1000 resultados para Reductive groups


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La construction d'un quotient, en topologie, est relativement simple; si $G$ est un groupe topologique agissant sur un espace topologique $X$, on peut considérer l'application naturelle de $X$ dans $X/G$, l'espace d'orbites muni de la topologie quotient. En géométrie algébrique, malheureusement, il n'est généralement pas possible de munir l'espace d'orbites d'une structure de variété. Dans le cas de l'action d'un groupe linéairement réductif $G$ sur une variété projective $X$, la théorie géométrique des invariants nous permet toutefois de construire un morphisme de variété d'un ouvert $U$ de $X$ vers une variété projective $X//U$, se rapprochant autant que possible d'une application quotient, au sens topologique du terme. Considérons par exemple $X\subseteq P^{n}$, une $k$-variété projective sur laquelle agit un groupe linéairement réductif $G$ et supposons que cette action soit induite par une action linéaire de $G$ sur $A^{n+1}$. Soit $\widehat{X}\subseteq A^{n+1}$, le cône affine au dessus de $\X$. Par un théorème de la théorie classique des invariants, il existe alors des invariants homogènes $f_{1},...,f_{r}\in C[\widehat{X}]^{G}$ tels que $$C[\widehat{X}]^{G}= C[f_{1},...,f_{r}].$$ On appellera le nilcone, que l'on notera $N$, la sous-variété de $\X$ définie par le locus des invariants $f_{1},...,f_{r}$. Soit $Proj(C[\widehat{X}]^{G})$, le spectre projectif de l'anneau des invariants. L'application rationnelle $$\pi:X\dashrightarrow Proj(C[f_{1},...,f_{r}])$$ induite par l'inclusion de $C[\widehat{X}]^{G}$ dans $C[\widehat{X}]$ est alors surjective, constante sur les orbites et sépare les orbites autant qu'il est possible de le faire; plus précisément, chaque fibre contient exactement une orbite fermée. Pour obtenir une application régulière satisfaisant les mêmes propriétés, il est nécessaire de jeter les points du nilcone. On obtient alors l'application quotient $$\pi:X\backslash N\rightarrow Proj(C[f_{1},...,f_{r}]).$$ Le critère de Hilbert-Mumford, dû à Hilbert et repris par Mumford près d'un demi-siècle plus tard, permet de décrire $N$ sans connaître les $f_{1},...,f_{r}$. Ce critère est d'autant plus utile que les générateurs de l'anneau des invariants ne sont connus que dans certains cas particuliers. Malgré les applications concrètes de ce théorème en géométrie algébrique classique, les démonstrations que l'on en trouve dans la littérature sont généralement données dans le cadre peu accessible des schémas. L'objectif de ce mémoire sera, entre autres, de donner une démonstration de ce critère en utilisant autant que possible les outils de la géométrie algébrique classique et de l'algèbre commutative. La version que nous démontrerons est un peu plus générale que la version originale de Hilbert \cite{hilbert} et se retrouve, par exemple, dans \cite{kempf}. Notre preuve est valide sur $C$ mais pourrait être généralisée à un corps $k$ de caractéristique nulle, pas nécessairement algébriquement clos. Dans la seconde partie de ce mémoire, nous étudierons la relation entre la construction précédente et celle obtenue en incluant les covariants en plus des invariants. Nous démontrerons dans ce cas un critère analogue au critère de Hilbert-Mumford (Théorème 6.3.2). C'est un théorème de Brion pour lequel nous donnerons une version un peu plus générale. Cette version, de même qu'une preuve simplifiée d'un théorème de Grosshans (Théorème 6.1.7), sont les éléments de ce mémoire que l'on ne retrouve pas dans la littérature.


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We develop some new techniques to calculate the Schur indicator for self-dual irreducible Langlands quotients of the principal series representations. Using these techniques we derive some new formulas for the Schur indicator and the real-quaternionic indicator. We make progress towards developing an algorithm to decide whether or not two root data are isomorphic. When the derived group has cyclic center, we solve the isomorphism problem completely. An immediate consequence is a clean and precise classification theorem for connected complex reductive groups whose derived groups have cyclic center.


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We prove that a polar orthogonal representation of a real reductive algebraic group has the same closed orbits as the isotropy representation of a pseudo-Riemannian symmetric space. We also develop a partial structural theory of polar orthogonal representations of real reductive algebraic groups which slightly generalizes some results of the structural theory of real reductive Lie algebras. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The real-quaternionic indicator, also called the $\delta$ indicator, indicates if a self-conjugate representation is of real or quaternionic type. It is closely related to the Frobenius-Schur indicator, which we call the $\varepsilon$ indicator. The Frobenius-Schur indicator $\varepsilon(\pi)$ is known to be given by a particular value of the central character. We would like a similar result for the $\delta$ indicator. When $G$ is compact, $\delta(\pi)$ and $\varepsilon(\pi)$ coincide. In general, they are not necessarily the same. In this thesis, we will give a relation between the two indicators when $G$ is a real reductive algebraic group. This relation also leads to a formula for $\delta(\pi)$ in terms of the central character. For the second part, we consider the construction of the local Langlands correspondence of $GL(2,F)$ when $F$ is a non-Archimedean local field with odd residual characteristics. By re-examining the construction, we provide new proofs to some important properties of the correspondence. Namely, the construction is independent of the choice of additive character in the theta correspondence.


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Selective introduction and removal of protecting groups is of great significance in organic synthesis.l The benzyl ether function is one of the most common protecting groups for alcohols. Selective oxidative removal of the 4-methoxybenzyl (MPM) ethers in the presence of benzyl ethers made the MPM moiety an alternative protecting group, and its utility in carbohydrate chemistry is well established. Several procedures have been developed for the cleavage of the 4-methoxybenzyl moiety, e.g. DDQ oxidation (eq 1),2e lectrochemical ~xidationh,~om ogeneous electron t r a n~f e rp,~ho toinduced single electron t r an~f e rb,o~ro n trichloride-dimethyl sulfide,6e tc. However, in all these methods isolation of the alcohol from the inevitable byproduct, 4-methoxybenzaldehyde [also dichlorodicyanohydroquinone (DDHQ) in the most commonly used method employing DDQI can be troublesome. Recently Wallace and Hedgetts7 discovered that acetic acid at 90 "C cleaves the aromatic MPM ethers into the corresponding phenols and 4-methoxybenzyl acetate (eq 21, whereas the aliphatic MPM ethers generated, instead of alcohols, the corresponding acetates (eq 3). Complimentary to this methodology, herein we report that sodium cyanoborohydride and boron trifluoride etherate reductively cleaves, cleanly and efficiently, the aliphatic MPM ethers to an easily separable mixture of the corresponding alcohols and 4-methylanisole


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A theoretical study has been carried out at the B3LYP/LANL2DZ level to compare the reactivity of phenyl isocyanate and phenyl isothiocyanate towards titanium(IV) alkoxides. Isocyanates are shown to favour both mono insertion and double insertion reactions. Double insertion in a head-to-tail fashion is shown to be more exothermic than double insertion in a head-to-head fashion. The head-to-head double insertion leads to the metathesis product, a carbodiimide, after the extrusion of carbon dioxide. In the case of phenyl isothiocyanate, calculations favour the formation of only mono insertion products. Formation of a double insertion product is highly unfavourable. Further, these studies indicate that the reverse reaction involving the metathesis of N,N-'-diphenyl carbodiimide with carbon dioxide is likely to proceed more efficiently than the metathesis reaction with carbon disulphide. This is in excellent agreement with experimental results as metathesis with carbon disulphide fails to occur. In a second study, multilayer MM/QM calculations are carried out on intermediates generated from reduction of titanium(IV) alkoxides to investigate the effect of alkoxy bridging on the reactivity of multinuclear Ti species. Bimolecular coupling of imines initiated by Ti(III) species leads to a mixture of diastereomers and not diastereoselective coupling of the imine. However if the reaction is carried out by a trimeric biradical species, diastereoselective coupling of the imine is predicted. The presence of alkoxy bridges greatly favours the formation of the d,l (+/-) isomer, whereas the intermediate without alkoxy bridges favours the more stable meso isomer. As a bridged trimeric species, stabilized by bridging alkoxy groups, correctly explains the diastereoselective reaction, it is the most likely intermediate in the reaction.


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ECL of several amines containing different numbers of hydroxyl and amino groups was investigated. N-butyldiethanolamine is found to be more effective than 2-(dibutylamino)ethanol at gold and platinum electrodes, and is the most effective coreactant reported until now. Surprisingly, ECL intensities of monoamines, such as 2-(dibutylamino)ethanol and N-butyldiethanolamine, are much stronger than that of diamines including N,N,N',N'-tetrakis-(2-hydroxyethyl)-ethylenediamine and N,N,N',N'-tetrakis-(2-hydroxypropyl)ethlenediamine. The striking contrast between ECL signals of the investigated monoamines and diamines may result from more significant side reactions of diamines, such as the intramolecular side reactions between oxidative amine cation radicals and reductive amine free radicals.