups. Percentages of early apoptotic cells in ISO group were significantly higher than the other groups. Percentages of late apoptotic cells in S and ISO groups were significantly greater than EL and EH groups. However, no significant intergroup differences were observed regarding the incidence of tubular necrosis.Conclusions. Our results suggested that, although not preventing the occurrence of tubular necrosis, EPO attenuated apoptosis and glomerular functional impairment among transiently hyperglycemic rats undergoing an ischemia/reperfusion insult.
Purpose: The aim of the study was to compare the effects of renal ice slush hypothermia and the use of trimetazidine in the protection against ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury.Materials and Methods: Fifteen farm pigs were submitted to left kidney ischemia and right nephrectomy during the same procedure. Animals were divided into three groups. Group 1 was submitted to warm ischemia; Group 2 was submitted to cold ischemia with ice slush; and Group 3 received trimetazidine 20 mg one day and 4 hours before surgery. Ischemia time was 120 minutes in all three groups. Serum creatinine (SCr) and plasma iohexol clearance (CLioh) were measured before surgery and on postoperative days (PODs) 1,3,7, and 14. Semi-quantitative analyses of histological alterations were performed by a pathologist. A p value of < 0.05 was considered significant.Results: All groups showed elevation of serum creatinine in the first week. Serum creatinine was higher in Group 3 in the first and third postoperative days (Mean Cr: 5.5 and 8.1 respectively). Group 2 showed a lower increase in creatinine and a lower decrease in iohexol clearance than the others. Renal function stabilized in the fourteenth POD in all three groups. Analyses of histological alterations did not reach statistical significance between groups.Conclusion: Trimetazidine did not show protection against renal I/R injury in comparison to warm ischemia or hypothermia in a porcine model submitted to 120 minutes of renal ischemia.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The present study aimed to evaluate the renal and hepatic responses in eight dogs with visceral leishmaniasis submitted to treatment with meglumine antimoniate and to verify the occurrence of possible side effects. Urinalysis, hepatic and renal function tests were carried out in all animals at up to seven moments. After the end of a six-month observation period, all dogs were euthanized. Before the beginning of the experiment urinary and biochemical alterations were observed in four dogs due to the changes caused by the parasite itself. These alterations included the presence of renal cells, cylindruria, proteinuria, azotemia, hyperproteinemia, and hypoalbuminemia. One dog died on the third day after treatment because an aggravation of the clinical picture, probably due to the medication. During the course of the study, an increase in hepatic enzymes was verified in two animals. Sixty days after the beginning of the treatment four dogs showed remission of clinical signs. The other three were asymptomatic with persistent biochemical alterations. From these, two presented recurrence of clinical signs about 150 days after the beginning of the treatment while in the other, hyperproteinemia persisted. Meglumine antimoniate was not efficient to treat dogs with severe renal dysfunction and the side effects observed were pain at the site of injection and the probable transient hepatotoxicity, evidenced by biochemical examinations, but without the presence of clinical signs. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)