895 resultados para Puerperal infection
A enfermagem é uma profissão voltada para o cuidado das pessoas nas diferentes fases da vida, o ato de cuidar é a essência no fazer da enfermeira, e, possui uma inquietação com o conjunto de prioridade de pesquisa em seu meio. Neste sentido, a saúde materna considerada um indicador sensível à qualidade de vida de uma população é uma delas. O presente estudo é uma revisão integrativa da literatura que teve como objetivo descrever as infecções mais frequentes que a mulher está exposta durante o período puerperal, investigadas em publicações nacional e internacional da área da saúde, além de identificar o nível de evidência cientifica de cada artigo. Para a seleção dos estudos foram utilizadas três bases de dados, ScienceDirect, Pubmed e Lilacs. O recorte temporal foi de 2009 a 2013 e, a amostra foi composta por 19 artigos, relacionado à infecção puerperal. Os dados foram coletados da segunda quinzena de setembro à primeira de outubro. A análise dos estudos permitiu identificar que mais da metade das publicações foi no Brasil. Dois estudos identificaram enfermeiros como autores. A maioria dos periódicos de veiculação dos estudos era da área medica. Doze estudos apresentaram delineamento não experimental, três eram estudo de caso e quatro apresentaram delineamento experimental. As principais infecções puerperais encontradas foram a endometrite, a infecção urinária, a infecção do sítio cirúrgico, a sepse puerperal, a mastite, a cervicite. Os resultados mostraram que são necessárias mais pesquisas com delineamento experimental, principalmente no que tange a área da enfermagem. A avaliação rigorosa da puérpera no pós-parto, a adequada conduta para prevenção da infecção puerperal e/ou manejo das intervenções no cuidado da paciente com morbidade infecciosa, alicerçam ações indispensáveis da enfermeira na obtenção de um atendimento de enfermagem mais seguro, de qualidade, que promova o protagonismo da mulher nesta etapa importante de sua vida e lhe proporcione autonomia em relação aos seus direitos sexuais e reprodutivos contribuindo para a redução da mortalidade materna.
Background. There is a need to assess the effects of different antibiotic administration models on infectious complications among women from low-income populations who undergo cesarean delivery, and the cost benefit. Design. Randomized, blinded controlled clinical trial study of a single preoperative dose of cephalothin, versus a postcesarean scheme for infection prophylaxis, versus no antibiotics. Methods. The setting was a tertiary Brazilian center with 1,500 deliveries annually. Pregnant women (n = 600) with an indication for emergency or elective cesarean section were randomly allocated consecutively to one of three groups and treated as follows: Group 1 (n = 200), no antibiotics; Group 2 (n = 200), the standard antibiotics scheme followed at this center; Group 3 (n = 200), a single dose of intravenous cephalothin 2 g, intraoperatively. Main outcome measurements. Prevalences of wound infection, puerperal and postcesarean infections, and costs of antibiotics used. Results. Antibiotics reduced the incidence of puerperal infection, but did not change the percentages of wound and postcesarean infections and no use of antibiotics increased the puerperal infection risk sixfold. Cephalothin reduced the relative risk of puerperal infection by 89% (95% confidence interval: 7-87%). Penicillin reduced it by 78%, but this was not statistically significant. No deaths occurred. The costs of the two schemes were similar (almost US$1.00). Conclusions. Prophylactic cephalothin use was associated with decreased postcesarean puerperal infection and presented a cost benefit.
Introducción: la Endometritis Posparto constituye la causa más frecuente de fiebre puerperal, y su incidencia aumenta con la presencia de factores de riesgo como cesárea, ruptura prematura de membranas, mayor numero de tactos vaginales, índice de masa corporal mayor de 30, presencia de Vaginitis/Vaginosis, entre otros. Esta última puede incrementar el riesgo hasta 15 veces según la población en estudio. Materiales y Métodos: se realizó un estudio de casos y controles para determinar el riesgo de Endometritis Posparto asociado a Vaginitis/Vaginosis tratada incluyendo todas las pacientes atendidas por el servicio de urgencias en la Clínica Universitaria Colombia, durante el 2008. Resultados: se presentaron un total de 88 pacientes divididas en 2 grupos, pareados en una relación 1:1 por edad materna, paridad y vía del parto. Al realizar el análisis univariado el nivel educativo y la vía del parto mostraron resultados no concluyentes (OR 1.0, p<0.05). El resto de las variables a estudio como: edad, paridad, estado civil, nivel socioeconómico, numero de tactos vaginales, ruptura de membranas, corioamnionitis, infección de vías urinarias, anemia y presencia de flujo vaginal, asociado a endometritis no mostraron resultados estadísticamente significativos. La asociación entre presencia de flujo y endometritis y la presencia de un flujo polimicrobiano evidenciaron un ligero aumento del riesgo sin evidencia estadísticamente significativa Conclusión: No existe una asociación estadísticamente significativa entre Vaginitis/Vaginosis tratada y Endometritis Posparto. Se requiere la realización de nuevos estudios con un mayor número de pacientes y otros diseños tipo cohorte para establecer de forma más clara esta asociación.
Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB
Objetive: The goal of this review is to present up-to-date information on the prevalence of overweight and obesity and to discuss the evidence regarding the impact of these conditions on the health of mother.Data Collection Method: We conducted a search for articles in the Medline, PubMed and Scielo databases covering the past 5 years, and reviewed the bibliographical references contained in the articles selected. Articles were selected by subjective evaluation in terms of methodology, sample size and year of publication. Summary of evidence: Current information points to a high and growing prevalence of overweight and obesity. We found strong evidence linking excess weight before pregnancy with the development of pregnancy-induced hypertension, gestational diabetes, pregnancy at 41 weeks or over, thromboembolism, cesarean section and puerperal infection. Conclusions: Excess weight in the pre-pregnancy is one of the most important risk factors of maternal health, whose importance increases because it is a modifiable risk factor. The obese pregnant woman should be considered at high risk and it is recommended that women be with the weight as close to normal as possible before conception.
Objective: To analyze the association between maternal obesity and postnatal infectious complications in high-risk pregnancies. Methods: Prospective study from August 2009 through August 2010 with the following inclusion criteria: women up to the 5th postpartum day; age L 18 years; high-risk pregnancy; singleton pregnancy with live fetus at labor onset; delivery at the institution; maternal weight measured on day of delivery. The nutritional status in late pregnancy was assessed by the body mass index (BMI), with the application of the Atalah et al. curve. Patients were graded as underweight, adequate weight, overweight, or obese. Postpartum complications investigated during the hospital stay and 30 days post-discharge were: surgical wound infection and/or secretion, urinary infection, postpartum infection, fever, hospitalization, antibiotic use, and composite morbidity (at least one of the complications mentioned). Results: 374 puerperal women were included, graded according to the final BMI as: underweight (n = 54, 14.4%); adequate weight (n = 126, 33.7%); overweight (n = 105, 28.1%); and obese (n = 89, 23.8%). Maternal obesity was shown to have a significant association with the following postpartum complications: surgical wound infection (16.7%, p = 0.042), urinary infection (9.0%, p = 0.004), antibiotic use (12.3%, p < 0.001), and composite morbidity (25.6%, p = 0.016). By applying the logistic regression model, obesity in late pregnancy was found to be an independent variable regardless of the composite morbidity predicted (OR: 2.09; 95% CI: 1.15-3.80, p = 0.015). Conclusion: Maternal obesity during late pregnancy in high-risk patients is independently associated with postpartum infectious complications, which demonstrates the need for a closer follow-up of maternal weight gain in these pregnancies.
Hospital acquired infections (HAI) are costly but many are avoidable. Evaluating prevention programmes requires data on their costs and benefits. Estimating the actual costs of HAI (a measure of the cost savings due to prevention) is difficult as HAI changes cost by extending patient length of stay, yet, length of stay is a major risk factor for HAI. This endogeneity bias can confound attempts to measure accurately the cost of HAI. We propose a two-stage instrumental variables estimation strategy that explicitly controls for the endogeneity between risk of HAI and length of stay. We find that a 10% reduction in ex ante risk of HAI results in an expected savings of £693 ($US 984).
Australian mosquitoes from which Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) has been recovered (Culex annulirostris, Culex gelidus, and Aedes vigilax) were assessed for their ability to be infected with the ChimeriVax-JE vaccine, with yellow fever vaccine virus 17D (YF 17D) from which the backbone of ChimeriVax-JE vaccine is derived and with JEV-Nakayama. None of the mosquitoes became infected after being fed orally with 6.1 log(10) plaque-forming units (PFU)/mL of ChimeriVax-JE vaccine, which is greater than the peak viremia in vaccinees (mean peak viremia = 4.8 PFU/mL, range = 0-30 PFU/mL of 0.9 days mean duration, range = 0-11 days). Some members of all three species of mosquito became infected when fed on JEV-Nakayama, but only Ae. vigilax was infected when fed on YF 17D. The results suggest that none of these three species of mosquito are likely to set up secondary cycles of transmission of ChimeriVax-JE in Australia after feeding on a viremic vaccinee.
Objective: This study aimed to investigate rates of psychiatric disorder in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, in an Australian sample of homosexual and bisexual men. Method: A cross-sectional study of a total of 65 HIV sero-negative (HIV-) and 164 HIV sero-positive men (HIVt) (79 CDC stage 1 1/1 11 and 85 CDC stage IV) was conducted in three centres. Lifetime and current prevalence rates of psychiatric disorder were evaluated using the Diagnostic Interview Schedule Version lllR (DIS-IIIR). Results: Elevated current and lifetime rates of major depression were detected in both HIV negative and HIV positive homosexual/bisexual men. Lifetime rates of alcohol abuseldependence were significantly elevated in HIV positive men (CDC group IV) when compared with HIV negative men. Among the HIV positive group the majority of psychiatric disorders detected were preceded by a pre-HIV diagnosis of psychiatric disorder. Major depression represented the disorder most likely to have first onset after HIV infection diagnosis. Conclusions: Lifetime rates of major depression were elevated in this sample of HIV-negative and HIV-positive men, In the HIV-positive men, psychiatric disorder was significantly associated with the presence of lifetime psychiatric disorder prior to HIV infection diagnosis, The findings indicate the importance of evaluation of psychiatric history prior to HIV infection and the clinical significance of depressive syndromes in this population.
A cross-sectional study was performed to investigate the prevalence and predictors of suicidal ideation and past suicide attempt in an Australian sample of human imumunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive and HIV-negative homosexual and bisexual men. Sixty-five HIV-negative and 164 HIV-positive men participated. A suicidal ideation score was derived from using five items selected from the Beck Depression Inventory and the General Health Questionnaire (28-item version). Lifetime and current prevalence rates of psychiatric disorder were evaluated with the Diagnostic Interview Schedule Version-III-R. The HIV-positive (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] Stage IV) men (n=85) had significantly higher total suicidal ideation scores than the asymptomatic HIV-positive men (CDC Stage II/III) (n=79) and the HIV-negative men. High rates of past suicide attempt were detected in the HIV-negative (29%) and HIV-positive men (21%). Factors associated with suicidal ideation included being HIV-positive, the presence of current psychiatric disorder, higher neuroticism scores, external locus of control, and current unemployment. In the HIV-positive group analyzed separately, higher suicidal ideation was discriminated by the adjustment to HIV diagnosis (greater hopelessness and lower fighting spirit), disease factors (greater number of current acquired immunodeficiency syndrome [AIDS]-related conditions), and background variables (neuroticism). Significant predictors of a past attempted suicide were a positive lifetime history of psychiatric disorder (particularly depression diagnoses), a lifetime history of injection drug use, and a family history of suicide attempts. The findings indicate increased levels of suicidal ideation in symptomatic HIV-positive men and highlight the role that multiple psychosocial factors associated with suicidal ideation and attempted suicide play in this population.
This study investigated the psychological impact of HIV infection through assessment of posttraumatic stress disorder in response to HIV infection. Sixty-one HIV-positive homosexual/bisexual men were assessed for posttraumatic stress disorder in response to HIV infection (PTSD-HIV) using a modified PTSD module of the DIS-III-R. Thirty percent met criteria for a syndrome of posttraumatic stress disorder in response to HIV diagnosis (PTSD-HIV). In over one-third of the PTSD cases, the disorder had an onset greater than 6 months after initial HIV infection diagnosis. PTSD-HIV was associated with other psychiatric diagnoses, particularly the development of first episodes of major depression after HIV infection diagnosis. PTSD-HIV was significantly associated with a pre-HIV history of PTSD from other causes, and other pre-HIV psychiatric disorders and neuroticism scores, indicating a similarity with findings in studies of PTSD from other causes. The findings from this preliminary study suggest that a PTSD response to HIV diagnosis has clinical validity and requires further investigation in this population and other medically ill groups. The results support the inclusion of the diagnosis of life-threatening illness as a traumatic incident that may lead to a posttraumatic stress disorder, which is consistent with the DSM-IV criteria.
The objective of the present study was to predict the economic consequences of healthcare-acquired infections arising among admissions to Australian acute care hospitals. A quantitative algorithm informed by epidemiological and economic data was developed. All acute care hospitals in Australia were included in the study and the participants included all admissions to general medical and general surgical specialties. The main outcome measures were the numbers of cases of healthcare-acquired infection and bed days lost annually. It was estimated that there are 175 153 (95% credible interval 155 911 : 195 168) cases of healthcare-acquired infection among admissions to Australian hospitals annually, and the extra stay in hospital to treat symptoms accounts for 854 289 bed days (95% credible interval 645 091 : 1 096 244). If rates were reduced by 1%, then 150 158 bed days would be released for alternative uses. This would allow ~38 500 new admissions. Healthcare-acquired infections in patients cause bed blocks in Australian hospitals. The cost-effectiveness of hospital services might be improved by allocating more resources to infection control, releasing beds and allowing new admissions. There exists an opportunity to improve the efficiency of the Australian health care system.
Sexually transmitted chlamydial infection initially establishes in the endocervix in females, but if the infection ascends the genital tract, significant disease, including infertility, can result. Many of the mechanisms associated with chlamydial infection kinetics and disease ascension are unknown. We attempt to elucidate some of these processes by developing a novel mathematical model, using a cellular automata–partial differential equation model. We matched our model outputs to experimental data of chlamydial infection of the guinea-pig cervix and carried out sensitivity analyses to determine the relative influence of model parameters. We found that the rate of recruitment and action of innate immune cells to clear extracellular chlamydial particles and the rate of passive movement of chlamydial particles are the dominant factors in determining the early course of infection, magnitude of the peak chlamydial time course and the time of the peak. The rate of passive movement was found to be the most important factor in determining whether infection would ascend to the upper genital tract. This study highlights the importance of early innate immunity in the control of chlamydial infection and the significance of motility-diffusive properties and the adaptive immune response in the magnitude of infection and in its ascension.