10 resultados para RANDIA
An iridoid glucoside: randinoside, along with five known iridoids: galioside, deacetylasperulosidic acid methyl ester, scandoside methyl ester, geniposide and gardenoside, were isolated from the stems of Randia spinosa. The structures were determined by spectroscopic analysis, including 2D NMR techniques. © 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Two new genera and five new species of Eriophyidae from forest trees in southern Brazil are described, namely: Juxtacolopodacus n. gen., Juxtacolopodacus phalakros n. sp. from Mollinedia clavigera Tul. (Monimiaceae); Procalacarus perporosus n. sp., from Randia armata (Sw.) (Rubiaceae); Scolotosus Flechtmann & Keifer, n. gen., Scolotosus centrolobii Flechtmann & Keifer, n. sp., from Centrolobium robustum Mart. (Leguminosae); Scolotosus hartfordi n. sp., from Centrolobium tomentosum Guill. (Leguminosae), and Metaculus tanythrix n. sp., from Dicksonia sellowiana Hook. (Dicksoniaceae).
The author has studied the domatia appearing in the Rubiaceae family by examining 278 species distributed among 95 genera; and she has verified that 51 species belonging to 29 genera have domatia fitting following types according to the Chevalier's classification: in the "touffe de poils", "em pertuis" and " enpochette". Fourtheen species showed domatia that has chamber and outlet orifice. The others 29 species present domatia either as aglomerates-hair, clusters-hair or scattered hairs and variations of this types; eight species present domatia "em pochette". On Paurichiantha rubra (Benth.) Brem., Rondelettia purdiei Hook f., and Randia cladantha K. Schum the domatia also appear in the axils nervure of several orders; and also in Psychotria racemosa Aubl., they are located in the axil of the angle toward the leaf base. The author observed for the first time two types of domatia in the same leaf on Psychotria fortuita Standi, and on type of domatia, with hairs, that is formed by a fold on the blade on Chomelia tenuiflora Benth.
The conservation of birds and their habitats is essential to maintain well-functioning ecosystems including human-dominated habitats. In simplified or homogenized landscapes, patches of natural and semi-natural habitat are essential for the survival of plant and animal populations. We compared species composition and diversity of trees and birds between gallery forests, tree islands and hedges in a Colombian savanna landscape to assess how fragmented woody plant communities affect forest bird communities and how differences in habitat characteristics influenced bird species traits and their potential ecosystem function. Bird and tree diversity was higher in forests than in tree islands and hedges. Soil depth influenced woody species distribution, and canopy cover and tree height determined bird species distribution, resulting in plant and bird communities that mainly differed between forest and non-forest habitat. Bird and tree species and traits widely co-varied. Bird species in tree islands and hedges were on average smaller, less specialized to habitat and more tolerant to disturbance than in forest, but dietary differences did not emerge. Despite being less complex and diverse than forests, hedges and tree islands significantly contribute to the conservation of forest biodiversity in the savanna matrix. Forest fragments remain essential for the conservation of forest specialists, but hedges and tree islands facilitate spillover of more tolerant forest birds and their ecological functions such as seed dispersal from forest to the savanna matrix.
Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi (Schinus) is an invasive exotic species widely found in disturbed and native communities of Florida. This species has been shown to displace native species as well as alter community structure and function. The purpose of this study was to determine if the growth and gas exchange patterns of Schinus, under differing salinity conditions, were different from native species. Two native upland glycophytic species (Rapanea punctata and Randia aculeata) and two native mangrove species (Rhizophora mangle and Laguncularia racemosa) were compared with the exotic. Overall, the exotics morphologic changes and gas exchange patterns were most similar to R. mangle. Across treatments, increasing salinity decreased relative growth rate (RGR), leaf area ratio (LAR) and specific leaf area (SLA) but did not affect root/shoot ratios (R:S). Allocation patterns were however significantly different among species. The largest proportion of Schinus biomass was allocated to stems (47%), resulting in plants that were generally taller than the other species. Schinus also had the highest SLA and largest total leaf area of all species. This meant that the exotic, which was taller and had thinner leaves, was potentially able to maintain photosynthetic area comparable to native species. Schinus response patterns show that this exotic exhibits some physiological tolerance for saline conditions. Coupled with its biomass allocation patterns (more stem biomass and large area of thin leaves), the growth traits of this exotic potentially provide this species an advantage over native plants in terms of light acquisition in a brackish forested ecosystem.
The Gulf of Carpentaria is an epicontinental sea (maximum depth 70 m) between Australia and New Guinea, bordered to the east by Torres Strait (currently 12 m deep) and to the west by the Arafura Sill (53 m below present sea level). Throughout the Quaternary, during times of low sea-level, the Gulf was separated from the open waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, forming Lake Carpentaria, an isolation basin, perched above contemporaneous sea-level with outlet channels to the Arafura Sea. A preliminary interpretation is presented of the palaeoenvironments recorded in six sediment cores collected by the IMAGES program in the Gulf of Carpentaria. The longest core (approx. 15 m) spans the past 130 ka and includes a record of sea-level/lake-level changes, with particular complexity between 80 and 40 ka when sea-level repeatedly breached and withdrew from Gulf/Lake Carpentaria. Evidence from biotic remains (foraminifers, ostracods, pollen), sedimentology and geochemistry clearly identifies a final marine transgression at about 9.7 ka (radiocarbon years). Before this transgression, Lake Carpentaria was surrounded by grassland, was near full, and may have had a surface area approaching 600 km-300 km and a depth of about 15 m. The earlier rise in sea-level which accompanied the Marine Isotopic Stage 6/5 transgression at about 130 ka is constrained by sedimentological and biotic evidence and dated by optical- and thermoluminescence and amino acid racemisation methods.
El trabajo tiene como objeto,inventariar las especies de dioscoreáceas que existen en la flora Salvadoreña y que tienen un valor comercial.De ellas se hace un análisis sinecológico, dando además su distribución en el territorio. Para los muestreos se dividió al país en tres franjas,una al lado del litoral,una central y una en la zona que colinda con Honduras.Se encontraron varias especies de las que se han identificado tres; de éstas, dos tienen valor comercial por contener esteroides, éstas son: Dioscores floribunda Mart.,y Gal.,y Dioscorea mexicana Guillemin.Estas dos últimas se distribuyen en la zona litoral y central, generalmente entre los 300 y 700 m.s.n.m.,especialmente en los bordes de los bosques de galería, asociados con Bactris balanoidea(Oerst)Wendl. "güiscoyol",palmácea y Randia armata(Swartz),D.C.rubiácea; además se les encontró asociada con Curatella americana L.,"chaparro"en la zona central, especialmente en suelos pedregosos.Se detectó una explotación desmedida de las especies comerciales; por consorcios nacionales y extranjeros, este tipo de explotación ha sido erradicada en México,por lo que se ha volcado a los países centroamericanos que poseen estas plantas.Se dan resultados de los cultivos realizados a partir de secciones de rizomas.