908 resultados para Programs evaluation
Diversion from the youth justice system is a critical goal for addressing the overrepresentation of Indigenous young people in the criminal justice system. In this report, four programs that were already being implemented by states and territories and identified by them under the National Indigenous Law & Justice Framework as promising practice in diversion are examined. The programs were evaluated, as part of a broader initiative, to determine whether and on what basis they represent good practice (ie are supported by evidence). State and territory governments nominated the programs for evaluation.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office of Research and Traffic Records, Washington, D.C.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office of Research and Development, Washington, D.C.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
Includes bibliography.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
In an Australian context, the term hooning refers to risky driving behaviours such as illegal street racing and speed trials, as well as behaviours that involve unnecessary noise and smoke, which include burn outs, donuts, fish tails, drifting and other skids. Hooning receives considerable negative media attention in Australia, and since the 1990s all Australian jurisdictions have implemented vehicle impoundment programs to deal with the problem. However, there is limited objective evidence of the road safety risk associated with hooning behaviours. Attempts to estimate the risk associated with hooning are limited by official data collection and storage practices, and the willingness of drivers to admit to their illegal behaviour in the event of a crash. International evidence suggests that illegal street racing is associated with only a small proportion of fatal crashes; however, hooning in an Australian context encompasses a broader group of driving behaviours than illegal street racing alone, and it is possible that the road safety risks will differ with these behaviours. There is evidence from North American jurisdictions that vehicle impoundment programs are effective for managing drink driving offenders, and drivers who continue to drive while disqualified or suspended both during and post-impoundment. However, these programs used impoundment periods of 30 – 180 days (depending on the number of previous offences). In Queensland the penalty for a first hooning offence is 48 hours, while the vehicle can be impounded for up to 3 months for a second offence, or permanently for a third or subsequent offence within three years. Thus, it remains unclear whether similar effects will be seen for hooning offenders in Australia, as no evaluations of vehicle impoundment programs for hooning have been published. To address these research needs, this program of research consisted of three complementary studies designed to: (1) investigate the road safety implications of hooning behaviours in terms of the risks associated with the specific behaviours, and the drivers who engage in these behaviours; and (2) assess the effectiveness of current approaches to dealing with the problem; in order to (3) inform policy and practice in the area of hooning behaviour. Study 1 involved qualitative (N = 22) and quantitative (N = 290) research with drivers who admitted engaging in hooning behaviours on Queensland roads. Study 2 involved a systematic profile of a large sample of drivers (N = 834) detected and punished for a hooning offence in Queensland, and a comparison of their driving and crash histories with a randomly sampled group of Queensland drivers with the same gender and age distribution. Study 3 examined the post-impoundment driving behaviour of hooning offenders (N = 610) to examine the effects of vehicle impoundment on driving behaviour. The theoretical framework used to guide the research incorporated expanded deterrence theory, social learning theory, and driver thrill-seeking perspectives. This framework was used to explore factors contributing to hooning behaviours, and interpret the results of the aspects of the research designed to explore the effectiveness of vehicle impoundment as a countermeasure for hooning. Variables from each of the perspectives were related to hooning measures, highlighting the complexity of the behaviour. This research found that the road safety risk of hooning behaviours appears low, as only a small proportion of the hooning offences in Study 2 resulted in a crash. However, Study 1 found that hooning-related crashes are less likely to be reported than general crashes, particularly when they do not involve an injury, and that higher frequencies of hooning behaviours are associated with hooning-related crash involvement. Further, approximately one fifth of drivers in Study 1 reported being involved in a hooning-related crash in the previous three years, which is comparable to general crash involvement among the general population of drivers in Queensland. Given that hooning-related crashes represented only a sub-set of crash involvement for this sample, this suggests that there are risks associated with hooning behaviour that are not apparent in official data sources. Further, the main evidence of risk associated with the behaviour appears to relate to the hooning driver, as Study 2 found that these drivers are likely to engage in other risky driving behaviours (particularly speeding and driving vehicles with defects or illegal modifications), and have significantly more traffic infringements, licence sanctions and crashes than drivers of a similar (i.e., young) age. Self-report data from the Study 1 samples indicated that Queensland’s vehicle impoundment and forfeiture laws are perceived as severe, and that many drivers have reduced their hooning behaviour to avoid detection. However, it appears that it is more common for drivers to have simply changed the location of their hooning behaviour to avoid detection. When the post-impoundment driving behaviour of the sample of hooning offenders was compared to their pre-impoundment behaviour to examine the effectiveness of vehicle impoundment in Study 3, it was found that there was a small but significant reduction in hooning offences, and also for other traffic infringements generally. As Study 3 was observational, it was not possible to control for extraneous variables, and is, therefore, possible that some of this reduction was due to other factors, such as a reduction in driving exposure, the effects of changes to Queensland’s Graduated Driver Licensing scheme that were implemented during the study period and affected many drivers in the offender sample due to their age, or the extension of vehicle impoundment to other types of offences in Queensland during the post-impoundment period. However, there was a protective effect observed, in that hooning offenders did not show the increase in traffic infringements in the post period that occurred within the comparison sample. This suggests that there may be some effect of vehicle impoundment on the driving behaviour of hooning offenders, and that this effect is not limited to their hooning driving behaviour. To be more confident in these results, it is necessary to measure driving exposure during the post periods to control for issues such as offenders being denied access to vehicles. While it was not the primary aim of this program of research to compare the utility of different theoretical perspectives, the findings of the research have a number of theoretical implications. For example, it was found that only some of the deterrence variables were related to hooning behaviours, and sometimes in the opposite direction to predictions. Further, social learning theory variables had stronger associations with hooning. These results suggest that a purely legal approach to understanding hooning behaviours, and designing and implementing countermeasures designed to reduce these behaviours, are unlikely to be successful. This research also had implications for policy and practice, and a number of recommendations were made throughout the thesis to improve the quality of relevant data collection practices. Some of these changes have already occurred since the expansion of the application of vehicle impoundment programs to other offences in Queensland. It was also recommended that the operational and resource costs of these laws should be compared to the road safety benefits in ongoing evaluations of effectiveness to ensure that finite traffic policing resources are allocated in a way that produces maximum road safety benefits. However, as the evidence of risk associated with the hooning driver is more compelling than that associated with hooning behaviour, it was argued that the hooning driver may represent the better target for intervention. Suggestions for future research include ongoing evaluations of the effectiveness of vehicle impoundment programs for hooning and other high-risk driving behaviours, and the exploration of additional potential targets for intervention to reduce hooning behaviour. As the body of knowledge regarding the factors contributing to hooning increases, along with the identification of potential barriers to the effectiveness of current countermeasures, recommendations for changes in policy and practice for hooning behaviours can be made.
La formation est une stratégie clé pour le développement des compétences. Les entreprises continuent à investir dans la formation et le développement, mais elles possèdent rarement des données pour évaluer les résultats de cet investissement. La plupart des entreprises utilisent le modèle Kirkpatrick/Phillips pour évaluer la formation en entreprise. Cependant, il ressort de la littérature que les entreprises ont des difficultés à utiliser ce modèle. Les principales barrières sont la difficulté d’isoler l’apprentissage comme un facteur qui a une incidence sur les résultats, l’absence d’un système d’évaluation utile avec le système de gestion de l’apprentissage (Learning Management System - LMS) et le manque de données standardisées pour pouvoir comparer différentes fonctions d’apprentissage. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons un modèle (Analyse, Modélisation, Monitoring et Optimisation - AM2O) de gestion de projets de formation en entreprise, basée sur la gestion des processus d’affaires (Business Process Management - BPM). Un tel scénario suppose que les activités de formation en entreprise doivent être considérées comme des processus d’affaires. Notre modèle est inspiré de cette méthode (BPM), à travers la définition et le suivi des indicateurs de performance pour gérer les projets de formation dans les organisations. Elle est basée sur l’analyse et la modélisation des besoins de formation pour assurer l’alignement entre les activités de formation et les objectifs d’affaires de l’entreprise. Elle permet le suivi des projets de formation ainsi que le calcul des avantages tangibles et intangibles de la formation (sans coût supplémentaire). En outre, elle permet la production d’une classification des projets de formation en fonction de critères relatifs à l’entreprise. Ainsi, avec assez de données, notre approche peut être utilisée pour optimiser le rendement de la formation par une série de simulations utilisant des algorithmes d’apprentissage machine : régression logistique, réseau de neurones, co-apprentissage. Enfin, nous avons conçu un système informatique, Enterprise TRaining programs Evaluation and Optimization System - ETREOSys, pour la gestion des programmes de formation en entreprise et l’aide à la décision. ETREOSys est une plateforme Web utilisant des services en nuage (cloud services) et les bases de données NoSQL. A travers AM2O et ETREOSys nous résolvons les principaux problèmes liés à la gestion et l’évaluation de la formation en entreprise à savoir : la difficulté d’isoler les effets de la formation dans les résultats de l’entreprise et le manque de systèmes informatiques.
Na presente dissertação tem como objetivo avaliar o impacto do programa JUNTOS sobre a taxa de freqüência escolar e sobre o trabalho infantil nas crianças de 6 a 14 anos. Estas duas variáveis foram selecionadas para o seu estudo, pois ao nosso entender estas são as principais variáveis que são influenciadas pelo programa JUNTOS e que tem uma influencia direta sobre o capital humano das crianças e assim sobre a diminuição da pobreza futura. As principais hipóteses derivadas das teorias de capital humano e de transferências de rendas condicionadas foram corroboradas pela nossa avaliação: (1) o programa JUNTOS tem um efeito positivo sobre o incremento da freqüência escolar, (2) o programa JUNTOS é efetivo na redução do trabalho infantil, (3) quando o chefe de família é de sexo feminino, a renda familiar é utilizada em bens e serviços em favor das crianças, e (4) o efeito do programa JUNTOS é maior nas crianças com piores características socioeconômicas (ex: menor renda familiar per capita, chefe de família com poucos anos de estudo, idioma do chefe de família, etc.) Outra conclusão importante da dissertação foi que o programa JUNTOS provoca uma realocação na oferta de trabalho intra familiar.
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo analisar a participação do IBGE no processo de avaliação do Plano Plurianual 2004-2007. O estudo inicia pela contextualização da melhoria da gestão pública e pelo embasamento teórico sobre a temática de avaliação de programas, seus indicadores e a perspectiva da efetividade. O planejamento na administração pública brasileira passou por várias fases, cada qual com suas características marcantes, chegando ao modelo atual, o Plano Plurianual, que integra planejamento e orçamento, busca dar transparência aos objetivos e prioridades do governo e melhorar a gestão orientando-a para resultados. O IBGE tem atribuições definidas em lei, um papel importante no desenvolvimento do país e competências reconhecidas, que o legitimam perante a sociedade como o principal coordenador e produtor de informações de natureza estatística e geocientífica. Assim almeja-se verificar a real participação do IBGE e das informações divulgadas por ele nos programas do PPA 2004-2007, dando um enfoque maior no processo de avaliação dada a sua relevância para a gestão pública. Para tanto, a pesquisa utiliza como métodos a pesquisa bibliográfica, a revisão documental e questionários com pessoas-chaves que são os gerentes de programa do Plano Plurianual. A pesquisa se restringiu aos programas considerados finalísticos e de serviços ao Estado. Os resultados obtidos nesta pesquisa demonstram que a atuação do IBGE se encontra muito aquém de sua competência técnica reconhecida nacional e internacionalmente, da credibilidade e qualidade de suas informações, e de sua relevância percebida pelo Governo para o processo de gestão do PPA. Pode-se concluir que o IBGE tem um vasto campo de atuação de modo a contribuir efetivamente para o desenvolvimento sustentável do país.
O objetivo principal do trabalho é demonstrar a importância do processo avaliativo no desenvolvimento dos processos de trabalho e resultados da administração pública brasileira. Atualmente, a avaliação é extremamente importante na gestão pública, uma vez que esta necessita de melhores produtos e serviços que definitivamente sejam resolutivos frente às demandas sociais. Para atingir este fim, a obra inicia-se com um estudo sobre o contexto atual da administração e como a figura da avaliação vai adquirindo forma e presença em cada momento. A partir desse referencial, será construído um modelo de processo avaliativo na administração pública, sendo descritos, passo a passo, os itens indispensáveis à construção desse modelo. Um programa governamental será submetido à análise com o propósito de constatar o funcionamento do modelo avaliativo na prática. Nesse caso, será estudado o Programa de Atendimento à Gestante de Alto Risco, desenvolvido e executado pelo Ministério da Saude A avaliação será abordada a partir da intersecção de conceitos da Teoria das Organizações com a Avaliação de Programas e Projetos Governamentais.
OBJETIVO: No contexto de acesso universal à terapia antiretroviral, os resultados do Programa de Aids dependem da qualidade do cuidado prestado. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a qualidade do cuidado dos serviços ambulatoriais que assistem pacientes de Aids. MÉTODOS: Estudo realizado em sete Estados brasileiros, em 2001 e 2002. Foi avaliada a qualidade do atendimento a pacientes com Aids quanto à disponibilidade de recursos e a organização do trabalho de assistência. Um questionário com 112 questões estruturadas abordando esses aspectos, foi enviado a 336 serviços. RESULTADOS: A taxa de resposta foi de 95,8% (322). Os indicadores de disponibilidade de recursos mostram uma adequação maior do que os indicadores de organização do trabalho. Não faltam antiretrovirais em 95,5% dos serviços, os exames de CD4 e Carga Viral estão disponíveis em quantidade adequada em 59 e 41% dos serviços, respectivamente. em 90,4% dos serviços há pelo menos um profissional não médico (psicólogo, enfermeiro ou assistente social). Quanto à organização, 80% não agendavam consulta médica com hora marcada; 40,4% agendavam mais que 10 consultas médicas por período; 17% não possuíam gerentes exclusivos na assistência e 68,6% não realizavam reuniões sistemáticas de trabalho com a equipe. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados apontam que além de garantir a distribuição mais homogênea de recursos, o programa precisa investir no treinamento e disseminação do manejo do cuidado, conforme evidenciado nos resultados da organização de trabalho.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
Introducción: La evaluación de programas sociales, ha sido, desde sus inicios, de gran importancia para fortalecer los procesos de toma de decisiones de los hacedores de los programas, ya que retroalimenta lo ejecutado y ayuda a aplicar correctivos necesarios para lograr el impacto deseado en la población objetivo, que generalmente son comunidades vulnerables como las personas con discapacidad. En los últimos años, esta población ha sido foco de múltiples programas y proyectos en diferentes temáticas como la actividad física, la recreación, el deporte y la educación física. Por esto, en el año 2013, Coldeportes en aras de poder parametrizar y permitir un impacto adecuado en esta población, diseñó un grupo de lineamientos los cuales son los encargados de generar las directrices de los programas que se diseñen y ejecuten en los entes territoriales. Para poder realizar el seguimiento y resultado de su aplicación, es necesario hacerlo por intermedio de una herramienta de evaluación. De acuerdo con las últimas tendencias en la evaluación de programas sociales, debe hacerse por intermedio de indicadores, los cuales permiten realizarla de una manera más eficiente. Por tal motivo, la herramienta de evaluación para los lineamientos será a través de indicadores. Objetivo: Generar una herramienta de evaluación para los programas y actividades en actividad física, recreación y deporte para la población con discapacidad en Colombia, a partir de los lineamientos de inclusión definidos por Coldeportes. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica acerca de la evaluación de programas sociales, indicadores de evaluación y población con discapacidad, seguido a esto se diseñaron los indicadores de evaluación con base en las variables de los lineamientos propuestos por Coldeportes, posteriormente, los indicadores fueron sometidos a una validación en un grupo nominal, conformado por expertos en programas sociales y trabajo en población con discapacidad, por último, se sistematizaron y analizaron los resultados. iii Resultados: La herramienta de evaluación fue validada por parte de los expertos, hubo ajustes en los indicadores de evaluación de los lineamientos de accesibilidad a la comunicación e información, accesibilidad a la formación académica y accesibilidad al entorno físico. Conclusiones: La herramienta de evaluación diseñada, es un primer paso para mejorar los métodos actuales de evaluación, encaminada a fortalecer los datos existentes de la población con discapacidad y tener una visión del impacto de los planes, programas y proyectos en actividad física, recreación y deporte ejecutados en la actualidad, por lo cual queda continuar con la investigación en nuevas alternativas de evaluación que permitan mejorar los procesos de toma de decisiones y así garantizar planes, programas y proyectos sociales adecuados para la población, sin distinguir características particulares.