1000 resultados para Regional fiction


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Vidas Secas, de Graciliano Ramos é considerada uma obra prima da ficção regional da Literatura Brasileira da Geração de 30. O romance é um documento sobre a vida miserável de uma família de retirantes nordestinos, que sofrem as consequências da seca no sertão. O estudo do vocabulário que permeia a trajetória dessa família gerou as bases para elaboração deste trabalho que tem como objetivo principal a formação de um glossário de termos regionais nordestinos presentes na obra em estudo, a fim de contribuir com um dicionário da ficção do referido autor. Para isso, faz-se necessário discorrer sobre a linguagem literária no Brasil a partir do Romantismo até o Modernismo. Expor a curva evolutiva da tradição regionalista brasileira, na ficção, do Romantismo até o Modernismo, enfatizando autores e obras que participaram do processo de criação e evolução do gênero em foco


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O presente estudo visa a estabelecer uma análise comparativa entre dois romances da literatura brasileira do século XX, no que tange à abordagem realizada pelas obras do fenômeno histórico-social do cangaço. As obras escolhidas, Fogo Morto, de José Lins do Rego, e Os Desvalidos, de Francisco Dantas, representam dois momentos distintos da produção ficcional nordestina. A primeira está inserida na corrente ficcional das décadas de 30 e 40. Décimo romance do escritor paraibano, Fogo Morto representa o cangaço na perspectiva do personagem José Amaro, seleiro que se transforma em ajudante do cangaceiro Antônio Silvino. A segunda obra, publicada em 1993, representa uma retomada da ficção regionalista. O romance focaliza o cangaço sob o ponto de vista de Coriolano, personagem que, ao contrário de José Amaro, demonstra ódio implacável pelo cangaço, no romance representado por Lampião. A análise comparativa das obras foi precedida pelo estudo das raízes históricas do cangaço, bem como a caracterização do cangaceiro como ser carregado de dubiedade no imaginário popular nordestino. Com efeito, o cangaceiro ora é representado como herói, ora é encarado como bandido pelo sertanejo, sendo que essa visão contraditória é transportada para a ficção, aparecendo nos dois romances que são analisados neste trabalho. A abordagem histórica do cangaço é realizada a partir de estudos de autores como Rui Facó (1983), Maria Isaura Pereira de Queiroz (1977) e Luiz Bernardo Pericás (2010). Também foi imprescindível um breve estudo de Câmara Cascudo (2005), que auxilia a compreender a figura do cangaceiro enquanto herói popular regional. Finalmente, como suporte para o estudo comparativo entre Fogo Morto e Os Desvalidos foram utilizados trabalhos de autores como José Paulo Paes (1995) e Sônia Lúcia Ramalho de Farias (2006), que fornecem elementos importantes para o estabelecimento de relações entre obras de cunho regionalista, produzidas por escritores nordestinos.


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A partir de los cuentos “Artista de variedades", “La fábrica" y “Una partida de tenis" de Daniel Moyano, proponemos un análisis de las distintas “miradas" de la ciudad desde la perspectiva del migrante del interior. En la construcción textual del espacio urbano, surgida, sobre todo, a partir del uso del estilo indirecto libre, se pone en juego, también, la percepción de los personajes sobre sí mismos en ese nuevo espacio. Éstos, en un movimiento pendular, se interrogan sobre su propia identidad, que construyen y reconstruyen permanentemente a través del abandono de viejas imágenes de identificación relacionadas con el pueblo de origen y la incorporación de modelos nuevos propuestos por la ciudad.


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This thesis argues that forces of literary regionalism and postmodern culture are behind the explosion of crime fiction being written in and about South Florida by a growing number of resident authors. ^ Research included four methods of investigation: (1) A critical reading of many of the novels that make up the sub-genre. (2) A study of the theories of regionalism, postmodernism and the genre of the crime fiction. (3) Interviews with a number of the authors and a prominent Miami book seller. (4) Sociological studies of Miami in terms of historical events and their cultural significance. ^ Today's South Florida crime fiction authors cast their narratives in the old genre of the detective novel where characters are delineated according to traditional definitions of good and evil. What makes South Florida crime fiction different from traditional detective fiction is its interest in the exotic, postmodern culture and setting of South Florida. There is a unique cultural diversity of the city due to the geographical location of Miami in relationship to Latin America and the Caribbean, and the political forces at work in the region. South Florida's sub-tropical climate, fragile ecosystem, and elements of frontier life in a cosmopolitan city work to support Miami crime fiction. ^


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This thesis argues that forces of literary regionalism and postmodern culture are behind the explosion of crime fiction being written in and about South Florida by a growing number of resident authors. Research included four methods of investigation: 1. A critical reading of many of the novels that make up the sub-genre. 2. A study of the theories of regionalism, postmodernism and the genre of the crime fiction. 3. Interviews with a number of the authors and a prominent Miami book seller. 4. Sociological studies of Miami in terms of historical events and their cultural significance. Today's South Florida crime fiction authors cast their narratives in the old genre of the detective novel where characters are delineated according to traditional definitions of good and evil. Evil characters threaten established order. What makes South Florida crime fiction different from traditional detective fiction is its interest in the exotic, postmodern culture and setting of South Florida. Like the region, the villains are exotic and the order that they threaten is postmodern. There is less of an interest in attributing a larger social meaning to the heroes. Rather, there is an ontological interest in the playing out of good against evil in an almost mythical setting that magnifies economic, environmental and racial issues. There is a unique cultural diversity of the city due to the geographical location of Miami in relationship to Latin America and the Caribbean, and the political forces at work in the region. South Florida's subtropical climate, fragile ecosystem, and elements of frontier life in a cosmopolitan city work to support Miami crime fiction. The setting personifies the unpredictability and pastiche of a postmodern world and may call for a new definition for literature that relies on non-traditional regional characteristics.


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A significant gap in the tourism and travel literature exists in the area of tourism destination branding. Although brands have been used as sources of differentiation in consumer goods markets for over a century, academic research attention towards destination branding has only been reported since the late 1990s. Three important components of the brand construct are brand identity, brand position and brand image. While interest in applications of brand theory to practise in tourism is increasing, there is a paucity of published research in the literature to guide destination marketing organisations (DMOs). In particular there have been few reported analyses of destination brand positioning slogans. The focus of this paper is on destination brand position slogans, which represent the interface between brand identity and brand image. Part of a wider investigation of DMO slogans worldwide, and in keeping with the conference location, the paper focuses on analysis of slogans used by New Zealand RTOs. The slogans are examined in terms of the extent to which they have been limited to ephemeral indifference. In other words, have they stood the test of time and do they effectively differentiate through a meaningful proposition? Analysis of the slogans indicates very few could be characterised as memorably distinctive. This reflects the complexity involved in capturing the essence of a multi-attributed destination in a succinct and focused positioning slogan, in a way that is both meaningful to the target audience and effectively differentiates the destination from competitors offering the same benefits.


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