1000 resultados para Quebec draft bill


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Reviews key proposals of a draft Bill set out in Command Paper: The Law Commission: Termination of Tenancies for Tenant Default (Cm.6946), aimed at replacing the existing law on forfeiture of tenancies. Summarises the main elements of the proposed termination action by landlords, the events justifying such an action, the time limits for serving default notices, the revised range of court orders available and the considerations influencing which type of order to make. Examines the position of qualifying interest holders and the circumstances in which summary termination notices are prohibited.


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Attempts are under way to condense more than 70 pieces of federal, state and territory legislation on personal property securities (PPS) into a single Federal Act. The revised second draft of the PPS Bill 2008 was released in November calling for further public comments by December 2008. The aim of this article is to highlight some of the important instances where further intensive drafting is needed. It draws out some key issues that have not been addressed that may assist in further revising the bill. Overall, the author firmly believes that the bill is far from perfect, that much work is still needed to improve clarity and readability and to minimise any uncertainty in the use of certain terms that are repetitive and obsolete. The article concludes with some useful references that Australia could perhaps learn from the problems currently experienced in New Zealand under its own PPS Act.


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Cover title.


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[Préciser ici le type de document. Par défaut, dans Papyrus, tous les documents de la revue sont du type "Article":] Commentaire / Commentary Compte-rendu / Review Éditoral / Editorial Étude de cas / Case study Lettre à l'éditeur / Letter to the Editor Actes de colloque / Conference Proceedings


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Échange automatisé de messages préprogrammés, communication par courrier électronique, gestion électronique de documents (GED), Data warehouse, EDI… Le monde des affaires vibre depuis quelques années au rythme des nouvelles technologies de l’information. Le droit commercial lui, a du mal à emboîter le pas. Pourtant, les problèmes juridiques soulevés par ce règne de l’immatériel sont majeurs et les incertitudes, grandissantes. La mobilité accrue que permettent ces techniques modernes de transmission et de gestion des informations suggère une solution concertée, qui plus est, tiendra compte de l’évolution hâtée dans ce domaine. Le fondement en a été donné à travers la Loi type des Nations unies sur le commerce électronique en 1996. Plusieurs législations l’ont choisi comme modèle. La législation canadienne est de celles-ci, avec notamment sa Loi uniforme sur le commerce électronique adoptée par la Conférence pour l’harmonisation des lois au Canada en 1999. La législation québécoise aussi a suivi le mouvement. Le 16 juin 2000, un avant-projet de loi portant sur la normalisation juridique des technologies de l’information fut déposé devant l’Assemblée nationale. Cet avant-projet de loi est devenu projet de loi 161, Loi concernant le cadre juridique des technologies de l’information. Mais au-delà des apparences, le législateur québécois semble s’être écarté de la philosophie qui a influencé la Loi type et, conséquemment, la Loi uniforme. Si cette remarque est vérifiée, il faudra craindre l’isolement du Québec et, par ricochet, un positionnement peu concurrentiel dans le commerce international.


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Le 12 juin 2002, le gouvernement du Québec rendait public un projet de loi visant à lutter contre la pauvreté et l’exclusion sociale. Le projet de loi 112 fait de la lutte contre la pauvreté une priorité gouvernementale et il engage le gouvernement à mettre en place des plans d’action spécifiques et des structures institutionnelles pour assurer le suivi de ces plans. La loi s’accompagne également d’une stratégie gouvernementale relativement ambitieuse de lutte contre la pauvreté. L’article présente le projet de loi et la stratégie, en insistant sur les origines citoyennes du projet et sur ses implications pour la démocratisation du social. Le projet a le mérite de mettre la lutte contre la pauvreté à l’avant-plan et d’être conçu dans une perspective longitudinale, intégrée et participative. Mais il demeure pour l’instant relativement abstrait. Seul le temps nous dira si cette ouverture significative donnera des résultats importants.


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The implementation of the European Commission Services Directive initiated the modernization process of services markets within the European Union. The objective was to guarantee the creation of a single market by ensuring the freedom of establishment and circulation. The transposition of the Directive in Spain triggered an initial wave of reforms in the Spanish legal system. A second package of reforms is currently underway, following recommendations by the EC, IMF and OECD, which highlight the relative lack of competition in Spain’s services as one of the major imbalances in its economy, alongside the public deficit and unemployment. Both the implemented and planned reforms represent a major step forward. Nevertheless, the government has recently announced modifications to the draft bill of the Professional Services and Associations Law, which is expected to soon be submitted for parliamentary debate and approval. Taking into consideration modifications already introduced, together with anticipated further changes, it will be important to maintain the main points of the draft bill and to introduce a deeper review of the legal framework for professional services, of the professional associations themselves, and for the activities that are subject to compulsory membership within a professional association. Spain’s territorial map of professional associations must too be redrawn.


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The text addresses the issue of information security as exemplified by clandestine collaboration and the influence exerted by the Internal Security Agency officers upon journalists. The texts analyzes the de lege lata regulations as well as the de lege ferenda ones. As for the former, the penal provisions of the Act, that is Articles 153b–153d (Chapter 10a) are applicable, whereas as for the latter, the applicable regulations are the 2013 Bill Articles numbered 197-199 (Chapter 10). In both the 2002 Act on the Internal Security Agency and Foreign Intelligence Agency as well as in the 2013 draft Bill of the Internal Security Agency, the legislator penalizes the employment by the officers of the information acquired while fulfilling or in connection with official duties for the purpose of affecting the operation of public authority bodies, entrepreneurs or broadcasters, editors-in-chief, journalists and persons conducting publishing activity. Also, the text analyzes regulations concerned with the penalization of clandestine collaboration engaged in by ABW officers with a broadcaster, editor-in-chief, a journalist and a person conducting publishing activity.


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This article deals with a draft bill amending the Code of Commercial Companies and the ongoing debate on the planned amendment which includes a proposal to remove a fixed minimum of share capital in limited liability companies. The most important issue under consideration in this paper is the protection of a company’s creditors. The author of the following article, referring to a number of already published statements concerning the draft bill, summarizes the ongoing discussion about the role and the functions of share capital and the proposed new instruments for strengthening creditors’ protection.


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L’intérêt de l’enfant est une notion « polymorphe » dont les tenants et aboutissants sont difficiles à cerner. A priori, nous postulions que son caractère polymorphe en permet l’instrumentalisation, les acteurs sociaux cherchant, par la représentation qu’ils s’en font, à défendre leurs intérêts. Notre mémoire prend d’ailleurs à partie l’exemple de l’avant-projet de Loi modifiant le Code civil et d’autres dispositions législatives en matière d’adoption et d’autorité parentale. Dans notre premier titre, il convenait ainsi de dresser l’historique de l’intérêt de l’enfant en tant que notion variablement évolutive, de sa réception en jurisprudence et dans les lois québécoises portant sur l’adoption, à son incorporation en droit commun, à la suite de l’abrogation du concept de puissance paternelle. Nous en avons également identifié les fondements, au travers du droit anglais, du droit international, des Chartes et du droit naturel. Les éléments de définition du concept étant multiples, nous avons enfin cherché à le conceptualiser, à en dégager les bases légales et à effectuer l’analyse doctrinale et jurisprudentielle de ses critères. Puis, afin de démontrer nos prémisses, nous avons examiné, dans notre seconde partie, les discours de quelques 23 intervenants dans le cadre des consultations menées par la Commission des institutions sur l’avant-projet de loi susdit. En somme, alors que les chercheurs universitaires ont une position ne cherchant pas à insister sur une dimension de l’intérêt de l’enfant convergeant vers leur mission, les propos des ordres professionnels, des groupes de pression et des organismes para-gouvernementaux sont, en revanche, à l’effet contraire.


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This thesis entitled “The right to freedom of information in india”.In a democracy, the citizens being the persons to choose their own governors, the right to know from the Government is a pre-condition for a properly evaluated election. Freedom of speech and expression, one of the repositories of self~government, forms the basis for the right to know in a wider scale. The functions which the free speech rights serve in a society also emphasize the need for more openness in the functioning of a democracy.Maintanance of law and order and investigation of crimes are highly important in a country like India, where no risk may be taken on account of the public‘s right to know. The Indian situations relating terrorist activities, riots based on language, region, religion and caste are important in this respect. The right to know of the citizens may be regulated in the interests of secrecy required in these areas.On the basis of the conclusions reached in this study, a draft Bill has been proposed for the passing of an Access to Public Documents Act. This Bill is appended to this Thesis.


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A agenda de aperfeiçoamento do marco regulatório das organizações da sociedade civil (OSCs) no Brasil permanece paralisada há mais de uma década. O último avanço significativo ocorreu em 1999, quando foi editada a Lei das Oscips – Organizações da Sociedade Civil de Interesse Público. Em 2010, contudo, a então candidata Dilma Rousseff assumiu o compromisso de instalar um Grupo de Trabalho (GT) para desenvolver, em um ano, proposta de legislação que contemplasse “de forma ampla e orgânica” os diversos desafios do setor. Em setembro do ano seguinte, o GT foi efetivamente constituído, tendo apresentado, em agosto de 2012, o seu Relatório Final, cuja principal proposta é um anteprojeto de lei que estabelece novas normas sobre fomento e colaboração do Governo Federal com as OSCs. O presente artigo tem por objetivo analisar essa iniciativa, destacando os aspectos positivos e problemáticos tanto do processo conduzido pelo Governo Federal quanto do anteprojeto de lei que dele resultou.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciência Política, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Política, 2010.