929 resultados para Project methodology
This final report outlines the research conducted by the Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety – Queensland (CARRS-Q) for the research project (title above). This report provides an outline of the project methodology, literature review, three stages of research results (including the focus group discussions, review of organisational records, documentation and initiatives, and analysis of previous CARRS-Q occupational road safety self-report surveys), and recommendations for intervention strategy and initiatives development and implementation.
Recent literature in project management has urged a re-conceptualisation of projects as a value co-creation process. Contrary to the traditional output-focused project methodology, the value creation perspective argues for the importance of creating new knowledge, processes, and systems for suppliers and customers. Stakeholder involvement is important in this new perspective, as the balancing of competing needs of stakeholders in mega projects becomes a major challenge in managing the value co-creation process. In this study we present interview data from three Australian defence mega projects to demonstrate that senior executives have a more complex understanding of project success than traditional iron triangle measures. In these mega defence projects, customers and other stakeholders actively engage in the value creation process, and over time both content and process value are created to increase defence and national capability. Value created and captured during and post projects are the key to true success.
The Beyond Compliance project, which began in July 2011 with funding from the Standards and Trade Development Facility for 2 years, aims to enhance competency and confidence in the South East Asian sub-region by applying a Systems Approach for pest risk management. The Systems Approach involves the use of integrated measures, at least two of which are independent, that cumulatively reduce the risk of introducing exotic pests through trade. Although useful in circumstances where single measures are inappropriate or unavailable, the Systems Approach is inherently more complicated than single-measure approaches, which may inhibit its uptake. The project methodology is to take prototype decision-support tools, such as Control Point-Bayesian Networks (CP-BN), developed in recent plant health initiatives in other regions, including the European PRATIQUE project, and to refine them within this sub-regional context. Case studies of high-priority potential agricultural trade will be conducted by National Plant Protection Organizations of participating South East Asian countries in trials of the tools, before further modifications. Longer term outcomes may include: more robust pest risk management in the region (for exports and imports); greater inclusion of stakeholders in development of pest risk management plans; increased confidence in trade negotiations; and new opportunities for trade.
Defining success in mega projects has been a challenging exercise for Australian Defence. The inherent conflict between nation capability building and cost efficiency raises questions about how to appropriately define mega project success. Contrary to the traditional output-focused project methodology, the value creation perspective argues for the importance of creating new knowledge, processes, and systems for suppliers and customers. Stakeholder involvement is important in this new perspective, as the balancing of competing needs of stakeholders in mega projects becomes a major challenge in managing the value co-creation process. In our earlier study reported interview data from three Australian defence mega projects and reported that those senior executives have a more complex understanding of project success than traditional iron triangle measures. In these mega defence projects, customers and other stakeholders actively engage in the value creation process, and over time both content and process value are created to increase defence and national capability. Value created and captured during and post projects are the key to true success. We aim to develop a comprehensive theoretical model the capture the value co-creation process as a way of re-conceptualising success in mega projects. We propose a new framework redefine project value as multi-dimensional, contextual and temporal construct that emerges from the interactions among multiple stake holders over the complete project life cycle. The framework distinguishes between exploitation and exploration types of projects, and takes into consideration the requisite governance structures.
The global marketplace is rapidly intensifying. Longer product sales lives, greater profit margins or simply survival, is dependent on management¿s ability to create and lead change. Project Management has become an important competency, combined with other business practices to adapt to the trend of changing conditions. Critical Chain is a relatively new project methodology, elaborated by Eliyahu Goldratt in order to complete projects faster, make more efficient use of resources and securing the project deliverables. The methodology is based on the assumption that traditional project techniques such as CPM and PERT, do not recognize critical human behavior. The methodology claims that many project failures are a direct result of how safety is built into the task delivery times, and then wasted by human behavior such as Student Syndrome, Parkinson Law and Multitasking. However, there has been little or no previous research regarding this topic in the Argentine marketplace. This study intended to investigate to what extent the human behavior concepts of critical chain project management are present, by performing in-depth interviews with Argentine project stakeholders. It appears that the four human behavior concepts are present in Argentina and that the majority of Argentine companies are yet to apply project management techniques.
In this paper, we describe the successful results of an international research project focused on the use of Web technology in the educational context. The article explains how this international project, funded by public organizations and developed over the last two academic years, focuses on the area of open educational resources (OER) and particularly the educational content of the OpenCourseWare (OCW) model. This initiative has been developed by a research group composed of researchers from three countries. The project was enabled by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid OCW Office�s leadership of the Consortium of Latin American Universities and the distance education know-how of the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL, Ecuador). We give a full account of the project, methodology, main outcomes and validation. The project results have further consolidated the group, and increased the maturity of group members and networking with other groups in the area. The group is now participating in other research projects that continue the lines developed here
The Six Sigma technique is one of the quality management strategies and is utilised for improving the quality and productivity in the manufacturing process. It is inspired by the two major project methodologies of Deming’s "Plan – Do – Check – Act (PDCA)" Cycle which consists of DMAIC and DMADV. Those two methodologies are comprised of five phases. The DMAIC project methodology will be comprehensively used in this research. In brief, DMAIC is utilised for improving the existing manufacturing process and it involves the phases Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, and Control. Mask industry has become a significant industry in today’s society since the outbreak of some serious diseases such as the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), bird flu, influenza, swine flu and hay fever. Protecting the respiratory system, then, has become the fundamental requirement for preventing respiratory deceases. Mask is the most appropriate and protective product inasmuch as it is effective in protecting the respiratory tract and resisting the virus infection through air. In order to satisfy various customers’ requirements, thousands of mask products are designed in the market. Moreover, masks are also widely used in industries including medical industries, semi-conductor industries, food industries, traditional manufacturing, and metal industries. Notwithstanding the quality of masks have become the prioritisations since they are used to prevent dangerous diseases and safeguard people, the quality improvement technique are of very high significance in mask industry. The purpose of this research project is firstly to investigate the current quality control practices in a mask industry, then, to explore the feasibility of using Six Sigma technique in that industry, and finally, to implement the Six Sigma technique in the case company to develop and evaluate the product quality process. This research mainly investigates the quality problems of musk industry and effectiveness of six sigma technique in musk industry with the United Excel Enterprise Corporation (UEE) Company as a case company. The DMAIC project methodology in the Six Sigma technique is adopted and developed in this research. This research makes significant contribution to knowledge. The main results contribute to the discovering the root causes of quality problems in a mask industry. Secondly, the company was able to increase not only acceptance rate but quality level by utilising the Six Sigma technique. Hence, utilising the Six Sigma technique could increase the production capacity of the company. Third, the Six Sigma technique is necessary to be extensively modified to improve the quality control in the mask industry. The impact of the Six Sigma technique on the overall performance in the business organisation should be further explored in future research.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação Artística, na Especialização de Artes Plásticas na Educação
Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e do 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico
L’étude des attitudes linguistiques, entreprise par la sociolinguistique et la psychologie sociale, a permis de confirmer que toutes les variétés linguistiques ne reçoivent pas le même traitement. La langue standard, étant en règle générale la langue du groupe de prestige, bénéficie d’une reconnaissance sociale en comparaison avec les variétés non-standards ou minoritaires, qui, au contraire, suscitent généralement des attitudes plus négatives. Dans ce mémoire, nous analysons les attitudes linguistiques des mexicains à l’égard du slang mexicain. La méthodologie du projet comporte deux parties principales. Dans un premier temps, des conversations spontanées et naturelles entre locuteurs de slang sont enregistrées. Des fragments de ces enregistrements sont ensuite écoutés par un groupe de sujets qui, simultanément, remplit un questionnaire évaluant leurs attitudes linguistiques dirigées envers l’usage du slang ainsi qu’envers les individus qui le parle. L’analyse statistique des résultats permet de faire quelques constats : Il y a une différence très significative entre la façon dont les dimensions de solidarité et de prestige sont jugées, les pointages donnés aux aspects tels que l’intelligence et le succès des locuteurs de slang s’avérant beaucoup plus bas que ceux accordés aux aspects reliés à leur personnalité, comme la bonté et la générosité. Aussi, les variables de l’âge et du sexe ont une influence sur les attitudes linguistiques : les femmes ainsi que la génération plus âgée s’avèrent plus sévères dans leur évaluation du slang. Ce mémoire se divise en cinq chapitres. Les deux premiers explorent les concepts théoriques sur lesquels se basent le projet, soit les attitudes linguistiques et le slang comme phénomène linguistique et social. Les trois chapitres suivants se consacrent au projet en soit : la méthodologie, l’analyse des résultats et l’interprétation de ceux-ci.
Numa escola que se encontra em transformação no sentido de se adaptar aos contextos sociais, culturais e políticos que a rodeiam, cabe aos professores serem agentes ativos na definição do caminho a percorrer, visando o aumento da qualidade educativa a proporcionar aos nossos jovens. O questionamento inerente à reflexão sobre o percurso profissional levou à identificação da situação problema e à formulação daquela que é a questão de partida deste trabalho: Como é que a Supervisão Pedagógica (e o trabalho colaborativo a ela associado) poderá contribuir para a melhoria da reflexão conjunta entre os professores do Grupo Disciplinar de Física e Química, promovendo o seu desenvolvimento Profissional? Para dar resposta a esta questão, elaborámos o enquadramento teórico, orientado pelas palavras-chave e com recurso a autores de referência, no qual pretendemos salientar as principais investigações que conferem suporte às temáticas subjacentes a este trabalho: a reflexão interpares na promoção do desenvolvimento profissional dos professores, a Supervisão pedagógica e a importância da formação docente e do trabalho colaborativo na qualidade educativa. Como o objetivo geral do trabalho de projeto é conceber um Projeto de Intervenção de Supervisão Pedagógica no Grupo Disciplinar de Física e Química, visando a melhoria do trabalho colaborativo, a promoção das atitudes reflexivas e investigativas dos docentes e o seu desenvolvimento profissional, a terceira parte foi estruturada com base nos princípios subjacentes à metodologia de projeto. Recolhemos opiniões através de Inquéritos por Questionário, realizados a todos os professores do grupo, e através de Entrevistas, realizadas apenas às professoras Coordenadora e Subcoordenadora do Departamento de Matemática e das Ciências Experimentais, da Escola Secundária Rosa. O Projeto de Intervenção de Supervisão Pedagógica deverá ser implementado e desenvolvido no Grupo Disciplinar de Física e Química da escola referida e com ele pretendemos aprofundar as práticas supervisivas e colaborativas entre os docentes, através da realização de Ciclos completos de Supervisão Pedagógica, de acordo com as fases preconizadas por Goldhammer.
Neste trabalho é desenvolvida uma metodologia de projeto para identificar as regiões críticas da estrutura de um reboque de linha leve sendo tracionado em pavimentos do tipo rodovia de baixa qualidade e estrada secundária de muito baixa qualidade. Para tanto, são levantados alguns dados experimentais da estrutura, necessários para a aproximação e simulação dinâmica de um modelo simplificado. A excitação da base é realizada por atuadores que simulam as oscilações verticais de um perfil de estrada, a qual é definida de acordo com os estudos realizados por Dodds e Robson (1973). Isto permite a determinação de um histórico de carregamentos das regiões da estrutura do chassi sob a ação das molas da suspensão. Em seguida, é gerado um modelo estrutural simplificado do reboque em elementos finitos, chamado de global, no qual são determinadas as regiões sob ação das maiores tensões. Tendo identificada a região mais crítica da estrutura, é criado um modelo local desta parte, onde se pode observar a distribuição de tensões com mais detalhe, permitindo a identificação dos pontos de concentração de tensões. Desta forma, com a aplicação do método de análise global-local é possível a obtenção de resultados detalhados quanto aos esforços da estrutura com um menor custo computacional.
This work describes the study, the analysis, the project methodology and the constructive details of a high frequency DC/AC resonant series converter using sequential commutation techniques for the excitation of an inductive coupled thermal plasma torch. The aim of this thesis is to show the new modulation technique potentialities and to present a technological option for the high-frequency electronic power converters development. The resonant converter operates at 50 kW output power under a 400 kHz frequency and it is constituted by inverter cells using ultra-fast IGBT devices. In order to minimize the turn-off losses, the inverter cells operates in a ZVS mode referred by a modified PLL loop that maintains this condition stable, despite the load variations. The sequential pulse gating command strategy used it allows to operate the IGBT devices on its maximum power limits using the derating and destressing current scheme, as well as it propitiates a frequency multiplication of the inverters set. The output converter is connected to a series resonant circuit constituted by the applicator ICTP torch, a compensation capacitor and an impedance matching RF transformer. At the final, are presented the experimental results and the many tests achieved in laboratory as form to validate the proposed new technique
O babaçu é uma planta de importância capital na economia de subsistência do norte do Brasil. Sua configuração sócio-ambiental o torna destaque na situação regional amazônica, onde os produtos advindos do babaçu possibilitam renda para a camada mais pobre da população amazônica, além da questão ambiental que é conotada à preservação dos babaçuais naturais. Um dos gargalos técnicos da produção do babaçu, em especial visando a extração do óleo de babaçu, é a colheita feita de forma manual e no sistema extrativista. O objetivo deste trabalho é propor o conceito de uma colhedora de babaçu moto-mecanizada, capaz de trabalhar em cultivos artificiais, assim como em florestas naturais. Foi utilizada a metodologia de projeto da matriz morfológica, onde foram elencadas as possíveis combinações de mecanismos e elementos para uma colhedora de babaçu. Como resultado foi obtido um conceito teórico, sendo concluída a viabilidade técnica de tal projeto, em estudos futuros pretende-se desenvolver estudos de viabilidade técnica detalhados, assim como estudos de viabilidade econômica.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)