943 resultados para Regulatory model
This paper addresses the regulatory issues arising in developing a new regulatory model for the New South Wales Coal Industry. As such, it identifies the relevant literature on this subject, the options available for reform, and the experience of Australian and key international bodies responsible for the development of regulatory standards in this area. In particular it: Identifies the main shortcomings in the existing regulatory approach; Identifies the potential roles/main strengths and weaknesses of different types of standards (eg specification, performance, process and systems-based rules) and potential “best practice’ combinations of standards; Examines the appropriateness of the current regulatory regime whereby the general OHS legislation (including the general duty provisions) applies to mining in addition to the large body of regulation which is specific to mining; Identifies the importance of, and possible means of addressing, issues of worker participation within the coal mining industry; Draws on the literature on what motivates companies and individuals for the purpose of recommending key provisions for inclusion in new legislation to provide appropriate personal and organisational incentives; Draws on the literature on major hazards facilities to suggest the appropriate roles for OHS management systems and safety reports or comparable approaches (eg mine safety management plans); Draws on the United Kingdom (UK) and United States of America (USA) experience of coal mine safety and its regulation for comparative purposes, and for insights as to what sort of regulation most effectively reduces work related injury and disease in coal mining; Examines the relevant roles of International Labour Organisation (ILO) Conventions; Examines the extent to which different regulatory regimes would be appropriate to open cut and underground coal mining; and Examines options for reform. This paper is focussed specifically on the issues identified above.
Standards for farm animal welfare are variously managed at a national level by government-led regulatory control, by consumer-led welfare economics and co-regulated control in a partnership between industry and government. In the latter case the control of research to support animal welfare standards by the relevant industry body may lead to a conflict of interest on the part of researchers, who are dependent on industry for continued research funding. We examine this dilemma by reviewing two case studies of research published under an Australian co-regulated control system. Evidence of unsupported conclusions that are favourable to industry is provided, suggesting that researchers do experience a conflict of interest that may influence the integrity of the research. Alternative models for the management of research are discussed, including the establishment of an independent research management body for animal welfare because of its public good status and the use of public money derived from taxation, with representation from government, industry, consumers, and advocacy groups.
The common mantra in telecommunications regulatory fora (be it national, regional or international) now goes along the lines of 'deregulation-good; regulation-bad' and competition is said to be the ultimate answer to basically every question. A generalised dictum like this is in itself suspicious and even more so, when it refers to a sector such as telecommunications, which has a history of heavy regulation and has been the very epitome of state intervention. In the contemporary environment of vibrant communications, subcribing to a purely 'black-or-white' aproach may be, to put it mildly, unsafe. Before answering the question of appropriate regulatory model for communications markets, it is essential to figure out what goals are to be pursued in order to consider what kind of measures could bring about their attainment. In the words of Robert Bork, 'only when the issue of goals has been settled is it possible to frame a coherent body of substantive rules'. Against this backdrop, the present paper looks into the goals and objectives of telecommunications regulation, their complexity and inherent tension between commercial and public interests.
Queensland, New South Wales, and the United Kingdom have enacted legislation that governs what are colloquially known as spite hedges. These are barriers, commonly horticultural, that once constructed, block the view or sunlight from a neighbouring property. The matter was also recently raised in the Tasmanian Parliament. This article examines whether legislation should be enacted to deal with this issue, and if so, what is the regulatory model that need be adopted. The conclusion is that a layered nuanced response is needed to balance the interests and obligations of neighbouring landowners.
Objectives The current study had two aims. First, to develop a moral disengagement scale contextualized to underage drinking. Second, to investigate Bandura’s (1986) self-regulatory model within the context of underage drinking. Method Two different samples of students participated in the study. The first sample included 619 (362 females) adolescents (Mage = 15.3 years, SD = 1.09 years) and the second sample 636 (386 females) adolescents (Mage = 15.3 years, SD = 1.03 years). Students in the first sample completed the Underage Drinking Disengagement Scale (UDDS), and measures of engagement in underage drinking and heavy episodic drinking. Students in the second sample completed these measures as well as scales of general moral disengagement, personal standards and anticipatory guilt associated with underage drinking. Results For the UDDS, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses verified a single factor structure. The UDDS was more strongly associated with engagement in underage drinking and heavy episodic drinking than a general measure of moral disengagement. A moderated mediation analysis revealed that adolescents who negatively evaluated underage drinking reported more anticipatory guilt, and more anticipatory guilt was associated with less engagement in underage drinking and less heavy episodic drinking. This relationship was weaker at high compared to low levels of underage drinking disengagement. Conclusions/Importance Understanding how adolescents self-regulate their drinking, and ways that such self-regulation may be deactivated or disengaged, may help identify those adolescents at increased risk of drinking underage and of engaging in heavy episodic drinking.
The EU is considered to be one of the main proponents of what has been called the deep trade agenda—that is, the push for further trade liberalization with an emphasis on the removal of domestic non-tariff regulatory measures affecting trade, as opposed to the traditional focus on the removal of trade barriers at borders. As negotiations on the Doha Development Round have stalled, the EU has attempted to achieve these aims by entering into comprehensive free trade agreements (FTAs) that are not only limited exclusively to tariffs but also extend to non-tariff barriers, including services, intellectual property rights (IPRs), competition, and investment. These FTAs place great emphasis on regulatory convergence as a means to secure greater market openings. The paper examines the EU's current external trade policy in the area of IP, particularly its attempts to promote its own regulatory model for the protection of IP rights through trade agreements. By looking at the IP enforcement provisions of such agreements, the article also examines how the divisive issues that are currently hindering the progress of negotiations at WTO level, including the demands from developing countries to maintain a degree of autonomy in the area of IP regulation as well as the need to balance IP protection with human rights protection, are being dealt with in recent EU FTAs.
Mise en garde : Ce mémoire a été réalisé grâce au soutien financier du Fonds d’éducation et de saine gouvernance de l'Autorité des marchés financiers. Les informations, opinions et avis exprimés n'engagent que la responsabilité de Marie-Annick Laurendeau.
El presente artículo expone un diseño metodológico desarrollado para medir la eficacia de los mecanismos judiciales de protección de los derechos de los usuarios de aquellas actividades sujetas a la intervención del Estado en la economía, cuyo régimen jurídico se ha adaptado al modelo regulatorio, en buena medida como receptor de la influencia de la globalización jurídica en esta materia. Además se ilustra el empleo de la metodología propuesta con los resultados de su aplicación al sector transporte.
The major objective of this paper is to identify, in the light of economic theory and of recent Brazilian and foreign institutional experiences, the best alternative for the reform of the regulatory framework of the domestic financial system, encompassing capital markets, insurance and private complementary social welfare. This paper is divided into four sections: in the first part, we identify the changes in the international and domestic financial systems, currently in an accelerated process of integration (search for similar rules and standards) and convergence (leveling of operational procedures). Next, we evaluate the potential impact of this new environment upon Brazilian economic development. In the second part, we analyze the concept of financial markets efficiency, where a contractualist view of the relationship involving suppliers and consumers of financial services is exposed. We also identify the major differences of focus among the several trends of regulation of the capital markets, insurance and private complementary social welfare In the third part, we present the concepts and the functions of a typical regulatory agency and alternative models of market regulation. In particular, we explore the differences between a regulatory model in which there are several regulatory agencies, each acting in segmented markets, as opposed to one in which there is single agency that regulates, supervises and oversees ali the indicated markets. In the forth and last part, we analyze the Brazilian case, attempting to identify, in the view of economic theory and recent experiences in other countries of the world, the best alternative for reforming present legislation. The basic recommended conclusion is to undertake studies that lead to the establishment of a single regulatory agency, congregating the functions currently performed by the Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM), the Superintendency of Private Insurance (Susep) and the Secretariai of Complementary Welfare (SPC).
In this thesis, we investigate some aspects of the interplay between economic regulation and the risk of the regulated firm. In the first chapter, the main goal is to understand the implications a mainstream regulatory model (Laffont and Tirole, 1993) have on the systematic risk of the firm. We generalize the model in order to incorporate aggregate risk, and find that the optimal regulatory contract must be severely constrained in order to reproduce real-world systematic risk levels. We also consider the optimal profit-sharing mechanism, with an endogenous sharing rate, to explore the relationship between contract power and beta. We find results compatible with the available evidence that high-powered regimes impose more risk to the firm. In the second chapter, a joint work with Daniel Lima from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), we start from the observation that regulated firms are subject to some regulatory practices that potentially affect the symmetry of the distribution of their future profits. If these practices are anticipated by investors in the stock market, the pattern of asymmetry in the empirical distribution of stock returns may differ among regulated and non-regulated companies. We review some recently proposed asymmetry measures that are robust to the empirical regularities of return data and use them to investigate whether there are meaningful differences in the distribution of asymmetry between these two groups of companies. In the third and last chapter, three different approaches to the capital asset pricing model of Kraus and Litzenberger (1976) are tested with recent Brazilian data and estimated using the generalized method of moments (GMM) as a unifying procedure. We find that ex-post stock returns generally exhibit statistically significant coskewness with the market portfolio, and hence are sensitive to squared market returns. However, while the theoretical ground for the preference for skewness is well established and fairly intuitive, we did not find supporting evidence that investors require a premium for supporting this risk factor in Brazil.
Com a criação das primeiras entidades reguladoras de infraestrutura, década de 90, surgiu uma nova maneira estratégica de o Estado atuar com intuito de melhorar a governança pública. O Estado brasileiro, que era responsável direto pelo desenvolvimento econômico e social, buscou se redefinir frente ao modelo de entidades reguladoras que emergia. Em decorrência dessa nova fisionomia estatal, a descentralização funcional ganhou ênfase resultando no aparecimento de estruturas mais flexíveis e autônomas sob a natureza de direito público com a finalidade de atuar em setores típicos de Estado. Assim, foram criadas as primeiras agências reguladoras brasileiras com objetivo de normatizar, incentivar e regular setores essenciais à sociedade. Por consequência de tais inovações, diversas áreas administrativas tiveram de serem adaptadas, sobretudo as relacionadas à atividade de controle no âmbito administrativo. Para tanto, tornou-se necessário conciliar, dentro de um escopo sistematizado, mecanismos capazes de atender as demandas oriundas do recente Estado regulador brasileiro. Com efeito, a função controle adquire relevo no sentido de evitar que tais agências reguladoras apartem-se de limites impostos por lei ou de que divirjam de suas missões institucionais. Assim, o presente trabalho investiga a atuação do controle externo exercido pelo Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU) no desempenho das agências reguladoras de Estado. Diante de o assunto permear várias áreas epistemológicas, entende-se que abordá-lo sob o enfoque interdisciplinar pode estender em contribuições sobre o objeto investigado. Nesse contexto, esta dissertação visa incorporar, também, outras áreas de conhecimento. Longe de defender um isomorfismo para o arranjo regulatório brasileiro ou de promover uma saída paradigmática, esta pesquisa busca, com amparo na metodologia qualitativa e sob os enfoques exploratórios e descritivos, reunir conhecimentos e constatações no sentido de propiciar maior aproximação acerca do assunto e concorrer para o delineamento de diretrizes futuras do controle externo sobre a regulação brasileira. Destaca-se que tanto a regulação como o controle sobre o ambiente regulatório são assuntos que se encontram em desenvolvimento no contexto brasileiro, o que enseja a pertinência desta pesquisa. Em face do exposto, esta dissertação visa investigar o estado atual do controle exercido pelo TCU sobre o desempenho nas agências reguladoras de Estado – infraestrutura - com intuito de analisar e promover um debate sobre limites e (im)possibilidades dessa atuação.
Este trabalho tem como principal objetivo analisar a relação matriz-subsidiária de uma empresa do setor farmacêutico no Brasil. Para atender ao objetivo deste trabalho, foi realizada uma revisão da literatura sobre o tema na área de negócios internacionais, cadeia de suprimentos, custos logísticos, aparato regulatório, infra-estrutura e estratégia corporativa, a fim de compreender os diferentes fatores que influenciam os papéis desempenhados pelas subsidiárias com relação às matrizes e aos mercados em que se encontram instaladas. A partir deste referencial teórico, foram selecionadas algumas tipologias como critérios de análise para a investigação empírica das práticas na empresa selecionada. A metodologia utilizada engloba um estudo de caso único com duas sub unidades de análise, a subsidiária e a matriz. Também foram realizadas análises do setor farmacêutico internacional e nacional (inclusive o modelo regulatório), visando melhor compreensão e contextualização da relação matriz-subsidiária. A análise dos resultados deste estudo de caso, fundamentados no referencial teórico conclui que esta subsidiária está sujeita a fortes impactos do aparato regulatório por parte da Anvisa e da falta de infra-estrutura logística para maior eficiência e competitividade perante seus concorrentes, o que determina a baixa autonomia perante a matriz quanto ao processo decisório estratégico dentro da corporação.
O presente trabalho procura examinar o funcionamento do Conselho Nacional de Autorregulamentação Publicitária (“CONAR”), visando descobrir como este modelo regulatório se conforma com o Direito brasileiro. Neste sentido, explica-se, inicialmente, a origem do Conselho, como ele se estrutura e como se dão os julgamentos das denúncias que lhe são apresentadas. Em seguida, faz-se uma análise da relação entre a legislação publicitária vigente e as normas do Código Brasileiro de Autorregulamentação Publicitária, donde se conclui que ambas não são excludentes. Parte-se, então, para um estudo da jurisprudência dos tribunais brasileiros acerca da atuação do Conselho, afim de se verificar em que medida é aceita a autorregulação da publicidade pelo Poder Judiciário. Por fim, pretende-se analisar como se dá, na prática, a atuação do CONAR diante de questões polêmicas, como a inflação legislativa no meio publicitário e a censura da publicidade.
Este trabalho objetiva analisar aspectos jurídicos relacionados ao consórcio e ao Comitê Operacional que deverão ser constituídos no âmbito do novo modelo regulatório criado para a exploração e produção das reservas do pré-sal – o contrato de partilha de produção. Para esse fim, será feita uma análise do histórico do setor de petróleo e gás no Brasil, com o objetivo de contextualizar o novo modelo. Em seguida, serão analisados os principais aspectos presentes na doutrina e na legislação societária a respeito do consórcio, enfatizando-se as peculiaridades previstas na legislação do pré-sal. Passa-se, então, à análise de problemas relacionados à tomada de decisão no consórcio exigido pela lei do pré-sal e, consequentemente, no Comitê Operacional que o administrará. Para isso, serão examinados: (i) a teoria dos contratos incompletos; (ii) o modelo do principal-agente; (iii) os problemas de governança em uma sociedade de economia mista; e (iv) a teoria da dependência de recursos. Tendo por base o estudo realizado, a última parte buscará mostrar a necessidade de implementação de mecanismos de governança na execução dos contratos de partilha de produção, de modo a beneficiar todos os envolvidos.
Alterações normativas são de eficácia limitada quando não acompanhadas do aperfeiçoamento das instituições encarregadas de aplicar, zelar e desenvolver as normas jurídicas. Esse documento contrasta o modelo regulatório brasileiro com dois outros modelos paradigmáticos (o do Reino Unido, baseado em uma agência reguladora própria, e o das Filipinas, um caso inédito de autorregulação reconhecida pelo Estado). A Análise conclui que inexiste, no Brasil, um órgão ou espaço institucional com competência exclusiva para regular o setor, estando as competências regulatórias espalhadas ente vários órgãos (principalmente os Ministérios da Justiça, Desenvolvimento Social, Saúde e Educação), sem uma instância superior de coordenação