651 resultados para RFA


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Objectives: - to monitor resonance frequency analysis (RFA) in relation to the jawbone characteristics during the early phases of healing and incorporation of Straumann® dental implants with an SLA surface. Material and methods: 17 Straumann 4.1mm implants (10mm) and 7 Straumann 4.8mm implants (10mm) were installed and ISQ determined at baseline and after 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 12 weeks. Central bone cores were analyzed from the 4.1mm implants using micro CT for bone volume density (BVD) and bone trabecular connectivity (BTC). Results: Pocket probing depths ranged between 2-4mm and bleeding on probing between 5-20%. At baseline, BVD varied between 24 and 65% and BTC between 4.9 and 25.4 for the 4.1mm implants. Baseline ISQ varied between 55 and 74 with a mean of 61.4. No significant correlations were found between BVD or BTC and ISQ Values. For the 4.8mm diameter implants baseline ISQ values ranged from 57 – 70 with a mean of 63.3. Over the healing period ISQ values increased at 1 week and decreased after 2-3 weeks. After 4 weeks ISQ values, again increased slightly, no significant differences were noted over time. One implant (4.1mm) lost stability at 3 weeks. Its ISQ value had dropped from 68 to 45. However the latter value was determined after the clinical diagnosis of instability. Conclusion: ISQ values of 57 – 70 represented homeostasis and implant stability. However no predictive value for loosing implant stability can be attributed to RFA since decease occurred after the fact.


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Objective The human Ureaplasma species are the microbes most frequently isolated from placentae of women who deliver preterm. The role of Ureaplasma species has been investigated in pregnancies at <32 weeks of gestation, but currently no studies have determined the prevalence of ureaplasmas in moderately preterm and late-preterm (hereafter, “moderate/late preterm”) infants, the largest cohort of preterm infants. Methods Women delivering moderate/late preterm infants (n = 477) and their infants/placentae (n = 535) were recruited, and swab specimens of chorioamnion tissue, chorioamnion tissue specimens, and cord blood specimens were obtained at delivery. Swab and tissue specimens were cultured and analyzed by 16S ribosomal RNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the presence of microorganisms, while cord blood specimens were analyzed for the presence of cytokines, chemokines, and growth factors. Results We detected microorganisms in 10.6% of 535 placentae (443 were delivered late preterm and 92 were delivered at term). Significantly, Ureaplasma species were the most prevalent microorganisms, and their presence alone was associated with histologically confirmed chorioamnionitis in moderate/late preterm and term placentae (P < .001). The presence of ureaplasmas in the chorioamnion was also associated with elevated levels of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (P = .02). Conclusions These findings have important implications for infection and adverse pregnancy outcomes throughout gestation and should be of major consideration for obstetricians and neonatologists.


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Estimation of design quantiles of hydrometeorological variables at critical locations in river basins is necessary for hydrological applications. To arrive at reliable estimates for locations (sites) where no or limited records are available, various regional frequency analysis (RFA) procedures have been developed over the past five decades. The most widely used procedure is based on index-flood approach and L-moments. It assumes that values of scale and shape parameters of frequency distribution are identical across all the sites in a homogeneous region. In real-world scenario, this assumption may not be valid even if a region is statistically homogeneous. To address this issue, a novel mathematical approach is proposed. It involves (i) identification of an appropriate frequency distribution to fit the random variable being analyzed for homogeneous region, (ii) use of a proposed transformation mechanism to map observations of the variable from original space to a dimensionless space where the form of distribution does not change, and variation in values of its parameters is minimal across sites, (iii) construction of a growth curve in the dimensionless space, and (iv) mapping the curve to the original space for the target site by applying inverse transformation to arrive at required quantile(s) for the site. Effectiveness of the proposed approach (PA) in predicting quantiles for ungauged sites is demonstrated through Monte Carlo simulation experiments considering five frequency distributions that are widely used in RFA, and by case study on watersheds in conterminous United States. Results indicate that the PA outperforms methods based on index-flood approach.


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Regionalization of extreme rainfall is useful for various applications in hydro-meteorology. There is dearth of regionalization studies on extreme rainfall in India. In this perspective, a set of 25 regions that are homogeneous in 1-, 2-, 3-, 4- and 5-day extreme rainfall is delineated based on seasonality measure of extreme rainfall and location indicators (latitude, longitude and altitude) by using global fuzzy c-means (GFCM) cluster analysis. The regions are validated for homogeneity in L-moment framework. One of the applications of the regions is in arriving at quantile estimates of extreme rainfall at sparsely gauged/ungauged locations using options such as regional frequency analysis (RFA). The RFA involves use of rainfall-related information from gauged sites in a region as the basis to estimate quantiles of extreme rainfall for target locations that resemble the region in terms of rainfall characteristics. A procedure for RFA based on GFCM-delineated regions is presented and its effectiveness is evaluated by leave-one-out cross validation. Error in quantile estimates for ungauged sites is compared with that resulting from the use of region-of-influence (ROI) approach that forms site-specific regions exclusively for quantile estimation. Results indicate that error in quantile estimates based on GFCM regions and ROI are fairly close, and neither of them is consistent in yielding the least error over all the sites. The cluster analysis approach was effective in reducing the number of regions to be delineated for RFA.


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Scaling approaches are widely used by hydrologists for Regional Frequency Analysis (RFA) of floods at ungauged/sparsely gauged site(s) in river basins. This paper proposes a Recursive Multi-scaling (RMS) approach to RFA that overcomes limitations of conventional simple- and multi-scaling approaches. The approach involves identification of a separate set of attributes corresponding to each of the sites (being considered in the study area/region) in a recursive manner according to their importance, and utilizing those attributes to construct effective regional regression relationships to estimate statistical raw moments (SMs) of peak flows. The SMs are then utilized to arrive at parameters of flood frequency distribution and quantile estimate(s) corresponding to target return period(s). Effectiveness of the RMS approach in arriving at flood quantile estimates for ungauged sites is demonstrated through leave-one-out cross-validation experiment on watersheds in Indiana State, USA. Results indicate that the approach outperforms index-flood based Region-of-Influence approach, simple- and multi-scaling approaches and a multiple linear regression method. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Index-flood related regional frequency analysis (RFA) procedures are in use by hydrologists to estimate design quantiles of hydrological extreme events at data sparse/ungauged locations in river basins. There is a dearth of attempts to establish which among those procedures is better for RFA in the L-moment framework. This paper evaluates the performance of the conventional index flood (CIF), the logarithmic index flood (LIF), and two variants of the population index flood (PIF) procedures in estimating flood quantiles for ungauged locations by Monte Carlo simulation experiments and a case study on watersheds in Indiana in the U.S. To evaluate the PIF procedure, L-moment formulations are developed for implementing the procedure in situations where the regional frequency distribution (RFD) is the generalized logistic (GLO), generalized Pareto (GPA), generalized normal (GNO) or Pearson type III (PE3), as those formulations are unavailable. Results indicate that one of the variants of the PIF procedure, which utilizes the regional information on the first two L-moments is more effective than the CIF and LIF procedures. The improvement in quantile estimation using the variant of PIF procedure as compared with the CIF procedure is significant when the RFD is a generalized extreme value, GLO, GNO, or PE3, and marginal when it is GPA. (C) 2015 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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This report documents the methods used at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) for analyzing seawater nutrient samples with an Alpkem Series 300 Rapid Flow Analyzer (RFA) system. The methods have been optimized for the particular requirements of this laboratory. The RFA system has been used to analyze approximately 20,000 samples during the past two years. The methods have been optimized to run nutrient analyses in a routine manner with a detection limit of better than -±1% and a within run precision of -±1% of the full scale concentration range. The normal concentration ranges are 0-200 ~M silicate, 0-5 ~M phosphate, 0-50 ~M nitrate, 0-3 ~M nitrite, and 0-10 ~M ammonium. The memorandum is designed to be used in a loose-leaf binder format. Each page is dated and as revisions are made, they should be inserted into the binder. The revisions should be added into the binder. Retain the old versions in order to maintain a historical record of the procedures. (88 pages)


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O estudo objetivou avaliar a composição florística e estrutural dos componentes arbustivo-arbóreo da Floresta Ombrófila Densa submontana em diferentes estágios de regeneração natural, na vertente sudeste do Parque Estadual da Ilha Grande/RJ. Para o inventário florístico foram realizadas coletas assistemáticas em diferentes trechos nessa vertente. A complementação da lista de espécies foi feita a partir, da consulta às exsicatas dos herbários do Rio de Janeiro (FCAB, GUA, HB, HRJ, R, RB, RBR, RFA, RFFP e RUSU) e do inventário fitossociológico. Foi verificado o status de conservação das espécies inventariadas para a Flora Brasileira. Para o inventário fitossociológico foram estabelecidas 34 parcelas amostrais, totalizando 1,02 ha de área amostrada. Todos os indivíduos arbustivo-arbóreos com DAP ≥ 5 cm foram registrados e, após identificação, foram depositados no Herbário da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (HRJ). O pacote estatístico FITOPAC 2.1. foi utilizado para a análise dos dados. A similaridade entre o remanescente investigado neste estudo e as outras quatorze áreas distintas do Rio de Janeiro, da própria Ilha Grande ou não, foi avaliada, utilizando-se o coeficiente de Similaridade de Sorensen; pelo critério de agrupamento por ligação média não ponderada (UPGMA) e pelo método de autorreamostragem para a estrutura de grupos; utilizados os programas PAST v1.34 e Multiv 2.4. A partir do levantamento em herbários e dos inventários florístico e fitossociológico realizados neste trabalho, foram analisados 3.470 registros, sendo 1.778 do levantamento de herbários, 1.536 do levantamento fitossociológico e 156 do inventário florístico. Esses registros corresponderam a 606 espécies ou morfo-espécies de Angiospermas e uma de Pteridófita. Os resultados obtidos revelaram a existência de 22 espécies ameaçadas de extinção para a Flora do Brasil. Dentre, as quais, sete são exclusivas da amostragem fitossociológica: Abarema cochliacarpos (Gomes) Barneby & J.W. Grimes, Chrysophyllum flexuosum Mart., Ficus pulchella Schott ex Spreng., Macrotorus utriculatus Perkins, Myrceugenia myrcioides (Cambess.) O.Berg, Rudgea interrupta Benth e Urbanodendron bahiense (Meisn.) Rohwer. No estudo fitossociológico, inventariou-se 1.536 indivíduos de 217 espécies, subordinadas a 53 famílias. O índice de diversidade de Shannon (H) calculado foi de 4,702 nats/ind e equabilidade (J) de 0,874. As 10 famílias com maior riqueza foram: Myrtaceae (31 spp.), Rubiaceae (21), Fabaceae (17), Lauraceae (12), Euphorbiaceae (11), Monimiaceae (8), Melastomataceae (7), Sapindaceae (7), Sapotaceae (6) e Annonaceae (6). Os 10 maiores Valores de Importância das espécies foram para Chrysophyllum flexuosum (3,43%), Lamanonia ternata Vell. (3,40%), Hyeronima alchorneoides Allemão (2,83%), Actinostemon verticillatus (Klotzsch) Baill. (2,55%), Psychotria brasiliensis Vell. (2,55%), Eriotheca pentaphylla (Vell.) A. Robyns (2,28%), Guatteria australis A. St.-Hil. (2,12%), Mabea brasiliensis Müll. Arg. (2,04%), Miconia prasina (Sw.) DC. (1,89%) e Rustia formosa (Cham. & Schltdl. ex DC.) Klotzsch (1,82%). Amostraram-se 27% de espécies representadas por apenas um indivíduo. As análises florísticas avaliadas a partir do Índice de Similaridade de Sorensen indicaram como principais variáveis para a formação dos blocos, os diferentes valores de diversidade para as áreas e a distribuição fitogeográfica das espécies. Os resultados obtidos junto aos dados dos grupos ecológicos, para os indivíduos da fitossociologia, indicaram maior percentual de indivíduos secundários tardios amostrados. Conclui-se que a área de estudo é uma floresta secundária em estágio intermediário de regeneração, com grande riqueza de espécies, muitas das quais de relevante importância ecológica.


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A maioria dos pacientes que apresentam metástases hepáticas colorretais (MHCR) não são elegíveis para ressecção. Por isso, outras técnicas para se alcançar o controle locorregional da doença têm sido utilizadas. A Ablação por Radiofrequência (ARF) hepática tem sido empregada frequentemente para o tratamento desta condição devido às boas taxas de resposta, principalmente quando associada ao emprego de quimioterápicos modernos. Apesar da caracterização das MHCR no pré-operatório estar bem estabelecida, os parâmetros de ressonância magnética (RM) após ARF no período pós-cirúrgico requerem maior padronização objetiva. O coeficiente de difusão aparente de água (CDA) tem sido usado na RM como um parâmetro de isquemia e necrose. Entretanto, não está ainda bem definido seu papel e das imagens ponderadas de difusão (DWI) na avaliação da necrose coagulativa gerada pela ARF, especificamente em pacientes com MHCR. O objetivo deste estudo consiste em avaliar o espectro de mudança em RM funcional após a ARF de MHCR. Foi realizado estudo retrospectivo entre 2001 e 2006, avaliando 51 pacientes que foram submetidos à ARF por MHCR no Hospital Johns Hopkins (Baltimore, EUA) dos quais 16 preencheram os critérios de inclusão. Os critérios de inclusão foram: (1) apresentar MHCR tratada cirurgicamente com intenção curativa por ARF guiados por ultrassom per-operatório, e (2) ter uma RM anterior e imediatamente após a cirurgia (até 10 dias). As imagens de RMs antes e após a ablação hepática para MCHR foram identificadas e revistas. As imagens de RM de difusão e captação de contraste foram feitas numa unidade de 1.5 T. Imagens em T2 e T1 foram realizadas na presença e ausência de contraste venoso. Todos os exames tiveram a espessura de 4 a 6 mm e um intervalo de 2 mm, apresentando um angulo de rotação de 150. O índice de difusão foi determinado com um b-valor (intensidade do gradiente de difusão) de 500 seg/mm2. As análises de parâmetros para avaliar e comparar o pré e pós ARF através da RM funcional incluiram: (1) valores do mapa de CDA, (2) captação de contraste, (3) difusão e (4) mudança no tamanho da lesão. Em adição, a sobrevida mediana global e tempo para recorrência local foram calculados. As imagens foram avaliadas por um consenso de dois radiologistas/cirurgiões. Foram avaliados no total 65 lesões, com tamanho médio pré-ablação de 1,7 cm. Após ablação o tamanho médio da lesão aumentou para 3,5 cm (p<0,001). A captação de contraste nas fases arterial e venosa diminuíram significativamente após ARF (diminuição média 10% e 17,5%, respectivamente, p = 0,002 e <0,001). O valor médio do mapa de CDA da lesão foi de 2.79 x 10-3 mm2/seg pré-ARF, e após ARF diminui em média para 1.75 x 10-3 mm2/seg (p<0.001). A sobrevida mediana global foi de 34,7 meses. A ressonância magnética funcional através da captação de contraste e difusão pode prover uma estimativa subjetiva e objetiva da necrose coagulativa tissular e da desidratação celular na área ablada por radiofrequência. Quando combinada ao aumento no tamanho do tumor, podem atuar como um marcador adicional de resposta tumoral.


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The initial results from clinical trials investigating the utility of acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) imaging for use with radio-frequency ablation (RFA) procedures in the liver are presented. To date, data have been collected from 6 RFA procedures in 5 unique patients. Large displacement contrast was observed in ARFI images of both pre-ablation malignancies (mean 7.5 dB, range 5.7-11.9 dB) and post-ablation thermal lesions (mean 6.2 dB, range 5.1-7.5 dB). In general, ARFI images provided superior boundary definition of structures relative to the use of conventional sonography alone. Although further investigations are required, initial results are encouraging and demonstrate the clinical promise of the ARFI method for use in many stages of RFA procedures.


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BACKGROUND: Arrhythmia recurrence after cardiac radiofrequency ablation (RFA) for atrial fibrillation has been linked to conduction through discontinuous lesion lines. Intraprocedural visualization and corrective ablation of lesion line discontinuities could decrease postprocedure atrial fibrillation recurrence. Intracardiac acoustic radiation force impulse (ARFI) imaging is a new imaging technique that visualizes RFA lesions by mapping the relative elasticity contrast between compliant-unablated and stiff RFA-treated myocardium. OBJECTIVE: To determine whether intraprocedure ARFI images can identify RFA-treated myocardium in vivo. METHODS: In 8 canines, an electroanatomical mapping-guided intracardiac echo catheter was used to acquire 2-dimensional ARFI images along right atrial ablation lines before and after RFA. ARFI images were acquired during diastole with the myocardium positioned at the ARFI focus (1.5 cm) and parallel to the intracardiac echo transducer for maximal and uniform energy delivery to the tissue. Three reviewers categorized each ARFI image as depicting no lesion, noncontiguous lesion, or contiguous lesion. For comparison, 3 separate reviewers confirmed RFA lesion presence and contiguity on the basis of functional conduction block at the imaging plane location on electroanatomical activation maps. RESULTS: Ten percent of ARFI images were discarded because of motion artifacts. Reviewers of the ARFI images detected RFA-treated sites with high sensitivity (95.7%) and specificity (91.5%). Reviewer identification of contiguous lesions had 75.3% specificity and 47.1% sensitivity. CONCLUSIONS: Intracardiac ARFI imaging was successful in identifying endocardial RFA treatment when specific imaging conditions were maintained. Further advances in ARFI imaging technology would facilitate a wider range of imaging opportunities for clinical lesion evaluation.