940 resultados para Process Analytical Technology (PAT)


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Fluid bed granulation is a key pharmaceutical process which improves many of the powder properties for tablet compression. Dry mixing, wetting and drying phases are included in the fluid bed granulation process. Granules of high quality can be obtained by understanding and controlling the critical process parameters by timely measurements. Physical process measurements and particle size data of a fluid bed granulator that are analysed in an integrated manner are included in process analytical technologies (PAT). Recent regulatory guidelines strongly encourage the pharmaceutical industry to apply scientific and risk management approaches to the development of a product and its manufacturing process. The aim of this study was to utilise PAT tools to increase the process understanding of fluid bed granulation and drying. Inlet air humidity levels and granulation liquid feed affect powder moisture during fluid bed granulation. Moisture influences on many process, granule and tablet qualities. The approach in this thesis was to identify sources of variation that are mainly related to moisture. The aim was to determine correlations and relationships, and utilise the PAT and design space concepts for the fluid bed granulation and drying. Monitoring the material behaviour in a fluidised bed has traditionally relied on the observational ability and experience of an operator. There has been a lack of good criteria for characterising material behaviour during spraying and drying phases, even though the entire performance of a process and end product quality are dependent on it. The granules were produced in an instrumented bench-scale Glatt WSG5 fluid bed granulator. The effect of inlet air humidity and granulation liquid feed on the temperature measurements at different locations of a fluid bed granulator system were determined. This revealed dynamic changes in the measurements and enabled finding the most optimal sites for process control. The moisture originating from the granulation liquid and inlet air affected the temperature of the mass and pressure difference over granules. Moreover, the effects of inlet air humidity and granulation liquid feed rate on granule size were evaluated and compensatory techniques used to optimize particle size. Various end-point indication techniques of drying were compared. The ∆T method, which is based on thermodynamic principles, eliminated the effects of humidity variations and resulted in the most precise estimation of the drying end-point. The influence of fluidisation behaviour on drying end-point detection was determined. The feasibility of the ∆T method and thus the similarities of end-point moisture contents were found to be dependent on the variation in fluidisation between manufacturing batches. A novel parameter that describes behaviour of material in a fluid bed was developed. Flow rate of the process air and turbine fan speed were used to calculate this parameter and it was compared to the fluidisation behaviour and the particle size results. The design space process trajectories for smooth fluidisation based on the fluidisation parameters were determined. With this design space it is possible to avoid excessive fluidisation and improper fluidisation and bed collapse. Furthermore, various process phenomena and failure modes were observed with the in-line particle size analyser. Both rapid increase and a decrease in granule size could be monitored in a timely manner. The fluidisation parameter and the pressure difference over filters were also discovered to express particle size when the granules had been formed. The various physical parameters evaluated in this thesis give valuable information of fluid bed process performance and increase the process understanding.


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In order to improve and continuously develop the quality of pharmaceutical products, the process analytical technology (PAT) framework has been adopted by the US Food and Drug Administration. One of the aims of PAT is to identify critical process parameters and their effect on the quality of the final product. Real time analysis of the process data enables better control of the processes to obtain a high quality product. The main purpose of this work was to monitor crucial pharmaceutical unit operations (from blending to coating) and to examine the effect of processing on solid-state transformations and physical properties. The tools used were near-infrared (NIR) and Raman spectroscopy combined with multivariate data analysis, as well as X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) and terahertz pulsed imaging (TPI). To detect process-induced transformations in active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), samples were taken after blending, granulation, extrusion, spheronisation, and drying. These samples were monitored by XRPD, Raman, and NIR spectroscopy showing hydrate formation in the case of theophylline and nitrofurantoin. For erythromycin dihydrate formation of the isomorphic dehydrate was critical. Thus, the main focus was on the drying process. NIR spectroscopy was applied in-line during a fluid-bed drying process. Multivariate data analysis (principal component analysis) enabled detection of the dehydrate formation at temperatures above 45°C. Furthermore, a small-scale rotating plate device was tested to provide an insight into film coating. The process was monitored using NIR spectroscopy. A calibration model, using partial least squares regression, was set up and applied to data obtained by in-line NIR measurements of a coating drum process. The predicted coating thickness agreed with the measured coating thickness. For investigating the quality of film coatings TPI was used to create a 3-D image of a coated tablet. With this technique it was possible to determine coating layer thickness, distribution, reproducibility, and uniformity. In addition, it was possible to localise defects of either the coating or the tablet. It can be concluded from this work that the applied techniques increased the understanding of physico-chemical properties of drugs and drug products during and after processing. They additionally provided useful information to improve and verify the quality of pharmaceutical dosage forms


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There is a need for better understanding of the processes and new ideas to develop traditional pharmaceutical powder manufacturing procedures. Process analytical technology (PAT) has been developed to improve understanding of the processes and establish methods to monitor and control processes. The interest is in maintaining and even improving the whole manufacturing process and the final products at real-time. Process understanding can be a foundation for innovation and continuous improvement in pharmaceutical development and manufacturing. New methods are craved for to increase the quality and safety of the final products faster and more efficiently than ever before. The real-time process monitoring demands tools, which enable fast and noninvasive measurements with sufficient accuracy. Traditional quality control methods have been laborious and time consuming and they are performed off line i.e. the analysis has been removed from process area. Vibrational spectroscopic methods are responding this challenge and their utilisation have increased a lot during the past few years. In addition, other methods such as colour analysis can be utilised in noninvasive real-time process monitoring. In this study three pharmaceutical processes were investigated: drying, mixing and tabletting. In addition tablet properties were evaluated. Real-time monitoring was performed with NIR and Raman spectroscopies, colour analysis, particle size analysis and compression data during tabletting was evaluated using mathematical modelling. These methods were suitable for real-time monitoring of pharmaceutical unit operations and increase the knowledge of the critical parameters in the processes and the phenomena occurring during operations. They can improve our process understanding and therefore, finally, enhance the quality of final products.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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In der Herstellung fester Darreichungsformen umfasst die Granulierung einen komplexen Teilprozess mit hoher Relevanz für die Qualität des pharmazeutischen Produktes. Die Wirbelschichtgranulierung ist ein spezielles Granulierverfahren, welches die Teilprozesse Mischen, Agglomerieren und Trocknen in einem Gerät vereint. Durch die Kombination mehrerer Prozessstufen unterliegt gerade dieses Verfahren besonderen Anforderungen an ein umfassendes Prozessverständnis. Durch die konsequente Verfolgung des PAT- Ansatzes, welcher im Jahre 2004 durch die amerikanische Zulassungsbehörde (FDA) als Guideline veröffentlicht wurde, wurde der Grundstein für eine kontinuierliche Prozessverbesserung durch erhöhtes Prozessverständnis, für Qualitätserhöhung und Kostenreduktion gegeben. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasste sich mit der Optimierung der Wirbelschicht-Granulationsprozesse von zwei prozesssensiblen Arzneistoffformulierungen, unter Verwendung von PAT. rnFür die Enalapril- Formulierung, einer niedrig dosierten und hochaktiven Arzneistoffrezeptur, wurde herausgefunden, dass durch eine feinere Zerstäubung der Granulierflüssigkeit deutlich größere Granulatkörnchen erhalten werden. Eine Erhöhung der MassRatio verringert die Tröpfchengröße, dies führt zu größeren Granulaten. Sollen Enalapril- Granulate mit einem gewünschten D50-Kornverteilung zwischen 100 und 140 um hergestellt werden, dann muss die MassRatio auf hohem Niveau eingestellt werden. Sollen Enalapril- Granulate mit einem D50- Wert zwischen 80 und 120µm erhalten werden, so muss die MassRatio auf niedrigem Niveau eingestellt sein. Anhand der durchgeführten Untersuchungen konnte gezeigt werden, dass die MassRatio ein wichtiger Parameter ist und zur Steuerung der Partikelgröße der Enalapril- Granulate eingesetzt werden kann; unter der Voraussetzung dass alle anderen Prozessparameter konstant gehalten werden.rnDie Betrachtung der Schnittmengenplots gibt die Möglichkeit geeignete Einstellungen der Prozessparameter bzw. Einflussgrößen zu bestimmen, welche dann zu den gewünschten Granulat- und Tabletteneigenschaften führen. Anhand der Lage und der Größe der Schnittmenge können die Grenzen der Prozessparameter zur Herstellung der Enalapril- Granulate bestimmt werden. Werden die Grenzen bzw. der „Design Space“ der Prozessparameter eingehalten, kann eine hochwertige Produktqualität garantiert werden. rnUm qualitativ hochwertige Enalapril Tabletten mit der gewählten Formulierung herzustellen, sollte die Enalapril- Granulation mit folgenden Prozessparametern durchgeführt werden: niedrige Sprührate, hoher MassRatio, einer Zulufttemperatur von mindestens > 50 °C und einer effektiven Zuluftmenge < 180 Nm³/h. Wird hingegen eine Sprührate von 45 g/min und eine mittlere MassRatio von 4.54 eingestellt, so muss die effektive Zuluftmenge mindestens 200 Nm³/h und die Zulufttemperatur mindestens 60 °C betragen, um eine vorhersagbar hohe Tablettenqualität zu erhalten. Qualität wird in das Arzneimittel bereits während der Herstellung implementiert, indem die Prozessparameter bei der Enalapril- Granulierung innerhalb des „Design Space“ gehalten werden.rnFür die Metformin- Formulierung, einer hoch dosierten aber wenig aktiven Arzneistoffrezeptur wurde herausgefunden, dass sich der Wachstumsmechanismus des Feinanteils der Metformin- Granulate von dem Wachstumsmechanismus der D50- und D90- Kornverteilung unterscheidet. Der Wachstumsmechanismus der Granulate ist abhängig von der Partikelbenetzung durch die versprühten Flüssigkeitströpfchen und vom Größenverhältnis von Partikel zu Sprühtröpfchen. Der Einfluss der MassRatio ist für die D10- Kornverteilung der Granulate vernachlässigbar klein. rnMit Hilfe der Störgrößen- Untersuchungen konnte eine Regeleffizienz der Prozessparameter für eine niedrig dosierte (Enalapril)- und eine hoch dosierte (Metformin) Arzneistoffformulierung erarbeitet werden, wodurch eine weitgehende Automatisierung zur Verringerung von Fehlerquellen durch Nachregelung der Störgrößen ermöglicht wird. Es ergibt sich für die gesamte Prozesskette ein in sich geschlossener PAT- Ansatz. Die Prozessparameter Sprührate und Zuluftmenge erwiesen sich als am besten geeignet. Die Nachregelung mit dem Parameter Zulufttemperatur erwies sich als träge. rnFerner wurden in der Arbeit Herstellverfahren für Granulate und Tabletten für zwei prozesssensible Wirkstoffe entwickelt. Die Robustheit der Herstellverfahren gegenüber Störgrößen konnte demonstriert werden, wodurch die Voraussetzungen für eine Echtzeitfreigabe gemäß dem PAT- Gedanken geschaffen sind. Die Kontrolle der Qualität des Produkts findet nicht am Ende der Produktions- Prozesskette statt, sondern die Kontrolle wird bereits während des Prozesses durchgeführt und basiert auf einem besseren Verständnis des Produktes und des Prozesses. Außerdem wurde durch die konsequente Verfolgung des PAT- Ansatzes die Möglichkeit zur kontinuierlichen Prozessverbesserung, zur Qualitätserhöhung und Kostenreduktion gegeben und damit das ganzheitliche Ziel des PAT- Gedankens erreicht und verwirklicht.rn


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There is an increasing interest in the biomedical field to create implantable medical devices to provide a temporary mechanical function for use inside the human body. In many of these applications bioresorbable polymer composites using PLLA with β-TCP , are increasingly being used due to their biocompatability, biodegradability and mechanical strength.1,3 These medical devices can be manufactured using conventional plastics processing methods such as injection moulding and extrusion, however there is great need to understand and control the process due to a lack of knowledge on the influence of processing on material properties. With the addition of biocompatible additives there is also a requirement to be able to predict the quality and level of dispersion within the polymer matrix. On-line UV-Vis spectroscopy has been shown to monitor the quality of fillers in polymers. This can eliminate time consuming and costly post-process evaluation of additive dispersion. The aim of this work was to identify process and performance relationships of PLLA/β-TCP composites with respect to melt-extrusion conditions. This is part of a wider study into on-line process monitoring of bioresorbable polymers as used in the medical industry.
These results show that final properties of the PLLA/ β-TCP composite are highly influenced by the particle size and loading. UV-Vis spectroscopy can be used on-line to monitor the final product and this can be utilised as a valuable tool for quality control in an application where consistent performance is of paramount importance.


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Traditional methods of R&D management are no longer sufficient for embracing innovations and leveraging complex new technologies to fully integrated positions in established systems. This paper presents the view that the technology integration process is a result of fundamental interactions embedded in inter-organisational activities. Emerging industries, high technology companies and knowledge intensive organisations owe a large part of their viability to complex networks of inter-organisational interactions and relationships. R&D organisations are the gatekeepers in the technology integration process with their initial sanction and motivation to develop technologies providing the first point of entry. Networks rely on the activities of stakeholders to provide the foundations of collaborative R&D activities, business-to-business marketing and strategic alliances. Such complex inter-organisational interactions and relationships influence value creation and organisational goals as stakeholders seek to gain investment opportunities. A theoretical model is developed here that contributes to our understanding of technology integration (adoption) as a dynamic process, which is simultaneously structured and enacted through the activities of stakeholders and organisations in complex inter-organisational networks of sanction and integration.


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This paper reviews the current state of development of both near-infrared (NIR) and mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopic techniques for process monitoring, quality control, and authenticity determination in cheese processing. Infrared spectroscopy has been identified as an ideal process analytical technology tool, and recent publications have demonstrated the potential of both NIR and MIR spectroscopy, coupled with chemometric techniques, for monitoring coagulation, syneresis, and ripening as well as determination of authenticity, composition, sensory, and rheological parameters. Recent research is reviewed and compared on the basis of experimental design, spectroscopic and chemometric methods employed to assess the potential of infrared spectroscopy as a technology for improving process control and quality in cheese manufacture. Emerging research areas for these technologies, such as cheese authenticity and food chain traceability, are also discussed.


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The stylized facts that motivate this thesis include the diversity in growth patterns that are observed across countries during the process of economic development, and the divergence over time in income distributions both within and across countries. This thesis constructs a dynamic general equilibrium model in which technology adoption is costly and agents are heterogeneous in their initial holdings of resources. Given the households‟ resource level, this study examines how adoption costs influence the evolution of household income over time and the timing of transition to more productive technologies. The analytical results of the model constructed here characterize three growth outcomes associated with the technology adoption process depending on productivity differences between the technologies. These are appropriately labeled as „poverty trap‟, „dual economy‟ and „balanced growth‟. The model is then capable of explaining the observed diversity in growth patterns across countries, as well as divergence of incomes over time. Numerical simulations of the model furthermore illustrate features of this transition. They suggest that that differences in adoption costs account for the timing of households‟ decision to switch technology which leads to a disparity in incomes across households in the technology adoption process. Since this determines the timing of complete adoption of the technology within a country, the implications for cross-country income differences are obvious. Moreover, the timing of technology adoption appears to be impacts on patterns of growth of households, which are different across various income groups. The findings also show that, in the presence of costs associated with the adoption of more productive technologies, inequalities of income and wealth may increase over time tending to delay the convergence in income levels. Initial levels of inequalities in the resources also have an impact on the date of complete adoption of more productive technologies. The issue of increasing income inequality in the process of technology adoption opens up another direction for research. Specifically increasing inequality implies that distributive conflicts may emerge during the transitional process with political- economy consequences. The model is therefore extended to include such issues. Without any political considerations, taxes would leads to a reduction in inequality and convergence of incomes across agents. However this process is delayed if politico-economic influences are taken into account. Moreover, the political outcome is sub optimal. This is essentially due to the fact that there is a resistance associated with the complete adoption of the advanced technology.


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Chemical Imaging (CI) is an emerging platform technology that integrates conventional imaging and spectroscopy to attain both spatial and spectral information from an object. Vibrational spectroscopic methods, such as Near Infrared (NIR) and Raman spectroscopy, combined with imaging are particularly useful for analysis of biological/pharmaceutical forms. The rapid, non-destructive and non-invasive features of CI mark its potential suitability as a process analytical tool for the pharmaceutical industry, for both process monitoring and quality control in the many stages of drug production. This paper provides an overview of CI principles, instrumentation and analysis. Recent applications of Raman and NIR-CI to pharmaceutical quality and process control are presented; challenges facing Cl implementation and likely future developments in the technology are also discussed. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper is part of the results from the project "Implementation Strategies and Development of an Open and Distance Education System for the University of the Azores" funded by the European Social Fund. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.3/2327


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Recent years have seen an increased uptake of business process management technology in industries. This has resulted in organizations trying to manage large collections of business process models. One of the challenges facing these organizations concerns the retrieval of models from large business process model repositories. For example, in some cases new process models may be derived from existing models, thus finding these models and adapting them may be more effective than developing them from scratch. As process model repositories may be large, query evaluation may be time consuming. Hence, we investigate the use of indexes to speed up this evaluation process. Experiments are conducted to demonstrate that our proposal achieves a significant reduction in query evaluation time.


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Business Process Modelling is a fast growing field in business and information technology, which uses visual grammars to model and execute the processes within an organisation. However, many analysts present such models in a 2D static and iconic manner that is difficult to understand by many stakeholders. Difficulties in understanding such grammars can impede the improvement of processes within an enterprise due to communication problems. In this chapter we present a novel framework for intuitively visualising animated business process models in interactive Virtual Environments. We also show that virtual environment visualisations can be performed with present 2D business process modelling technology, thus providing a low barrier to entry for business process practitioners. Two case studies are presented from film production and healthcare domains that illustrate the ease with which these visualisations can be created. This approach can be generalised to other executable workflow systems, for any application domain being modelled.


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Our objective was to determine the factors that lead users to continue working with process modeling grammars after their initial adoption. We examined the explanatory power of three theoretical models of IT usage by applying them to two popular process modeling grammars. We found that a hybrid model of technology acceptance and expectation-confirmation best explained user intentions to continue using the grammars. We examined differences in the model results, and used them to provide three contributions. First, the study confirmed the applicability of IT usage models to the domain of process modeling. Second, we discovered that differences in continued usage intentions depended on the grammar type instead of the user characteristics. Third, we suggest implications and practice.