11 resultados para Radiographer


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Introduction Radiographer abnormality detection systems that highlight abnormalities on trauma radiographs (‘red dot’ system) have been operating for more than 30 years. Recently, a number of pitfalls have been identified. These limitations initiated the evolution of a radiographer commenting system, whereby a radiographer provides a brief description of abnormalities identified in emergency healthcare settings. This study investigated radiographers' participation in abnormality detection systems, their perceptions of benefits, barriers and enablers to radiographer commenting, and perceptions of potential radiographer image interpretation services for emergency settings. Methods A cross-sectional survey was implemented. Participants included radiographers from four metropolitan hospitals in Queensland, Australia. Conventional descriptive statistics, histograms and thematic analysis were undertaken. Results Seventy-three surveys were completed and included in the analysis (68% response rate); 30 (41%) of respondents reported participating in abnormality detection in 20% or less of examinations, and 26(36%) reported participating in 80% or more of examinations. Five overarching perceived benefits of radiographer commenting were identified: assisting multidisciplinary teams, patient care, radiographer ability, professional benefits and quality of imaging. Frequently reported perceived barriers included ‘difficulty accessing image interpretation education’, ‘lack of time’ and ‘low confidence in interpreting radiographs’. Perceived enablers included ‘access to image interpretation education’ and ‘support from radiologist colleagues’. Conclusions A range of factors are likely to contribute to the successful implementation of radiographer commenting in addition to abnormality detection in emergency settings. Effective image interpretation education amenable to completion by radiographers would likely prove valuable in preparing radiographers for participation in abnormality detection and commenting systems in emergency settings.


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This study explores whether the introduction of selectively trained radiographers reporting Accident and Emergency (A&E) X-ray examinations or the appendicular skeleton affected the availability of reports for A&E and General Practitioner (GP) examinations at it typical district general hospital. This was achieved by analysing monthly data on A&E and GP examinations for 1993 1997 using structural time-series models. Parameters to capture stochastic seasonal effects and stochastic time trends were included ill the models. The main outcome measures were changes in the number, proportion and timeliness of A&E and GP examinations reported. Radiographer reporting X-ray examinations requested by A&E was associated with it 12% (p = 0.050) increase in the number of A&E examinations reported and it 37% (p


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Purpose: The Australian Universities Radiation Therapy Student Clinical Assessment Form (AURTSCAF) was designed to assess the clinical skills of radiation therapy (RT) students from the six universities that offer entry level RT programs. Given the AURTSCAF has now been in use for over two years, the Radiation Therapy Program Coordinators (RTPC) group initiated a post implementation evaluation survey. This formed the final phase of the AURTSCAF project and was funded by the Radiation Oncology Division of the Department of Health and Ageing. Methods: A cross-sectional designed survey using purposive sampling was distributed via email to all RT clinical sites. The survey asked questions about the requirements of a pass grade for students at different stages of their program, and the addition of a new category of assessment related to fitness to practise. Response types included both forced choice closed ended responses and open ended responses. There was also a section for open comments about the AURTSCAF. Results: There were 100 responses (55%) from clinicians who had utilised the assessment form over the previous 12 month period. Responses highlighted several positives with regard to the utility and implementation of the form. Comments regarding areas for improvement with the standardisation of the grading of students and consensus for the addition of a new domain in fitness for practise have informed the recommended changes proposed for 2012. Conclusion: This evaluation has provided a representative sample of the views of clinicians involved in assessing students on clinical placement. Recommendations include the addition of the sixth domain of assessment: Fitness for practise, the addition of descriptors and prompts for this domain in the user guide, the addition of a consensus statement about the use of the rating scale and dissemination of the proposed changes nationally.


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Purpose The emergence of digital technologies has created enthusiasm for their application to student learning. An evolving issue in medical imaging is how these technologies might be implemented within programs. Method A review of the literature was performed to explore applications and issues of educational technology in medical imaging Results There are a range of applications for educational technology within medical imaging education however limitations do exist. Learners must be supported by the development of skills to utilize education technologies. The digital picture archival and communication environment presents an ideal opportunity to enhance student learning through interaction and engagement with images. Implementation of education technologies to support student placement activities is an area for future development provided equity of access is addressed. Conclusion Education technologies have specific application to medical imaging education as part of a blended curriculum.


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Purpose: Prior to 2009, one of the problems faced by radiation therapists who supervised and assessed students on placement in Australian clinical centres, was that each of the six Australian universities where Radiation Therapy (RT) programmes were conducted used different clinical assessment and reporting criteria. This paper describes the development of a unified national clinical assessment and reporting form that was implemented nationally by all six universities in 2009. Methods: A four phase methodology was used to develop the new assessment form and user guide. Phase 1 included university consensus around domains of student practice and assessment, and alignment with national competency standards; Phase 2 was a national consensus workshop attended by radiation therapists involved in student supervision and assessment; Phase 3 was an action research re-iterative Delphi technique involving two rounds of a mail-out to gain further expert consensus; and stage 4 was national piloting of the developed assessment form. Results: The new assessment form includes five main domains of practice and 19 sub-domain criteria which students are assessed against during placement. Feedback from the pilot centre participants was positive, with the new form being assessed to be comprehensive and complemented by the accompanying user guide. Conclusion: The new assessment form has improved both the formative and summative assessment of students on placement, as well as enhancing the quality of feedback to students and the universities. The new national form has high acceptance from the Australian universities and has been subject to wide review by the profession.


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Introduction The provision of a written comment on traumatic abnormalities of the musculoskeletal system detected by radiographers can assist referrers and may improve patient management, but the practice has not been widely adopted outside the United Kingdom. The purpose of this study was to investigate Australian radiographers’ perceptions of their readiness for practice in a radiographer commenting system and their educational preferences in relation to two different delivery formats of image interpretation education, intensive and non-intensive. Methods A cross-sectional web-based questionnaire was implemented between August and September 2012. Participants included radiographers with experience working in emergency settings at four Australian metropolitan hospitals. Conventional descriptive statistics, frequency histograms, and thematic analysis were undertaken. A Wilcoxon signed-rank test examined whether a difference in preference ratings between intensive and non-intensive education delivery was evident. Results The questionnaire was completed by 73 radiographers (68% response rate). Radiographers reported higher confidence and self-perceived accuracy to detect traumatic abnormalities than to describe traumatic abnormalities of the musculoskeletal system. Radiographers frequently reported high desirability ratings for both the intensive and the non-intensive education delivery, no difference in desirability ratings for these two formats was evident (z = 1.66,P = 0.11). Conclusions Some Australian radiographers perceive they are not ready to practise in a frontline radiographer commenting system. Overall, radiographers indicated mixed preferences for image interpretation education delivered via intensive and non-intensive formats. Further research, preferably randomised trials, investigating the effectiveness of intensive and non-intensive education formats of image interpretation education for radiographers is warranted.


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Thomas, R. & Urquhart, C. NHS Wales e-library portal evaluation. (For Informing Healthcare Strategy implementation programme). Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth Follow-on to NHS Wales User Needs study Sponsorship: Informing Healthcare, NHS Wales


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The acquisition of radiotherapy planning scans on positron emission tomography (PET)-CT scanners requires the involvement of radiotherapy radiographers. This study assessed the radiation dose received by these radiographers during this process. Radiotherapy planning F- fluorodeoxyglucose (F-FDG) PET-CT scans were acquired for 28 non-small cell lung cancer patients. In order to minimise the radiation dose received, a two-stage process was used in which the most time-consuming part of the set-up was performed before the patient received their F-FDG injection. Throughout this process, the radiographers wore electronic personal dosemeters and recorded the doses received at different stages of the process. The mean total radiation dose received by a radiotherapy radiographer was 5.1±2.6 mSv per patient. The use of the two-stage process reduced the time spent in close proximity to the patient by approximately a factor of four. The two-stage process was effective in keeping radiation dose to a minimum. The use of a pre-injection set-up session reduces the radiation dose to the radiotherapy radiographers because of their involvement in PET-CT radiotherapy treatment planning scans by approximately a factor of three.


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Purpose: To know how often occur the repetitions of MRI exams and sequences in radiology departments. Methods and Materials: A self applied-questionnaire was used as instrument and assigned to 57 radiographers who performed MRI exams to determine which were the causes that lead to the repetition. The questionnaires were interpreted and statistically analyzed through descriptive statistics and Spearman’s rho correlations. Results: At a 95% confidence interval, the major results suggest that the patient’s movement during de MRI exams is the main cause to repeat this exams (mean of 3.88 on a 5 points likert scale). However, there are causes related to the radiographer’s and the results showed that the introduction of wrong imaging parameters by the performer are a major cause too (N=26). Spearman rho correlations between radiographer’s time of experience and frequency of MRI exams repetitions were poor and not significant (r=0.141; p=0.297). The correlations between radiographer’s tiredness and frequency of MRI exams repetitions were negative, weak and not significant (r= -0.151; p=0.263). Conclusion: The patients’ movement may disrupt the examination or degrade the images with artifacts. The level of experience doesn’t influence the repetitions of MRI exams, it seems that seniors radiographers don’t have improvements in performance as it should be expected. It’s recommendable to do training courses regularly to improve the performance and systematically evaluate. Several features will need to be identified which would decrease the MRI exams repetitions.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Ambiente, Saúde e Segurança, 23 de Abril de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.


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O presente estudo pretende avaliar as lógicas de gestão do tempo no contexto da organização do trabalho dos Técnicos de Radiologia num serviço de urgência hospitalar, procurando desta forma contribuir para a elaboração de novas propostas orientadoras ou guidelines relativas aos procedimentos em Radiologia convencional na urgência hospitalar. O desenho metodológico adoptado consistiu na observação directa do processo de execução do exame radiológico convencional, em contexto de urgência e em diferentes etapas. Estes dados foram relacionados com a existência ou não dos critérios técnicos padronizados de realização do exame. A recolha dos dados efectiva decorreu entre 4 e 11 maio de 2008, no Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa - Zona Central, no serviço de Radiologia da Urgência. Através da análise dos dados, constatou-se que: a) o grau de mobilidade do utente não influencia de uma forma directa nem o tempo de realização do mesmo nem a qualidade da imagem final; b) a qualidade da imagem final relaciona-se de forma inversa com o tempo total do exame e com os anos de experiência do Técnico de Radiologia; c) a maior percentagem de tempo total de atendimento do utente concentra­ se em funções administrativas e de preparação para o exame. ABSTRACT: The current study intends to evaluate the logics of time’s management in the context of the organization of Radiographers' Professionals in a service of hospital urgency, trying to find a way how to contribute for the elaboration of new relative orienting proposals or guidelines regarding Conventional Radiology's procedures in the hospital urgency. The methodological drawing chosen was based on direct observation of the execution proceeding of the conventional radiological examination, in urgency context and in different stages. These data had been related with the existence or not of the standardized criteria technician of the examination's accomplishment. The data have been collected between 4th and 11th May of 2008 in the Hospital Centre of Lisbon - Central Zone, in the service of Urgency Radiology. Through the analysis of the data, we realize that: a) the usuary's mobility degree do not influence directly the time of execution neither the quality of the final image; b) the quality of the final image relates in an inverse way with the total time of the examination and with the Radiographers' Professional years of experience; c) the biggest percentage of total time concerning usuary's attendance focus in administrative functions and for the examination's preparation.