995 resultados para Relax NG


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Gradu-amaierako proiektu hau anotazio linguistiko konplexuen testuinguruan kokatzen da. Proiektuaren helburuak hiru zatitan bereizi dira. Lehena, Armiarma web-aplikazioa eta LibiXaML liburutegia egokitzea bilaketa konplexuagoak onartu ahal izateko; horretarako Relax NG eskemen erabilpena errazten duen JavaScript liburutegia garatu da. Ondoren, LibiXaML liburutegiak bilaketarako erabiltzen dituen XPath-en sorkuntza automatizatzea, Relax NG eskematik abiatuz. Eta amaitzeko, analisi-sorkuntzako prototipoa hobetzea, hasieran sortutako liburutegia berrerabiliz eta Relax NG eskemak erabiliz.


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PURPOSE: To investigate whether failure to suppress the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level to /=2 months of neoadjuvant luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonist therapy in patients scheduled to undergo external beam radiotherapy for localized prostate carcinoma is associated with reduced biochemical failure-free survival. METHODS AND MATERIALS: A retrospective case note review of consecutive patients with intermediate- or high-risk localized prostate cancer treated between January 2001 and December 2002 with neoadjuvant hormonal deprivation therapy, followed by concurrent hormonal therapy and radiotherapy was performed. Patient data were divided for analysis according to whether the PSA level in Week 1 of radiotherapy was 1 ng/mL in 52. At a median follow-up of 49 months, the 4-year actuarial biochemical failure-free survival rate was 84% vs. 60% (p = 0.0016) in favor of the patients with a PSA level after neoadjuvant hormonal deprivation therapy of 1 ng/mL at the beginning of external beam radiotherapy after >/=2 months of neoadjuvant luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonist therapy have a significantly greater rate of biochemical failure and lower survival rate compared with those with a PSA level of


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This research was directed towards the investigation of the Smiles rearrangement in hydrazidic systems and the synthesis of related heterocyclic compounds. The work can be conveniently divided into two main sections. Section 1 of the thesis relates to the synthesis and examination of the O+N migration of phenoxy- derivatives of hydrazidic halides. In general, hydrazidic halides were found to react with 2-nitrophenol and 4-nitrophenol to give corresponding a-nitrophenoxy- compounds. These a-nitrophenoxy- compounds were found to rearrange in warm base to give the corresponding N-benzoyl compounds via a proposed five-membered transition state. Experiments conducted in styrene revealed no radical contribution to the rearrangement. Cross-over product analysis indicated the rearrangement as intramolecular and consistent with the Smiles rearrangement. The preparation of N-a-chlorobenzylidene-N'-2-nitrophenyl- -N'-(2,4-dibromophenyl)hydrazine from N-benzoyl-N'-2-nitrophenyl- N'-(2,4-dibromophenyl)hydrazine was accomplished using phosphorus oxychloride. Examination of this hydrazidic chloride indicated a marked decrease .in reactivity as compared to the N-a-chlorobenzylidene-N'-phenylhydrazine case. Section 2 concerns itself with the preparation of heterocyclic compounds using an analogy of the five-membered transition state present in the Smiles rearrangement of a substituted benzylidene derivatives A new preparation of 2,4-phenyl1,3,4- oxadiazol-S-one using N-benzoyl-N'-phenylhydrazine and ethyl thiochloroformate is reported. Two new preparations of N-a-thiobenzoyl-N'-(2,4-dibromophenylhydrazine are reported using sodium hydrosulfide in conjunction with N-a-bromobenzylidene-N'-(2,4-dibromophenyl)hydrazine in the first, and phosphorus pentasulfide with N-benzoylN'-( 2,4-dibromophenyl)hydrazine in the second. The latter is preferred due to the formation of a sulfide co-product in the former. Two preparations of 2-phenyl-4-(2,4-dibromophenyl)-1,3,4- thiadiazol-S-one are reported using N-thiobenzoyl-N'-(2,4-dibromophenyl) hydrazine and ethyl chloroformate and ethyl thiochloroformate Two rapid and easy preparations of 2-phenyl-4-(2,4-dibromophenyl)- 1,3,4-triazol-S-one are reported using ethyl chloroformate and ethyl thiochloroformate. Sodium cyanate in conjunction with a-aminobenzylidene-N'-(2,4-dibromophenyl)hydrazine also provided 2-phenyl-4-(2,4-dibromophenyl)-1,3,4-triazol-S-one Section 2 concludes with an examination of two possible mechanistic routes to the prepared heterocycles.


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Tratan de precisar la relaci??n de la lengua materna y la clase social de pertenencia con respecto a las caracter??sticas personales aptitudinales y el desarrollo de las habilidades psicoling????sticas. Si los alumnos de lengua materna castellana y los de lengua materna asturiana obtienen, cuando la escuela emplea el castellano como lengua de instrucci??n, un rendimiento escolar similar y un dominio de competencia oral y escrita sin incidencia en el l??xico y en su capacidad de expresi??n. El uso del lenguaje en las diferentes situaciones sociales de la comunidad ling????stica favorece que los alumnos de clase alta obtengan mejor rendimiento y mayor desarrollo de habilidades psicoling????sticas. Dos grupos de sujetos de Preescolar y ciclo inicial, 4-8 a??os, en escolarizaci??n normal en Asturias. Muestreo aleatorio estratificado con afijaci??n proporcional. Variables criterio: calificaci??n escolar, resultados del test Boehm, rendimiento escolar, capacitaci??n intelectual, inteligencia general. Variable dependiente: se operativiza con el test de habilidad psicol??ng????stica de Illinois ITPA. Variables predictoras: lengua materna y clase social. Para medir la capacitaci??n intelectual el test de Raven, CIV de WPPSSI, WISC de inteligencia general, por medio del homeindex de Gough en versi??n espa??ola se mide el ??ndice o nivel de desarrollo socioecon??mico familiar. Cuestionario 'ad hoc' para evaluar el l??xico espont??neo en asturiano, el uso de los rasgos morfosint??cticos m??s caracter??sticos y el conocimiento y uso de locuciones y expresiones propias. Las preguntas del cuestionario son le??das al entrevistado en asturiano. El rendimiento acad??mico, el desarrollo de la inteligencia y las habilidades psicoling????sticas no est??n relacionadas con las condiciones en que difiere la lengua en el ??mbito familiar, con la instrucci??n tanto en Preescolar como en ciclo inicial. En Preescolar no se aprecian diferencias significativas entre clase social y medidas de rendimiento, inteligencia y habilidades psicoling????sticas en las condiciones en que difiere la lengua materna, en ciclo inicial hay una relaci??n altamente significativa entre clase social y aspectos del rendimiento y aptitudinales en cualquiera de las condiciones de la lengua materna. El estatus familiar definido por el ??ndice de clase social es una condici??n poderosa para el establecimiento de relaciones entre lengua, desarrollo intelectual y ejecuci??n ling????stica. Las implicaciones ling????sticas no son un asunto de c??digos sino de conductas solidarias con las pr??cticas sociales, condiciones de vida del ??mbito familiar y en comunidad.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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The gradual changes in the world development have brought energy issues back into high profile. An ongoing challenge for countries around the world is to balance the development gains against its effects on the environment. The energy management is the key factor of any sustainable development program. All the aspects of development in agriculture, power generation, social welfare and industry in Iran are crucially related to the energy and its revenue. Forecasting end-use natural gas consumption is an important Factor for efficient system operation and a basis for planning decisions. In this thesis, particle swarm optimization (PSO) used to forecast long run natural gas consumption in Iran. Gas consumption data in Iran for the previous 34 years is used to predict the consumption for the coming years. Four linear and nonlinear models proposed and six factors such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Population, National Income (NI), Temperature, Consumer Price Index (CPI) and yearly Natural Gas (NG) demand investigated.


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This thesis researches the long career of Hans Küng as a 'Catholic' theologian and as a polemicist reformer. The research demonstrates that he uses theology as a political tool in his call for Church reform and concludes that Kung is best understood as a political reformer rather than as a 'Catholic' theologian.