991 resultados para Relações semântico-cognitivas


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Este estudo propõe uma abordagem específica da mudança semântico-cognitiva, em processos de gramaticalização, a partir da exploração de graus de não discretude conceitual e complexidade cognitiva crescente, conforme estudos de Kortmann (1997) a partir de subordinadores de base adverbial. O universo de investigação é constituído de textos medialmente escritos (editoriais, cartas e e-mails) e falados (amostras do Banco de Dados IBORUNA), representativos dos séculos XVIII a XXI. Os resultados mostram que, em relação aos padrões de usos juntivos de assim focalizados a partir de Halliday (1985), a saber, juntor coordenativo conclusivo (P assim Q), comparativos, conformativos (P assim como Q), temporal (Assim que Q, P) e contrastivo (P, mesmo assim Q), a análise das relações semântico-cognitivas no processo de GR de assim forneceu-nos uma escala crescente de complexidade cognitiva associada à discretude semântica e uma especificação das relações interoracionais desempenhadas por esses padrões. Os resultados dessa análise permitiram a proposta de uma relação tridimensional de derivação entre os domínios cognitivos, apontando Modo como a macrofunção mais produtiva nos dados.


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We study the use of nominal suffixes of degree, such as -inho, -ão, -íssimo, -ílimo, -érrimo in written texts in Brazilian Portuguese, by focusing on semantic, cognitive, pragmatic and discourse aspects involved in using these suffixes. In general, we aim to identify semanticcognitive and discourse-pragmatic factors that motivate the usage of nominal suffixes of degree and to contribute for the study of degree in Portuguese class in Basic Education. The theoretical perspective underlying our research is the Linguística Funcional Centrada no Uso, as conceived by group of researchers of Discurso & Gramática (FURTADO DA CUNHA, BISPO, SILVA, 2013; MARTELOTTA, 2011). According to this theoretical model, language model uses the shape of the grammar of a language at the same time they are provisioned for it. In this sense, speech and grammar influence each other. In terms of methodology, we make an eminently qualitative research with quantitative support as evidence of use of trend. It is characterized also by descriptive and interpretive bias of the phenomenon under study. Empirical evidence from our analysis come from a corpus consisting of written texts from Veja magazine, January to June 2011 issues, particularly Carta do Leitor e Gente sections, the latter representative of the Coluna Social magazine. The results of our analysis showed that the use of nominal graders suffixes are related to semantic-cognitive factors (construction of certain text directions, the association more grounded aspects of concrete experience or the more abstract meanings, for example), the discourse-pragmatic issues (range certain communicative purposes, as critique, judge, mock, claim, involving the reader, seeking her membership of a particular point of view). In addition, we found that the use of these morphic elements in genres of the sample analyzed were related to the subjectivity of the writer and the inter-subjective issues involving writer and reader, as Traugott and Dasher (2002). Finally, we contemplate discussion about the approach of our object of study in Portuguese classes in Basic Education.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This thesis examines the medial construction of the Portuguese of Brazil (PB). It is a construction which describes a causative event in which a non-human subject participant is affected by an action that does not originate from itself. Thus, we are interested in investigating this type of construction, its specific characteristics, motivations and discursive context from its semantic- cognitive and discoursive - pragmatic functions. The research questions are: what is the prototypical structural configuration of the medial construction (MC) in the Portuguese of Brazil? What are its specific discoursive functions? What is the degree of MC transitivity based on the properties proposed by Hopper and Thompson (1980)? We assume that the medial construction has its own structure which particularizes its significant dimension, thus ensuring a certain distance between the one in charge of the event and the affected entity. The theoretical and methodological assumptions is founded on Usage-based Functional Linguistics (FURTADO DA CUNHA; BISPO; SILVA, 2013). It is a research of qualitative- interpretative nature that has prioritized the analysis of occurrences arising from texts produced by users of the Brazilian Portuguese language in effective communicative situation. The database for this study is electronic texts available on the website www.reclameaqui.com.br. The results revealed the existence of different configurations of the medial construction in the Brazilian Portuguese, having as prototypical the one formed by SN + V. From the morphosyntactic and semantic point of view, the construction expresses a subject affected by an action that does not part from itself. As for the pragmatic aspect, the construction expresses an event that seems to have the purpose to emphasize the affected argument and to ignore, intentionally or not, the agent or the causative, since it is irrelevant to the speaker/ listener in the contextual situation.


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In this study, we focus on the relativization strategies, in diachronic corpus of Brazilian Portuguese (BP). Generally speaking, we aim to investigate the use of the relative in a historical perspective on BP, focusing on semantic-cognitive and discursive-pragmatic motivations involved and the correlation with the discursive traditions. The theoretical perspective underlying our study is the North-American Functional Linguistics, inspired by Talmy Givón, Sandra Thompson, Paul Hopper, Joan Bybee, Elizabeth Traugott, Mario Martelotta, Angelica Furtado da Cunha, among others, combined with contributions of Discursive Traditions, based on authors such as Kabatek, Koch and Oesterreicher. As for the methodology, our research is eminently qualitative, in the sense that it seeks to elucidate semantic-cognitive and discursive-pragmatic motivations related to the use of relativization strategies in BP; and it has quantitative support, with respect to measurable data aspect and characterization of the object of study and its frequency of use. For this investigation, we use the corpora of the project Para a História do Português Brasileiro (PHPB), more specifically, the particular, official, reader and redactor letters written between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries, from four states: Minas Gerais, Paraná, Pernambuco and Rio de Janeiro. The results of this research reveal the variation in relativization strategies, in view of the increase in the relativa cortadora (prepositional chopping strategy) percentage in the corpus of this investigation, even though the occurrence of this strategy is more restricted to private letters. In addition, we found factors of cognitive nature such as reduction in cognitive cost and economy related to the occurrence of that relative strategy, principally in private letters; aspects such as the need for expressiveness and clearness related to the use, even if infrequent, of the relativa copiadora (resumptive strategy), especially in official letters; and factors of communicative order such as the public sphere of circulation of the sample letters, as in the redactor and reader letters, and the gap between the parties most directly involved in the use of the standard relative of our sample.


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Este trabalho procura desvendar as compatibilidades e incompatibilidades entre o líder e seu sucessor no processo de transmissão do comando empresarial, em uma empresa familiar gaúcha, através da avaliação das suas inter-relações cognitivas e da verificação de seus posicionamentos frente a elementos de interatividade. A pesquisa, de caráter exploratório, admite a formação de um arcabouço teórico, seguido da indicação de características de interatividade e da proposição de um estudo de caso que, para avaliá-las, utiliza-se de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, análise de conteúdo e avaliação de mapas cognitivos.


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Se indaga en los desplazamientos entre herramientas de comunicación que ponen en juego profesores a la hora de comunicar qué y cómo cambia en una situación, en el marco de una línea de investigación en Pensamiento y Lenguaje Variacional (Proyecto Fondecyt Nº1030413 y Proyecto Diumce 06/07). Adscribimos a una mirada sistémica en la que entendemos a las matemáticas como una actividad humana en donde cobra vital importancia la persona haciendo matemáticas y no sólo el producto matemático. Por ello resulta relevante considerar -en la praxis educativa- las negociaciones y búsqueda de consenso entrelazadas éstas, con las acciones cognitivas de la persona al momento de enfrentarse a la solución de un problema. Asumimos una naturaleza de la noción de variación como red semántico operacional transversal, que imbrica distintos contenidos escolares de ciencia experimental y de matemática, particularmente aquellos de tiempo y velocidad. Entendemos al tiempo cotidiano formado por una red compleja de intencionalidades y coordinaciones que se estructuran a partir de las necesidades de coordinación con lo otro, con los otros y de las proyecciones intencionales hacia un futuro y un pasado, y, al tiempo matemático en su calidad de parámetro y figurado sobre la base de la metáfora de una distancia horizontal. A continuación se analizan, desde ese marco conceptual, las herramientas a que recurren profesores para comunicar cambios en una situación específica desarrollada en el marco las actividades del Proyecto de Investigación Las representaciones docentes del Cambio.


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Dissertação de mestrado, Neurociências Cognitivas e Neuropsicologia, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Trata sobre las dificultades del lenguaje, sobre su prevención y su corrección. Comienza con una presentación teórica de lo que es una dificultad específica del lenguaje, para a continuación presentar los síntomas más evidentes del trastorno o del retraso específico del lenguaje en los niveles fonológico, léxico, morfológico y sintáctico, y semántico, además explica algunos factores básicos que intervienen en el retraso específico del lenguaje como son los aspectos genéticos, neurológicos, sensoriales o psicológicos.


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Climacteric is the name of the period of the human life that it is going from the 40 years old, approximately, until the 65 years old. Though, for besides a biological phase of the woman's life, the climacteric is an object of the social world that is rendered to different apprehensions and readings on the symbolic plan. In this study, it was looked for to know the social representations, that health' professionals acting in the programs of the climacteric and the users of those same services, build in respect of that purpose. Besides, it tried to be seen that the social hegemonic representation that guides the actions and the agents' attitudes in the practices of attendance and education for the woman's health in the climacteric in the extent of the investigated institutions. The data were collected through interviews, questionnaire, focal discussion group and direct observation. The observation field was constituted by the three institutions that develop the attendance and education for the woman's health in the climacteric phase, in the city of Natal. A gender perspective was also been adopted, sought to evidence as the cognitive structures that assure the masculine power reproduction, pronounce to the social representations to build a sense to the investigated purpose. It was verified that the social representations of the climacteric are built mainly around the semantic fields old age and disease. For the health professionals, the meaning of the simbol old age carries the marks of the indentified system of the middle class employed, but also, of the feminine habitus that guides them to have an ethical and aesthetic apprehension of their own body. The climacteric, in that way, is seen as a difficult phase , a painful event that scares . For the women attended by those professionals, the sign old age means feeling emphasis from the biological climacteric aspects, in other words, the sensations and signs that forbid the body to accomplish certain linked basic life functions. Along the whole course of this thesis, it was verified that the climacteric is a complex phenomenon that needs to be faced as such. While cultural phenomenon, it is urgent to look for means to help to combat the centrality of the professional representations that face the climacteric as old age and disease, particularly in the field of health


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TEMA: o objetivo deste estudo foi descrever os aspectos clínico, comportamental, cognitivo e comunicativo de indivíduos com o diagnóstico genético da Síndrome Smith-Magenis. PROCEDIMENTOS: participaram dois indivíduos do sexo masculino, de nove e 19 anos. Realizou-se a avaliação genética clínica e laboratorial (teste FISH, utilizando sonda para região 17p11.2). A avaliação psicológica constou da observação comportamental e aplicação da Escala Wechsler de Inteligência. A avaliação Fonoaudiológica foi realizada por meio de procedimentos formais e informais e avaliação auditiva periférica. RESULTADOS: a análise genética clínica evidenciou as características fenotípicas da síndrome Smith-Magenis, confirmada pela avaliação laboratorial. A avaliação psicológica evidenciou o fenótipo comportamental peculiar da síndrome Smith-Magenis e comprovou a deficiência intelectual de grau moderado nos dois indivíduos. A avaliação fonoaudiológica mostrou alterações no desempenho linguístico, com alterações nos níveis fonológico, semântico, sintático e pragmático e nas habilidades psicolinguísticas, interferindo nas habilidades comunicativas e de aprendizagem. A avaliação auditiva indicou audição periférica dentro de parâmetros de normalidade. CONCLUSÃO: a avaliação multidisciplinar favoreceu a descrição dos aspectos clínicos, comportamentais, cognitivos que pertencem ao fenótipo comportamental da síndrome Smith-Magenis e permitiu verificar que estes apresentam graves alterações da linguagem oral, das habilidades psicolinguísticas e do processamento das informações visuais e auditivas com reflexos marcantes no desenvolvimento das habilidades comunicativas e processos de aprendizagem.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)