898 resultados para Psicopatologia parental


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A presente investigação teve como objetivos caraterizar os níveis de stresse parental, as caraterísticas do funcionamento familiar e eventuais problemas psicopatológicos, numa amostra de pais de adolescentes que frequentam a consulta de psicologia clínica, e perceber se existiam ou não associações significativas entre estas variáveis e os problemas de expressão exteriorizada e interiorizada manifestada pelos adolescentes. Participaram no estudo 21 adolescentes e os seus respetivos pai/mãe. Como instrumentos de recolha de dados foram utilizados o Inventário de Sintomas Psicopatológicos (BSI), Inventário de Problemas de Comportamento (YSR), Escala de Avaliação da Adaptabilidade e Coesão Familiares III (FACES III), Índice de Stresse Parental (PSI) e Questionário de Dados Sociodemográficos. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que mais de metade dos pais apresenta níveis elevados de stresse parental, níveis clínicos de sintomatologia psicopatológica, e situam-se, no que diz respeito ao funcionamento familiar, no tipo familiar médio. Os dados indicam ainda que a maior parte dos adolescentes no estudo tendem a manifestar níveis significativos de sintomatologia psicopatológica. Relativamente às associações, obtivemos relações significativas entre a sintomatologia psicopatológica parental, os níveis de stresse parental e o funcionamento familiar (coesão e adaptabilidades familiares). Da mesma forma observámos associações significativas entre o stresse parental e os problemas de expressão interiorizada e total de problemas nos adolescentes; e entre a adaptabilidade familiar e os problemas de expressão interiorizada. Ao contrário do que se esperava, não encontramos relações significativas entre a psicopatologia parental e os problemas de expressão exteriorizada e interiorizada e total de problemas; entre o stresse parental e o funcionamento familiar; e entre o funcionamento familiar e os problemas de expressão exteriorizada. No presente estudo são discutidos os resultados obtidos, consideradas algumas limitações e efetuadas propostas de investigações futuras.


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Introdução: A recusa escolar, definida como ausência escolar por causas emocionais, é o motivo de encaminhamento mais frequente para o Hospital de Dia de Adolescentes da Clí- nica da Juventude. Objectivos: Este estudo pretendeu caracteri- zar os jovens admitidos por recusa escolar e avaliar a sua situação 27 a 60 meses após a sua admissão no Hospital de Dia da Clínica da Juventude. Métodos: Consulta dos processos clínicos de todos os doentes admitidos entre 01 de Janei- ro de 2010 e 31 de Julho de 2012, de modo a avaliar as variáveis: motivo de admissão, sexo, idade, retenções escolares prévias, diag- nóstico, presença de psicopatologia parental, duração do seguimento e número de sessões efectivadas. Foi, ainda, realizado um ques- tionário por via telefónica a todos os doentes que tinham sido admitidos por recusa esco- lar, 27 a 60 meses após a admissão, de modo a apurar a situação escolar/laboral actual, manutenção de seguimento psiquiátrico e sintomatologia emocional e comportamen- tal actual.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2016


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Tese de doutoramento, Psicologia (Psicologia Clínica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2015


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Objectives: To explore the influence of social support on parental physical activity (PA). Methods: Forty parents (21 mothers, 19 fathers) participated in semistructured individual or group interviews. Data were analyzed using thematic content analysis.---------- Results: Instrumental (eg, providing child care, taking over chores), emotional (eg, encouragement, companionship), and informational support (eg, ideas and advice) as well as reciprocal support (eg, giving as well as receiving support) and autonomy support (eg, respecting one’s choices) are important for parents’ PA behavior. However, having support for being active is not straightforward in that many parents discussed issues that inhibited the facilitative nature of social support for PA performance (eg, guilt in getting help). Conclusions: Results highlight the complex nature of social support in facilitating parental PA.


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Objectives: The research aimed to explore parents’ understandings of physical activity (PA), patterns of PA-related behaviour, and how constructions of social role expectations might influence their PA behaviour. Design and Method: Using a qualitative descriptive design and adopting a social constructionism approach to broaden interpretations of parents’ understandings, 40 adults (21 mothers, 19 fathers; aged 23 to 49 years) living in South East Queensland, Australia participated in semi-structured individual and group interviews. The interviews were analysed using thematic analysis. Results: Parents had clear understandings of what constitutes PA and engaged in various activities which were integrated with or independent of the children. Being active with children, however, was not always constructed favourably in which many parents described the difficulties of being active with their children. All individuals experienced changes in their PA behaviours after having children. For most, a decline in PA level, intensity, and structure was experienced; however, some did experience parenthood as a time to be active. A level of acceptance for the lack of activity performed was also expressed as were feelings of resentment and envy for those who maintained previous activity habits. Parenting and partner roles were considered most influential on PA-related behaviour and were constructed in ways that had both positive and negative influences on activity performance. Parents, however, were empowered to construct strategies to resolve conflicts between social role performance and being active. Conclusion: Results show that parents experience unique difficulties that intervention work should consider when designing programs aimed at increasing parental PA.


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Pedestrian and cyclist injuries are significant public health issues together accounting for 11-30% of road deaths in highly motorised countries. Children are particularly at risk. In Australia in 2009 children 0-16 years comprised 11.4% of pedestrian deaths and 6.4% of cyclist deaths. Parental attitudes and level of supervision are important to children’s road safety. Results from a telephone survey with parents of children 5-9 years (N=147) are reported. Questions addressed beliefs about preventability of injury, appropriate ages for children to cross the road or cycle independently, and the frequency of holding 5-9 year old children’s hands while crossing the road. Results suggest that parents believe most injuries are preventable and that they personally can act to improve their own safety in the home, on the road, at work, as well as in or on the water. Most parents (68%) indicated children should be 10 years or older before crossing the road or cycling independently. Parents were more likely to report holding younger children’s hands (5-6 years) when crossing the road and less likely to do so for 7-9 year olds. There was a small effect of child gender, with parents more likely to hold boy’s hand than a girl’s.


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The focus of this paper is the role of Australian parents in early childhood education and care (ECEC), in particular, their role in shaping ECEC public policy. The paper reports the findings of a study investigating the different ways in which a group of parents viewed and experienced this role. Set against a policy backdrop where parents are positioned as 'consumers' and 'participants' in ECEC, the study employed a phenomenographic research approach to describe this role as viewed and experienced by parents. The study identified four logically related, qualitatively different ways of constituting this role among this group of parents, ranging from 'no role in shaping public policy' (the no role conception) to 'participating in policy decision-making, particularly where policy was likely to affect their child and family (the participating in policy decision-making conception). The study provides an insider-perspective on the role of parents in shaping policy and highlights variation in how this role is constituted by parents. The study also identifies factors perceived by parents as influencing their participation and discusses their implications for both policy and practice.