967 resultados para Random coefficient logit (RCL) model


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Many destination marketing organizations in the United States and elsewhere are facing budget retrenchment for tourism marketing, especially for advertising. This study evaluates a three-stage model using Random Coefficient Logit (RCL) approach which controls for correlations between different non-independent alternatives and considers heterogeneity within individual’s responses to advertising. The results of this study indicate that the proposed RCL model results in a significantly better fit as compared to traditional logit models, and indicates that tourism advertising significantly influences tourist decisions with several variables (age, income, distance and Internet access) moderating these decisions differently depending on decision stage and product type. These findings suggest that this approach provides a better foundation for assessing, and in turn, designing more effective advertising campaigns.


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© The Author, 2014. Most studies of the predictability of returns are based on time series data, and whenever panel data are used, the testing is almost always conducted in an unrestricted unit-by-unit fashion, which makes for a very heavy parametrization of the model. On the other hand, the few panel tests that exist are too restrictive in the sense that they are based on homogeneity assumptions that might not be true. As a response to this, the current study proposes new predictability tests in the context of a random coefficient panel data model, in which the null of no predictability corresponds to the joint restriction that the predictive slope has zero mean and variance. The tests are applied to a large panel of stocks listed at the New York Stock Exchange. The results suggest that while the predictive slopes tend to average to zero, in case of book-to-market and cash flow-to-price the variance of the slopes is positive, which we take as evidence of predictability.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 62J12, 62K15, 91B42, 62H99.


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This paper proposes a semiparametric smooth-coefficient stochastic production frontier model where all the coefficients are expressed as some unknown functions of environmental factors. The inefficiency term is multiplicatively decomposed into a scaling function of the environmental factors and a standard truncated normal random variable. A testing procedure is suggested for the relevance of the environmental factors. Monte Carlo study shows plausible ¯nite sample behavior of our proposed estimation and inference procedure. An empirical example is given, where both the semiparametric and standard parametric models are estimated and results are compared.


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Typical daily decision-making process of individuals regarding use of transport system involves mainly three types of decisions: mode choice, departure time choice and route choice. This paper focuses on the mode and departure time choice processes and studies different model specifications for a combined mode and departure time choice model. The paper compares different sets of explanatory variables as well as different model structures to capture the correlation among alternatives and taste variations among the commuters. The main hypothesis tested in this paper is that departure time alternatives are also correlated by the amount of delay. Correlation among different alternatives is confirmed by analyzing different nesting structures as well as error component formulations. Random coefficient logit models confirm the presence of the random taste heterogeneity across commuters. Mixed nested logit models are estimated to jointly account for the random taste heterogeneity and the correlation among different alternatives. Results indicate that accounting for the random taste heterogeneity as well as inter-alternative correlation improves the model performance.


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Estimation of demand and supply in differentiated products markets is a central issue in Empirical Industrial Organization and has been used to study the effects of taxes, merges, introduction of new goods, market power, among others. Logit and Random Coefficients Logit are examples of demand models used to study these effects. For the supply side it is generally supposed a Nash equilibrium in prices. This work presents a detailed discussion of these models of demand and supply as well as the procedure for estimation. Lastly, is made an application to the Brazilian fixed income fund market.


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We present an automatic method to segment brain tissues from volumetric MRI brain tumor images. The method is based on non-rigid registration of an average atlas in combination with a biomechanically justified tumor growth model to simulate soft-tissue deformations caused by the tumor mass-effect. The tumor growth model, which is formulated as a mesh-free Markov Random Field energy minimization problem, ensures correspondence between the atlas and the patient image, prior to the registration step. The method is non-parametric, simple and fast compared to other approaches while maintaining similar accuracy. It has been evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively with promising results on eight datasets comprising simulated images and real patient data.


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Many methodologies dealing with prediction or simulation of soft tissue deformations on medical image data require preprocessing of the data in order to produce a different shape representation that complies with standard methodologies, such as mass–spring networks, finite element method s (FEM). On the other hand, methodologies working directly on the image space normally do not take into account mechanical behavior of tissues and tend to lack physics foundations driving soft tissue deformations. This chapter presents a method to simulate soft tissue deformations based on coupled concepts from image analysis and mechanics theory. The proposed methodology is based on a robust stochastic approach that takes into account material properties retrieved directly from the image, concepts from continuum mechanics and FEM. The optimization framework is solved within a hierarchical Markov random field (HMRF) which is implemented on the graphics processor unit (GPU See Graphics processing unit ).


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We investigate the critical properties of the four-state commutative random permutation glassy Potts model in three and four dimensions by means of Monte Carlo simulations and a finite-size scaling analysis. By using a field programmable gate array, we have been able to thermalize a large number of samples of systems with large volume. This has allowed us to observe a spin-glass ordered phase in d=4 and to study the critical properties of the transition. In d=3, our results are consistent with the presence of a Kosterlitz-Thouless transition, but also with different scenarios: transient effects due to a value of the lower critical dimension slightly below 3 could be very important.


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In a context of intense competition, cooperative advertising between firms is critical. Accordingly, the objective of this article is to analyze the potential differentiated effect of advertising on two basic consumption patterns: individual products (i.e. hotel, restaurant) vs. bundle (i.e. hotel + restaurant). This research adds to the extant literature in that, for the first time, this potential differentiated effect is examined through a hierarchical modelling framework that reflects the way people make their decisions: first, they decide whether to visit or not a region; second, whether to purchase an advertised product in that region; and third, whether to buy products together or separately at the region. The empirical analysis, applied to a sample of 11,288 individuals, shows that the influence of advertising is positive for the decisions to visit and to purchase; however, when it comes to the joint or separate consumption, advertising has a differentiated effect: its impact is much greater on the joint alternative (“hotel + restaurant”) than the separate options (“hotel” and “restaurant”). Also, the variable distance moderates the advertising effect.


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This paper proposes a semiparametric smooth-coefficient (SPSC) stochastic production frontier model where regression coefficients are unknown smooth functions of environmental factors (ZZ). Technical inefficiency is specified in the form of a parametric scaling function which also depends on the ZZ variables. Thus, in our SPSC model the ZZ variables affect productivity directly via the technology parameters as well as through inefficiency. A residual-based bootstrap test of the relevance of the environmental factors in the SPSC model is suggested. An empirical application is also used to illustrate the technique.