1000 resultados para Psicopatologia infantil
Com ja van fer anteriorment amb la Història de la psiquiatria, en aquest treball el Seminari Pere Mata publica un recull d'articles fins ara dispersos aquest cop centrats en la psicopatologia infantil.Els setze articles es poden distribuir en tres grups. El primer, el formen articles sobre la història de l'especialitat. Un segon grup gira entorn de la influència de la psiquiatria infantil francesa. L'últim i més nombròs tracta del passat de la psiquiatria infantil espanyola i catalana.
Aquest manual pretèn ser una obra introductòria a la psicopatologia infantil, disciplina força recent però d'evolució molt ràpida. L'objectiu és delimitar les etapes d'estudi en aquesta disciplina i fer una aportació introductòria a la temàtica. És per tant una obra que se sap parcial i lacunar.
O presente estudo propõe-se a investigar as possíveis manifestações da somatose infantil em pacientes do Hospital da Criança Santo Antônio portadores de Leucemia Linfoblástica Aguda. Utilizamos o método psicanalítico de estudo com casos para a escuta psicanalítica de dois casos escolhidos: o caso 1, filha única de quatro anos de idade uma família que reside na região da serra; recebeu o diagnóstico de LLA aos dois anos e nove meses, sem recidivas e com bom prognóstico. O caso 2, menino com sete anos de idade, com dois irmãos mais velhos e um mais moço, família residente na grande Porto Alegre; recebeu diagnóstico de LLA aos três anos, duas recidivas após o diagnóstico e um prognóstico reservado. A partir de nosso instrumental teórico conceitual concebemos a somatose como efeito da ação do mecanismo denominado foraclusão local. Este mecanismo é conseqüência do emassamento ou compactação entre os significantes primordiais S1 e S2. Em ambos os casos estudados, encontramos nas histórias subjetivas dos participantes a presença de significantes envolvidos no desencadeamento e no curso da doença.
This article is a conceptual study that aims to trace a historical course of the psychiatric knowledge about children, pointing how the conceptualization of autism will lead into this prospect. For such, we divided this work into three parts: the first is dedicated to the discussion of the concept of mental retardment, followed by the questioning of the first reflections on the psychoses of childhood and the birth of the Child Psychiatrist clinic and the conceptualization of autism by Psychiatry. Therefore, we seek to understand the meaning and origin of current practices, critically analyzing the psychiatric manuals and its impact on child psychopathology.
Purpose: To test whether the association between childhood adversity and positive and negative psychotic experiences is due to genetic confounding. Method: Childhood adversity and psychotic experiences were assessed in a sample of 226 twins from the general population. A monozygotic (MZ) twin differences approach was used to assess possible genetic confounding. Results: In the whole sample, childhood adversity was significantly associated with positive (β =.45; SE=.16; p=.008) and negative psychotic experiences (β=.77; SE=.18; p<.01). Within-pair MZ twin differences in exposure to childhood adversity were significantly associated with differences in positive (β =.71; SE=.29; p=.016) and negative psychotic experiences (β =.98; SE=.38; p=.014) in a subsample of 86 MZ twin pairs. Conclusions: Individuals exposed to childhood adversity are more likely to report psychotic experiences. Furthermore, our findings indicate that unique environmental effects of childhood adversity contribute to the development of psychotic experiences.
Orientador: Carlos Amaral Dias
Resumen Este documento hace una revisión de literatura desde un enfoque psicoanalítico sobre la relación madre – hijo durante el embarazo y la forma en que este influye en el desarrollo psíquico del bebé. Se aborda esta temática principalmente desde la visión teórica de Donald Winnicott, Wilfred Bion y Helene Deutsch para lograr un análisis más integral del vínculo madre-hijo. La elección de autores se hizo teniendo en cuenta que para cada uno de ellos este vínculo constituye una parte fundamental en el desarrollo psicoafectivo del niño, así como la importancia que le dan a la concepción y al embarazo en dicho proceso.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Epilepsy is a common chronic condition in the childhood and its diagnosis reveals psychological, social and family difficulties, that seem to be related with beliefs and quality of parents-children interaction. The purpose of this paper is to schematize investigation strategies for the psychological variables: beliefs, impact of the disease, family relationship, identification of changes. Based upon collected reports of epileptic children's parents and upon surveyed aspects of the literature, psychological questionnaires were elaborated to identify important variables that affect the child's epilepsy life and his family. The use of more appropriate investigation procedures facilitates the psychological evaluation and ensures the collection of data.
From December-1965 to November-1969, 95 hydrocephalic infants have been operated upon using ventriculoperitoneal shunt with valve (88 cases with a Spitz-Holter valve, 6 cases with a Hakim valve and one case with a Pudenz-Heyer valve). Up to the present time (December, 1970) a total of 54 children are alive with a compensated hydrocephalus and 9 patients died, being impossible to follow-up the 32 remaining cases. The use of the ventriculoperitoneal shunt has eliminated all cardiovascular-pulmonary complications and reduced the number for surgical revisions. Besides, infections involving the draining system are less severe and more easily controlled than those occurring in the ventriculoatrial shunts. After analysis of the surgical techniques as well as complications and results the following conclusions are stated: 1) the use of a valve in the ventriculoperitoneal shunt difficults the oclusion of the peritoneal end of the draining system; 2) good results can be expected without reoperations in about 42,35% of hydrocephalus cases treated by ventriculoperitoneal shunt with valve; 3) ventriculoperitoneal shunts with valve showed better results when compared to ventriculoatrial shunts. This statement is made comparing two groups of hydrocephalic infants submitted to surgery at the same Service and in the same conditions, with the same follow-up period; 4) the cases presented permit to state that at present time the ventriculoperitoneal shunt with valve is the most suitable surgical procedure for hydrocephalus.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física