991 resultados para Prosthesis Coloring


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Colour stability of resin and silicone is an important factor for longevity of facial prostheses. The aim of this study was to evaluate the colour stability of resins and silicone for facial prostheses. Three brands of acrylic resin and one of facial silicone were evaluated considering pigment incorporation for the colourless materials. Ten samples of each material were fabricated and submitted to measurements of chromatic alteration initially and after 90 and 180 days of weathering natural through visual analysis and spectrophotometry. Data were evaluated by ANOVA and Tukey test (p < 0.05). Statistically significant colour alteration was observed among some materials regardless of the period. The materials did not present a statistical difference between 90 and 180 days except for the pigmented heat-polymerized resin. The colour difference between pigmented Silastic MDX4-4210 and colourless Silastic was statistically significant (p < 0.01) in both periods as well as between pigmented and colourless heat-polymerized resin, and between the resins Rapidaflex and Lentaflex. The visual method demonstrated colour alteration in all materials evaluated during the first 90 days of ageing. All materials exhibited colour alteration due to exposure to environment. © 2012 Informa UK, Ltd.


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Objectives: The objective of this study was to evaluate by a visual method of comparison the color stability of nonpigmented and pigmented facial silicones after accelerated aging. Materials and Methods: Two kinds of silicones were used in this study; one specifically formulated for facial prostheses and the other an acetic silicone for industrial use. Twenty-four trial bodies were made for each silicone. These were divided into colorless and intrinsically pigmented groups: ceramic, make-up, and iron oxide. The groups were submitted to accelerated aging for nonmetallic materials. An initial reading and subsequent readings were made at 163, 351, 692, and 1000 hours using a visual method of comparison. The values were annotated in a spreadsheet by two observers, according to scores elaborated for this study. Results: All groups presented color stability in the visual method. According to the results obtained and analyzed in this study, we can conclude that both silicones, Silastic 732 RTV and Silastic MDX 4-4210, behaved similarly, they can therefore be indicated for use in maxillofacial prosthesis. The time factor of aging influenced negatively, independently of the pigmentation, or lack of it, and of silicones and no group had visually noticeable alterations in any of the accelerated aging time, independently of the addition or not of pigments.


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The purpose of this study was to assess color alteration of the paints used for iris painting in artificial eyes. Five disks of heat cured acrylic resin were confectioned by microwave energy for each paint analyzed, in a total of 40 specimens. Each specimen consisted of a colorless acrylic resin disk and another of equal size, of scleral white colored acrylic resin, with the painting interposed between the two disks. The specimens were submitted to an accelerated aging process in a chamber under ultraviolet radiation for 1,008 hours. To assess color variation, a reflective spectrophotometer was used. The results were statistically analyzed by ANOVA and the Tukey test (p < 0.05). All the paints underwent chromatic alteration. The oil paint presented the highest resistance to accelerated aging.


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One of the greatest challenges faced by buccomaxillofacial prosthetists is to reproduce the patient's exact skin color and provide adequate esthetics. To reach this objective, professionals must use materials with easy characterization and that maintain color over long periods of time. The objective of this study was, thus, to evaluate the color stability of two types of silicones, Silastic 732 and Silastic MDX4-4210. Twenty-four test specimens were made from each type of silicone and were divided into a colorless group and groups intrinsically pigmented with ceramics, cosmetics or iron oxide. The specimens were submitted to an accelerated system of aging for non-metallic materials. Readings were carried out initially and after periods corresponding to 163, 351, 692 and 1,000 hours of aging, using a reflection spectrophotometer analysis, and color alterations were calculated by the CIE L*a*b* system. The data were submitted to variance analysis and Tukey's test at a 5% level of probability. The results demonstrated that, irrespective of the period of time analyzed, all the materials underwent some type of chromatic alteration (ΔE > 0). The test specimens made with Silastic 732 and MDX4-4210, without pigmentation, presented the lowest color alteration values after 1,000 hours of aging. Of the pigments, ceramic presented the lowest color alteration values and cosmetic powder presented the highest values. Thus, it may be concluded that the materials without the incorporation of pigments presented similar color alteration values, and did not differ statistically. The cosmetic powder used in this study was the pigment that most altered the color of the test specimens. © 2009 Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Odontológica.


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Acrylic resins have been widely used due to their acceptable esthetics and desirable characteristics such as easy handling, good thermal conductivity, low permeability to oral fluids and color stability. Flexible resins were introduced on the market as an alternative to the use of conventional acrylic resins in the construction of complete and partial removable dentures. Although these resins present advantages in terms of esthetics and comfort, studies assessing chromatic and microhardness alterations of these materials are still scarce in the related literature. The aim of this study was to evaluate the chromatic and microhardness alterations of two commercial brands of flexible resins in comparison to the conventional resin Triplex when submitted to accelerated aging. The resins were manipulated according to manufacturers' instructions and inserted into a silicone matrix to obtain 21 specimens divided into 3 groups: Triplex, Ppflex and Valplast. Triplex presented the highest microhardness value (p < 0.05) for all the aging periods, which was significantly different from that of the other resins, followed by the values of Valplast and Ppflex. Comparison between the flexible resins (Ppflex and Valplast) revealed a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) as regards color. The flexible resin Ppflex and the conventional resin Triplex presented no statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) as regards aging. The accelerated aging significantly increased the microhardness values of the resins, with the highest values being observed for Triplex. Valplast presented the greatest chromatic alteration after accelerated aging.


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This randomized clinical trial sought to evaluate the performance of two packable composites over a period of 36 months. A total of 39 Class I and II restorations were placed in the permanent teeth of 20 patients. Using United States Public Health Services criteria, two investigators evaluated the restorations immediately after placement and again after 12 and 36 months, examining color match, marginal discoloration, marginal integrity, recurrent caries, proximal contact, anatomical shape, surface texture, and postoperative sensitivity. It was concluded that the packable composites evaluated showed satisfactory clinical performance after three years.


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This study compared the color fidelity of different composite resins with their registration in the Vita Classical Shade Guide. Using a prefabricated Teflon mold, 120 specimens were divided into four groups fn - 30), according to the resin tested. Three subgroups (a = 10) were prepared for each resin group; these subgroups tested enamel shade, dentin shade, and enamel and dentin shade. Three measurements were performed to verily whether the tooth shade matched that of the Vita Classical Shade Guide. The color was evaluated and the shade variations were calculated. The data were submitted to a three-way AN OVA test (time, color match, and composite type), followed by Tukey's test. It was concluded that all composite resins showed color differences in relation to the Vita Classical Shade Guide.


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It is becoming more common for patients to look for cosmetic procedures in dental offices. The search for lost or desired esthetics by patients is increasingly frequent and the professional must be able to meet this demand. To do this, dentists not only need to return the tooth back to its normal functioning state but also promote esthetic excellence. In this context, the association of cosmetic procedures, such as teeth whitening and restorative procedures, such as direct adhesive restorations is very common. The composite resins employed nowadays allow the reproduction of various optical properties of natural teeth. With these composite resins, it is possible to reproduce features such as translucency, opacity and specific features of the dental element, to bring back the esthetic harmony of the smile. This article reports a clinical case demonstrating the placement, in a stratified manner, of composite resins in bleached teeth, as well as the reproduction of optical and natural aspects of the teeth. In order to achieve esthetic and functional success of the restored procedure, it is important to be familiar with the new techniques and new materials in the marketand above all, we must know when and where to use them.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)