326 resultados para R12


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In the structure of the title compound, C2H10N22+·C8H2Cl2O42-, the dications and dianions form hydrogen-bonded ribbon substructures which enclose conjoint cyclic R21(7), R12(7) and R42(8) associations and extend down the c-axis direction. These ribbons inter-associate down b, giving a two-dimensional sheet structure. In the dianions, one of the carboxylate groups is essentially coplanar with the benzene ring, while the other is normal to it [C-C-C-O torsion angles = 177.67 (12) and 81.94 (17)°, respectively].


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The 1:1 proton-transfer compounds of L-tartaric acid with 3-aminopyridine [3-aminopyridinium hydrogen (2R,3R)-tartrate dihydrate, C5H7N2+·C4H5O6-·2H2O, (I)], pyridine-3-carboxylic acid (nicotinic acid) [anhydrous 3-carboxypyridinium hydrogen (2R,3R)-tartrate, C6H6NO2+·C4H5O6-, (II)] and pyridine-2-carboxylic acid [2-carboxypyridinium hydrogen (2R,3R)-tartrate monohydrate, C6H6NO2+·C4H5O6-·H2O, (III)] have been determined. In (I) and (II), there is a direct pyridinium-carboxyl N+-HO hydrogen-bonding interaction, four-centred in (II), giving conjoint cyclic R12(5) associations. In contrast, the N-HO association in (III) is with a water O-atom acceptor, which provides links to separate tartrate anions through Ohydroxy acceptors. All three compounds have the head-to-tail C(7) hydrogen-bonded chain substructures commonly associated with 1:1 proton-transfer hydrogen tartrate salts. These chains are extended into two-dimensional sheets which, in hydrates (I) and (III) additionally involve the solvent water molecules. Three-dimensional hydrogen-bonded structures are generated via crosslinking through the associative functional groups of the substituted pyridinium cations. In the sheet struture of (I), both water molecules act as donors and acceptors in interactions with separate carboxyl and hydroxy O-atom acceptors of the primary tartrate chains, closing conjoint cyclic R44(8), R34(11) and R33(12) associations. Also, in (II) and (III) there are strong cation carboxyl-carboxyl O-HO hydrogen bonds [OO = 2.5387 (17) Å in (II) and 2.441 (3) Å in (III)], which in (II) form part of a cyclic R22(6) inter-sheet association. This series of heteroaromatic Lewis base-hydrogen L-tartrate salts provides further examples of molecular assembly facilitated by the presence of the classical two-dimensional hydrogen-bonded hydrogen tartrate or hydrogen tartrate-water sheet substructures which are expanded into three-dimensional frameworks via peripheral cation bifunctional substituent-group crosslinking interactions.


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In the title salt, C12H11N2O2+·C7H4NO5-, the cations and anions interact through asymmetric cyclic pyridinium-carboxylate N-HO,O' hydrogen-bonding associations [graph set R12(4)], giving discrete heterodimers having weak cation-anion - aromatic ring interactions [minimum ring centroid separation = 3.7116 (9) Å]


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一、氟里昂物质面临的问题氟里昂(Freon)物质是1930年首先由美国杜邦公司研制成功的商品名。长期以来,它作为一种毒性低、化学性能稳定且热力性能好的低沸点工质被大量使用,其中 CFCs 类(chlorofluorocarbons)物质即氯氟烃类物质应用尤为广泛,用于空调制冷剂(占总用量30%采用 R11、R12)、气溶胶喷雾剂(占25%,用 R11、R12)、溶剂与清洗剂(占20%,用R113)、保温塑料发泡剂(占25%,用 R11、R12)等方面。以溴原子置换氯原子的卤族化


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In this study, the energy for the ground state of helium and a few helium-like ions (Z=1-6) is computed variationally by using a Hylleraas-like wavefunction. A four-parameters wavefunction, satisfying boundary conditions for coalescence points, is combined with a Hylleraas-like basis set which explicitly incorporates r12 interelectronic distance. The main contribution of this work is the introduction of modified correlation terms leading to the definition of integral transforms which provide the calculation of expectation value of energy to be done analytically over single-particle coordinates instead of Hylleraas coordinates.


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本论文以地下渗滤系统标准化设计原则为依据,以地下渗滤系统设计方法为研究对象,以AutoCAD R12为开发平台,应用计算机辅助设计技术及人工智能语言LISP,建立了地下渗滤工艺计算机辅助设计系统。该系统充分利用AutoCAD R12的二次开发功能,提供了基础流程功能、格栅自动计算及绘图、三种沉砂池的自动计算及绘图、四种沉淀池的自动计算及绘图、地下渗滤系统的自动计算及绘图、第一分配槽和第二分配槽的标准图、查询诸如给水、排水、市政等方面的常用资料、设计说明的样板文件、标准图库以及丰富的联机帮助、对设计者的误操作提供了容错能力及人机对话等功能,具有使用方便、自动化程度高、坚固不易受误操作的影响特点。同时,该系统数据、图形等数据库系统具有修改、扩充的功能,易于继续开发。该系统是在我国“六五”、“七五”、“八五”攻关项目的基础上,根据地下渗滤系统的设计标准及参数,首次利用计算机技术,对地下渗滤工程的自动设计进行了尝试,是对土地处理技术体系的初充和完善,为土处理技术工程的设计标准化及规范化操作提供了技术支持。该系统以辽河油田茨榆坨采油厂生活污水处理与中水回用工程为范例,进行了参照研究。研究结果表明:各单体部分的尺寸与实际工程基本吻合,该软件包可以在一定的范围内推广应用,为地下渗滤工程的的提供了科学的方法。


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使用复杂晶体化学键理论计算了La0 .5R0 .5Ba2 Cu3O7(R =Pr,Nd ,Sm ,Eu ,Gd ,Dy ,Y ,Ho,Er,Tm ,Yb ,Lu) (La-R12 3) ,Pr0 .5R0 .5Ba2 Cu3O7(R =La ,Nd ,Sm ,Eu ,Gd ,Dy ,Ho ,Y ,Er,Tm ,Yb ,Lu) (Pr -R12 3)以及RBa2 Cu3O7(R =La ,Pr,Nd ,Sm ,Eu ,Gd ,Dy ,Ho ,Y ,Er,Tm) (R12 3)中Cu—O键的键共价性 ,结果表明Pr-R12 3,La-R12 3,以及R12 3都应具有超导性 ,而实验结果是La0 .5Pr0 .5Ba2 Cu3O7,R0 .5Pr0 .5Ba2 Cu3O7(R =La,Nd ,Sm ,Eu ,Gd)无超导性 .产生这种矛盾的原因尚不明确 ,需要做进一步的研究.


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Thymidylate synthase (TS), an essential enzyme for catalyzing the biosynthesis of thymidylate, is a critical therapeutic target in cancer therapy. Recent studies have shown that TS functions as an RNA-binding protein by interacting with two different sequences on its own mRNA, thus, repressing translational efficiency. In this study, peptides binding TS RNA with high affinity were isolated using mRNA display from a large peptide library (>10(13) different sequences). The randomized library was subjected up to twelve rounds of in vitro selection and amplification. Comparing the amino acid composition of the selected peptides (12th round, R12) with those from the initial random library (round zero, R0), the basic and aromatic residues in the selected peptides were enriched significantly, suggesting that these peptide regions might be important in the peptide-TS mRNA interaction. Categorizing the amino acids at each random position based on their physicochemical properties and comparing the distributions with those of the initial random pool, an obvious basic charge characteristic was found at positions 1, 12, 17 and 18, suggesting that basic side chains participate in RNA binding. Secondary structure prediction showed that the selected peptides of R12 pool represented a helical propensity compared with R0 pool, and the regions were rich in basic residues. The electrophoretic gel mobility shift and in vitro translation assays showed that the peptides selected using mRNA display could bind TS RNA specifically and inhibit the translation of TS mRNA. Our results suggested that the identified peptides could be used as new TS inhibitors and developed to a novel class of anticancer agents.


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海洋生物具有产生丰富多样的次生代谢产物的能力,其中红藻门松节藻科海藻卤代次生代谢产物以其结构新颖、生物活性独特引起了天然产物化学家的重视。 本论文对海洋红藻多管藻和松节藻进行了化学成分研究,综合利用各种色谱学方法 (硅胶柱层析、反相硅胶柱层析、凝胶Sephadex LH-20柱层析、半制备高效液相色谱以及重结晶等) 和现代波谱学技术 (IR、UV、EI-MS、FAB-MS、HR-ESI-MS、CD、1H-NMR、13C-NMR、DEPT、1H-1H COSY、HSQC、HMBC等),共分离鉴定了100个化合物,发现25个新化合物。 从多管藻中分离鉴定38个化合物 (24个溴酚化合物),其中7个新化合物 (均为溴酚化合物),包括1个菲并呋喃结构溴酚 (P1), 2个二氢菲结构溴酚 (P2, P3),1个含 5,7-dihydrodibenzo[c,e]oxepine 结构溴酚 (P4)和3个简单溴酚 (P5, P6, P7)。P1 (urceolatin) 属首例报道的具有菲并呋喃结构的天然产物,从该种中分离的化合物P12 和 P13 可能是其生源合成的前体。P2和P3为第二例报道的具有二氢菲结构的溴酚化合物。 从松节藻中分离并鉴定了62 个化合物,其中18 个为溴酚类新化合物,44 个为已知化合物。化合物具有多变的取代基团,包括2 个脲基吡咯烷酮溴酚化合物 (R1, R2), 4 个γ-脲基丁酸溴酚化合物 (R3-R6),5 个酰胺溴酚化合物 (R7, R8, R9, R13, R14),1 个溴酚砜化合物 (R12), 1 个Xanthene 溴酚化合物 (R10)和5 个简单溴酚化合物 (R11, R15, R16, R17, R18)。R1、R2 是首例报道的含有脲基吡咯烷酮片段的天然产物,R10 为首次报道的溴代Xanthene 类天然产物。 对分离到的化合物进行了清除DPPH 和ABTS两种自由基活性的筛选。结果发现溴酚类天然产物具有显著的DPPH自由基清除活性,其中R3 的IC50 仅为3.3 μM, 其活性强度约为阳性对照BHT (IC50 为82.1 μM) 的24倍。另外,溴酚类天然产物对ABTS自由基有较强的清除活性,R2 的TEAC(Trolox efficency activity capacity)值为5.2 mM,约为阳性对照 (ascorbic acid, 1.02 mM) 的 5 倍。初步的构效关系研究发现,稠环分子、多羟基和邻位甲氧基等结构特点能有效增强DPPH 自由基清除活性;特殊取代基如脲基、吡咯烷酮等含有氮原子的基团,能有效增强ABTS 自由基清除活性,多羟基、溴代等结构特点也使其活性有所增强。 本研究结果丰富了海藻卤代化合物的结构类型,为多管藻和松节藻的合理利用提供了一定的科学依据。


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Antibodies play an important role in therapy and investigative biomedical research. The TNF-family member Receptor Activator of NF-κB (RANK) is known for its role in bone homeostasis and is increasingly recognized as a central player in immune regulation and epithelial cell activation. However, the study of RANK biology has been hampered by missing or insufficient characterization of high affinity tools that recognize RANK. Here, we present a careful description and comparison of two antibodies, RANK-02 obtained by phage display (Newa, 2014 [1]) and R12-31 generated by immunization (Kamijo, 2006 [2]). We found that both antibodies recognized mouse RANK with high affinity, while RANK-02 and R12-31 recognized human RANK with high and lower affinities, respectively. Using a cell apoptosis assay based on stimulation of a RANK:Fas fusion protein, and a cellular NF-κB signaling assay, we showed that R12-31 was agonist for both species. R12-31 interfered little or not at all with the binding of RANKL to RANK, in contrast to RANK-02 that efficiently prevented this interaction. Depending on the assay and species, RANK-02 was either a weak agonist or a partial antagonist of RANK. Both antibodies recognized human Langerhans cells, previously shown to express RANK, while dermal dendritic cells were poorly labeled. In vivo R12-31 agonist activity was demonstrated by its ability to induce the formation of intestinal villous microfold cells in mice. This characterization of two monoclonal antibodies should now allow better evaluation of their application as therapeutic reagents and investigative tools.


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Grounded in Basic Psychological Needs Theory (Deci & Ryan, 2002), the present investigation examined whether psychological need satisfaction mediated the relationship between moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and well-being. Adopting a longitudinal design participants (N= 147) completed questionnaires assessing MVPA, well-being and perceived psychological need satisfaction in exercise contexts on three occasions separated by three weeks. A pattern of small-to-moderate correlations were noted between MVPA and indices of well-being (r12's ranged from .16 to .29). Multiple mediation analysis indicated that perceived psychological need satisfaction mediated the relationship between MVPA and well-being with perceived competence emerging as a unique mediator. Serial mediation analyses indicated the importance of ongoing psychological need satisfaction to well-being. Contexts that afford individuals the opportunity to engage in MVPA, as well as supports their need for competence, would be most advantageous for the promotion of psychological well-being.