910 resultados para ROS (Robot Operating System)


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Trying to explain to a robot what to do is a difficult undertaking, and only specific types of people have been able to do so far, such as programmers or operators who have learned how to use controllers to communicate with a robot. My internship's goal was to create and develop a framework that would make that easier. The system uses deep learning techniques to recognize a set of hand gestures, both static and dynamic. Then, based on the gesture, it sends a command to a robot. To be as generic as feasible, the communication is implemented using Robot Operating System (ROS). Furthermore, users can add new recognizable gestures and link them to new robot actions; a finite state automaton enforces the users' input verification and correct action sequence. Finally, the users can create and utilize a macro to describe a sequence of actions performable by a robot.


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The robotics community is concerned with the ability to infer and compare the results from researchers in areas such as vision perception and multi-robot cooperative behavior. To accomplish that task, this paper proposes a real-time indoor visual ground truth system capable of providing accuracy with at least more magnitude than the precision of the algorithm to be evaluated. A multi-camera architecture is proposed under the ROS (Robot Operating System) framework to estimate the 3D position of objects and the implementation and results were contextualized to the Robocup Middle Size League scenario.


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Lo sviluppo hardware nel campo della robotica ha raggiunto negli ultimi anni livelli impressionanti ed è in continua crescita, e di pari passo si è espansa l’eterogeneità delle forme che può assumere, dalle tipologie basate su movimento a terra ai droni volanti, fino a forme più sofisticate di robot umanoidi che cercano di emularne il comportamento. Se da un lato ora possiamo disporre di hardware sempre più potente ed efficiente a costi sempre minori, dall’altro programmare il comportamento che un robot deve tenere nelle svariate circostanze in cui può imbattersi, nel poter portare a compimento il proprio obbiettivo, risulta essere sempre più complesso. Dopo una breve introduzione alla robotica e alle difficoltà che deve affrontare e una panoramica sui robot, cosa siano e come siano strutturati, fulcro della tesi sarà l’esposizione delle caratteristiche principali di ROS, Robot Operating System, come piattaforma di sviluppo software nel campo della robotica, e si concluderà con un semplice caso di studio in cui ne verrà messo in mostra concretamente l’utilizzo.


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Image Based Visual Servoing (IBVS) is a robotic control scheme based on vision. This scheme uses only the visual information obtained from a camera to guide a robot from any robot pose to a desired one. However, IBVS requires the estimation of different parameters that cannot be obtained directly from the image. These parameters range from the intrinsic camera parameters (which can be obtained from a previous camera calibration), to the measured distance on the optical axis between the camera and visual features, it is the depth. This paper presents a comparative study of the performance of D-IBVS estimating the depth from three different ways using a low cost RGB-D sensor like Kinect. The visual servoing system has been developed over ROS (Robot Operating System), which is a meta-operating system for robots. The experiments prove that the computation of the depth value for each visual feature improves the system performance.


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En este artículo se presenta a DeBuPa (Detección Búsqueda Pateo) un humanoide de tamaño pequeño (38 cm de alto) construido con las piezas del kit Bioloid. Del kit se ha excluido la tarjeta CM-510 para sustituirla por la tarjeta controladora Arbotix, que será la que controle los 16 motores Dynamixel Ax-12+ (para mover al robot) y 2 servomotores analógicos (para mover la cámara). Además se ha agregado un mini computador Raspberry Pi, con su cámara, para que el robot pueda detectar y seguir la pelota de forma autónoma. Todos estos componentes deben ser coordinados para que se logre cumplir la tarea de detectar, seguir y patear la pelota. Por ello se hace necesaria la comunicación entre la Arbotix y la Raspberry Pi. La herramienta empleada para ello es el framework ROS (Robot Operating System). En la Raspberry Pi se usa el lenguaje C++ y se ejecuta un solo programa encargado de captar la imagen de la cámara, filtrar y procesar para encontrar la pelota, tomar la decisión de la acción a ejecutar y hacer la petición a la Arbotix para que dé la orden a los motores de ejecutar el movimiento. Para captar la imagen de la cámara se ha utilizado la librería RasPiCam CV. Para filtrar y procesar la imagen se ha usado las librerías de OpenCV. La Arbotix, además de controlar los motores, se encarga de monitorizar que el robot se encuentre balanceado, para ello usa el sensor Gyro de Robotis. Si detecta un desbalance de un cierto tamaño puede saber si se ha caído y levantarse.


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L’Industria 4.0 richiede sempre più tecnologie con un notevole grado di flessibilità, in modo da garantire il più alto livello di integrazione uomo-macchina e macchina- macchina. In quest’ottica, l’avvento della robotica collaborativa, ha agevolato il pro- cesso. I robot collaborativi (cobot) possono essere facilmente installati all’interno del- le linee di assemblaggio/produzione, senza necessità di barriere che vietino l’accesso agli operatori. Tra i tanti compiti a cui possono asservire i cobot, ci sono quelli dedica- ti all’ispezione delle varie macchine (e.g. microfermate di emergenza), in cui di solito, l’apertura del pannello di protezione è affidata ad un cobot montato a bordo di un AGV. È in questo contesto che si inserisce l’elaborato di tesi, volto al controllo in forza di un robot collaborativo per la movimentazione di un pannello di protezione di una mac- china automatica. In particolare, per ragioni logistiche e di ingombro, un simulacro del pannello di protezione è stato realizzato in scala, mentre il controllo real-time del cobot è stato implementato utilizzando ROS (Robot Operating System), piattaforma disponibile in modalità open-source.


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[ES]El proyecto contiene módulos de simulación, procesado de datos, mapeo y localización, desarrollados en C++ utilizando ROS (Robot Operating System) y PCL (Point Cloud Library). Ha sido desarrollado bajo el proyecto de robótica submarina AVORA.Se han caracterizado el vehículo y el sensor, y se han analizado diferentes tecnologías de sensores y mapeo. Los datos pasan por tres etapas: Conversión a nube de puntos, filtrado por umbral, eliminación de puntos espureos y, opcionalmente, detección de formas. Estos datos son utilizados para construir un mapa de superficie multinivel. La otra herramienta desarrollada es un algoritmo de Punto más Cercano Iterativo (ICP) modificado, que tiene en cuenta el modo de funcionamiento del sonar de imagen utilizado.


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Mobile robots are capable of performing spatial displacement motions in different environments. This motions can be calculated based on sensorial data (autonomous robot) or given by an operator (tele operated robot). This thesis is focused on the latter providing the control architecture which bridges the tele operator and the robot’s locomotion system and end effectors. Such a task might prove overwhelming in cases where the robot comprises a wide variety of sensors and actuators hence a relatively new option was selected: Robot Operating System (ROS). The control system of a new robot will be sketched and tested in a simulation model using ROS together with Gazebo in order to determine the viability of such a system. The simulated model will be based on the projected shape and main features of the real machine. A stability analysis will be performed first theoretically and afterwards using the developed model. This thesis concluded that both the physical properties and the control architecture are feasible and stable settling up the ground for further work with the same robot.


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In this paper the core functions of an artificial intelligence (AI) for controlling a debris collector robot are designed and implemented. Using the robot operating system (ROS) as the base of this work a multi-agent system is built with abilities for task planning.


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This project aims to design and manufacture a mobile robot with two Universal Robot UR10 mainly used indoors. In order to obtain omni-directional maneuverability, the mobile robot is constructed with Mecanum wheels. The Mecanum wheel can move in any direction with a series of rollers attached to itself. These rollers are angled at 45º about the hub’s circumference. This type of wheels can be used in both driving and steering with their any-direction property. This paper is focused on the design of traction system and suspension system, and the velocity control of Mecanum wheels in the close-loop control system. The mechanical design includes selection of bearing housing, couplers which are act as connection between shafts, motor parts, and other needed components. The 3D design software SolidWorks is utilized to assemble all the components in order to get correct tolerance. The driving shaft is designed based on assembled structure via the software as well. The design of suspension system is to compensate the assembly error of Mecanum wheels to guarantee the stability of the robot. The control system of motor drivers is realized through the Robot Operating System (ROS) on Ubuntu Linux. The purpose of inverse kinematics is to obtain the relationship among the movements of all Mecanum wheels. Via programming and interacting with the computer, the robot could move with required speed and direction.


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The IEEE 802.15.4 is the most widespread used protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and it is being used as a baseline for several higher layer protocols such as ZigBee, 6LoWPAN or WirelessHART. Its MAC (Medium Access Control) supports both contention-free (CFP, based on the reservation of guaranteed time-slots GTS) and contention based (CAP, ruled by CSMA/CA) access, when operating in beacon-enabled mode. Thus, it enables the differentiation between real-time and best-effort traffic. However, some WSN applications and higher layer protocols may strongly benefit from the possibility of supporting more traffic classes. This happens, for instance, for dense WSNs used in time-sensitive industrial applications. In this context, we propose to differentiate traffic classes within the CAP, enabling lower transmission delays and higher success probability to timecritical messages, such as for event detection, GTS reservation and network management. Building upon a previously proposed methodology (TRADIF), in this paper we outline its implementation and experimental validation over a real-time operating system. Importantly, TRADIF is fully backward compatible with the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, enabling to create different traffic classes just by tuning some MAC parameters.


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It is well known that image processing requires a huge amount of computation, mainly at low level processing where the algorithms are dealing with a great number of data-pixel. One of the solutions to estimate motions involves detection of the correspondences between two images. For normalised correlation criteria, previous experiments shown that the result is not altered in presence of nonuniform illumination. Usually, hardware for motion estimation has been limited to simple correlation criteria. The main goal of this paper is to propose a VLSI architecture for motion estimation using a matching criteria more complex than Sum of Absolute Differences (SAD) criteria. Today hardware devices provide many facilities for the integration of more and more complex designs as well as the possibility to easily communicate with general purpose processors


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Tässä diplomityössä tutkitaan automatisoitua testausta ja käyttöliittymätestauksen tekemistä helpommaksi Symbian-käyttöjärjestelmässä. Työssä esitellään Symbian ja Symbian-sovelluskehityksessä kohdattavia haasteita. Lisäksi kerrotaan testausstrategioista ja -tavoista sekä automatisoidusta testaamisesta. Lopuksi esitetään työkalu, jolla testitapausten luominen toiminnalisuus- ja järjestelmätestaukseen tehdään helpommaksi. Graafiset käyttöliittymättuovat ainutlaatuisia haasteita ohjelmiston testaamiseen. Ne tehdään usein monimutkaisista komponenteista ja niitä suunnitellaan jatkuvasti uusiksi ohjelmistokehityksen aikana. Graafisten käyttöliittymien testaukseen käytetään usein kaappaus- ja toistotyökaluja. Käyttöliittymätestauksen testitapausten suunnittelu ja toteutus vaatii paljon panostusta. Koska graafiset käyttöliittymät muodostavat suuren osan koodista, voitaisiin säästää paljon resursseja tekemällä testitapausten luomisesta helpompaa. Käytännön osuudessa toteutettu projekti pyrkii tähän tekemällä testiskriptien luomisesta visuaalista. Näin ollen itse testien skriptikieltä ei tarvitse ymmärtää ja testien hahmottaminen on myös helpompaa.


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Tässä diplomityössä esitellään ohjelmistotestauksen ja verifioinnin yleisiä periaatteita sekä käsitellään tarkemmin älypuhelinohjelmistojen verifiointia. Työssä esitellään myös älypuhelimissa käytettävä Symbian-käyttöjärjestelmä. Työn käytännön osuudessa suunniteltiin ja toteutettiin Symbian-käyttöjärjestelmässä toimiva palvelin, joka tarkkailee ja tallentaa järjestelmäresurssien käyttöä. Verifiointi on tärkeä ja kuluja aiheuttava tehtävä älypuhelinohjelmistojen kehityssyklissä. Kuluja voidaan vähentää automatisoimalla osa verifiointiprosessista. Toteutettu palvelin automatisoijärjestelmäresurssien tarkkailun tallentamalla tietoja niistä tiedostoon testien ajon aikana. Kun testit ajetaan uudestaan, uusia tuloksia vertaillaan lähdetallenteeseen. Jos tulokset eivät ole käyttäjän asettamien virherajojen sisällä, siitä ilmoitetaan käyttäjälle. Virherajojen ja lähdetallenteen määrittäminen saattaa osoittautua vaikeaksi. Kuitenkin, jos ne määritetään sopivasti, palvelin tuottaa hyödyllistä tietoa poikkeamista järjestelmäresurssien kulutuksessa testaajille.


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Tämä diplomityö esittää Symbianin käyttöjärjestelmän verkkoarkkitehtuuriin perustuvan paikallisverkkokortin (LAN) käyttöönottoa. Pääajatus oli keskitetty langattoman LAN— kortin (WLAN) ajureiden käyttöönottoon. Jokainen Symbianin käyttöjärjestelmän verkkoarkkitehtuurin komponentti oli huolellisesti tutkittu, painottaen mahdollista langattoman yhteyden uudelleenkäyttöä. Myös olemassaolevan Ethernetkortin ajureiden uudelleenkäyttö oli huolellisesti otettu huomioon. Diplomityöprojektin aikana esimerkki WLAN-kortin ajurin lähdekoodista oli esitetty. Tämä ajuri on kirjoitettu NOKIA DTN-20 WLAN-korttia varten. Havaittiin myös, että suurin osa Symbianin käyttöjärjestelmän verkkoarkkitehtuurista voidaan käyttää myös WLAN-pohjaisessa yhteydessä ilman muutoksia.. Esitetty ajuri käyttää myös tiettyjä olemassaolevan Ethernetkortin ajureita, esim. Logical Device Driver (LDD):tä.