27 resultados para RC0254
Background: This epidemiological study was carried out to establish the magnitude of the changing incidence of gastric and oesophageal cancer. Methods: Time-trend analyses of subsite-specific cancers of the oesophagus and stomach were performed using data from the Thames Cancer Registry database (1960-1996) for the South Thames Region. The changes in sex ratio and peak age of incidence are reported. Results: In the upper two-thirds of the oesophagus there was no significant change in the incidence rate, but the lower third of the oesophagus showed a marked rise for both sexes (average annual change + 0.05 for men, + 0.009 for women). For the gastric cardia, the incidence in males increased (average annual change + 0.025), while in females it remained unchanged. Cancers of the oesophagogastric junction showed a clear increase for both sexes (average annual change + 0.07 for men, + 0.009 for women). There were changes in the sex ratio and peak age of incidence for all subsite cancers for both sexes. Conclusion: Over a 37-year period the incidence of cancer of the oesophagogastric junction increased threefold, while the incidence of cancers of the other subsites of the stomach decreased. Further studies are needed to investigate the aetiology of these changes.
Syntheses and NMR studies are reported of two 15N-labelled Pt(II) complexes of anticancer interest: cis-PtCl2(15NH3)(c-C6H1115NH2), a metabolite of the orally-active Pt(IV) complex cis,trans,cis-[PtCl2(acetate)2(c-C6H11NH2)(NH3), and trans-[PtCl2(15NH3)(c-C6H1115NH2), a reduction product of the active Pt(IV) complex trans,trans,trans-[PtCl2(OH)2(c-C6H11NH2). For cis-[PtCl2(15NH3)(c-C6H1115NH2), hydrolysis was faster for the chloride ligand trans to cyclohexylamine, and the pKa values determined by [1H, 15N NMR spectroscopy for the two cis monoaqua isomers were the same (6.73). The trans monoaqua complex was a stronger acid with pKa of 5.4 (determined by 195Pt NMR). For the cis diaqua complex, pKa values of 5.68 and 7.68 were determined.
Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE) is a relatively new method for monitoring gene expression levels and is expected to contribute significantly to the progress in cancer treatment by enabling a precise and early diagnosis. A promising application of SAGE gene expression data is classification of tumors. In this paper, we build three event models (the multivariate Bernoulli model, the multinomial model and the normalized multinomial model) for SAGE data classification. Both binary classification and multicategory classification are investigated. Experiments on two SAGE datasets show that the multivariate Bernoulli model performs well with small feature sizes, but the multinomial performs better at large feature sizes, while the normalized multinomial performs well with medium feature sizes. The multinomial achieves the highest overall accuracy.
The Knoevenagel condensation of 1,3-dihydro-2H-indol-2-one with ferrocene carboxaldehyde afforded an approximate 2:1 mixture of the geometrical isomers (E)- and (Z)-3-ferrocenylmethylidene-1,3-dihydro-2H-indol-2-one respectively in an overall 67% yield; the air and solution-stable isomers were readily separated by preparative thin layer chromatography and their structures were unequivocally elucidated in solution, by (1)H NMR spectroscopy, and in the solid phase, by X-ray crystallography; both isomers of displayed in vitro toxicity against B16 melanoma and Vero cell lines in the micromolar range and inhibited the kinase VEGFR-2 with IC(50) values of ca. 200 nM.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Aims 1. The aims of this strategy are • to ensure that a full range of education and training related to the adult end of life care pathway is available across South East London to meet the needs of our health and social care workforce • to enable those responsible for end of life care education and training commissioning to procure comprehensively from a full range of education providers in a systematic and strategic manner. Background 2. The work that underpins this strategy was begun by the South East London Cancer Network via its Palliative and End of Life Care Coordinating Group and then developed by way of the Marie Curie Delivering Choice Programme’s Education and Training work stream.
In advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) platinum based chemotherapy with second generation drugs improves median survival (MS) to 8 months and 29% and 10% at 1 and 2 years. Platinum with a third generation drug can improve survival further (BMJ 1995;311: 899) (Spiro et al. Thorax 2004;59:828 Big Lung Trial; N Engl J Med 2003;346:92 ECOG study). NICE now recommends chemotherapy with platinum and a third generation drug for inoperable NSCLC as the first treatment modality. Methods: We audited survival of 176/461 consecutive patients referred for at least 3 courses of platinum and either gemcitabine or vinorelbine from July 2001 to December 2005. Minimal follow up 17 months. Chemotherapy was given on site. Radical radiotherapy for stage IIIA, palliative radiotherapy and second line drugs were given as felt appropriate. Results: 64% were male. 30 (17%) were <55 years ; 66 (37.5%) age 55–65 years; 63 (35.8%) aged 66–75 and 16 (9.1%) >75 years. 5 (2.8%) were stage II; 46 (26%) stage IIIA; 68 (38%) stage IIIB and 55 (30.8%) stage IV. 68 (38%) had 0– 2 courses; 63 (36%) 3 courses and 44 (25%) had 4 or more.
There is little agreement as to the most appropriate thermometer, the anatomical site to carry out temperature measurement in children with cancer, or the type of thermometer preferred by the patients. The authors carried out this study to assess temperature measurement in children with cancer who were admitted for febrile episodes. The body temperatures of children with cancer who were admitted consecutively between January and October 2005 to the paediatric department because of febrile episodes were measured on admission and over the next 24–36 hours using an electronic thermometer sublingually as the standard reference site. These measurements were compared with those obtained with two ear-based thermometers, a forehead thermometer, and from the axilla (representing current practice). The parents were asked about the type of thermometer they used at home and the children were asked about the type of thermometer they preferred. There were 34 admissions during this period, of which 19 (56%) were confirmed as febrile. Altogether, 108 sets of temperature measurements were obtained, producing a total of 540 measurements from these admissions. Measurements with the two ear-based thermometers in febrile children achieved higher sensitivity than that with axillary and the forehead measurements. The ear-based thermometer was the most common type used at home while the forehead thermometer was the one preferred by the children. In conclusion, ear-based temperature measurements in febrile children were more accurate than axillary and forehead temperature measurements. The current practice of axillary temperature measurement needs to be re-considered.
IDENTIFICACIÓN ZEB1 (Zinc Finger E-box Binding Homeobox) es un factor de transcripción funcionalmente asociado con la diferenciación de células como miocitos, neuronas, células de sostén y linfocitos T, además de estar involucrado en la Transición Epitelial-Mesenquimatosa (EMT) de los tumores sólidos epiteliales. Aún no se ha revelado en profundidad la participación de ZEB1 en los procesos de proliferación y diferenciación en los que participa. Estamos interesados en los mecanismos de regulación de ZEB1 y los factores que intervienen en los procesos de diferenciación y transformación celular. HIPÓTESIS 1. Las vías de señalamiento regulan el estado de fosforilación y la función de ZEB1 en la célula normal, el cual se desregularía en la célula neoplásica llevando a cambios en la función normal de ZEB1 y consecuentemente a metástasis. 2. IGF-1 es la señal que, en asociación con el supresor de tumores CCN6, juega un rol causal en la regulación de ZEB1 y esto a su vez en la metástasis del cáncer de mama. OBJETIVO GENERAL: establecer el rol funcional de ZEB1, su interrelación con otros factores y su regulación en los procesos de diferenciación y transformación celular. OBJETIVOS ESPECIFICOS (incluye Materiales y Métodos) 1. Estudiar la participación de vías de señalización sobre la función biológica de ZEB1 en células normales y neoplásicas. Analizaremos la participación de señales intracelulares en la fosforilación de ZEB1 por experimentos de ganancia/pérdida de función de la vía (por uso de inhibidores farmacologicos, mutantes silenciadoras y siRNAs), lo cual sera evaluado en EMSAs, ChIP, transfecciones, inmunofluoresc, etc. 2. Estudiar el rol de IGF-1 y CCN6 sobre la expresión y el estado de fosforilación de ZEB1 en tumores mamarios benignos, no invasivos e invasivos y metastatizantes. A) Se estudiará la expresión y localización subcelular de ZEB1 en líneas celulares de cáncer mamario y en xenotransplantes de ratón con variada expresión de CCN6. B) Investigar la relevancia de la fosforilación de ZEB1 mediada por IGF-1 en el EMT por experimentos con ganancia/pérdida de función. RESULTADOS ESPERADOS Esperamos poder delinear la/s vía/s de señalización intracelular que fosforilan ZEB1 y así conocer sobre la regulación del mismo. Podremos establecer algunas bases para entender la biología básica del cáncer de mama e identificar blancos terapéuticos. IMPORTANCIA Un amplio conocimiento de los factores de transcripción y sus vías de señalamiento es necesario para el desarrollo tanto de pruebas diagnósticas como para la identificación de nuevos blancos terapéuticos para neoplasias. De modo que resulta de gran importancia clínica determinar el rol de ZEB1, sus proteínas y vías reguladoras en el proceso de oncogénesis. El desarrollo del proyecto prevé la formación de dos tesistas. Se continuaran colaboraciones con dos grupos extranjeros y se iniciara una tercera.
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Peer reviewed
Financial support: This research was supported by grants to MDS from the NCI (2R01CA105304), the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (MOP79308) and the US Army Medical Research and Materiel Command Prostate Cancer Research Program (E81XWH-11-1-0551). Research by IJM’s group was supported by the Chief Scientist’s Office of the Scottish Government (ETM-258 and -382). We are grateful to Country Meadows Senior Men’s Golf Charity Classic for financial support of this research.
Abstract Background: Paediatric oncology palliative care in the community is rare and nationally there is a lack of standardisation of out of hours nursing service provision. Objectives: This paper seeks to explore influences on the experiences of paediatric nurses providing out of hours palliative care within the family home to children with cancer. The study used social worlds theory to aid identification and demonstration of the findings. Methods: Twelve community-based palliative cases were purposively selected from children with cancer treated at one regional centre. Tape-recorded interviews were undertaken with 54 health professionals (general practitioners, community nurses and allied health professionals) involved in providing their palliative care and five facilitated case discussions completed. Data analysis followed a grounded theory approach; chronological comparative data analysis identifying generated themes. Social worlds theory was used as a framework to examine the data. Results: Nurses’ experiences are shaped by their social world and those of the nursing team,child and family and the inter-professional team providing the care. The lack of a formalised service, sub-optimal inter-professional working and impact of social worlds influence the experience of the nurse. Conclusions: Social worlds theory provided a new perspective in understanding these experiences based within a paediatric palliative care setting, knowledge that can be used to inform service provision.
Background Childhood cancers are rare and general practitioners (GPs) have limited experience in caring for these children and even less in providing their palliative care. Most families prefer that their child is cared for at home in the palliative phase of their illness, with professional support from those known to them (Chambers and Oakhill 1995, Vickers and Carlisle 2000, Craft and Killen 2007). A community based qualitative study examined the experiences of ten GPs following their involvement in the care of a child with cancer receiving palliative care within the family home. Methods Data collection was through 1:1 in-depth interviews and facilitated case discussion supported by field notes and grounded theory analysis (chronological comparative data analysis identifying generated themes). Social worlds theory was used as a framework to aid examination, and facilitate critical understanding, of the experiences of the GPs. Findings This presentation focuses on five of the findings relating to the experiences of the GP; the impact of minimal contact; lack of knowledge and experience, uncertain role, out of hours service provision and the emotional toll. Findings highlighted that GPs often have to re-establish their role at the child’s transition to palliative care. Factors hindering the GP in this process include a deficit of specialist knowledge and experience of paediatric palliative care and lack of role clarity. Conclusions/points of interest Strategies for enhancing the role of the Macmillan team in supporting GPs have been identified by this study, such as enhanced collaborative working. Findings have also provided further confirmation of the substantial variation in out of hours medical palliative care provision; with evidence that some GPs work beyond their remit in providing informal out of hours care. This presentation details the findings of one aspect (the experiences of GPs) of a wider study that explored the experiences of 54 community based health professionals (GPs, community nurses and allied health professionals) who had been involved in caring for a dying with cancer receiving palliative care at home (Neilson 2009).