Palaeoenvironment records of six sediment cores collected in the Gulf of Carpentaria

Autoria(s): Chivas, Allan R; Garcia, Adriana; van der Kaars, Sander; Couapel, Martine JJ; Holt, Sabine; Reeves, Jessica M; Wheeler, David J; Switzer, Adam D; Murray-Wallace, Colin V; Banerjee, Debabrata; Price, David M; Wang, Sue X; Pearson, Grant; Edgar, N Terry; Beaufort, Luc; de Deckker, Patrick; Lawson, Ewan; Cecil, C Blaine





The Gulf of Carpentaria is an epicontinental sea (maximum depth 70 m) between Australia and New Guinea, bordered to the east by Torres Strait (currently 12 m deep) and to the west by the Arafura Sill (53 m below present sea level). Throughout the Quaternary, during times of low sea-level, the Gulf was separated from the open waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, forming Lake Carpentaria, an isolation basin, perched above contemporaneous sea-level with outlet channels to the Arafura Sea. A preliminary interpretation is presented of the palaeoenvironments recorded in six sediment cores collected by the IMAGES program in the Gulf of Carpentaria. The longest core (approx. 15 m) spans the past 130 ka and includes a record of sea-level/lake-level changes, with particular complexity between 80 and 40 ka when sea-level repeatedly breached and withdrew from Gulf/Lake Carpentaria. Evidence from biotic remains (foraminifers, ostracods, pollen), sedimentology and geochemistry clearly identifies a final marine transgression at about 9.7 ka (radiocarbon years). Before this transgression, Lake Carpentaria was surrounded by grassland, was near full, and may have had a surface area approaching 600 km-300 km and a depth of about 15 m. The earlier rise in sea-level which accompanied the Marine Isotopic Stage 6/5 transgression at about 130 ka is constrained by sedimentological and biotic evidence and dated by optical- and thermoluminescence and amino acid racemisation methods.


application/zip, 31 datasets








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Supplement to: Chivas, Allan R; Garcia, Adriana; van der Kaars, Sander; Couapel, Martine JJ; Holt, Sabine; Reeves, Jessica M; Wheeler, David J; Switzer, Adam D; Murray-Wallace, Colin V; Banerjee, Debabrata; Price, David M; Wang, Sue X; Pearson, Grant; Edgar, N Terry; Beaufort, Luc; de Deckker, Patrick; Lawson, Ewan; Cecil, C Blaine (2001): Sea-level and environmental changes since the last interglacial in the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia: an overview. Quaternary International, 83-85, 19-46, doi:10.1016/S1040-6182(01)00029-5

Palavras-Chave #<2 µm, >9 phi; A. alveoloniformis; A. beccarii; A. convexa; A. gaimardii; A. massulae; A. milletti; Acacia; Acalypha; Acanthaceae; Age, 14C calibrated; Age, 14C conventional; Age, amino acid analysis; Age, dated; Age, dated material; Age, dated standard deviation; Age dated; Age std dev; Alchornea; Alnus; Altingia; Amaranthaceae; Ammomassilina alveoloniformis; Ammonia beccarii; Ammonia convexa; Ammonia spp.; Anacardiaceae; ANSTO; Anthoceros-T; Anthoceros-type; Apiaceae; Araliaceae; Araucaria; Aspartic acid D/L ratio; Aspartic acid D/L ratio, standard deviation; Asp D/L; Asp D/L std dev; Asplenium-T; Asplenium-type; Asterac; Asteraceae; Asterorotalia gaimardii; Asterorotalia milletti; Avicennia; Azolla massulae; B. glutinata; B. vadescens; Banksia; Barringtonia; Bischofia-T; Bischofia-type; Bolivina glutinata; Bolivina vadescens; Bombax-T; Bombax-type; Bot; Botryococcus; BP; C/N; C. nucifera; C. refulgens; CaCO3; Calcium carbonate; Calculated from weight/volume; Callitris; CALYPSO; Calypso Corer; Carbon, organic, total; Carbon/Nitrogen ratio; Casuarina; Celtis; Ceratopteris; Charcoal/sed; Charcoal per unit sediment mass; Chenopod; Chenopodiaceae; Cibicides refulgens; Cocos nucifera; Coelastrum; Convolvulus-T; Convolvulus-type; Coprosma-T; Coprosma-type; Counting, palynology; Counting >125 µm fraction; Cruciferae; Crudia-T; Crudia-type; Cunoniceae; Cyathea-T; Cyathea-type; Cyperac; Cyperaceae; d13C; d13C Corg; Dacrycarpus; Dacrydium; Dated material; Davallia-T; Davallia-type; Debarya; delta 13C; delta 13C, organic carbon; Depth; Depth, bottom/max; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Depth, top/min; Depth bot; Depth top; Dillenia-T; Dillenia-type; Dipterocarpaceae; Dodonaea; E. advenum; E. carpent.; E. nesophylla-T; E. reticulosum; E. simplex; Elaeocarpus; Elphidium advenum; Elphidium carpentariensis; Elphidium reticulosum; Elphidium simplex; Eucalyptus nesophylla-type; Eucalyptus-T; Eucalyptus-type; Eugenia-T; Eugenia-type; Euphorbia-T; Euphorbia-type; F. pulchra; Facetocochlea pulchra; Fagraea; Fern spores, aquatic; Fern spores, psilamonolete; Fern spores aqu; Fern spores psi; Ficus; Freycinetia; G. vivans; Galium-T; Galium-type; Gallitellia vivans; Gas chromatography; Glu D/L; Glu D/L std dev; Glutamic acid D/L ratio; Glutamic acid D/L ratio, standard deviation; Grain size, mean; gs mean; Gunnera; Gyrostemon; H. cf. subhaidingerii; H. depressula simp.; Haloragis; Haynesina depressula simplex; Heterolepa cf. subhaidingerii; Hygrophila-T; Hygrophila-type; IMAGES; IMAGES III - IPHIS; International Marine Global Change Study; Ipomoea-T; Ipomoea-type; L. cernuum; L. comp.; L. costataperusa; L. microphyllum; L. phlegmaria; Labiatae; Lab no; Lachlanella compressiostoma; Leguminosae; Leucine D/L ratio; Leucine D/L ratio, standard deviation; Leu D/L ratio; Leu D/L ratio std dev; Liliaceae; Lithocarpus; Longetia-T; Longetia-type; Loranthaceae; Loxostomina costataperusa; Lycopodium cernuum; Lycopodium phlegmaria; Lygodium microphyllum; M. murrayi; Macaranga-T; Macaranga-type; Malvaceae; Marion Dufresne; Material and weight of CaCO3; MD106; MD972128; MD97-2128; MD972129; MD97-2129; MD972130; MD97-2130; MD972131; MD97-2131; MD972132; MD97-2132; MD972133; MD97-2133; Moraceae; Murrayinella murrayi; Myoporaceae; Myriophyllum; Nitrogen, organic; N org; Nothofagus; Nymphoides; Oleaceae; Organic Fraction; P. angusta; P. calcariformata; Palmae; Pandanus; Pararotalia calcariformata; Pararotalia sp.; Parsonia-T; Parsonia-type; Ped; Pediastrum; Phyllanthus-T; Phyllanthus-type; Phyllocladus; Pinus; Plantago; Poac; Poaceae; Podocarpus; Pollen, grassland; Pollen, lowland; Pollen, mangrove; Pollen, montane; Pollen, woodland; Pollen/sed; Pollen grassland; Pollen indet; Pollen indeterminata; Pollen lowland; Pollen mangrove; Pollen montane; Pollen per unit sediment mass; Pollen woodland; Polygonum; Polypodium-T; Polypodium-type; Potamogeton-T; Potamogeton-type; Proteaceae; Pseudorotalia angusta; Ptd.ud; Pteridophyta; Pteridophyta undifferentiated; Pteris; Q. cf. incisa; Q. philippinensis; Q. tropicalis; Q. tubilocula; Quinqueloculina cf. incisa; Quinqueloculina philippinensis; Quinqueloculina tropicalis; Quinqueloculina tubilocula; Randia-T; Randia-type; Reference; Reference/source; Restionaceae; Rhamnaceae; Rhizophora-T; Rhizophora-type; Rosaceae; Rosae; Rubae; Rubiaceae; Rutaceae; S. globosa; S. palustris; Sample, optional label/labor no; Sand; Sapotaceae; Schackionella globosa; Scoae; Scrophulariaceae; Selaginella; Silt; Size fraction < 0.002 mm, > 9 phi, clay; Solanaceae; Sonneratia; Species; Spirogyra; Stenochlaena palustris; T. secasensis; Terminalia-T; Terminalia-type; Textularia secasensis; Textularia sp.; TOC; Trema; Triumfetta; Tyhpa; Typha; Ulmus; Uniform resource locator/link to file; URL file; Utricularia; Val D/L ratio; Val D/L ratio std dev; Valine D/L ratio; Valine D/L ratio, standard deviation; Wahlenbergia; Water content of wet mass; Water wm; Zygnema
