17 resultados para Rechtslehre
The text is divided in two phases. In the first phase, consisting of three parts, the main concepts of Kant's Doctrine of Right are considered in a comprehensive approach related to: the issue of the relations between natural right and positive right, problem closely connected to that of the relations between natural state and civil state, private right and public right; to the doctrine of property and its connection with political right. on treating the right in its several types, we intend to appoint the practical reasoning as a background of the Doctrine. In the second phase, concerning its last section, the consideration on the presence of the practical reasoning into the right is placed before some specificities of Kant's phylosophy of history, with the intent of establishing the possible relation between Rechtslehre and that philosophy.
The text is divided in two phases. In the first phase, consisting of three parts, the main concepts of Kant’s Doctrine of Right are considered in a comprehensive approach related to: the issue of the relations between natural right and positive right, problem closely connected to that of the relations between natural state and civil state, private right and public right; to the doctrine of property and its connection with political right. On treating the right in its several types, we intend to appoint the practical reasoning as a background of the Doctrine. In the second phase, concerning its last section, the consideration on the presence of the practical reasoning into the right is placed before some speci!cities of Kant’s phylosophy of history, with the intent of establishing the possible relation between Rechtslehre and that philosophy.
von S. Schaffer
Mode of access: Internet.
Facsimile reproduction of the original edition, Jens, 1803.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Este ensaio visa a relação da filosofia prática kantiana com o tema dos direitos humanos. Procurará demonstrar-se que os direitos humanos são conceitos herdeiros do Direito Natural. Para o efeito será necessário fazer uma incursão por algumas das principais correntes jusnaturalistas, privilegiando as que mais se relacionam com o pensamento de Immanuel Kant. Deste modo, assume destaque nessa antecedência o pensamento platónico sobre o justo, bem como o seu diálogo com autores já do jusnaturalismo moderno, como é o caso de Rousseau e de Hobbes, entre outros. No âmbito desta corrente jusfilosófica, o contratualismo assume um desenvolvimento que marcará a ciência política moderna, sendo objecto de um tratamento determinante no âmbito da filosofia da história e da Rechtslehre kantiana. Na polémica sobre se o filósofo de Konisberg é um jusnaturalista ou um positivista, afirma-se a opção pelo primeiro termo, e será explicado em que consiste a sua reapropriação crítica, sob o signo de uma normatividade puramente racional. O conceito de auto-nomia e a facticidade da liberdade, na sua expressão da razão prática, serão tratados sobretudo na configuração do imperativo categórico jurídico, tendo no entanto sempre presente a comum raíz moral da Ética e do Direito. A definição da liberdade como único direito inato deverá ser explicitada nas suas consequências. No desenvolvimento da normatividade da razão, será dada especial atenção à construção do sistema do direito público, e em particular à sua inovação do direito cosmopolita. Finalmente, esse novo direito é visto como condição para o pleno desenvolvimento das capacidade da espécie humana, e a lei da cidadania mundial nele implícita é condição para o reconhecimento da universal jurisdição dos direitos humanos. O homem é um fim por causa da sua humanidade e a dignidade da sua autonomia como ser moral não pode ser plenamente realizada senão no contexto da comunidade humana, onde o Direito assume a função de cumprimento de uma destinação da própria Natureza.
The research arose from the necessity of showing ways to be followed by the actors of the System Guaranteeing Rights of the Child and Adolescent (SGD), regarding the implementation of rights for young people, because the legislation in force in Brazil is currently considered a model around the world and, paradoxically, the fundamental rights of children and adolescents are not met, even with the constitutionally guaranteed priority. Thus, the study investigates the fundamentality rights for young people, enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic, as well as the ways of effectiveness of these rights through the actions of actors of the System Guaranteeing Rights, especially the judiciary. Focusing realized, studying theories of fundamental rights, especially Structuring a Theory of Law (Strukturiende Rechtslehre), Friedrich Müller, who emphasizes the need for analysis of social reality in the application of the rule of law. Study also the public budget and public policies concerning children and adolescents, with emphasis on preparation of budget laws and the process of discussion, deliberation, choice and implementation of public policies for children and teenagers. It then presents the typical functions of the members of System Guaranteeing Rights, as well as prepare a plan for optimum performance for each of the actors, with emphasis on analysis of the implementation of public policies at the municipal level. Finally, it analyzes the theory of separation of three powers, and discusses the positive and negative factors for judicial intervention, concluding that the Courts can consider the action activist, from finding the omission of the Executive and legislative branches, as regards the implementation of the rights of children and adolescents, as well as the rights of children and young people are not realized in most cases, due to the omission of actors of the System Guaranteeing Rights
v.2. Kritik der reinen Vernunft. 1828.-- v.3. Kleinere metaphysische Schriften. 1838.-- v.4. Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten, Kritik der praktischen Vernunft, nebst Abhandlungen zur philosophie der Geschichte. 1838.-- v.5. Metaphysik der Sitten in zwei Theilen, Rechtslehre, Tugendlehre. Nebst den kleineren Abhandlungen zur Moral and Politik.-- v.6. Schriften zur Philosophie der Religion. 1839.-- v.7. Kritik der Urtheilskraft. Beobachtungen über das Gefühl des Schönen und Erhabenen. 1839.-- v.8. Schriften zur Naturwissenschaft. Abt.1. 1838.-- v.9. Schriften zur Naturwissenschaft. Abt.2. 1839.-- v.10. Schriften zur Anthropologie und Pädagogik. Nebst einer Sammlung von Briefen und öffentlichen Erklärungen und einem chronologischen Verzeichnisse sämmtlicher Schriften Kant's.
Bd. 1. Schriften zur Philosophie im Allgemeinen und zur Logik.--Bd. 2. Kritik der reinen Vernunft.--Bd. 3. Kleinere metaphysische Schriften.--Bd. 4. Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten. Kritik der praktischen Vernunft. Abhandlungen zur Philosophie der Geschichte.--Bd. 5. Metaphysik der Sitten in zwei Theilen. Rechtslehre. Tugendlehre. Kleinere Abhandlungen zur Moral und Politik.--Bd. 6. Schriften zur Philosophie der Religion.--Bd. 7. Kritik der Urtheilskraft. Beobachtungen über das Gefühl des Schönen und Erhabenen.--Bd. 8-9. Schriften zur Naturwissenschaft.--Bd. 10. Schriften zur Anthropologie und Pädagogik. Einer Sammlung von Briefen und Öffentlichen Erklärungen und eine chronologischen Verzeichnisse sämmtlicher Schriften Kants.
1. Dikäologie oder philosophische Rechtslehre - 2. Aretologie oder philosophische Tugendlehre.
Bd. 1. Schriften zur Philosophie im Allgemeinen und zur Logik -- Bd. 2. Kritik der reinen Vernunft -- Bd. 3. Kleinere metaphysische Schriften -- Bd. 4. Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten. Kritik der praktischen Vernunft. Abhandlungen zur Philosophie der Geschichte -- Bd. 5. Metaphysik der Sitten in zwei Theilen. Rechtslehre. Tugendlehre. Kleinere Abhandlungen zur Moral und Politik -- Bd. 6. Schriften zur Philosophie der Religion -- Bd. 7. Kritik der Urtheilskraft. Beobachtungen über das Gefühl des Schönen und Erhabenen -- Bd. 8-9. Schriften zur Naturwissenschaft -- Bd. 10. Schriften zur Anthropologie und Pädagogik. Einer Sammlung von Briefen und Öffentlichen Erklärungen und eine chronologischen Verzeichnisse sämmtlicher Schriften Kants.
1. Einleitungsvorlesungen in die wissenschaftslehre, die transcendentale logik, und die thatsachen des bewusstseins; vorgetragen zu Berlin in 1812 und 1813. 1834.--2. Wissenschaftslehre und das system der rechtslehre; vorgetragen zu Berlin in 1804, 1812 und 1813. 1834.--3. System der sittenlehre, vorlesungen über die bestimmung des gelehrten und vermischte aufsätze. 1835.
Each volume has also individual title-page.