45 resultados para Quasicrystals


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Arcs of diffuse intensity appear in various shapes and positions in the diffraction patterns from the icosahedral phase, violating the parity rule for simple icosahedral (SI) symmetry. In the process of annealing treatment, the diffuse spots also evolve in the centre of the arcs and become sharp. These extra diffuse spots change the symmetry of the quasilattice from P-type to F-type. The ordered and disordered structures in quasicrystal have been linked to the ordered and disordered structures present in the crystalline alpha (Al-Mn-Si) and alpha (Al-Fe-Si) alloys.


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A new exciting era in the study of rapidly solidified alloys has been ushered in by the discovery of a quasicrystalline phase in an Al-1O%Mn alloy by Shechtman et al. (l). The fact that a quasicrystal diffracts electrons and X-rays like a single crystal provides a powerful approach for exploring the atomic configuration in these alloys. Shechtman et al deduced the icosahedral point group symmetry exhibited by quasicrystals on the basis of a set of three electron diffraction patterns showing 5-fold, 3-fold and 2-fold axes of symmetry with appropriate angular relationships. The exotic crystallography of quasicrystals has been recently reviewed by Nelson and Halperin (2).


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We report the evolution of diffuse intensity during the low-temperature ageing of Al-Mn quasicrystals. This is taken as evidence of short-range order in the icosahedral phase prior to its decomposition. The implication of these diffuse intensities is discussed.


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Electron and x-ray diffraction experiments on the metlt-spun Al100−x Fe x (x=14, 18, 25) alloys are carried out. It is observed that all the melt-spun alloys possessing the quasi-crystalline phases have icosahedral point-group symmetry.


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The discovery of a solid exhibiting m 3 5 point group symmetry by Shechtman et. al. (l) in a rapidly solidified Al-14at%Mn alloy has activated intensive studies of a new class of solids, termed as quasicrystals (2). While the original discovery reported the existence of quasicrystals in AI-Mn. AI-Fe and AI-Cr alloys, subsequent work has revealed their existence in Mg-Zn-Al(3,4), Mg-A]-Cu(5), AI-Mn-Si(6) and Ti-Ni-V(7) alloys (Table l).


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Following the discovery of two dimensional quasicrystals in rapidly solidified Al-Mn alloys by us and L. Bendersky in 1985, a number of fascinating studies has been conducted to unravel the atomic configuration of quasicrystals with decagonal symmetry. A comprehensive mapping of the reciprocal space of decagonal quasicrystals is now available. The interpretation of the diffraction patterns brings out the comparative advantages of various indexing schemes. In addition, the nature of the variable periodicity can be addressed as a form of polytypism. The relation between decagonal quasicrystals and their crystalline homologues will be explored with emphasis on Al60Mn11Ni4 and 'Al3Mn'. It will also be shown that decagonal quasicrystals are closely related to icosahedral quasicrystals, icosahedral twins and vacancy ordered phases.


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The existence of an icosahedral phase in Mg−Al−Ag is better understood on a crystallographic basis rather than on a quantum structural diagram basis. The quasicrystalline structure is delineated in terms of quasiperiodic arrangement of Pauling triacontahedra, which can be identified in the equilibrium structure. Subtle differences in the electron diffraction patterns have been recorded compared to the ideal quasicrystalline pattern. The misalignment of spots and distortions are better attributed to higher order rational approximate structure than anisotropic phason strain. Ares of diffuse intensity have been related to the ordering among the atoms in the clusters.


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The linear compressibility and the thermal expansion of Al-Fe and Al-Mn quasicrystals have been reported to be anisotropic. The authors suggest that the observed anisotropy in these properties could be due to the presence of decagonal quasicrystals rather than icosahedral quasicrystals.


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Calculations in a hydrodynamic model of quasicrystal dynamics show that dislocation motion in these systems is impeded by a drag far greater than that in crystals.


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Electron diffraction and high-resolution electron microscopy have been employed to differentiate among icosahedral, decagonal and crystalline particles that occur in as-cast and rapidly solidified Al-Mn-Cu alloys. The resemblance between decagonal quasicrystals and crystals in their electron diffraction patterns is striking. The crystalline structure is based on the orthorhombic 'Al3Mn' structure, but also a new monoclinic phase called 'X' has been discovered and described here. The present observations are also closely related to the orthorhombic structures in Al60Mn11Ni4. The occurrence of fine-scale twinning and fragmentation into domains explains the complex diffraction effects.


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In order to generate normal Penrose tilings by inflation/deflation, decisions have to be made regarding the matching of the rhombuses/tilings with their neighbours. We show here that this decision-making problem can be avoided by adopting a deflation/inflation procedure which uses the decorated rhombuses with identical boundaries. The procedure enables both kinds of inflated rhombuses to match in any orientation along their edges. The tilings so generated are quasiperiodic. These structures appear to have a close relationship with the growth mechanism of quasicrystals.


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Spiral space filling geometrical constructions using rhombuses in two dimensions are considered as plausible mechanisms for quasicrystal growth. These models will show staircase-like features which may be observed experimentally.


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Assuming an entropic origin for phason elasticity in quasicrystals, we derive predictions for the temperature dependence of grain-boundary structure and free energy, the nature of the elastic instability in these systems, and the behavior of sound damping near the instability. We believe that these will provide decisive tests of the entropic model for quasicrystals.