809 resultados para Reading readiness.


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The gene,nil purpose (If this thesis was to examine certain variables considered to be associated with reading readiness in kindergarten children Twenty-four children from a parent-funded parochial school i.n 5t Catharines. Ontaj-io were exanlined in this study, The children.'s reading readiness level, measured by the Test of Ea1'1y Reading Ability (JERA:) and by teacher"s ratings was correlated with various cognitive variables, These variables consisted (If a rough index of intelligence as measured by the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test - Revised CPPVT-Rl Form M, mean len.gth of utterance (MUn, the sum of relative,. subordinate and coordinate clauses, the !wmber of core statements children make when telling stories and a memory test. All but the memory test related to at least one measure of reading readiness, Although the memory test did not correlate significantly with reading readiness, the children appeaj~ed to be sensitive to the stimulus set size in terms of their study time, In addition. interi'uption in the interval between studying the stimuli and the ,reca1i test had a negathre effect on pe.rfornlance and set size had a substantial effect 011 recognition performance, The educational implications of these correlates of reading readiness are discussed as weH as the implications for future research.


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La lecture constitue certainement le domaine que l'école privilégie le plus au niveau des apprentissages scolaires. En fait c'est sur l'écrit que vont reposer tous les autres apprentissages scolaires (mathématiques, sciences, etc... ) et c'est pourquoi, dans le contexte actuel de l'école, il nous apparaît nécessaire de faciliter les premiers pas de l'apprentissage lexique en recourant à des programmes préventifs. À partir de l'étude des troubles d'apprentissage naît, la notion de maturité pour apprendre à lire. Celle-ci est d'abord associée à l'âge mental. Par la suite, elle est liée à d'autres facteurs tels que l’acuité visuelle, auditive et articulatoire, aux méthodes d'apprentissage, au développement social et émotionnel, etc. Vers les années 40, A.J. Barris lance l'idée de programmes de "Reading readiness" ou de préparation à l'apprentissage de la lecture. À partir de cette idée, une autre fait son apparition, soit l'importance de l’expérience chez l'enfant pour le préparer à un quelconque apprentissage. Cette expérience se développe au sein de la famille et de la classe maternelle au moyen de la sensori-motricité et de l'apport des facteurs instrumentaux. Pour arriver à trouver des variables reliées directement à la réussite en apprentissage lexique, les chercheurs utilisent les tests déjà en place ou en créent d'autres. Ainsi, ils essaient de trouver des corrélations entre des épreuves et la réussite en lecture. Enfin, la théorie américaine de l'enfant ayant des troubles d'apprentissage, "the learning disabled", contribue à l'essor de la prédictivité de ces difficultés par des tests et·leur prévention par différents exercices. Ce même mouvement de prévention se retrouve en Europe au niveau de l'apprentissage lexique. Pour nous, en explorant la conception de l'apprentissage lexique à travers différents auteurs, de sa préparation par l'apport des pré-requis et en examinant les notions d'aptitude à apprendre à lire et des difficultés reliées à cette préparation, nous nous sommes attardé à l'importance des pré-requis face au succès en apprentissage de la lecture. C'est à partir d'opinions et de découvertes de différents auteurs sur la nécessité de préparer les enfants à l'apprentissage, que nous avons décidé de présenter un projet de recherche mettant l'accent sur la nécessité des pré-requis à l'apprentissage lexique. Nous avons retenu parmi ces pré-requis ceux que l'on qualifie de facteurs instrumentaux.


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This paper argues the need for the information communication technology (ICT), labor exchange (job boards), and Human Capital ontology engineers (ontoEngineers) to jointly design and socialize an upper level meta-ontology for people readiness and career portability. These enticing ontology research topics have yielded "independent" results, but have yet to meet the more broader or "universal" requirement that emerging frameworks demand. This paper will focus on the need to universally develop an upper level ontology and provide the reader concepts and models that can be transformed into marketable solutions.


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The paper presents organisational semiotics (OS) as an approach for identifying organisational readiness factors for internal use of social media within information intensive organisations (IIO). The paper examines OS methods, such as organisational morphology, containment analysis and collateral analysis to reveal factors of readiness within an organisation. These models also help to identify the essential patterns of activities needed for social media use within an organisation, which can provide a basis for future analysis. The findings confirmed many of the factors, previously identified in literature, while also revealing new factors using OS methods. The factors for organisational readiness for internal use of social media include resources, organisational climate, processes, motivational readiness, benefit and organisational control factors. Organisational control factors revealed are security/privacy, policies, communication procedures, accountability and fallback.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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This study examines the effects of looping (staying with the same teacher for two grade levels) on the reading achievement of fourth graders within a large, urban, multicultural school. Looping was expected to have a positive effect on reading achievement and reading qualities. Additional benefits, such as its effect on anxiety levels and self-concept were also assumed to accrue from looping. ^ A causal-comparative design was employed. Four existing classrooms consisting of eighty-one fourth grade students comprised the treatment and comparison groups. The two “looping” treatment groups consisted of students who had the same teacher for their third and fourth grade school years. The remaining two classes comprised the comparison groups. Pre- and post-tests for reading achievement total scores and subscores for main idea and comparisons were obtained using the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT). Assessments were also obtained from the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children, modified to reflect reading, and the Self-Perception Profile for Children. The difference in pre- and post-test FCAT scores were analyzed via a four group simple ANOVA to examine the effects of the looping model on reading achievement and reading qualities. Similar simple ANOVAs were performed to investigate the relationship of looping to anxiety and self-concept. ^ The findings led to the conclusion that looping was significantly related to improvement in reading achievement and reading qualities. In addition, the hypothesized relationship of lower anxiety in the looping group compared to the comparison group was supported. There were no significant effects on self-concept for any of the comparisons. ^ The study clearly demonstrated the positive effects of looping, on total reading achievement scores, on reading qualities of fourth grade students who participated in looping classes and on differences in students' anxiety. Looping did not have an effect on general self-concept. ^ The results demonstrate the effects of looping on teaching methods. In looping practice teachers have the advantage of knowing their students and the students' readiness and can make adaptations of teaching methods accordingly. From the students' perspective, the looped students do not have to adapt to a new teacher and thus, experience lower anxiety. ^


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This study examines the effects of looping (staying with the same teacher for two grade levels) on the reading achievement of fourth graders within a large, urban, multicultural school. Looping was expected to have a positive effect on reading achievement and reading qualities. Additional benefits, such as its effect on anxiety levels and self-concept were also assumed to accrue from looping. A causal-comparative design was employed. Four existing classrooms consisting of eighty-one fourth grade students comprised the treatment and comparison groups. The two "looping" treatment groups consisted of students who had the same teacher for their third and fourth grade school years. The remaining two classes comprised the comparison groups. Pre- and post-tests for reading achievement total scores and subscores for main idea and comparisons were obtained using the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT). Assessments were also obtained from the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children, modified to reflect reading, and the Self- Perception Profile for Children. The difference in pre- and post-test FCAT scores were analyzed via a four group simple ANOVA to examine the effects of the looping model on reading achievement and reading qualities. Similar simple ANOVAs were performed to investigate the relationship of looping to anxiety and self-concept. The findings led to the conclusion that looping was significantly related to improvement in reading achievement and reading qualities. In addition, the hypothesized relationship of lower anxiety in the looping group compared to the comparison group was supported. There were no significant effects on self-concept for any of the comparisons. The study clearly demonstrated the positive effects of looping, on total reading achievement scores, on reading qualities of fourth grade students who participated in looping classes and on differences in students' anxiety. Looping did not have an effect on general self-concept. The results demonstrate the effects of looping on teaching methods. In looping practice teachers have the advantage of knowing their students and the students' readiness and can make adaptations of teaching methods accordingly. From the students' perspective, the looped students do not have to adapt to a new teacher and thus, experience lower anxiety.


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In 2001 the International Law Commission finally adopted on second reading the Draft Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts with commentaries, bringing to an end nearly 50 years of ILC work on the subject. This article reviews the final group of changes to the text, focusing on the definitions of ‘injury’ and ‘damage’, assurances of non‐repetition in the light of the LaGrand case, procedural aspects of countermeasures and the controversy over measures taken in response to a breach by states which are not individually injured. The focus of debate now turns to the UNGA Sixth Committee, which will have to decide what to make of the Draft Articles. The ILC itself recommended an initial resolution taking note of the Articles, with subsequent consideration (after a period of years) of a possible diplomatic conference with a view to concluding a convention. This modest proposal allows for further reflection on the text and may help to avoid possibly divisive and inconclusive debate in the Sixth Committee. At the same time it allows time for better understanding of the many changes made as compared with the first reading text (1996).


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Archaeology provides a framework of analysis and interpretation that is useful for disentangling the textual layers of a contemporary lived-in urban space. The producers and readers of texts may include those who planned and developed the site and those who now live, visit and work there. Some of the social encounters and content sharing between these people may be artificially produced or manufactured in the hope that certain social situations will occur. Others may be serendipitous. With archaeology’s original focus on places that are no longer inhabited it is often only the remaining artefacts and features of the built environment that form the basis for interpreting the social relationships of past people. Our analysis however, is framed within a contemporary notion of archaeological artefacts in an urban setting. Unlike an excavation, where the past is revealed through digging into the landscape, the application of landscape archaeology within a present day urban context is necessarily more experiential, visual and based on recording and analysing the physical traces of social encounters and relationships between residents and visitors. These physical traces are present within the creative content, and the built and natural elements of the environment. This chapter explores notions of social encounters and content sharing in an urban village by analysing three different types of texts: the design of the built environment; content produced by residents through a geospatial web application; and, print and online media produced in digital storytelling workshops.


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Talk is the foundation for thought and understanding, and the key to literacy learning. Research demonstrates that powerful meta-cognitive strategies can be taught to help students self-monitor their comprehension when reading print and digital texts. This paper provides a repertoire of motivating speaking and listening tips to develop the meta-cognitive thinking of students in the elementary years.


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Much has been written about affecting change in the workplace, including how to help employees prepare for the process. However, little is known about how participation influences employees' emotions and attitudes at the start of an intervention. By qualitatively analyzing conversations that were triggered by an organizational change effort, we explored how different inquiry strategies influence readiness for change. We examined four inquiry strategies by combining strength or deficit frames with individual or organizational focus. Distinctive conversational patterns emerged within each strategy, which we believe influence peoples' change readiness. In this article we present four readiness modes to describe these patterns and conclude with implications for managers who seek to shape their change efforts more effectively.