837 resultados para Racial discrimination
Racism in Brazil has some specificities when compared to other countries, for, differently from, for instance, South Africa and the United States, Brazilian Constitutions, ever since the Independence (1822), have never distinguished the citizens according to race or color. Furthermore, since the mid-1900s, Afro-Brazilian cultural manifestations, such as, for example, samba and capoeira, started to be valued as a part of our “national identity”. These specificities make race relations in Brazilian society a much more complex issue. This paper is focused on selected parts of interviews that deal with the nature of racial discrimination in Brazil, extracted from interviews with leaders of the black movement produced within the scope of the project “The History of Black Movement in Brazil: organization of a collection of Oral History Interviews”, developed by CPDOC, Getulio Vargas Foundation (Rio de Janeiro). These “histories within history”, as told by our interviewees, may be transformed into images that will be able to condense a given reality, thus allowing us to evaluate the gains obtained by oral history methodology.
There is a rich history of social science research centering on racial inequalities that continue to be observed across various markets (e.g., labor, housing, and credit markets) and social milieus. Existing research on racial discrimination in consumer markets, however, is relatively scarce and that which has been done has disproportionately focused on consumers as the victims of race-based mistreatment. As such, we know relatively little about how consumers contribute to inequalities in their roles as perpetrators of racial discrimination. In response, in this paper we elaborate on a line of research that is only in its’ infancy stages of development and yet is ripe with opportunities to advance the literature on consumer racial discrimination and racial earnings inequities among tip dependent employees in the United States. Specifically, we analyze data derived from a large exit survey of restaurant consumers (n=378) in an attempt to replicate, extend, and further explore the recently documented effect of service providers’ race on restaurant consumers’ tipping decisions. Our results indicate that both White and Black restaurant customers discriminate against Black servers by tipping them less than their White coworkers. Importantly, we find no evidence that this Black tip penalty is the result of interracial differences in service skills possessed by Black and White servers. We conclude by delineating directions for future research in this neglected but salient area study.
Government figures put the current indigenous unemployment rate at around 23%, 3 times the unemployment rate for other Australians. This thesis aims to assess whether Australian indirect discrimination legislation can provide a remedy for one of the causes of indigenous unemployment - the systemic discrimination which can result from the mere operation of established procedures of recruitment and hiring. The impact of those practices on indigenous people is examined in the context of an analysis of anti-discrimination legislation and cases from all Australian jurisdictions from the time of the passing of the Racial Discrimination Act by the Commonwealth in 1975 to the present. The thesis finds a number of reasons why the legislation fails to provide equality of opportunity for indigenous people seeking to enter the workforce. In nearly all jurisdictions it is obscurely drafted, used mainly by educated middle class white women, and provides remedies which tend to be compensatory damages rather than change to recruitment policy. White dominance of the legal process has produced legislative and judicial definitions of "race" and "Aboriginality" which focus on biology rather than cultural difference. In the commissions and tribunals complaints of racial discrimination are often rejected on the grounds of being "vexatious" or "frivolous", not reaching the required standard of proof, or not showing a causal connection between race and the conduct complained of. In all jurisdictions the cornerstone of liability is whether a particular employment term, condition or practice is reasonable. The thesis evaluates the approaches taken by appellate courts, including the High Court, and concludes that there is a trend towards an interpretation of reasonableness which favours employer arguments such as economic rationalism, the maintenance of good industrial relations, managerial prerogative to hire and fire, and the protection of majority rights. The thesis recommends that separate, clearly drafted legislation should be passed to address indigenous disadvantage and that indigenous people should be involved in all stages of the process.
A autoavaliação do estado de saúde (AAS) é um indicador de saúde amplamente utilizado e influenciado por uma grande variedade de fatores. Em particular, existem evidências crescentes de que a discriminação racial é um importante fator de risco para eventos mórbidos em saúde e seu impacto na saúde da população brasileira ainda é pouco explorado. No primeiro artigo, o objetivo principal é investigar a associação entre AAS e fatores sociodemográficos, comportamentais e de morbidade. No segundo artigo, o objetivo é estimar a associação entre discriminação racial e diferentes desfechos em saúde, a saber, AAS, morbidade física e depressão ajustando por variáveis sociodemográficas, comportamentos relacionados à saúde e Índice de Massa Corporal, na população de pretos e pardos. O presente estudo possui delineamento seccional, baseado nos dados do inquérito de abrangência nacional Pesquisa Dimensão Social das Desigualdades. Os entrevistados responderam a questionários estruturados e suas medidas antropométricas foram aferidas. No primeiro artigo, foram avaliados 12.324 indivíduos, entre chefes de família e cônjuges, com idade maior ou igual a 20 anos. No segundo artigo, foram avaliados 3.863 chefes de família que responderam a pergunta sobre discriminação racial e que se classificaram como pretos e pardos. AAS foi avaliada por meio de pergunta obtida do instrumento de qualidade de vida SF-36 e, para o primeiro artigo, foi analisada de forma dicotômica em AAS boa (categorias de resposta excelente, muito boa e boa) e AAS ruim (categorias de resposta razoável e ruim). No segundo artigo, esse desfecho foi analisado utilizando-se as 5 categorias de resposta. As análises foram realizadas utilizando-se modelos de regressão logística uni e multivariados, para dados binários (artigo 1) ou ordinais (artigo 2). Os resultados foram apresentados na forma de Odds Ratios com os respectivos intervalos de 95% de confiança. Maior faixa etária, analfabetismo, tabagismo, obesidade e doenças crônicas estiveram associados a maior chance de AAS ruim. Para cada incremento na faixa de renda, observou-se uma redução de 20% na chance de relatar AAS ruim. Atividade física esteve associada a menor chance de AAS ruim. No segundo artigo, exposição à discriminação racial esteve associada com aumento na chance de relato de pior AAS, de morbidade física e de depressão. O presente estudo identificou a influência de diversos fatores sociais, demográficos, comportamentos relacionados à saúde e morbidade física na AAS. O estudo demonstrou ainda que a discriminação racial está associada negativamente aos três desfechos em saúde avaliados (AAS, morbidade física e depressão). Esses resultados podem traçar um perfil de subgrupos populacionais mais vulneráveis, ou seja, com maior risco de contrair doenças ou de procurar o serviço de saúde por uma doença já existente, auxiliando na definição de populações-alvo para o adequado planejamento de políticas e de programas de promoção de saúde.
Até meados da década de 1970 buscou-se decifrar o lugar social ocupado pelo pardo na sociedade brasileira. Contudo, os estudos mais recentes se caracterizaram, com algumas exceções, pelo silenciamento em torno das especificidades desse grupo. Pretos e pardos têm sido agrupados em uma mesma categoria para fins de análise de desigualdades e discriminação racial. No entanto, se os pardos estão extremamente próximos dos pretos no que toca os seus índices socioeconômicos, chances de mobilidade social e vitimização pela discriminação, eles estão muito distantes dos pretos em sua percepção do preconceito e da discriminação de que são vítimas. Para esse grupo, o nexo entre a cor e a discriminação não parece nem um pouco evidente. A presente tese retoma os pardos como tema de reflexão e investiga as razões pelas quais eles parecem ser discriminados em intensidade próxima à dos pretos, mas não reportam a discriminação no mesmo grau. A partir da produção de análises originais de dados quantitativos e surveys sobre racismo, encontro respaldo para algumas explicações não mutuamente excludentes para esse fenômeno: (1) o binarismo das linguagens racista e antirracista no Brasil, que exclui os pardos do debate público, (2) os problemas metodológicos dos surveys sobre discriminação racial, (3) a presença ideário da morenidade na identidade e autoimagem dos brasileiros pardos, (4) as peculiaridades da sociabilidade entre pretos, pardos e brancos, (5) o caráter ambivalente dos estereótipos que incidem sobre os pardos e, finalmente, (6) uma porosidade maior das elites brancas em relação a esses indivíduos. A partir da elaboração de um modelo alternativo de mensuração da percepção da discriminação, baseado na Escala de Discriminação Cotidiana, demonstro que pretos e pardos de classes mais baixas têm percepções mais parecidas de atitudes discriminatórias, enquanto aqueles que atingem as classes médias e elites passam a divergir: os pretos passam a reportar mais intensamente a discriminação, enquanto os pardos praticamente cessam de senti-la. Sustento que o racismo ambivalente brasileiro funciona de modo a barrar a mobilidade social tanto de pretos como de pardos, mas que os estereótipos e atitudes a que ele está relacionado penalizam mais severamente os pretos que ascendem socialmente do que os pardos.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FCLAR
This work aims at presenting the historical and social path traversed in Brazil since slavery until the implementation of affirmative public policies to promote racial equality, at the local level, in the municipality of Presidente Prudente-SP. Therefore, the starting point was the equal rights guaranteed by the Constitution. As a result, there was a brief historical path of national trajectory, starting from slavery to the so-called cordial racism, seeking to demonstrate the route of racial discrimination in the country. Later, we made notes about the necessity and debate on public policy statements of various fields, were made explicit in the text and the articles of the Constitution which prescribe the crime of racism and some of the situations that were highlighted in the national media. The focus in the city of Presidente Prudente was through historical research, interviews, photographic records and documents that informed about the presence of black people in the city. From these data, based on previous research, it was possible to trace the formation and development of the Black Movement in the city and thus point the way to the formation of this City Council for Racial Equality and the need for application of affirmative action policies for the municipality by hereby. Data from the 2000 Census and 2010 indicate the demand of Presidente Prudente as the percentage of blacks self-declared grew this decade. The main demands are paring the areas of Health since the rate of black women Administrative Region (RA) of Presidente Prudente who die in puerperium and high; Education through enhanced, by the Municipal Education Law No. 10,639, and due attention to african-Brazilian culture by respecting the religious manifestations of African origin among others... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
A presente pesquisa se baseia na teoria crítica da branquidade, especificamente no que concerne aos elementos mais evidenciados da formação da identidade Branca, para realizar uma análise, por amostra, da tendência das demandas judiciais e julgamentos jurisprudenciais acerca da conduta de discriminação racial, prevista na legislação brasileira. Tendo em vista que as decisões dos tribunais a respeito desse tema se mostram bastantes controversas, os elementos da branquidade são trazidos a esse trabalho com a finalidade de contribuir com a tarefa dos operadores do direito de realizar a interpretação sobre dúvidas, dubiedades, lacunas e questionamentos sobre a eficácia da implementação da norma em reduzir as manifestações do racismo.
This article advocates for a fundamental re-understanding about the way that the history of race is understood by the current Supreme Court. Represented by the racial rights opinions of Justice John Roberts that celebrate racial progress, the Supreme Court has equivocated and rendered obsolete the historical experiences of people of color in the United States. This jurisprudence has in turn reified the notion of color-blindness, consigning racial discrimination to a distant and discredited past that has little bearing to how race and inequality is experienced today. The racial history of the Roberts Court is centrally informed by the context and circumstances surrounding Brown v. Board of Education. For the Court, Brown symbolizes all that is wrong with the history of race in the United States - legal segregation, explicit racial discord, and vicious and random acts of violence. Though Roberts Court opinions suggest that some of those vestiges still exits, the bulk of its jurisprudence indicate the opposite. With Brown’s basic factual premises as its point of reference, the Court has consistently argued that the nation has made tremendous strides away from the condition of racial bigotry, intolerance, and inequity. The article accordingly argues that the Roberts Court reliance on Brown to understand racial progress is anachronistic. Especially as the nation’s focus for racial inequality turned national in scope, the same binaries in Brown that had long served to explain the history of race relations in the United States (such as Black-White, North-South, and Urban-Rural) were giving way to massive multicultural demographic and geographic transformations in the United States in the years and decades after World War II. All of the familiar tropes so clear in Brown and its progeny could no longer fully describe the current reality of shifting and transforming patterns of race relations in the United States. In order to reclaim the history of race from the Roberts Court, the article assesses a case that more accurately symbolizes the recent history and current status of race relations today: Keyes v. School District No. 1. This was the first Supreme Court case to confront how the binaries of cases like Brown proved of little probative value in addressing how and in what ways race and racial discrimination was changing in the United States. Thus, understanding Keyesand the history it reflects reveals much about how and in what ways the Roberts Court should rethink its conclusions regarding the history of race relations in the United States for the last 60 years.
Since the arrival of the first African slaves to Cuba in 1524, the issue of race has had a long-lived presence in the Cuban national discourse. However, despite Cuba’s colonial history, it has often been maintained by some historians that race relations in Cuba were congenial with racism and racial discrimination never existing as deep or widespread in Cuba as in the United States (Cannon, 1983, p. 113). In fact, it has been argued that institutionalized racism was introduced into Cuban society with the first U.S. occupation, during 1898–1902 (Cannon, 1983, p. 113). This study of Cuba investigates the influence of the United States on the development of race relations and racial perceptions in post-independent Cuba, specifically from 1898-1902. These years comprise the time period immediately following the final fight for Cuban Independence, culminating with the Cuban-Spanish-American War and the first U.S. occupation of Cuba. By this time, the Cuban population comprised Africans as well as descendants of Africans, White Spanish people, indigenous Cubans, and offspring of the intermixing of the groups. This research studies whether the United States’ own race relations and racial perceptions influenced the initial conflicting race relations and racial perceptions in early and post-U.S. occupation Cuba. This study uses a collective interpretative framework that incorporates a national level of analysis with a race relations and racial perceptions focus. This framework reaches beyond the traditionally utilized perspectives when interpreting the impact of the United States during and following its intervention in Cuba. Attention is given to the role of the existing social, political climate within the United States as a driving influence of the United States’ involvement with Cuba. This study reveals that emphasis on the role of the United States as critical to the development of Cuba’s race relations and racial perceptions is credible given the extensive involvement of the U.S. in the building of the early Cuban Republic and U.S. structures serving as models for reconstruction. U.S. government formation in Cuba aligned with a governing system reflecting the existing governing codes of the U.S. during that time period.
Perceived discrimination is associated with increased engagement in unhealthy behaviors. We propose an identity-based pathway to explain this link. Drawing on an identity-based motivation model of health behaviors (Oyserman, Fryberg, & Yoder, 2007), we propose that erceptions of discrimination lead individuals to engage in ingroup-prototypical behaviors in the service of validating their identity and creating a sense of ingroup belonging. To the extent that people perceive unhealthy behaviors as ingroup-prototypical, perceived discrimination may thus increase motivation to engage in unhealthy behaviors. We describe our theoretical model and two studies that demonstrate initial support for some paths in this model. In Study 1, African American participants who reflected on racial discrimination were more likely to endorse unhealthy ingroup-prototypical behavior as self-characteristic than those who reflected on a neutral event. In Study 2, among African American participants who perceived unhealthy behaviors to be ingroup-prototypical, discrimination predicted greater endorsement of unhealthy behaviors as self-characteristic as compared to a control condition. These effects held both with and without controlling for body mass index (BMI) and income. Broader implications of this model for how discrimination adversely affects health-related decisions are discussed.
This paper evaluate the hypothesis that race is a determining factor in access to quality employment in Colombia during 2007 -- Using data from the Large Integrated Household Survey (2007-I), we estimate a generalized ordered logit model -- The results provide evidence that individuals self-identified as Afrocolombian have a higher probability of being in a low quality job than other Colombians -- This probability is higher by 1.9% in Cali, 3.4% in Bogotá, 12.6% in Barranquilla, 1.8% in Cartagena, 1.1% in Medellin and 3.8% overall in these five cities, results that could indicate that there is racial discrimination against Afrocolombians in the Colombian labor market