966 resultados para Reaction under


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Results of the study to assess the difference in reactivity of the formyl group present at various positions in substituted pyrazolecarbaldehydes for the Baylis-Hillman reaction under the influence of DABCO are described.


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Riboflavin tetraacetate-catalyzed aerobic photooxidation of 1-(4-methoxyphenyl)ethanol was investigated as a model reaction under blue visible light in different soft gel materials, aiming to establish their potential as reaction vessels for photochemical transformations. Three strategies involving different degrees of organization of the catalyst within the gel network were explored, and the results compared to those obtained in homogeneous and micellar solutions. In general, physical entrapment of both the catalyst and the substrate under optimized concentrations into several hydrogel matrices (including low-molecular-weight and biopolymer-based gels) allowed the photooxidation with conversions between 55 and 100% within 120 min (TOF similar to 0.045-0.08 min(-1); k(obs) similar to 0.011-0.028 min(-1)), albeit with first-order rates ca. 1-3-fold lower than in solution under comparable non-stirred conditions. Remarkably, the organogel made of a cyclohexane-based bisamide gelator in CH3CN not only prevented the photodegradation of the catalyst but also afforded full conversion in less than 60 min (TOF similar to 0.167 min(-1); k(obs) similar to 0.073 min(-1)) without the need of additional proton transfer mediators (e. g., thiourea) as it occurs in CH3CN solutions. In general, the gelators could be recycled without detriment to their gelation ability and reaction rates. Moreover, kinetics could be fine-tuned according to the characteristics of the gel media. For instance, entangled fibrillar networks with relatively high mechanical strength were usually associated with lower reaction rates, whereas wrinkled laminated morphologies seemed to favor the reaction. In addition, the kinetics results showed in most cases a good correlation with the aeration efficiency of the gel media.


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Ruthenium is one of the poorest catalysts for CO oxidation under normal conditions (low or medium O coverage and normal temperature). However, a recent study [Science 285, 1042 (1999)] reveals that, under femtosecond laser irradiation, CO2 can be formed on the Ru surface, and the reaction follows an electron-mediated mechanism. We carried out density functional theory calculations to investigate CO oxidation via an electron-mediated mechanism on Ru(0001). By comparison to the reaction under normal conditions, following features emerge in the electron-mediated mechanism: (i) more reaction channels are open; (ii) the reaction barrier is significantly lowered. The physical origins for these novel features have been analyzed. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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The temporal analysis of products (TAP) technique was successfully applied for the first time to investigate the reverse water-gas shift (RWGS) reaction over a 2% Pt/CeO2 catalyst. The adsorption/desorption rate constants for CO2 and H-2 were determined in separate TAP pulse-response experiments, and the number of H-containing exchangeable species was determined using D-2 multipulse TAP experiments. This number is similar to the amount of active sites observed in previous SSITKA experiments. The CO production in the RWGS reaction was studied in a TAP experiment using separate (sequential) and simultaneous pulsing Of CO2 and H-2. A small yield of CO was observed when CO2 was pulsed alone over the reduced catalyst, whereas a much higher CO yield was observed when CO2 and H-2 were pulsed consecutively. The maximum CO yield was observed when the CO2 pulse was followed by a H-2 pulse with only a short (1 s) delay. Based on these findings, we conclude that an associative reaction mechanism dominates the RWGS reaction under these experimental conditions. The rate constants for several elementary steps can be determined from the TAP data. In addition, using a difference in the time scale of the separate reaction steps identified in the TAP experiments, it is possible to distinguish a number of possible reaction pathways. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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SiC fiber-reinforced SiC matrix composite (SiCf/SiC) is one of the leading candidates in ceramic materials for engineering applications due to its unique combination of properties such as high thermal conductivity, high resistance to corrosion and working conditions. Fiber-reinforced composites are materials which exhibit a significant improvement in properties like ductility in comparison to the monolithic SiC ceramic. The SiCf/SiC composite was obtained from a C/C composite precursor using convertion reaction under high temperature and controlled atmosphere. In this work, SiC phase presented the stacking faults in the structure, being not possible to calculate the unit cell size, symmetry and bond lengths but it seem equal card number 29-1129 of JCPDS.


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Crown ethers have the ability of solubilizing inorganic salts in apolar solvents and to promote chemical reactions by phase-transfer catalysis. However, details on how crown ethers catalyze ionic S(N)2 reactions and control selectivity are not well understood. In this work, we have used high level theoretical calculations to shed light on the details of phase-transfer catalysis mechanism of KF reaction with alkyl halides promoted by 18-crown-6. A complete analysis of the of the model reaction between KF(18-crown-6) and ethyl bromide reveals that the calculations can accurately predict the product ratio and the overall kinetics. Our results point out the importance of the K* ion and of the crown ether ring in determining product selectivity. While the K* ion favors the S(N)2 over the E2 anti pathway, the crown ether ring favors the S(N)2 over E2 syn route. The combination effects lead to a predicted 94% for the S(N)2 pathway in excellent agreement with the experimental value of 92%. A detailed analysis of the overall mechanism of the reaction under phase-transfer conditions also reveals that the KBr product generated in the nucleophilic fluorination acts as an inhibitor of the 18-crown-6 catalyst and it is responsible for the observed slow reaction rate. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The treatment of cerium metal with ethyl bromosuccinate (1) forms the stabilized organolanthanoid intermediate (2), which reacts with carbonyl compounds in a Reformatsky-type reaction, under mild conditions, to produce functionalized gamma-substituted paraconic acids (4) in good yields. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Silica-gel supported binam-derived prolinamides are efficient organocatalysts for the direct intramolecular and intermolecular aldol reaction under solvent-free conditions using conventional magnetic stirring. These organocatalysts in combination with benzoic acid showed similar results to those obtained under similar homogeneous reaction conditions using an organocatalyst of related structure. For the intermolecular process, the aldol products were obtained at room temperature and using only 2 equiv of the ketone with high yields, regio-, diastereo- and enantioselectivities. Under these reaction conditions, also the cross aldol reaction between aldehydes is possible. The recovered catalyst can be reused up to nine times providing similar results. More interestingly, these heterogeneous organocatalysts can be used in the intramolecular aldol reaction allowing the synthesis of the Wieland–Miescher and ketone analogues with up to 92% ee, with its reused being possible up to five times without detrimental on the obtained results.


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A variety of hydroxy- and amino-functionalized imidazoles were prepared from 1-methyl- and 1-(diethoxymethyl)imidazole by means of isoprene-mediated lithiation followed by reaction with an electrophile. These compounds in combination with palladium acetate were screened as catalyst systems for the Hiyama reaction under fluorine-free conditions using microwave irradiation. The systematic study of the catalytic system showed 1-methyl-2-aminoalkylimidazole derivative L1 to be the best ligand, which was employed under solvent-free conditions with a 1:2 Pd/ligand ratio and TBAB (20 mol-%) as additive. The study has revealed an interaction between the Pd/ligand ratio and the amount of TBAB. The established catalytic system presented a certain degree of robustness, and it has been successfully employed in the coupling of a range of aryl bromides and chlorides with different aryl siloxanes. Furthermore, both reagents were employed in an equimolecular amount, without an excess of organosilane.


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The aim of this paper is to study the activities of ceria–zirconia and copper/ceria–zirconia catalysts, comparing with a commercial platinum/alumina catalyst, for soot combustion reaction under different gas atmospheres and loose contact mode (simulating diesel exhaust conditions), in order to analyse the kinetics and to deduce mechanistic implications. Activity tests were performed under isothermal and TPR conditions. The NO oxidation to NO2 was studied as well. It was checked that mass transfer limitations were not influencing the rate measurements. Global activation energies for the catalysed and non-catalysed soot combustion were calculated and properly discussed. The results reveal that ceria-based catalysts greatly enhance their activities under NOx/O2 between 425 °C and 450 °C, due to the “active oxygen”-assisted soot combustion. Remarkably, copper/ceria–zirconia shows a slightly higher soot combustion rate than the Pt-based catalyst (under NOx/O2, at 450 °C).


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Hypertrophic scars are formed by collagen overproduction in wounded areas and often occur in victims of severe burns. There are several methods for hypertrophic scar remediation and silicone gel therapy is one of the more successful methods. Research by others has shown that the activity of these gels may be due to migration of amphiphilic silicone oligomers from the gel and into the dermis, down-regulating production of collagen by fibroblasts. Normal silicone oil (PDMS) does not produce the same effect on fibroblasts. The main purpose of this project is the introduction of a particular amphiphilic silicone rake copolymer into an appropriate network which can absorb and release the silicone copolymer on the scarred area. Hydrogels are polymeric crosslinked networks which can swell in water or a drug solution, and gradually release the drug when applied to the skin. The application of gel enhances the effectiveness of the therapy, reduces the period of treatment and can be comfortable for patients to use. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) based networks have been applied in this research, because the amphiphilic silicone rake copolymer to be used as a therapy has polyethylene oxide (PEO) as a side chain. These PEO side chains have very similar chemical structure to a PEG gel chain so enhancing both the compatibility and the diffusion of the amphiphilic silicone rake copolymer into and out of the gel. Synthesis of PEG-based networks has been performed by two methods: in situ silsesquioxane formation as crosslink with a sol-gel reaction under different conditions and UV curing. PEG networks have low mechanical properties which is a fundamental limitation of the polymer backbone. For mechanical properties enhancement, composite networks were synthesized using nano-silica with different surface modification. The chemical structure of in situ silsesquioxane in the dry network has been examined by Solid State NMR, Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and swelling measurements in water. Mechanical properties of dry networks were tested by Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis (DMTA) to determine modulus and interfacial interaction between silica and the network. In this way a family of self-reinforced networks has been produced that have been shown to absorb and deliver the active amphiphilic silicone- PEO rake copolymer.


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Photocatalytic water splitting is a process which could potentially lead to commercially viable solar hydrogen production. This thesis uses an engineering perspective to investigate the technology. The effect of light intensity and temperature on photocatalytic water splitting was examined to evaluate the prospect of using solar concentration to increase the feasibility of the process. P25 TiO2 films deposited on conducting glass were used as photocatalyst electrodes and coupled with platinum electrodes which were also deposited on conducting glass. These films were used to form a photocatalysis cell and illuminated with a Xenon arc lamp to simulate solar light at intensities up to 50 suns. They were also tested at temperatures between 20°C and 100°C. The reaction demonstrated a sub-linear relationship with intensity. Photocurrent was proportional to intensity with an exponential value of 0.627. Increasing temperature resulted in an exponential relationship. This proved to follow an Arrhenius relationship with an activation energy of 10.3 kJ mol-1 and a pre-exponential factor of approximately 8.7×103. These results then formed the basis of a mathematical model which extrapolated beyond the range of the experimental tests. This model shows that the loss of efficiency from performing the reaction under high light intensity is offset by the increased reaction rate and efficiency from the associated temperature increase. This is an important finding for photocatalytic water splitting. It will direct future research in system design and materials research and may provide an avenue for the commercialisation of this technology.


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Even though titanium dioxide photocatalysis has been promoted as a leading green technology for water purification, many issues have hindered its application on a large commercial scale. For the materials scientist the main issues have centred the synthesis of more efficient materials and the investigation of degradation mechanisms; whereas for the engineers the main issues have been the development of appropriate models and the evaluation of intrinsic kinetics parameters that allow the scale up or re-design of efficient large-scale photocatalytic reactors. In order to obtain intrinsic kinetics parameters the reaction must be analysed and modelled considering the influence of the radiation field, pollutant concentrations and fluid dynamics. In this way, the obtained kinetic parameters are independent of the reactor size and configuration and can be subsequently used for scale-up purposes or for the development of entirely new reactor designs. This work investigates the intrinsic kinetics of phenol degradation over titania film due to the practicality of a fixed film configuration over a slurry. A flat plate reactor was designed in order to be able to control reaction parameters that include the UV irradiance, flow rates, pollutant concentration and temperature. Particular attention was paid to the investigation of the radiation field over the reactive surface and to the issue of mass transfer limited reactions. The ability of different emission models to describe the radiation field was investigated and compared to actinometric measurements. The RAD-LSI model was found to give the best predictions over the conditions tested. Mass transfer issues often limit fixed film reactors. The influence of this phenomenon was investigated with specifically planned sets of benzoic acid experiments and with the adoption of the stagnant film model. The phenol mass transfer coefficient in the system was calculated to be km,phenol=8.5815x10-7Re0.65(ms-1). The data obtained from a wide range of experimental conditions, together with an appropriate model of the system, has enabled determination of intrinsic kinetic parameters. The experiments were performed in four different irradiation levels (70.7, 57.9, 37.1 and 20.4 W m-2) and combined with three different initial phenol concentrations (20, 40 and 80 ppm) to give a wide range of final pollutant conversions (from 22% to 85%). The simple model adopted was able to fit the wide range of conditions with only four kinetic parameters; two reaction rate constants (one for phenol and one for the family of intermediates) and their corresponding adsorption constants. The intrinsic kinetic parameters values were defined as kph = 0.5226 mmol m-1 s-1 W-1, kI = 0.120 mmol m-1 s-1 W-1, Kph = 8.5 x 10-4 m3 mmol-1 and KI = 2.2 x 10-3 m3 mmol-1. The flat plate reactor allowed the investigation of the reaction under two different light configurations; liquid and substrate side illumination. The latter of particular interest for real world applications where light absorption due to turbidity and pollutants contained in the water stream to be treated could represent a significant issue. The two light configurations allowed the investigation of the effects of film thickness and the determination of the catalyst optimal thickness. The experimental investigation confirmed the predictions of a porous medium model developed to investigate the influence of diffusion, advection and photocatalytic phenomena inside the porous titania film, with the optimal thickness value individuated at 5 ìm. The model used the intrinsic kinetic parameters obtained from the flat plate reactor to predict the influence of thickness and transport phenomena on the final observed phenol conversion without using any correction factor; the excellent match between predictions and experimental results provided further proof of the quality of the parameters obtained with the proposed method.


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The polyphosphoric acid catalyzed addition of propanal to limonene yielded a novel bicyclic ether 2,2,6-trimethyl-4-ethyl-3-oxabicyclo[3.3.1]non-6-ene (I). The yield of (I) was significantly increased by carrying out the reaction under nitrogen rather than in air.


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A focused library based on the marine natural products polyandrocarpamines A (1) and B (2) has been designed and synthesised using parallel solution-phase chemistry. In silico physicochemical property calculations were performed on synthetic candidates in order to optimise the library for drug discovery and chemical biology. A library of ten 2-aminoimidazolone products (3–12) was prepared by coupling glycocyamidine and a variety of aldehydes using a one-step stereoselective aldol condensation reaction under microwave conditions. All analogues were characterised by NMR, UV, IR and MS. The library was evaluated for cytotoxicity towards the prostate cancer cell lines, LNCaP, PC-3 and 22Rv1.