982 resultados para Quantum Supersymmetry


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We present a general prescription for the construction of integrable one-dimensional systems with closed boundary conditions and quantum supersymmetry.


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A general graded reflection equation algebra is proposed and the corresponding boundary quantum inverse scattering method is formulated. The formalism is applicable to all boundary lattice systems where an invertible R-matrix exists. As an application, the integrable open-boundary conditions for the q-deformed supersymmetric U model of strongly correlated electrons are investigated. The diagonal boundary K-matrices are found and a class of integrable boundary terms are determined. The boundary system is solved by means of the coordinate space Bethe ansatz technique and the Bethe ansatz equations are derived. As a sideline, it is shown that all R-matrices associated with a quantum affine superalgebra enjoy the crossing-unitarity property. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.


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A multiparametric extension of the anisotropic U model is discussed which maintains integrability. The R-matrix solving the Yang-Baxter equation is obtained through a twisting construction applied to the underlying U-q(sl (2/1)) superalgebraic structure which introduces the additional free parameters that arise in the model. Three forms of Bethe ansatz solution for the transfer matrix eigenvalues are given which we show to be equivalent.


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The Bariev model with open boundary conditions is introduced and analysed in detail in the framework of the Quantum Inverse Scattering Method. Two classes of independent boundary reflecting K-matrices leading to four different types of boundary fields are obtained by solving the reflection equations. The models are exactly solved by means of the algebraic nested Bethe ansatz method and the four sets or Bethe ansatz equations as well as their corresponding energy expressions are derived. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We consider the statistical properties of the local density of states of a one-dimensional Dirac equation in the presence of various types of disorder with Gaussian white-noise distribution. It is shown how either the replica trick or supersymmetry can be used to calculate exactly all the moments of the local density of states.' Careful attention is paid to how the results change if the local density of states is averaged over atomic length scales. For both the replica trick and supersymmetry the problem is reduced to finding the ground state of a zero-dimensional Hamiltonian which is written solely in terms of a pair of coupled spins which are elements of u(1, 1). This ground state is explicitly found for the particular case of the Dirac equation corresponding to an infinite metallic quantum wire with a single conduction channel. The calculated moments of the local density of states agree with those found previously by Al'tshuler and Prigodin [Sov. Phys. JETP 68 (1989) 198] using a technique based on recursion relations for Feynman diagrams. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We apply the supersymmetry approach to one-dimensional quantum systems with spatially dependent mass, by including their ordering ambiguities dependence. In this way we extend the results recently reported in the literature. Furthermore, we point out a connection between these systems and others with constant masses. This is done through convenient transformations in the coordinates and wave functions.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 81Q60, 35Q40.


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We analyze the timing of photons observed by the MAGIC telescope during a flare of the active galactic nucleus Mkn 501 for a possible correlation with energy, as suggested by some models of quantum gravity (QG), which predict a vacuum refractive index similar or equal to 1 + (E/M-QGn)(n), n = 1, 2. Parametrizing the delay between gamma-rays of different energies as Delta t = +/-tau E-1 or Delta t = +/-tau E-q(2), we find tau(1) = (0.030 +/- 0.012) s/GeV at the 2.5-sigma level, and tau(q) = (3.71 +/- 2.57) x 10(-6) s/GeV2, respectively. We use these results to establish lower limits M-QG1 > 0.21 X 10(18) GeV and M-QG2 > 0.26 x 10(11) GeV at the 95% C.L. Monte Carlo studies confirm the MAGIC sensitivity to propagation effects at these levels. Thermal plasma effects in the source are negligible, but we cannot exclude the importance of some other source effect.


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The formalism of supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics can be extended to arbitrary dimensions. We introduce this formalism and explore its utility to solve the Schrödinger equation for a bidimensinal potential. This potential can be applied in several systems in physical and chemistry context , for instance, it can be used to study benzene molecule.


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The formalism of supersymmetric quantum mechanics provides us with the eigenfunctions to be used in the variational method to obtain the eigenvalues for the Hulthen potential.


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The formalism of supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics can be extended to arbitrary dimensions. We introduce this formalism and explore its utility to solve the Schodinger equation for a bidimensional potential. This potential can be applied in several systens in physical and chemistry context, for instance, it can be used to study benzene molecule.


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The Schrodinger equation with the truncated Coulomb potential is solved using the supersymmetric quantum mechanics formalism, with and without the cutoff in the angular momentum potential. We obtain some analytical eigenfunctions and eigenvalues for particular values of the cutoff parameter.


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The formalism of supersymmetric quantum mechanics is used to determine trial functions in order to obtain eigenvalues for the Lennard-Jones (12, 6) potential from variational method. The superpotential obtained provides an effective potential which can be directly comparable to the original one.


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The Variational Method is applied within the context of Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics to provide information about the energy and eigenfunction of the lowest levels of a Hamiltonian. The approach is illustrated by the case of the Morse potential applied to several diatomic molecules and the results are compared with stabilished results. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Using the factorisation method in supersymmetric quantum mechanics the author determines new potentials from the Morse oscillator. This method is applied although the ladder operators are not used.