960 resultados para Psychological development


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Background/aims: Objective of the current thesis is to investigate the potential impact of birth by Caesarean section (CS) on child psychological development, including autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), behavioural difficulties and school performance. Structure/methods: Published literature to date on birth by CS, ASD and ADHD was reviewed (Chapter 2). Data from the UK Millennium Cohort Study (MCS) were analysed to determine the association between CS and ASD, ADHD and parent-reported behavioural difficulties (Chapter 3). The Swedish National Registers were used to further assess the association with ASD, ADHD and school performance (Chapters 4-6). Results: In the review, children born by CS were 23% more likely to be diagnosed with ASD after controlling for potential confounders. Only two studies reported adjusted estimates on the association between birth by CS and ADHD, results were conflicting and limited. CS was not associated with ASD, ADHD or behavioural difficulties in the UK MCS. In the Swedish National Registers, children born by CS were more likely to be diagnosed with ASD or ADHD. The association with elective CS did not persist when compared amongst siblings. There was little evidence of an association between birth by elective CS and poor school performance. Children born by elective CS had slight reduction in school performance. Conclusions: The lack of association with the elective CS in the sibling design studies indicates that the association in the population is most probably due to confounding. A small but significant association was found between birth by CS and school performance. However, the effect may have been due to residual confounding or confounding by indication and should be interpreted with caution. The overall conclusion is that birth by CS does not appear to have a causal relationship with the aspects of child psychological development investigated.


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Executive Summary The Australian Psychological Society categorically condemns the practice of detaining child asylum seekers and their families, on the grounds that it is not commensurate with psychological best practice concerning children’s development and mental health and wellbeing. Detention of children in this fashion is also arguably a violation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. A thorough review of relevant psychological theory and available research findings from international research has led the Australian Psychological Society to conclude that: • Detention is a negative socialisation experience. • Detention is accentuates developmental risks. • Detention threatens the bonds between children and significant caregivers. • Detention limits educational opportunities. • Detention has traumatic impacts on children of asylum seekers. • Detention reduces children’s potential to recover from trauma. • Detention exacerbates the impacts of other traumas. • Detention of children from these families in many respects is worse for them than being imprisoned. In the absence of any indication from the Australian Government that it intends in the near future to alter the practice of holding children in immigration detention, the Australian Psychological Society’s intermediate position is that the facilitation of short-term and long-term psychological development and wellbeing of children is the basic tenet upon which detention centres should be audited and judged. Based on that position, the Society has identified a series of questions and concerns that arise directly from the various psychological perspectives that have been brought to bear on estimating the effects of detention on child asylum seekers. The Society argues that, because these questions and concerns relate specifically to improvement and maintenance of child detainees’ educational, social and psychological wellbeing, they are legitimate matters for the Inquiry to consider and investigate. • What steps are currently being taken to monitor the psyc hological welfare of the children in detention? In particular, what steps are being taken to monitor the psychological wellbeing of children arriving from war-torn countries? • What qualifications and training do staff who care for children and their families in detention centres have? What knowledge do they have of psychological issues faced by people who have been subjected to traumatic experiences and are suffering high degrees of anxiety, stress and uncertainty? • What provisions have been made for psycho-educational assessment of children’s specific learning needs prior to their attending formal educational programmes? • who are suffering chronic and/or vicarious trauma as a result of witnessing threatening behaviour whilst in detention? • What provisions have been made for families who have been seriously affected by displacement to participate in family therapy? • What critical incident debriefing procedures are in place for children who have witnessed their parents, other family members, or social acquaintances engaging in acts of self-harm or being harmed while in detention? What psychotherapeutic support is in place for children who themselves have been harmed or have engaged in self- harmful acts while in detention? • What provisions are in place for parenting programmes that provide support for parents of children under extremely difficult psychological and physical circumstances? • What efforts are being made to provide parents with the opportunity to model traditional family roles for children, such as working to earn an income, meal preparation, other household duties, etc.? • What opportunities are in place for the assessment of safety issues such as bullying, and sexual or physical abuse of children or their mothers in detention centres? • How are resources distributed to children and families in detention centres? • What socialization opportunities are available either within detention centres or in the wider community for children to develop skills and independence, engage in social activities, participate in cultural traditions, and communicate and interaction with same-age peers and adults from similar ethnic and religious backgrounds? • What access do children and families have to videos, music and entertainment from their cultures of origin? • What provisions are in place to ensure the maintenance of privacy in a manner commensurate with usual cultural practice? • What is the Government’s rationale for continuing to implement a policy of mandatory detention of child asylum seekers that on the face of it is likely to have a pernicious impact on these children’s mental health? • In view of the evidence on the potential long-term impact of mandatory detention on children, what processes may be followed by Government to avoid such a practice and, more importantly, to develop policies and practices that will have a positive impact on these children’s psychological development and mental health?


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The thesis consists of a creative component, two short stories, 'The Conservatory' and 'Psychosis', and a novella, 'The Lady of Tangiers', in the genre of Gothic fiction, and accompanying theoretical component with a psychological interpretation of literature, including theories of C.G.Jung, identifying psychological elements including symbolism of the unconscious, transformation and individuation in the short stories 'The Conservatory' and 'Psychosis', and an analysis of the novella 'The Lady of Tangiers', discussing the essay 'The Uncanny' by Sigmund Freud. The critical analysis and interpretation of the writing reflects the psychological development of the individual.


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Application of knowledge about psychological development should, ideally, be theory based. As such, these applications represent “natural ontogenetic experiments”; the results of the evaluation of such interventions feed back to the theory, helping to support, falsify, or refine the ideas from the theory which led to the particular application. Such applied developmental intervention research is central within a currently popular perspective of life-span human development. Thus, applied developmental intervention research provides critical tests of such key concepts within this life-span perspective as: plasticity; multidirectionality; the synthesis of continuous and discontinuous processes across ontogeny; contextual embeddedness; and the role of individuals as agents in their own development. This paper elucidates some of the major features of the dynamic linkage between applied developmental psychology and this view of life-span human development. Key elements of this life-span perspective and the facts of developmental intervention, as seen from this perspective, are specified. Finally, the doctoral training program at the authors' institution is presented as one example of how this link may be institutionalized in the form of graduate education.


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The study of masculinity and its impact on men’s psychological development and subsequent functioning has become more prevalent in the last few decades. This area of research has begun to introduce psychological interventions specific to men in treatment settings. Masculinity, like any socially constructed phenomena, is a fluid concept with overlapping variables and characteristics that are specific to what is learned from one’s social, cultural, and familial environment. According to Tremblay & L’Heureux (2005):


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Issues of autonomy impact motivation, the user experience and even psychological wellbeing, yet many questions surrounding design for autonomy remain unanswered. This workshop will explore theory, issues and design strategies related to autonomy drawing on theoretical frameworks available in psychology and looking at autonomy from multiple levels. These include user autonomy within the context of software environments, technologies that increase autonomy in daily life, and how technologies might foster autonomy as a component of psychological development.


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A proposta primeira da dissertação Contra a Luz: insônia, prosa de ficção e Graciliano Ramos é a de investigar desdobramentos narrativos do tema da insônia na prosa de ficção da primeira metade do século XX. O primeiro capítulo, de um lado, traça um panorama histórico-literário da insônia da Idade Média ao século passado e, de outro lado, propõe algumas considerações de cunho psicanalítico sobre o tema. Pretende-se, assim, estabelecer alguns argumentos-chave que se desenvolverão ao longo dos capítulos subseqüentes, a saber: o de que a escuridão e o vazio noturno são altamente propícios à concentração na reflexão em detrimento da ação e que, portanto, possibilitam uma excepcional exploração da subjetividade dos personagens em questão. O segundo capítulo pensará tal situação no contexto da prosa de ficção moderna, a partir de breves estudos das obras Em busca do tempo perdido, de Marcel Proust; Livro do desassossego, de Fernando Pessoa (sob o heterônimo Bernardo Soares); Funes, o memorioso, de Jorge Luis Borges; e Buriti, de João Guimarães Rosa. Assim, serão expostas as maneiras pelas quais, nessas obras, as cenas de insônia mostram-se essenciais tanto à proposição de uma reflexão sobre a própria construção da narrativa, quanto permitem o aprofundamento psicológico dos personagens e o experimentalismo formal. Estes dois eixos permearão a Parte II da dissertação, que terá por foco a obra de Graciliano Ramos. O terceiro capítulo analisará a insônia do personagem Paulo Honório, no romance S.Bernardo, em relação à composição da narrativa feita por ele em suas noites em claro. O quarto capítulo, dedicado ao romance Angústia, investigará a instalação de um clima angustiado e de experimentações narrativas a partir das noites insones de Luís da Silva. Por fim, o quinto capítulo, abordando os contos Insônia e O relógio do hospital, traçará algumas conclusões sobre a função da insônia no estilo de Graciliano Ramos, e proporá também algumas considerações finais acerca de toda a dissertação


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[eus] Egun, adin txikikoenekin batera eskolako testuinguruan barneratzean, irakasleek familiak haurren garapen psikologikoan eta pertsonalean zuzenean eragiten duela hautematen dute. Izan ere, seme alaben hezkuntzan familiak duen hezteko estiloak eta inplikazio mailak, seme alabek bizitzak eta hezkuntza akademikoak planteatzen dizkieten erronkei aurre egiteko dituzten jarreretan eragingo du, euren errendimendu akademikoa baldintzatuz. Horren ondorioz, lan honetan, bilaketa bibliografiko baten bidez, ikasleen ikaskuntza prozesua, garapen pertsonala eta psikologikoa ahalik eta modu hoberenean estimulatzea ziurtatuko dituzten aspektuak ikertzen dira. Horrela, hauen errendimendu akademikoa eta ongizate psikologikoa bide positibo batetik bideratu eta ikasleei, irakasleei eta familiei erantzuteko bideak ireki nahi direlarik.


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Umeen garapen psikologikoan bi oinarrizko faktorek eragiten dute, besteak beste: familia eta eskola. Hortaz, familia hain garrantzitsua izanda, horren kulturak lehen mailako papera hartzen du garapen horretan. Kultura ijitoa ikerketaren oinarri bezala hartuta, beharrezkoa da ume horien egoera behatzea. Hori dela eta, lan honek objektibo bikoitza dauka: kultura ijitoaren ohiturak zein eskolarekiko duen harremana ezagutzea eta eskolaratze arrakastatsuaren klabeak lortzea. Eskola, gizartearen ordezkari bezala, pertsona guztien eskubideak betetzen dituen berdintasunezko gizarteak sortzeko oinarrizko eta erantzukizunezko bidea da.


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Uma motricidade e uma psique de qualidade que permitam um desempenho de excelência são essenciais para a execução musical. Uma vez que o Tai Chi Chuan é uma atividade que implica um grande desenvolvimento do controlo psicomotor e psíquico, esta tese pretende aferir se a prática do Tai Chi Chuan pode ser um fator optimizador da performance de um percussionista. Tendo por base o estado da arte referente aos efeitos físicos e psíquicos resultantes da prática do Tai Chi Chuan, assim como do conhecimento secular que os seus praticantes possuem de matérias tais como a saúde, o autoconhecimento físico, o controlo da respiração e da ansiedade, a concentração e o desenvolvimento psicomotor procura-se compreender se a aplicação dos mesmos princípios à execução da percussão permite estabelecer paralelos entre ambas as atividades. Partindo da sua experiência como percussionista, o autor desta investigação efetua um estudo heurístico em que se pretende averiguar se a prática do Tai Chi Chuan poderá contribuir de alguma forma para uma melhor performance. Este estudo heurístico reporta-se não só à prática profissional do autor como também à sua experiência pedagógica. A experiência como professor de percussão e simultaneamente professor de Tai Chi Chuan de dez dos seus alunos de percussão ao longo de um ano letivo é também relatada, complementando e enriquecendo este estudo heurístico. Desta investigação conclui-se que a prática do Tai Chi Chuan parece potenciar a performance e otimizar o desenvolvimento das capacidades e destrezas dos alunos no ensino/aprendizagem da percussão, sobretudo nos seguintes aspetos, controlo da respiração e controlo psicomotor..