946 resultados para Receptor Activation


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Estrogen receptor (ER)-β has been shown to possess a tumor suppressive effect, and is a potential target for cancer therapy. Using gene-expression meta-analysis of human malignant pleural mesothelioma, we identified an ESR2 (ERβ coding gene) signature. High ESR2 expression was strongly associated with low succinate dehydrogenase B (SDHB) (which encodes a mitochondrial respiratory chain complex II subunit) expression. We demonstrate that SDHB loss induced ESR2 expression, and that activated ERβ, by over-expression or by selective agonist stimulation, negatively affected oxidative phosphorylation compromising mitochondrial complex II and IV activity. This resulted in reduced mitochondrial ATP production, increased glycolysis dependence and impaired cell proliferation. The observed in vitro effects were phenocopied in vivo using a selective ERβ agonist in a mesothelioma mouse model. On the whole, our data highlight an unforeseen interaction between ERβ-mediated tumor suppression and energy metabolism that may be exploited to improve on the therapy for clinical management of malignant mesothelioma.


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The mechanism by which the hinge regions of glycoprotein hormone receptors couple hormone binding to activation of downstream effecters is not clearly understood. In the present study, agonistic (311.62) and antagonistic (311.87) monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) directed against the TSH receptor extracellular domain were used to elucidate role of the hinge region in receptor activation. MAb 311.62 which identifies the LRR/Cb-2 junction (aa 265-275), increased the affinity of TSHR for the hormone while concomitantly decreasing its efficacy, whereas MAb 311.87 recognizing LRR 7-9 (aa 201-259) acted as a non-competitive inhibitor of Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) binding. Binding of MAbs was sensitive to the conformational changes caused by the activating and inactivating mutations and exhibited differential effects on hormone binding and response of these mutants. By studying the effects of these MAbs on truncation and chimeric mutants of thyroid stimulating hormone receptor (TSHR), this study confirms the tethered inverse agonistic role played by the hinge region and maps the interactions between TSHR hinge region and exoloops responsible for maintenance of the receptor in its basal state. Mechanistic studies on the antibody-receptor interactions suggest that MAb 311.87 is an allosteric insurmountable antagonist and inhibits initiation of the hormone induced conformational changes in the hinge region, whereas MAb 311.62 acts as a partial agonist that recognizes a conformational epitope critical for coupling of hormone binding to receptor activation. The hinge region, probably in close proximity with the alpha-subunit in the hormone-receptor complex, acts as a tunable switch between hormone binding and receptor activation.


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The exoloops of glycoprotein hormone receptors (GpHRs) transduce the signal generated by the ligand-ectodomain interactions to the transmembrane helices either through direct hormonal contact and/or by modulating the interdomain interactions between the hinge region (HinR) and the transmembrane domain (TMD). The ligand-induced conformational alterations in the HinRs and the interhelical loops of luteinizing hormone receptor/follicle stimulating hormone receptor/thyroid stimulating hormone receptor were mapped using exoloop-specific antibodies generated against a mini-TMD protein designed to mimic the native exoloop conformations that were created by joining the thyroid stimulating hormone receptor exoloops constrained through helical tethers and library-derived linkers. The antibody against the mini-TMD specifically recognized all three GpHRs and inhibited the basal and hormone-stimulated cAMP production without affecting hormone binding. Interestingly, binding of the antibody to all three receptors was abolished by prior incubation of the receptors with the respective hormones, suggesting that the exoloops are buried in the hormone-receptor complexes. The antibody also suppressed the high basal activities of gain-of-function mutations in the HinRs, exoloops, and TMDs such as those involved in precocious puberty and thyroid toxic adenomas. Using the antibody and point/deletion/chimeric receptor mutants, we demonstrate that changes in the HinR-exoloop interactions play an important role in receptor activation. Computational analysis suggests that the mini-TMD antibodies act by conformationally locking the transmembrane helices by means of restraining the exoloops and the juxta-membrane regions. Using GpHRs as a model, we describe a novel computational approach of generating soluble TMD mimics that can be used to explain the role of exoloops during receptor activation and their interplay with TMDs.


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The Notch signalling pathway is implicated in a wide variety of cellular processes throughout metazoan development. Although the downstream mechanism of Notch signalling has been extensively studied, the details of its ligand-mediated receptor activation are not clearly understood. Although the role of Notch ELRs EGF (epidermal growth factor)-like-repeats] 11-12 in ligand binding is known, recent studies have suggested interactions within different ELRs of the Notch receptor whose significance remains to be understood. Here, we report critical inter-domain interactions between human Notch1 ELRs 21-30 and the ELRs 11-15 that are modulated by calcium. Surface plasmon resonance analysis revealed that the interaction between ELRs 21-30 and ELRs 11-15 is similar to 10-fold stronger than that between ELRs 11-15 and the ligands. Although there was no interaction between Notch 1 ELRs 21-30 and the ligands in vitro, addition of pre-clustered Jagged1Fc resulted in the dissociation of the preformed complex between ELRs 21-30 and 11-15, suggesting that inter-domain interactions compete for ligand binding. Furthermore, the antibodies against ELRs 21-30 inhibited ligand binding to the full-length Notch1 and subsequent receptor activation, with the antibodies against ELRs 25-26 being the most effective. These results suggest that the ELRs 25-26 represent a cryptic ligand-binding site which becomes exposed only upon the presence of the ligand. Thus, using specific antibodies against various domains of the Notch1 receptor, we demonstrate that, although ELRs 11-12 are the principal ligand-binding site, the ELRs 25-26 serve as a secondary binding site and play an important role in receptor activation.


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Functional glycine receptors (GlyRs) are enriched in the hippocampus, but their roles in synaptic transmission are unclear. In this study, we examined the effect of GlyR activation on paired-pulse stimulation of the whole-cell postsynaptic currents (PSCs)


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Foreign pathogens are recognized by toll-like receptors (TLR), present on various immune cells such as professional antigen-presenting cells (pAPCs). On recognition of its ligand, these receptors activate pAPCs, which may in turn influence naïve CD8+ T cell activation and affect their abilities to clear viral infection. However, how TLR ligands (TLR-L) can regulate CD8+ T cell responses have not been fully elucidated. This thesis will focus on examining how the presence of components from foreign pathogens, e.g. viral or bacterial infection, can contribute to shaping host immunity during concurrent viral infections. Since nitric oxide (NO), an innate effector immune molecule, was recently suggested to regulate proteasome activity; we sought to examine if NO can influence MHC-I antigen presentation during viral infections. The data in this section of the thesis provides evidence that combined TLR engagement can alter the presentation of certain CD8+ epitopes due to NO-induced inhibition in proteasome activity. Taken together, the data demonstrate that TLR ligation can influence the adaptive immune response due to induction of specific innate effector molecules such as NO. Next, the influence of combined TLR engagement on CD8+ T cell immunodominance hierarchies during viral infections was examined. In this section, we established that dual TLR2 and TLR3 stimulation alters immunodominance hierarchies of LCMV epitopes as a result of reduced uptake of cell-associated antigens and reduced cross-presentation of NP396 consequently suppressing NP396-specific CD8+ T cell responses. These findings are significant as they highlight a new role for TLR ligands in regulating anti-viral CD8+ T cell responses through impairing cross-presentation of cell-associated antigens depending on the type of TLR present in the environment during infections. Finally, we addressed TLR ligand induced type I interferon production and the signalling pathways that regulate them in two different mouse macrophage populations – those derived from the spleen or bone marrow. In this study, we observed that concomitant TLR2 stimulation blocked the induction of type I IFN induced by TLR4 in bone marrow-derived macrophages, but not spleen-derived macrophages in SOCS3-dependent manner. Taken together, the data presented in this thesis have defined new facets of how anti-viral responses are regulated by TLR activation, especially if multiple receptors are engaged simultaneously.


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Background The two major incretin hormones, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) are being actively explored as anti-diabetic agents because they lower blood glucose through multiple mechanisms. The rapid inactivation of GIP and GLP-1 by the ubiquitous enzyme, dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV) makes their biological actions short-lived, but stable agonists such as N-acetylated GIP (N-AcGIP) and exendin(1-39)amide have been advocated as stable and specific GIP and GLP-1 analogues.


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Activation of a number of class A G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) is thought to involve two molecular switches, a rotamer toggle switch within the transmembrane domain and an ionic lock at the cytoplasmic surface of the receptor; however, the mechanism by which agonist binding changes these molecular interactions is not understood. Importantly, 80% of GPCRs including free fatty acid receptor 1 (FFAR1) lack the complement of amino acid residues implicated in either or both of these two switches; the mechanism of activation of these GPCRs is therefore less clear. By homology modeling, we identified two Glu residues (Glu-145 and Glu-172) in the second extracellular loop of FFAR1 that form putative interactions individually with two transmembrane Arg residues (Arg-183(5.39) and Arg-258(7.35)) to create two ionic locks. Molecular dynamics simulations showed that binding of agonists to FFAR1 leads to breakage of these Glu-Arg interactions. In mutagenesis experiments, breakage of these two putative interactions by substituting Ala for Glu-145 and Glu-172 caused constitutive receptor activation. Our results therefore reveal a molecular switch for receptor activation present on the extracellular surface of FFAR1 that is broken by agonist binding. Similar ionic locks between the transmembrane domains and the extracellular loops may constitute a mechanism common to other class A GPCRs also.


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alpha(1)-adrenergic receptor (AR) activation is thought to be initiated by disruption of a constraining interhelical salt bridge (Porter et al., 1996). Disruption of this salt bridge is achieved through a competition for the aspartic acid residue in transmembrane domain three by the protonated amine of the endogenous ligand norepinephrine and a lysine residue in transmembrane domain seven. To further test this hypothesis, we investigated the possibility that a simple amine could mimic an important functional group of the endogenous ligand and break this alpha(1)-AR ionic constraint leading to agonism. Triethylamine (TEA) was able to generate concentration-dependent increases of soluble inositol phosphates in COS-1 cells transiently transfected with the hamster alpha(1b)-AR and in Rat-1 fibroblasts stably transfected with the human alpha(1a)-AR subtype. TEA was also able to synergistically potentiate the second messenger production by weak partial alpha(1)-AR agonists and this effect was fully inhibited by the alpha(1)-AR antagonist prazosin. However, this synergistic potentiation was not observed for full alpha(1)-AR agonists. Instead, TEA caused a parallel rightward shift of the dose-response curve, consistent with the properties of competitive antagonism. TEA specifically bound to a single population of alpha(1)-ARs with a K-i of 28.7 +/- 4.7 mM. In addition, the site of binding by TEA to the alpha(1)-AR is at the conserved aspartic acid residue in transmembrane domain three, which is part of the constraining salt bridge. These results indicate a direct interaction of TEA in the receptor agonist binding pocket that leads to a disruption of the constraining salt bridge, thereby initiating alpha(1)-AR activation.


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Ochratoxin A (OTA) is a mycotoxin and extrolite of fungi which has been reported in a range of foods. This study uses mammalian reporter gene assays (RGAs) with natural steroid receptors and the H295R steroidogenesis assay to assess the endocrine disrupting activity of OTA.

At the receptor level, OTA (within a concentration range of 0.25–2500 ng/ml) did not induce an agonistic response in an oestrogen, androgen, progestagen or glucocorticoid RGA. An antagonistic effect was observed in all of the RGAs at the highest concentration tested (2500 ng/ml). However, while there was no significant cytotoxic effect observed in the MTT (thiazolyl blue tetrazolium bromide) cell viability assay at this concentration, there was a corresponding change in cell morphology which may be related to the resulting antagonistic effect.

At the hormone production level, H295R cells were used as a steroidogenesis model and exposed to OTA (within a concentration range of 0.1–1000 ng/ml). Treatment of the cells with 1000 ng/ml OTA increased the production of estradiol (117 ± 14 ng/ml) over 3 times that of the solvent control (36 ± 9 pg/ml). Western blotting confirmed an increase in aromatase protein.

Overall the results indicate that OTA does not appear to interact with steroid receptors but has the potential to cause endocrine disruption by interfering with steroidogenesis. This is the first study identifying the effect OTA may have on production of the steroid hormone estradiol.