1000 resultados para Professor de Técnicas de Dança
Delimitado ao Ensino Especializado da Dança esta reflexão aborda, especificamente, o “agente” que, a longo prazo e de forma menos visível para o público, participa e contribui, de forma “oculta” para o ato de dançar – o professor de Dança. Fundamenta-se a importância e a especificidade do corpo na Dança - enquanto arte performativa – e os processos de aprendizagem, expressão e representação. Defende-se a prática sistemática da Técnica de Dança, enquanto meio de adestrar o corpo, tornando-se imperiosa a sua valência na formação de bailarinos. O Ensino Especializado da Dança, em Portugal é anunciado de forma resumida. São identificadas as Escolas em funcionamento no ano letivo de 2012/ 2013, apresentando-se a cronologia de criação de cada uma, os diferentes níveis de ensino ministrados, assim como a sua localização geográfica. Concluímos este manifesto reflexivo com a identificação de algumas singularidades indispensáveis a um professor de Técnica de Dança.
Tese de Doutoramento. Departamento de Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Educación da Universidad de Sevilla. [O documento original encontra-se depositado Biblioteca [digital] de Ciencias de la Educación da Universidad de Sevilla]
Relatório Final de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Dança, com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino de Dança.
Preprint. Título do artigo editado: "A híbrida relação entre as técnicas de dança contemporânea e a formação artística profissional". Publicação na Revista Portuguesa de Educação Artística, 2015 (5), pp. 45-60.
Relatório Final de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Dança, com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino da Dança.
Relatório Final de Projecto Pedagógico apresentado à Escola Superior de Dança com vista à obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Metodologias do Ensino da Dança.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Relatório Final de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Dança, com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino de Dança.
O estudo discute o trajeto estético que se delineia nas produções mais recentes do Grupo Parafolclórico da UFRN. A proposta abrange um diálogo com várias técnicas de dança e linguagens artísticas e tem, nos elementos da tradição popular, o mote para a elaboração de suas coreograϐias, provocando rearranjos estéticos, que reconϐiguram a gestualidade dos corpos e seus modos de criação
Relatório Final de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Dança com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino de Dança.
Relatório Final de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Dança, com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino de Dança.
Relatório Final de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Dança com vista à obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Ensino de Dança.
Luis Millones, Charles A. Dana Associate Professor of Spanish reading Pliny's A Historie of the World
The present work is characterized as a research-formation study. The author analyses his trajectory as dance professor, observing processes of transition in the perception of the body: from the mechanical body to the sensitive body. He tries to outstand this new meaning of the body and the dance teaching and artistic experience as the matter that instructs itself. This research puts together the experience of two teachers, one of them as student (researcher), while the other, as master and professor (collaborator) and intends to comprehend how this new meaning of the body was brought to each one s life, motivated by the dance. It is used the self biographic method and the research-formation methodology to analyze and identify common points between their self formation processes. The researcher and collaborator life narratives as well as a partially structured interview with the collaborator were used as investigation source. The analysis followed the models suggested by Schütze (1977), presented by Bauer and Jovchelovitch (2004), guided by the five pillars of the study: the Subject aspect, as guiding point for the analysis; Corporal aspect, as component and integrant element of an individual and of the dance; the Dance while seen as forming and guiding practice for the individuals researched; the Complexity aspect; and finally the Instructor and Professional Formation, emphasizing the self formation process. The results showed how the dance has changed their perception of their own bodies and the whole corporal aspect, leading to subject-actor body point of view, and no longer from a strictly mechanic perspective. The teaching trajectory was defined by the new evaluation of the body through the Dance bringing the individuals researched to a dialogical-reflexive teaching practice that motivates self consciousness, humanization and automatization, in the context of their background experiences and the environment they act
This dissertation is the result of concerns with the theoretical-methodological and pedagogical learning processes occurred in the practice of physical education in school, which accompany me since the initial training, when I experienced learning in a piecemeal fashion, focused on technicality and sportivization. In order to better qualify the pedagogical interventions of physical education in school, I have always been worried on applying what I received at the University, but the routine of classes was always demanding others doings. In this sense, there were many moments of epistemological ruptures occurred in my training, in which I always sought new investment in training to account for the provision of a more humanistic and grounded in real educational precepts physical education. To that end I had to reflect on the pedagogical interventions throughout my training, in order not to carry out the activities as heavy doings, but as metamorphoses of knowledge and thus generating learning for students. Thus, this dissertation fits into this context with the overall goal of discussing my professional career, considering the epistemological ruptures of Physical Education, occurred in my training and expertise. The objective is also to identify the contributions of these formations in professional activities, centered on storytelling and reflection of significant experiences in the teaching of sports and Physical Education. We highlight the paradigm shifts, leaving the gymnastic methods, through dance-physical education method, psychomotor, reaching the contemporary critical theories experienced from the culture of movement as well as its implications for professional practice. We chose a qualitative research, using the autobiographical method, using as sources or techniques, narratives, photographic recording and video samples. In the studies within the area of education, for the most part, qualitative research came to oppose the positivist view of the quantification on analysis of social phenomena. New ideas were appearing in order to present innovative perspectives to understand the real. The survey data will be presented in narrated form (descriptive), analyzed based on the theoretical framework that guides the study, especially authors who discuss school physical education, vocational training and body conception. We believe our study may be of relevance for training in Physical Education that as from pedagogical reflections in certain historical realities, envisions being able to open new perspectives for the performance of other physical education teachers