992 resultados para Résolvine D1


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Les maladies cardiovasculaires représentent la deuxième cause de mortalité en Amérique du Nord. Ceci peut s'expliquer par la consommation riche en gras des Nord-Américains et par un apport élevé en oméga-6. Inversement, des populations qui ont un apport moindre en oméga-6 et plus riche en oméga-3, telles que les Japonais et les Inuits, ont une incidence peu élevée de maladies cardiovasculaires. Les oméga-3 s'avèrent effectivement bénéfiques pour prévenir l'apparition de maladies cardiovasculaires. Dans le cadre d'un infarctus du myocarde, les oméga-3 sont bénéfiques en prévention secondaire et s'avèrent cardioprotecteurs lorsque consommés avant l'épisode d'infarctus. De manière à utiliser les oméga-3 de façon plus clinique, le but de la première étude était de vérifier si un métabolite des oméga-3 impliqué dans la résolution de l'inflammation, la résolvine D1, pouvait s'avérer cardioprotecteur lorsque donné au moment de l'infarctus. Effectivement, la résolvine D1, donnée juste avant l'ischémie, s'avère cardioprotectrice en entraînant une diminution de l'inflammation, soit en favorisant la résolution de l'inflammation, et en activant une voie de cardioprotection qui entraîne la survie cellulaire. Par ailleurs, étant donné que la diète de la population canadienne est riche en oméga-6, l’objectif de la deuxième étude était de vérifier si l'effet de la résolvine D1 est conservé en présence d'un oméga-6, l'acide linoléique. Nos résultats nous indiquent que la résolvine D1 perd son effet cardioprotecteur en présence de l'acide linoléique. Celle-ci semble aggraver les lésions ischémiques, possiblement, par, la génération de métabolites pro-inflammatoires et vasoconstricteurs qui accroît les effets de l'ischémie. Ainsi, il est essentiel de tenir compte de l'apport en oméga-6 pour envisager un traitement à la résolvine D1 et d'encourager une diminution des oméga-6 dans l'alimentation au profit des oméga-3. Enfin, la troisième étude de cette thèse visait à vérifier le mécanisme de cardioprotection des oméga-3 afin de savoir si ce sont les métabolites issus des oméga-3 qui génèrent la cardioprotection. L'utilisation des inhibiteurs du métabolisme des oméga-3, soit la 15-lipoxygénase et la cyclo-oxygénase 2, inhibe la cardioprotection conférée par une diète riche en oméga-3. De plus, les inhibiteurs diminuent les concentrations de résolvine D1 plasmatique. Puis, la résolvine D1, donnée en présence des inhibiteurs, restaure la cardioprotection. De ce fait, les métabolites générés par les oméga-3, dont la résolvine D1, sont importants dans l’effet cardioprotecteur des acides gras oméga-3. En conclusion, la résolvine D1 peut s'avérer une option intéressante pour bénéficier des effets des oméga-3 lorsque celle-ci est donnée au moment de l'infarctus. D'ailleurs, les métabolites, tels que la résolvine D1, sont essentiels pour obtenir la cardioprotection avec les oméga-3. Toutefois, l'alimentation des patients doit contenir moins d’oméga-6 afin de bénéficier des aspects cardioprotecteurs des oméga-3. Les oméga-6 sont trop proéminents dans l'alimentation nord-américaine, ce qui est néfaste pour le système cardiovasculaire.


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Auditory fear conditioning is dependent on auditory signaling from the medial geniculate (MGm) and the auditory cortex (TE3) to principal neurons of the lateral amygdala (LA). Local circuit GABAergic interneurons are known to inhibit LA principal neurons via fast and slow IPSP's. Stimulation of MGm and TE3 produces excitatory post-synaptic potentials in both LA principal and interneurons, followed by inhibitory post-synaptic potentials. Manipulations of D1 receptors in the lateral and basal amygdala modulate the retrieval of learned association between an auditory CS and foot shock. Here we examined the effects of D1 agonists on GABAergic IPSP's evoked by stimulation of MGm and TE3 afferents in vitro. Whole cell patch recordings were made from principal neurons of the LA, at room temperature, in coronal brain slices using standard methods. Stimulating electrodes were placed on the fiber tracts medial to the LA and at the external capsule/layer VI border dorsal to the LA to activate (0.1-0.2mA) MGm and TE3 afferents respectively. Neurons were held at -55.0 mV by positive current injection to measure the amplitude of the fast IPSP. Changes in input resistance and membrane potential were measured in the absence of current injection. Stimulation of MGm or TE3 afferents produced EPSP's in the majority of principal neurons and in some an EPSP/IPSP sequence. Stimulation of MGm afferents produced IPSP's with amplitudes of -2.30 ± 0.53 mV and stimulation of TE3 afferents produced IPSP's with amplitudes of -1.98 ± 1.26 mV. Bath application of 20μM SKF38393 increased IPSP amplitudes to -5.94 ± 1.62 mV (MGm, n=3) and-5.46 ± 0.31 mV (TE3, n=3). Maximal effect occurred <10mins. A small increase in resting membrane potential and decrease in input resistance were observed. These data suggest that DA modulates both the auditory thalamic and auditory cortical inputs to the LA fear conditioning circuit via local GABAergic circuits. Supported by NIMH Grants 00956, 46516, and 58911.


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We study the hydrodynamic properties of strongly coupled SU(N) Yang-Mills theory of the D1-brane at finite temperature in the framework of gauge/gravity duality. The only non-trivial viscous transport coefficient in 1+1 dimensions is the bulk viscosity. We evaluate the bulk viscosity by isolating the quasi-normal mode corresponding to the sound channel for the gravitational background of the D1-brane. We find that the ratio of the bulk viscosity to the entropy density to be 1/4 pi. This ratio continues to be 1/4 pi also in the regime when the D1-brane Yang-Mills theory is dual to the gravitational background of the fundamental string. Our analysis shows that this ratio is equal to 1/4 pi for a class of gravitational backgrounds dual to field theories in 1+1 dimensions obtained by considering D1-branes at cones over Sasaki-Einstein 7-manifolds.


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We study giant magnons in the the D1-D5 system from both the boundary CFT and as classical solutions of the string sigma model in AdS(3) x S-3 x T-4. Re-examining earlier studies of the symmetric product conformal field theory we argue that giant magnons in the symmetric product are BPS states in a centrally extended SU(1 vertical bar 1) x SU(1 vertical bar 1) superalgebra with two more additional central charges. The magnons carry these additional central charges locally but globally they vanish. Using a spin chain description of these magnons and the extended superalgebra we show that these magnons obey a dispersion relation which is periodic in momentum. We then identify these states on the string theory side and show that here too they are BPS in the same centrally extended algebra and obey the same dispersion relation which is periodic in momentum. This dispersion relation arises as the BPS condition for the extended algebra and is similar to that of magnons in N = 4 Yang-Mills Yang-Mills.


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We show that integrability and symmetries of the near horizon geometry of the D1-D5 system determine the S-matrix for the scattering of magnons with polarizations in AdS(3) x S-3 completely up to a phase. Using semi-classical methods we evaluate the phase to the leading and to the one-loop approximation in the strong coupling expansion. We then show that the phase obeys the unitarity constraint implied by the crossing relations to the one-loop order. We also verify that the dispersion relation obeyed by these magnons is one-loop exact at strong coupling which is consistent with their BPS nature.


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We study the hydrodynamic properties of strongly coupled SU(N) Yang-Mills theory of the D1-brane at finite temperature and at a non-zero density of R-charge in the framework of gauge/gravity duality. The gravity dual description involves a charged black hole solution of an Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton system in 3 dimensions which is obtained by a consistent truncation of the spinning D1-brane in 10 dimensions. We evaluate thermal and electrical conductivity as well as the bulk viscosity as a function of the chemical potential conjugate to the R-charges of the D1-brane. We show that the ratio of bulk viscosity to entropy density is independent of the chemical potential and is equal to 1/4 pi. The thermal conductivity and bulk viscosity obey a relationship similar to the Wiedemann-Franz law. We show that at the boundary of thermodynamic stability, the charge diffusion mode becomes unstable and the transport coefficients exhibit critical behaviour. Our method for evaluating the transport coefficients relies on expressing the second order differential equations in terms of a first order equation which dictates the radial evolution of the transport coefficient. The radial evolution equations can be solved exactly for the transport coefficients of our interest. We observe that transport coefficients of the D1-brane theory are related to that of the M2-brane by an overall proportionality constant which sets the dimensions.


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Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription (STATs) regulate various target genes such as cyclin D1, MYC, and BCL2 in nonneuronal cells which contribute towards progression as well as prevention of apoptosis and are involved in differentiation and cell survival. However, in neuronal cells, the role of STATs in the activation and regulation of these target genes and their signaling pathways are still not well established. In this study, a robust cyclin D1 expression was observed following IGF-1 stimulation in SY5Y cells as well as neurospheres. JAK/STAT pathway was shown to be involved in this upregulation. A detailed promoter analysis revealed that the specific STAT involved was STAT5, which acted as a positive regulatory element for cyclin D1 expression. Overexpression studies confirmed increase in cyclin D1 expression in response to STAT5a and STAT5b constructs when compared to dominant-negative STAT5. siRNA targeting STAT5, diminished the cyclin D1 expression, further confirming that STAT5 specifically regulated cyclin D1 in neuronal cells. Together, these findings shed new light on the mechanism of IGF-1 mediated upregulation of cyclin D1 expression in neural cell lines as well as in neural stem cells via the JAK/STAT5 signaling cascade.


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We quantize the space of 2-charge fuzzballs in IIB supergravity on K3. The resulting entropy precisely matches the D1-D5 black hole entropy, including a specific numerical coefficient. A partial match (ie., a smaller coefficient) was found by Rychkov a decade ago using the Lunin-Mathur subclass of solutions - we use a simple observation to generalize his approach to the full moduli space of K3 fuzzballs, filling a small gap in the literature.


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O câncer de colo do útero é o terceiro tipo de câncer mais frequente em mulheres no mundo, e a infecção persistente pelo papilomavirus humano (HPV) oncogênico é condição necessária, mas não suficiente para seu desenvolvimento. As oncoproteínas virais E6 e E7 interferem direta ou indiretamente na ação de várias proteínas celulares. Entretanto, as variantes proteicas, resultantes de polimorfismos genéticos, podem apresentar comportamento distinto mediante a infecção pelo HPV. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar possíveis associações entre polimorfismos nos genes TP53 (p53 PIN3, p53 72C>G) e p21 (p21 31C>A) e o desenvolvimento de neoplasias cervicais, considerando os níveis de expressão das proteínas p53, p21, p16 e ciclina D1, e fatores de risco clássicos para o câncer cervical. Foram selecionadas 466 mulheres residentes no Rio de Janeiro, 281 com diagnóstico histopatológico de neoplasia cervical de baixo (LSIL) e alto grau (HSIL) e câncer (grupo de casos) e 185 sem história atual ou pregressa de alteração citológica do colo uterino (grupo controle). A técnica de PCR-RFLP (reação em cadeia da polimerase - polimorfismo de comprimento de fragmento de restrição), foi empregada na análise dos polimorfismos p53 72C>G e p21 31C>A, usando as enzimas de restrição BstUI e BsmaI, respectivamente. A avaliação do polimorfismo p53 PIN3 (duplicação de 16 pb) foi feita por meio da análise eletroforética direta dos produtos de PCR. A expressão das proteínas p53, p21, p16, ciclina D1 e Ki-67 e a pesquisa de anticorpos anti-HPV 16 e HPV pool foram avaliadas por imunohistoquímica (Tissue Microarray - TMA) em 196 biópsias do grupo de casos. O grupo controle se mostrou em equilíbrio de Hardy-Weinberg em relação aos três polimorfismos avaliados. As distribuições genotípicas e alélicas relativas a p53 PIN3 e p53 72C>G nos grupos controles e de casos não apresentaram diferenças significativas, embora o genótipo p53 72CC tenha aumentado o risco atribuído ao uso de contraceptivos das pacientes apresentarem lesões mais severas (OR=4,33; IC 95%=1,19-15,83). O genótipo p21 31CA(Ser/Arg) conferiu proteção ao desenvolvimento de HSIL ou câncer (OR=0,61, IC 95%=0,39-0,97), e modificou o efeito de fatores de risco associados à severidade das lesões. A interação multiplicativa de alelos mostrou que a combinação p53 PIN3A1, p53 72C(Pro) e p21 31C(Ser), representou risco (OR=1,67, IC95%=1,03-2,72) e a combinação p53 PIN3A1, p53 72C(Pro) e p21 31A(Arg) conferiu efeito protetor (OR=0,26, IC95%=0,08-0,78) para o desenvolvimento de HSIL e câncer cervical. Observou-se correlação positiva da expressão de p16 e p21 e negativa da ciclina D1 com o grau da lesão. A distribuição epitelial de p16, Ki-67, p21 e p53 se mostrou associada à severidade da lesão. Os polimorfismos analisados não apresentaram associação com a expressão dos biomarcadores ou positividade para HPV. Nossos resultados sugerem a importância do polimorfismo p21 31C>A para o desenvolvimento das neoplasias cervicais e ausência de correlação dos polimorfismos p53 PIN3 e p53 72C>G com a carcinogênese cervical, embora alguns genótipos tenham se comportado como modificadores de risco. Nossos resultados de TMA corroboram o potencial de uso de biomarcadores do ciclo celular para diferenciar as lesões precursoras do câncer cervical.


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水稻是我国及东南亚广大地区的主要粮食作物之一。已发现由叶绿体基因组编码的某些多肽与光合效率之间存在着密切的联系。但是,根据我们所掌握的资料,直至目前为止,还没有见到从分子水平上阐明高光效植物与低光效植物之间相互关系的研究报导。 本工作主要从编码D1蛋白的psbA基因着手研究。D1蛋白是光系统Ⅱ反应中心的组成之一,它是均三氮苯类(triazine)除草剂的结合受体。 实验采用无水法从杂交水稻威优64及其亲本V20A和测64的幼苗叶片中提联并纯化各自的ctDNA,然后用限制性内切酶BamHI、EcoRI、Hind III、PstⅠ分别进行切割消化。Southern吸印杂交结果表明,在水稻ctDNA2.2Kb的EcoRI限制片段上,编码着psbA基因的全序列。据此,我们用2.0-2.5 Kb范围的ctDNA的EcoR I酶切片段和pBR322质粒载体进行重组,并转化到E. coli HB101菌株中,构成水稻叶绿体DNA专一性基因文库。用分子杂交方法分别从三种水稻品种的专一性基因文库中调到了各自的psbA基因,它们的重组体质粒分别定名为pWsbA, pVsbA和ZsbA并构建了这三个基因的核酸内切酶图谱。结果发现,在本实验体检测的若干种核酸内切酶切割位点分布上,这三个基因并无差异,但同已发表的双子叶植物(豆,烟草等)比较,则有明显的不同。


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采用柱层析法从菠菜叶绿体中分离纯化得到高等植物光系统Ⅱ(PSⅡ)反应中心色素蛋白复合体Dl/D2/Cyt b559,并对其性质,特别是光破坏作用的分子机理进行了研究。主要结果如下: 1、PSⅡ反应中心复合物所含的色素比大约为Chla/2 Pheo a=6.0。其四阶导数光谱在红区有两个峰,表明该反应中心至少存在两种结合状态的Chla。 2、Dl/D2/Cyt b559复合物的荧光相对产率及发射光谱的谱带位置与样品的浓度直接相关。只有当样品的浓度达到足够稀的程度(Chla和Pheo a总浓度小于1μg/ml),才能得到较真实的荧光光谱,其峰位在681nm处。 3、Dl/D2/Cyt b559复合物的CD光谱在红区(Qy带)有一对反向谱带,正蜂为680nm,负峰为660nm,而在β-胡萝卜素的吸收区没有明显的CD信号。当该反应中心复合物受光破坏后,CD信号明显下降,而且当正峰完全消失后,负峰仍然存在,说明负峰不仅包含P680 的信号,也包含其它色素分子的信号,很可能有部分来源于Pheo a。 4、Dl/D2/Cyt b559复合物在488nm处激发的共振拉曼光谱显示四个主要谱带,其峰位分别在1532(ν1)、1165(ν2)、1010(ν3)和970cm-1(ν4)处,表明PSⅡ反应中心结合的B-胡萝卜素分子是全反式构型。Dl/D2/Cyt b559复合物的色素抽提液的拉曼光谱也显示四个主要的拉曼峰,其中ν4谱带的强度急剧下降,说明PSⅡ反应中心内部结合的β-胡萝卜素分子与抽提液中自由的β-胡萝卜素分子的构象不同,而与光合细菌反应中心内部的类胡萝卜素分子的构象相似,其共轭多烯链的平面也处于扭曲状态。 5、光照使PSⅡ反应中心的原初电子供体P680受到破坏,在光照后的暗放置过程中P680分子继续受到破坏,表明在光照过程中很可能有一个相对稳定的反应中间体产生,以至于光照后暗放置过程中Dl/D2/Cyt b559复合物的光谱特性继续发生变化。也就是说,PSⅡ反应中心Dl/D2/Cyt b559复合物的光破坏不是一步反应,而是一个多步反应或多条途径。 6、光照使Dl/D2/Cyt b559复合物中的组氨酸(His)残基受到很大程度的破坏,甲硫氨酸(Met)残基的含量也略有下降,而其它氨基酸的含量基本保持不变。His残基的破坏很可能与光照后暗放置过程中Dl/D2/Cyt b559复合物的光谱特性变化相关。我们认为His残基的光照破坏很可能是Dl/D2/Cyt b559复合物受光照破坏的另一分子机理。 7、人工电子受体癸基质体醌(DPQ)可以与Dl/D2/Cyt b559复合物进行重组。Dl/D2/Cyt b559复合物的荧光衰减分析表明,在DPQ重组之后,两个长寿命荧光组分(24ns和73ns)的寿命减小,而且占整个荧光的分数也下降,表明这两个长寿命荧光衰减组分均来源于电荷重组过程。同时,β-胡萝卜素分子在DPQ重组之后更易于被光照破坏,这个过程可能与β-胡萝卜素分子的生理功能相关。 8、在没有外加人工电子受体的情况下,光照使DDl/D2/Cyt b559 复合物的多肽组成发生一定变化。SDS-PAGE图谱中出现一个约40KDa的新谱带,同时Dl与D2多肽的表观分子量增加,谱带染色强度下降。 9、本文根据以上实验结果,着重对Dl/D2/Cyt b559复合物光破坏的分子机理进行了分析和讨论,并在D1蛋白裂解的两种可能途经中又增加了一个新的可能导致Dl蛋白裂解的途径,即:His残基的光照破坏可以作为Dl/D2/Cyt b559复合物光破坏及Dl蛋白裂解的又一分子机理,这为深入研究PSⅡ反应中心的光破坏提供了新的线索,也为今后研究活体内光抑制现象的分子机制打下了良好的基础