929 resultados para Relational aesthetic
La città ready-made. Partecipazione, relazione e azione nel ‘900 è un percorso storico-critico che si snoda lungo tutto il ‘900 alla ricerca degli episodi in cui è possibile riscontrare la partecipazione nelle pratiche estetiche di diverse generazioni di artisti; per imbastire un racconto puntuale e sistematico, inoltre, si è ricorsi ad una metafora genetica che ha riscontrato una fase — corrispondente alla prima metà del secolo — in cui il cromosoma responsabile di tale afflato partecipativo è risultato recessivo e un’altra — corrispondente stavolta alla seconda metà, più o meno dagli anni ’60 ai ’90 — in cui si è potuto registrare, altresì, una dominanza. Ad influire su questi fenomeni e sul loro svolgimento nei decenni, i protagonisti assoluti di questa trattazione: la Città e il Pubblico che, di volta in volta, facendo sentire la loro presenza o facendola venir meno, hanno dettato l’agenda della socio-relazionalità nel ‘900. Si è, inoltre, provveduto a rileggere alcuni episodi estetici al fine di evidenziarne un andamento ciclico e di ripetizione: mentre nella prima metà della ricerca si è scovato il seme della socio-relazionalità nelle visite e nelle derive di dadaisti e situazionisti, nella seconda ci si è concentrati sull’ampia produzione dei collettivi artistici di New York negli anni ’70. A dimostrazione di come la relazionalità non sia un fenomeno esclusivamente legato alla pratica dell’arte degli anni ’90, ma che, con le opportune distinzioni generazionali, è possibile riscontrarne le tracce in tutta la contemporaneità.
L’empreinte d’une expérience performative en littérature : le cas de Sophie Calle et de Miranda July
Le présent mémoire propose de croiser les démarches de deux auteures et artistes contemporaines, Sophie Calle et Miranda July, dont les quatre œuvres à l’étude – Douleur exquise (2003), Aveugles (2011), Rachel, Monique (2012) de Calle et Il vous choisit (2013) de July – se fondent sur des expériences en amont de l’écriture qui mobilisent le corps même des auteures, les engagent dans une action concrète et, bien souvent, dans des interactions avec autrui. Cet art de la contrainte, cet art action qui devient le sédiment de leurs écrits s’inscrit dans la filiation hypothétique des théories du philosophe pragmatique John Dewey et de celles de l’artiste Allan Kaprow – l’un des premiers à réfléchir l’art de la performance. L’écriture intermédiale qu’elles pratiquent – ce jeu de relations entre différents médias au sein même de l’œuvre – permet à la fois de réactiver la valeur performative de l’expérience qui a impulsé la création littéraire et d’embrayer une expérience de lecture qui devient elle-même performative. Exemplaires d’une esthétique relationnelle, polyphoniques dans les voix qui s’expriment, les quatre ouvrages du corpus donnent à sentir le bruissement d’une communauté. Il s’agit d’une littérature interdisciplinaire et intersubjective, mais surtout performative dans son questionnement incessant sur le pouvoir de l’art pour transformer la vie.
L’empreinte d’une expérience performative en littérature : le cas de Sophie Calle et de Miranda July
Le présent mémoire propose de croiser les démarches de deux auteures et artistes contemporaines, Sophie Calle et Miranda July, dont les quatre œuvres à l’étude – Douleur exquise (2003), Aveugles (2011), Rachel, Monique (2012) de Calle et Il vous choisit (2013) de July – se fondent sur des expériences en amont de l’écriture qui mobilisent le corps même des auteures, les engagent dans une action concrète et, bien souvent, dans des interactions avec autrui. Cet art de la contrainte, cet art action qui devient le sédiment de leurs écrits s’inscrit dans la filiation hypothétique des théories du philosophe pragmatique John Dewey et de celles de l’artiste Allan Kaprow – l’un des premiers à réfléchir l’art de la performance. L’écriture intermédiale qu’elles pratiquent – ce jeu de relations entre différents médias au sein même de l’œuvre – permet à la fois de réactiver la valeur performative de l’expérience qui a impulsé la création littéraire et d’embrayer une expérience de lecture qui devient elle-même performative. Exemplaires d’une esthétique relationnelle, polyphoniques dans les voix qui s’expriment, les quatre ouvrages du corpus donnent à sentir le bruissement d’une communauté. Il s’agit d’une littérature interdisciplinaire et intersubjective, mais surtout performative dans son questionnement incessant sur le pouvoir de l’art pour transformer la vie.
Visual art practice has generally been described as a lonely affair, thinking about what an artist has experienced in the outside world. This study is an inquiry into a visual art practice of another kind: the relational one. The research purpose is twofold. The first purpose is to shed light on a visual artist’s conceptions of art, education and scholarship. The second purpose is to by reasoning on imagination and a rhizomatic formation interpret the relations created between art, multimodality and literacy learning as an aesthetic approach to education. By inquiry into a specific collaborated long-term art practice, the study conveys how the meaning making elements of an arts based learning practice gradually transform an artist’s and a teacher’s concepts of art education to an aesthetic approach to education. In the art practice examined the typical Finnish rye bread and a poem have represented a cultural theme that has been elaborated through art conventions. The poem and the rye bread have in the art practice been articulated as cultural representations of as well as symbolic projections on the Swedishspeaking minority culture in Finland. The study connects art informed inquiry to a hermeneutic research rationale where the research reasoning is generated through a rhizomatic alliance between empiric data and theories. The reasoning is constructed as an interpretation pattern that expands throughout the study. The study arguments that the rhizome as an aesthetic formation can be appropriate to refer to when articulating arts based meaning making and when creating arts based educational strategies, dialogues, aesthetic learning and multimodal literacy in education. The study investigates an aesthetic approach to research in education, which means that the art practice surveyed is interpreted through articulation appropriate to poetic aspects of art, education and research.
The objective of this case report was to describe the oral rehabilitation of a five-year-old boy patient diagnosed with amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) in the primary dentition. AI is a group of hereditary disorders that affects the enamel structure. The patient was brought to the dental clinic complaining of tooth hypersensitivity during meals. The medical history and clinical examination were used to arrive at the diagnosis of AI. The treatment was oral rehabilitation of the primary molars with stainless steel crowns and resin-filled celluloid forms. The main objectives of the selected treatment were to enhance the esthetics, restore masticatory function, and eliminate the teeth sensitivity. The child was monitored in the pediatric dentistry clinic at four-month intervals until the mixed dentition stage. Treatment not only restored function and esthetic, but also showed a positive psychological impact and thereby improved perceived quality of life. The preventive, psychological, and curative measures of a young child with AI were successful. This result can encourage the clinicians to seek a cost-effective technique such as stainless steel crowns, and resin-filled celluloid forms to reestablish the oral functions and improve the child's psychosocial development.
We examine the representation of judgements of stochastic independence in probabilistic logics. We focus on a relational logic where (i) judgements of stochastic independence are encoded by directed acyclic graphs, and (ii) probabilistic assessments are flexible in the sense that they are not required to specify a single probability measure. We discuss issues of knowledge representation and inference that arise from our particular combination of graphs, stochastic independence, logical formulas and probabilistic assessments. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This essay explores the nature and significance of aesthetic approaches to international political theory. More specifically, it contrasts aesthetic with mimetic forms of representation. The latter, which have dominated the study of international relations, seek to represent politics as realistically and authentically as possible, aiming at capturing world politics as it really is. An aesthetic approach, by contrast, assumes that there is always a gap between a form of representation and what is represented therewith. Rather than ignoring or seeking to narrow this gap, as mimetic approaches do, aesthetic insight recognises that the inevitable difference between the represented and its representation is the very location of politics. The essay, thus, argues for the need to reclaim the political value of the aesthetic; not to replace social science or technological reason, but to broaden our abilities to comprehend and deal with the key dilemmas of world politics. The ensuing model of thought facilitates productive interactions across different faculties, including sensibility, imagination and reason, without any of them annihilating the unique position and insight of the other.
This study brings a reflection on aesthetic values, trying to consider connections between universality, social exclusion and contemporary violence.
Reconstruction of the nipple-areola complex (NAC) is the last stage of breast reconstruction and represents the search for symmetry in regard to the contralateral breast. The objective of this study was to present an areola reconstruction technique with local skin graft to improve the texture and aspect of the reconstructed areola, searching for a natural look. This technique was performed on 122 patients who in the period from January 2000 to December 2005 were submitted to nipple and areola reconstruction. Once the position of the new nipple was determined, markings were made for the reconstruction of the areola. Then the external limit of the new areola was incised and the skin was centripetally deepidermized up to 85% of its diameter. After this procedure the detached skin was repositioned in its bed as a graft and sutured with 4.0 mononylon thread. Incisions with an 11-blade scalpel were then made in V and C forms associated with the detachment of this skin of the receptor area along the local graft so that at the end of the healing process they would determine alterations in the areolar texture mimicking the texture of a normal areola. All patients underwent tattooing 3 months after reconstruction of the NAC taking into account the different shades of the contralateral areola and nipple colors. The use of a local skin graft associated with C and V incisions allowed alteration in the texture of the reconstructed areola. The use of different ink shades for tattooing helped to give a tridimensional aspect to this areola. These factors determined a good aesthetic result in these patients. This areola reconstruction using a local skin graft allows change in the areola texture and a tridimensional aspect similar to that of a normal areola without the inconvenience of grafting from a distance.
Plastic surgery is based on improving esthetic for the patient. In most services, the surgery outcome is evaluated in a subjective manner. Aim: to objectively assess the degree of patient satisfaction one year after rhinoplasty using the Rhinoplasty Outcome Evaluation questionnaire at a referral academic center. Materials and Methods: 69 patients operated in the otorhinolaryngology service were selected. The patients were operated upon by third year residents during the period from January to December 2007 and answered the questionnaire translated by the authors of this study. Results: we obtained a mean value of 73.25% of satisfaction for primary rhinoplasty and a mean value of 72.02% of satisfaction for secondary rhinoplasty. Conclusion: the level of satisfaction presented by the patients was considered to be very good.