981 resultados para Professional order


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Le contexte socio-économique marqué par la division du travail favorise les fermetures de marché. La professionnalisation représente un type de fermetures par lequel un groupe occupationnel cherche à obtenir et à maintenir le contrôle de l'environnement interne et externe de son activité économique afin d'éviter que ce contrôle s'exerce exclusivement de l'extérieur. En maintenant le contrôle sur un champ de compétence ou sur une fermeture de marché, un groupe assure la maîtrise de sa survie professionnelle et socio-économique. La recherche de fermeture de marché est une explication possible des considérations sousjacentes à l'intérêt d'un groupe occupationnel pour la professionnalisation. Cette considération ne compromet pas nécessairement la mission de protection du public qui doit guider les ordres professionnels dans l'exercice de leurs pouvoirs de contrôle. En effet, le processus de légitimation favorise au contraire le respect de cette mission. Par ce processus, un groupe occupationnel maintient non seulement la reconnaissance sociale de sa compétence et de son utilité mais également l'exercice des pouvoirs de contrôle qui lui sont octroyés. La légitimité ainsi acquise permet de maintenir le degré de crédibilité nécessaire à la survie du groupe. Cette explication de l'intérêt pour la professionnalisation a été élaborée à partir des critères de trois approches sociologiques qui sont le fonctionnalisme, l'interactionnisme et le conflictualisme. Ces approches ont servi à examiner en premier lieu le Code des professions et en second lieu les stratégies et les arguments de deux acteurs sociaux qui ont un point de vue opposé sur ce phénomène social de l'intérêt pour la professionnalisation.


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Contexte. Les produits de santé naturels (PSN) suscitent de plus en plus d’intérêt au sein de la population. Les professionnels de la santé, dont les nutritionnistes, doivent être à l’affût de cette tendance afin de conseiller les utilisateurs et de limiter les risques liés à leur utilisation. Objectif. Explorer l’expérience, les perceptions et les besoins de formation des nutritionnistes du Québec à l’égard des PSN. Méthodes. Un sondage électronique a été envoyé à tous les membres de l’Ordre professionnel des diététistes du Québec via Fluid Survey. Les questions visaient à identifier les expériences, les attitudes à l’égard des PSN et de leur clientèle qui en consomme, les sources d’informations utilisées dans leurs consultations et d’identifier les besoins de formations en relation avec les PSN. Résultats. Au total, 295 nutritionnistes ont complété le questionnaire. Parmi ceux-ci, 93 % ont déjà reçu des questions portant sur les PSN. Environ 91 % ont déclaré consommer ou avoir déjà consommé un PSN et, au moins 94 % ont affirmé avoir recommandé un PSN. Aussi, 95 % de l’échantillon désiraient davantage d’informations sur les PSN. Enfin, ils ont une perception positive quant à leur rôle dans ce dossier, puisque 77 % de l’échantillon ont indiqué que le nutritionniste devrait être une source d’informations sur les PSN. Conclusion. Les grands constats de notre étude révèlent que le rôle des nutritionnistes du Québec en relation avec les PSN n’est pas clairement défini. Ils ont besoin de formation sur les PSN afin d’être outillés pour conseiller la population et, ainsi, leur ouvrir un nouveau champ d’expertise.


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Contexto: O estudo da Satisfação Profissional (SP) é um tema actual que tem despertado a atenção de vários investigadores. Sendo um tema bastante complexo, os investigadores têm procurado compreender as diversas determinantes da SP, considerando que só dessa forma os gestores das organizações estarão em condições de desenvolver estratégias que promovam o nível de satisfação dos seus colaboradores. Objetivos: Identificar quais os factores que contribuem para a SP da amostra. Método: O estudo teve por base uma bateria de três questionários, de administração direta, aplicados aos trabalhadores de duas fábricas da região centro. Para avaliar a SP recorreu-se ao “Job Discriptive Index” (JDI) adaptado à população portuguesa por Jesuíno, Sockza e Matoso (1983), e à Escala de Satisfação Organizacional, desenvolvida por Jorge Vala e colaboradores (1995). Para apurar as caraterísticas sociodemográficas da amostra fez-se uso ainda de um questionário construído pelos autores do estudo para o efeito. A amostra final é constituída por trabalhadores de duas empresas (N=52) - 24 da empresa “P” e 28 da empresa “B”, num total de 48 homens (92,3%) e 4 mulheres (7,7%), com prevalência de idades entre 31-40 anos (32,7%). O estudo teve a duração de dois semestres, e desenvolvido em quatro fases distintas: Fase conceptual, metodológica, Empírica e Reflexiva1. Resultados: Os resultados demonstram que a SP é mais influenciada por factores de ordem profissional e socioprofissionais, nomeadamente: relacionamento do trabalhador com a chefia, relacionamento do trabalhador com os colegas do mesmo nível, perspetivas de promoção, tempo de serviço e o tipo de vínculo contratual. Dos factores sociodemográficos, verificamos que a idade e o estado civil exercem influência moderada sobre a satisfação. Conclusão: Os resultados obtidos devem ser analisados como preliminares, passíveis de serem confirmados no futuro. Com este estudo foi possível concluir que a maioria dos trabalhadores das empresas em estudo (75%) se sente satisfeita, em oposição a 25% dos casos que afirma sentir-se insatisfeito em relação ao seu trabalho. / Context: The study of the Professional Satisfaction (PS) is an actual theme that has aroused the attention of different investigators. Being a complex theme, the investigators have trying to understand the diversity of PS determinants, considering that approach, the only way to the managers being able to develop strategies to elevate the satisfaction level of the collaborators. Goals: Identify what factors contributes to the PS of the sample Method: As support, the study had a group of three direct implementation questionnaires applied to the workers of two factories from the area. To evaluate the PS we resort to the “Job Descriptive Index” (JDI) adapted to the Portuguese Population by Jesuíno, Sockza and Matoso (1983) and to the Organizational Satisfaction Scale, developed by Jorge Vala and his collaborators (1995). To settle the socio demographic characteristics of the sample it was used another questionnaire elaborated by the authors of the study to achieve those characteristics. The final sample is constituted by workers of two factories (N=52), 24 of them from the factory “P” and the other ones (28) of the factory “B”, resulting in a total of 48 males (92,3%) and 4 females (7,7%) mostly with an age average between 31 and 40 years (32,7%) The study had the duration of two semesters and it was developed in four distinct phases, the first one, the conceptual phase, the second one, the methodological, the third one, the empirical and the last one, the reflexive phase. Results: The results show us that factors like professional order and socio professionals as the relations between employers and managers, between employers at the same level, promotional expectations, service time and the different types of contract have influences over the PS. Above the social demographic factors the study verifies that factors like age and marital status have a moderate influence above PS. Conclusion: The achieved results must be analyzed as preliminaries since they have to be confirmed in the future. With this study it was possible to conclude that the majority of the studied workers in the factories (75%) feel satisfied and the remaining 25% of the cases says unsatisfied in his relation to work.


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Este estudo exploratório, de caráter descritivo, tem como objetivos compreender a relação do Estado com a organização profissional dos assistentes sociais nas diferentes conjunturas sócio-históricas da trajetória da profissão; conhecer o contributo do associativismo sindical e profissional para a organização dos assistentes sociais em Portugal; caraterizar as diversas formas de associativismo profissional e sindical dos profissionais de Serviço Social e compreender a importância da regulação profissional para a categoria. Na trajetória do Serviço Social no nosso país, identificámos várias estruturas associativas desde os anos 50 do século XX. Apesar dessa diversidade ao nível da organização profissional, nos últimos anos tem sido o projeto de constituição da ordem o que tem congregado os profissionais de Serviço Social, embora de forma fragmentada. Em Portugal não existe um estatuto jurídico de regulação da profissão de assistente social, sendo do interesse dos profissionais, utentes e sociedade que o mesmo seja efetivado. A criação de uma ordem profissional poderá vir a fortalecer o trabalho dos profissionais de Serviço Social, bem como proteger e regulamentar o exercício profissional e a formação académica. Com a erosão do Estado Social, as relações de trabalho tendem a ser desregulamentadas e flexibilizadas, subsistindo a precariedade e o desemprego. O enfrentamento a estas questões por parte do movimento associativo é ténue e a sua não articulação fragiliza a proteção dos profissionais, como indiciam a subsistente ausência da constituição da ordem profissional e a extinção do Sindicato Nacional de Profissionais de Serviço Social, apesar do ressurgimento do associativismo sindical durante o presente ano (2013). As condições atuais diferem das existentes aquando do processo de obtenção da licenciatura e estruturação e implementação das carreiras profissionais de Serviço Social que potenciaram e galvanizaram os assistentes sociais. A categoria profissional apresenta-se desmobilizada e com pouco poder reivindicativo, e as associações profissionais e sindicais vivem com constrangimentos financeiros, funcionando em regime de voluntariado, o que denota a insipiência da sua estrutura organizativa. A atual conjuntura justificaria uma maior convergência, debate e processos de resistência por parte das estruturas associativas face ao agravamento de políticas baseadas na austeridade, que têm reflexos no mercado de trabalho, formação e organização profissional. Parece justificar-se a existência de estratégias articuladas com maior clareza sobre o projeto para a categoria, apostando num debate que se faça com os seus diversos intervenientes. Desta forma, o associativismo poderá constituir uma alavanca que confira maior dinamismo às suas estruturas organizacionais, maior visibilidade e presença pública da categoria, mas também uma maior solidez das suas organizações, que não sendo corporativas ou elitistas, salientem o primado da ética do serviço sobre a ética do ganho. / This descriptive exploratory study aims to understand the relationship between the State and the professional organisation of the social workers in the different social-historical situations of the profession course; to know the contribute of the unions and professional membership drive to the organisation of the social workers in Portugal; to characterise the several ways of the social workers’ professional and union membership drive and to understand the importance of the professional regulation for the area. In the Social Service trajectory in our country, we have identified several associative structures since the 1950s. Despite this diversity concerning the professional organisation, the project of constituting the professional order has been responsible for the social workers’ congregation in the past years, although in a fragmented way. In Portugal, there is not a legal status of regulation of the social workers’ profession, and it is of the interest of the professionals, users and society that this may be brought about. The creation of a professional order may strengthen the activity of the social workers, as well as it may protect and regulate the profession exercise and the university education. With the Social State’s erosion, the work relationships tend to be deregulated and softened, persisting the job insecurity and the unemployment. The associative movement does not strongly face these issues, and its non-articulation weakens the professionals’ protection, as the permanent absence of the professional order creation and the extinction of the National Social Workers Union show, despite the reappearance of the union membership drive during the present year (2013). The current conditions are not equal to the ones existent in the process of obtaining the university degree and the structuring and implementing of professional careers in the Social Service area, which have strengthened and galvanised the social workers. The professional category is not mobilised and it has few claimable power; the professional and unions’ associations live with financial problems, functioning in a volunteering regime, which shows the insipience of its organisation structure. The current situation would justify a bigger convergence, debate and resistance processes on behalf of the associative structures regarding the worsening of policies based on austerity – this has consequences in the work market, training and professional organisation. It seems to be pertinent the existence of strategies articulated in a clearer way about the project for this professional area, investing in a debate among its several participants. Therefore, the professional membership drive may constitute a lever that can give more dynamism to its organisational structures, a bigger visibility and public presence of the area, but also a stronger solidity in its organisations which, being not corporative or elitist, may highlight the service’s ethics over the profit’s ethics.


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The use of collaborative assignments for assessment is a risky undertaking for students and course designers. Yet the benefits, in terms of core learning outcomes, competencies, collaborative sense making and student involvement, suggest that the effort is worthwhile. Formal descriptions and rules do little to ameliorate the perception of risk and increased anxiety by students. (Ryan, 2007). BEB100 Introducing Professional Learning is a faculty-wide foundation unit with over 1300 students from 19 disciplines across the Faculty of the Built Environment and Engineering (“BEE”) at the Queensland University of Technology (“QUT”), Brisbane, Australia. Finding order in chaos outlines the approach and justification, assessment criteria, learning resources, teamwork tools, tutorial management, communication strategies, 2007-09 Student Learning Experience Survey results, annual improvements, findings and outcomes.


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This research thesis focuses on the experiences of pre-service drama teachers and considers how process drama may assist them to reflect on key aspects of professional ethics such as mandatory codes or standards, principled moral reasoning, moral character, moral agency, and moral literacy. Research from higher education provides evidence that current pedagogical approaches used to prepare pre –professionals for practice in medicine, engineering, accountancy, business, psychology, counselling, nursing and education, rarely address the more holistic or affective dimensions of professional ethics such as moral character. Process drama, a form of educational drama, is a complex improvisational group experience that invites participants to create and assume roles, and select and manage symbols in order to create a fictional world exploring human experience. Many practitioners claim that process drama offers an aesthetic space to develop a deeper understanding of self and situations, expanding the participant’s consciousness and ways of knowing. However, little research has been conducted into the potential efficacy of process drama in professional ethics education for pre-professionals. This study utilizes practitioner research and case study to explore how process drama may contribute to the development of professional ethics education and pedagogy.


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In this chapter, we frame YouTube as an example of “co-creative” culture – whatever YouTube is, it is produced dynamically (that is, as an ongoing process, over time) as a result of many interconnected instances of participation, by many different people. In order to understand these co-creative relationships, it is important not to focus exclusively on how the “ordinary consumer” or “amateur producer,” are participating in YouTube; rather, we argue it is necessary to include the activities of “traditional media” companies and media professionals, and more importantly, the new models of media entrepreneurialism that are grounded in YouTube’s “grassroots” culture. Hence, this chapter focuses the role that “YouTube stars” – highly visible and successful “homegrown” performers and producers – play in modelling and negotiating these co-creative relationships within the context of YouTube’s social network; and the new models of entrepreneurship within participatory culture that they represent.


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IT professionals work in an environment which is under continual innovation, exerts a global influence and yet is relatively young. In such a context, how can professionals be effectively supported in their ethical practice? IT professional ethics has predominantly focussed on external standards or internal reasoning. However, attention also has to be paid to professionals’ experience of ethics, which influences how they interpret standards and construct reasoning. A comprehensive experience of ethics will embrace the professional’s inner circle, their employer, their client and humanity. In order to promote such a comprehensive view, we need to re-conceptualise a) the IT discipline, focussing on information users; b) professional ethics, adopting other-centred attitudes; and c) professional development, pursuing a change in lived experience. This book is written for those interested in professional ethics (practitioners, educators, professional bodies and employers), especially in the computing field.


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The overall purpose of this study was to develop a model to inform the design of professional development programs and the implementation of cooperative learning within Thai primary school mathematics classrooms. Action research design, with interviews, surveys and observations, was used for this study. Survey questionnaires and classroom observations investigated the factors that influence the implementation of cooperative learning strategies and academic achievement in Thai primary school mathematics classrooms. The teachers’ interviews and classroom observation also examined the factors that need to be addressed in teacher professional development programs in order to facilitate cooperative learning in Thai mathematics classrooms. The outcome of this study was a model consisting of two sets of criteria to inform the successful implementation of cooperative learning in Thai primary schools. The first set of criteria was for proposers and developers of professional development programs. This set consists of macro- and micro-level criteria. The macro-level criteria focus on the overall structure of professional development programs and how and when the professional development programs should be implemented. The micro-level criteria focused on the specific topics that need to be included in professional development programs. The second set of criteria was for Thai principals and teachers to facilitate the introduction of cooperative learning in their classrooms. The research outcome also indicated that the attainment of these cooperative learning strategies and skills had a positive impact on the students’ learning of mathematics.


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The middle years of schooling has emerged as an important focus in Australian education. Student disengagement and alienation, the negative effects of non-completion of the senior years of schooling and underachievement have raised concerns about the quality of education during the middle years. For many schools, reshaping the middle years has involved incorporating Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to motivate students. However, simultaneously there is a need to ensure that programs are academically rigorous. There is little doubt that there are potential benefits to integrating ICT into programs for middle years’ students. However, little is known about how middle years’ teachers perceive higher order thinking, which is a component of academic rigour. This paper investigates the question of What are teachers’ perceptions of higher order thinking in an ICT environment? The study is underpinned by socio-cultural theory which is based on the belief that learning occurs through social interaction and that individuals are shaped by the social and cultural tools and instruments they engage with. This investigation used a collective case study design. Two methods were used for data collection. These methods are semi-structured interviews with individual teachers and a class and a focus group discussion with teachers. Findings indicate that teachers hold various perceptions of higher order thinking that lead to productive approaches to integrating ICT in middle years’ classrooms. The paper highlights that there may be a continuum of perceptions of higher order thinking with ICT. This continuum may inform professional developers who are guiding and supporting teachers to integrate ICT into middle years’ classrooms.


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Early and rich conversations with a range of stakeholders – academics, professionals and graduates in their early years of practice – quickly clarified that the singular challenge for most parties centres on the ways in which courses prepare graduates for the pace, diversity and flux of contemporary professional practice.---------In pursuing understanding of this central challenge this study has focused on new graduates in BED disciplines by canvassing their views and those of two other major stakeholder groups (academic staff and professional practitioners in the disciplines studied). The first crucial years of a young graduate’s life in the workforce are shaped by a number of factors including the quality of the transition-to-work experience. The quality of this life-shaping transition is dependent on a range of factors including the ways in which graduates are educated in universities, their personal developmental characteristics and those of the professional people around them and the preparedness of workplaces and other professional groups to guide new recruits through the transition experience. This study makes recommendations about how the variations in transition experience, resulting from the vagaries of all these factors across a range of worksites, may be better understood, perhaps normalised, and, at least, supported. . Early and rich conversations with a range of stakeholders – academics, professionals and graduates in their early years of practice – quickly clarified that the singular challenge for most parties centres on the ways in which courses prepare graduates for the pace, diversity and flux of contemporary professional practice. The study proceeded through literature review, focus group interviews, national online survey and workshops. Through all these methods a number of challenges and factors essential to the transition experience, and the quality of education which precedes it, were identified. Firstly the study found further evidence of the importance of higher-order graduate capabilities, namely, the development of judgment, critical enquiry and strategic thinking. Alongside these capabilities the importance of the development of emotional intelligence, particularly interpersonal and social skills, was stressed by all stakeholders. At the time of writing the global economic crisis was providing challenges to the sector and its young graduates. This phenomenon proved the value of the development of resilience and persistence in graduates, the education system was called upon by all stakeholders as a place where the future-proofing of neophytes would ensure that the unknown challenges of the future could also be confronted. The study found that the challenges of transition to work are best supported by authentic undergraduate experiences both on and off campus, inside and outside classrooms, and that commencing professional life is made easier for new graduates when university courses and workplace settings develop, sustain and support high standards and high expectations of students. All these findings indicate the importance of stakeholder expectations, roles and responsibilities in respect of the transition-to-work experience. Whilst full agreement about how these things should occur is not necessary, a process (amongst stakeholders) which seeks value alignment around transition through discussion, debate and agenda-setting would probably assist to address what is seen as a major challenge in built environment and design education.


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Decisions made in the earliest stage of architectural design have the greatest impact on the construction, lifecycle cost and environmental footprint of buildings. Yet the building services, one of the largest contributors to cost, complexity, and environmental impact, are rarely considered as an influence on the design at this crucial stage. In order for efficient and environmentally sensitive built environment outcomes to be achieved, a closer collaboration between architects and services engineers is required at the outset of projects. However, in practice, there are a variety of obstacles impeding this transition towards an integrated design approach. This paper firstly presents a critical review of the existing barriers to multidisciplinary design. It then examines current examples of best practice in the building industry to highlight the collaborative strategies being employed and their benefits to the design process. Finally, it discusses a case study project to identify directions for further research.


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This thesis is the result of an investigation of a Queensland example of curriculum reform based on outcomes, a type of reform common to many parts of the world during the last decade. The purpose of the investigation was to determine the impact of outcomes on teacher perspectives of professional practice. The focus was chosen to permit investigation not only of changes in behaviour resulting from the reform but also of teachers' attitudes and beliefs developed during implementation. The study is based on qualitative methodology, chosen because of its suitability for the investigation of attitudes and perspectives. The study exploits the researcher's opportunities for prolonged, direct contact with groups of teachers through the selection of an over-arching ethnography approach, an approach designed to capture the holistic nature of the reform and to contextualise the data within a broad perspective. The selection of grounded theory as a basis for data analysis reflects the open nature of this inquiry and demonstrates the study's constructivist assumptions about the production of knowledge. The study also constitutes a multi-site case study by virtue of the choice of three individual school sites as objects to be studied and to form the basis of the report. Three primary school sites administered by Brisbane Catholic Education were chosen as the focus of data collection. Data were collected from three school sites as teachers engaged in the first year of implementation of Student Performance Standards, the Queensland version of English outcomes based on the current English syllabus. Teachers' experience of outcomes-driven curriculum reform was studied by means of group interviews conducted at individual school sites over a period of fourteen months, researcher observations and the collection of artefacts such as report cards. Analysis of data followed grounded theory guidelines based on a system of coding. Though classification systems were not generated prior to data analysis, the labelling of categories called on standard, non-idiosyncratic terminology and analytic frames and concepts from existing literature wherever practicable in order to permit possible comparisons with other related research. Data from school sites were examined individually and then combined to determine teacher understandings of the reform, changes that have been made to practice and teacher responses to these changes in terms of their perspectives of professionalism. Teachers in the study understood the reform as primarily an accountability mechanism. Though teachers demonstrated some acceptance of the intentions of the reform, their responses to its conceptualisation, supporting documentation and implications for changing work practices were generally characterised by reduced confidence, anger and frustration. Though the impact of outcomes-based curriculum reform must be interpreted through the inter-relationships of a broad range of elements which comprise teachers' work and their attitudes towards their work, it is proposed that the substantive findings of the study can be understood in terms of four broad themes. First, when the conceptual design of outcomes did not serve teachers' accountability requirements and outcomes were perceived to be expressed in unfamiliar technical language, most teachers in the study lost faith in the value of the reform and lost confidence in their own abilities to understand or implement it. Second, this reduction of confidence was intensified when the scope of outcomes was outside the scope of the teachers' existing curriculum and assessment planning and teachers were confronted with the necessity to include aspects of syllabuses or school programs which they had previously omitted because of a lack of understanding or appreciation. The corollary was that outcomes promoted greater syllabus fidelity when frameworks were closely aligned. Third, other benefits the teachers associated with outcomes included the development of whole school curriculum resources and greater opportunity for teacher collaboration, particularly among schools. The teachers, however, considered a wide range of factors when determining the overall impact of the reform, and perceived a number of them in terms of the costs of implementation. These included the emergence of ethical dilemmas concerning relationships with students, colleagues and parents, reduced individual autonomy, particularly with regard to the selection of valued curriculum content and intensification of workload with the capacity to erode the relationships with students which teachers strongly associated with the rewards of their profession. Finally, in banding together at the school level to resist aspects of implementation, some teachers showed growing awareness of a collective authority capable of being exercised in response to top-down reform. These findings imply that Student Performance Standards require review and, additional implementation resourcing to support teachers through times of reduced confidence in their own abilities. Outcomes prove an effective means of high-fidelity syllabus implementation, and, provided they are expressed in an accessible way and aligned with syllabus frameworks and terminology, should be considered for inclusion in future syllabuses across a range of learning areas. The study also identifies a range of unintended consequences of outcomes-based curriculum and acknowledges the complexity of relationships among all the aspects of teachers' work. It also notes that the impact of reform on teacher perspectives of professional practice may alter teacher-teacher and school-system relationships in ways that have the potential to influence the effectiveness of future curriculum reform.