991 resultados para Preventive dentistry - Psychology


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The present study investigated the preventive orientation of the dental education system in Iran as reflected in the responses of dental school educators and dental students to a questionnaire survey. Two questionnaires, one for dental school educators and one for senior dental students, were designed and piloted. Of the 15 state dental schools in Iran, 7 were selected using a multi-stage sampling approach, and all the dental school educators and senior dental students in these schools were asked to voluntarily fill in the anonymous questionnaires. Totally, 291 educators (80%) and 270 students (82%) participated in the study. In addition to background information, both questionnaires requested information on knowledge of caries prevention, attitudes towards preventive dentistry and oral health behaviour of the respondents. The students' questionnaire also covered items concerning prevention-oriented practice, study motives, and career preferences. Contrary to knowledge and attitudes of the students, those of the educators' were positively associated with some of their academic and personal background characteristics. Women were more likely to report favourable oral self-care habits than men. The other determinants of oral health behaviour were educators' familiarity with the oral public health field, and students' attitudes towards prevention. A higher score on preventive practice among the students was associated with better oral self-care habits and positive attitudes towards prevention. Characteristics of the profession and social status and security were the top-ranked that motivated students to study dentistry, and students mainly preferred to enter postgraduate courses and private practice after graduation. To increase the orientation of Iran's health care system towards prevention, and to cope with current concepts of prevention, corresponding changes should be made in the dental education system. The results of this study support the revision of the dental curriculum by placing more emphasis on prevention-related topics and by integrating prevention-related concepts into all disciplines. Additionally, practicing dentists and dental educators should be provided with opportunities to attend continuing education courses and to conduct seminars and congresses on various aspects of preventive dentistry at home as well as abroad.


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To identify economic evaluation models and parameters that could be replicated or adapted to construct a generic model to assess cost-effectiveness of and prioritise a wide range of community-based oral disease prevention programmes in an Australian context.
The literature search was conducted using MEDLINE, ERIC, PsycINFO, CINHAL (EBSCOhost), EMBASE (Ovid), CRD, DARE, NHSEED, HTA, all databases in the Cochrane library, Scopus and ScienceDirect databases from their inception to November 2012.
Thirty-three articles met the criteria for inclusion in this review (7 were Australian studies, 26 articles were international). Existing models focused primarily on dental caries. Periodontal disease, another common oral health problem, was lacking. Among caries prevention studies, there was an absence of clear evidence showing continuous benefits from primary through to permanent dentition and the long-term effects of oral health promotion.
No generic model was identified from previous studies that could be immediately adopted or adapted for our purposes of simulating and prioritising a diverse range of oral health interventions for Australian children and adolescents. Nevertheless, data sources specified in the existing Australian-based models will be useful for developing a generic model for such purposes.


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The thesis used a model of health behaviour to examine the predictors of dental attendance. Older respondents who had strong intentions, low perceived vulnerability, stable plans to attend, and were influenced by significant others were more likely to have attended the dentist for preventive care in the last 12 months. The portfolio concludes that attachment theory is a useful conceptual framework for enhancing our understanding of the antecedents and consequences of childhood sexual abuse.


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This study investigated what are the main reasons that led parents to enroll children in a clinic for infants. This was studied by consulting 1368 records during the period from July 1996 to August 2001. The predominant reason for enrolling was orientation/prevention followed by other and treatment. This study demonstrated that a program for children from the first year of life encourages parents to have a new vision of dentistry.


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Child temperament has been studied in various researches and may be useful to predict how a child responds to dental treatment, especially very young children. The purpose of the present longitudinal study was to evaluate the behavioral manifestation of children aged 0 to 3 years, considering different types of dental situation. A total of 169 children were selected and the following data were collected: the age of the child, gender, age of the mother, number of dental visits and their respective dates, stimuli offered to the child, and behavioral response to these stimuli. The children and their respective behaviors were divided into five groups according to the dental situation offered: control, missed visits, fluoride varnish, restoration, and dental trauma. The data were submitted to descriptive and inferential analysis using the chi-square test, with the level of significance set at 5%. Analysis of the different situation offered to infants during routine dental care revealed a predominance of collaborating and partially collaborating behavior, and age at the time of dental care influenced the behavior of the infants, irrespective of the stimulus group. The different types of dental situation provoked changes in the behavioral response of the children of certain age groups, especially in the dental trauma group.


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To investigate whether teenagers' knowledge about oral health is influenced by educational methods and to verify the most effective method according to their perception. The study was performed in Araçatuba, São Paulo State, Brazil, with 127 teenagers from a vocational school. It was realised in 3 steps: 1. An evaluation of knowledge about oral health using a self-applied questionnaire. 2. An application of educational methods, where the students were divided into two groups (A and B). Group A participated in three educational activities that involved lectures, individual demonstration, and participatory activity. Group B was divided into three subgroups (B1, B2, B3) and each of them participated in only one of the methods. 3. The acquired knowledge was evaluated. Group A created a focus group to give their opinion about strategies. With regards to knowledge after the application of the different methods in all groups, there was a statistically significant difference concerning periodontitis, gingivitis and herpes. In group A, after the three activities, and in group B2 after the individual demonstration, an association was found between 'healthy teeth' and 'general health' (P = 0.004 and P = 0.022, respectively). After the individual demonstration, an association was shown between variables of acquired knowledge about 'harmful diet' and 'dental caries' (P = 0.002) as well as 'good diet' and 'prevention of oral diseases' (P = 0.032). The favourite method was individual demonstration, due to the contact with educational materials, followed by participatory activity because it encouraged learning in a more dynamic way. Educational methods influenced knowledge about oral health, with individual demonstration proving to be the most effective method for acquiring knowledge. In the adolescents' view, the participatory activity was the preferred method.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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OBJECTIVE The aim of our investigation was to review the implementation of a comprehensive tobacco dependence education (TDE) curriculum at the Medi School of Dental Hygiene (MSDH), Bern, Switzerland, 2001-2008. METHODS In 2001, new forms to record patients' tobacco use history and willingness to quit were created for all the MSDH patients. In 2002, a new theoretically based tobacco dependence treatment protocol was implemented into the MSDH curriculum. Students received instruction on how to provide brief tobacco use dependence interventions as well as maintain detailed records of patient tobacco use and cessation interventions for every smoker at all dental hygiene visits. RESULTS In 2002, 17 lecture hours were added to the following subjects: pathology, periodontology, preventive dentistry, pharmacology and psychology. During the same time period, 2213 patients (56.9% women) have visited the MSDH. Smoking status was recorded in 85.7% of all the patients (30.2% smokers). Brief tobacco use interventions were recorded in 36.8% of all smokers while 7.6% of these have reported to quit smoking. CONCLUSIONS Overall, the new TDE curriculum was successfully implemented and accepted by the MSDH faculty. Applications in the clinical practice, however, may still be improved to better identify smokers and increase initial and follow-up interventions potentially leading to higher quit rates.


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OBJECTIVES The aim of this study was to forecast trends in restorative dentistry over the next 20 years and to identify treatment goals and corresponding properties of restorative materials. METHODS Using the Delphi method, a panel of 3 experts identified 8 key questions, which were sent to experts in restorative and preventive dentistry. In round 1 of this survey, 15 international experts devised a clearer semantic definition of the key questions and the completion of respective items for two additional rounds. In round 2, 125 experts from 35 countries rated the items developed in round 1 using a Likert scale. In round 3, the same 125 experts received the ratings of round 2 and were asked to agree or disagree to these ratings by re-voting on all key questions and items. A total of 105 experts re-voted and finally took part in the complete survey. Among the 8 key questions, two questions were selected for the present report: (Q1) "What will be the future role of restorative treatment?" and (Q6) "What will be the key qualities for clinical success of restorations?" For both questions and the respective items, the experts were asked to evaluate the importance and the feasibility for later calculation of the scientific value (i.e. the opportunity, where opportunity=importance+[importance-feasibility]). RESULTS The three items of highest importance for Q1 were "preservation of existing enamel and dentin tissue," "prevention of secondary caries," and "maintenance of the pulp vitality," and for Q6 they were "optimization of adhesion," "biocompatibility," and "minimizing technical sensitivity." SIGNIFICANCE Bioactivity toward the pulp-dentin complex and prevention of secondary caries were the items generally rated as having the highest opportunity.


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Dioxins are organic toxicants that are known to impair tooth development, especially dental hard tissue formation. The most toxic dioxin congener is 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). Further, clinical studies suggest that maternal smoking during pregnancy can affect child s tooth development. One of the main components of tobacco smoke is the group of non-halogenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), a representative of which is 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA). Tributyltin (TBT), an organic tin compound, has been shown to impair bone mineralization in experimental animals. In addition to exposure to organic toxicants, a well-established cause for enamel hypomineralization is excess fluoride intake. The principal aim of this thesis project was to examine in vitro if, in addition to dioxins, other organic environmental toxicants, like PAHs and organic tin compounds, have adverse effects on tooth development, specifically on formation and mineralization of the major dental hard tissues, the dentin and the enamel. The second aim was to investigate in vitro if fluoride could intensify the manifestation of the detrimental developmental dental effects elicited by TCDD. The study was conducted by culturing mandibular first and second molar tooth germs of E18 NMRI mouse embryos in a Trowell-type organ culture and exposing them to DMBA, TBT, and sodium fluoride (NaF) and/or TCDD at various concentrations during the secretory and mineralization stages of development. Specific methods used were HE-staining for studying cell and tissue morphology, BrdU-staining for cell proliferation, TUNEL-staining for apoptosis, and QPCR, in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry for the expressions of selected genes associated with mineralization. This thesis work showed that DMBA, TBT, TCDD and NaF interfere with dentin and enamel formation of embryonic mouse tooth in vitro, and that fluoride can potentiate the harmful effect of TCDD. The results suggested that adverse effects of TBT involve altered expression of genes associated with mineralization, and that DMBA and TBT as well as NaF and TCDD together primarily affect dentin mineralization. Since amelogenesis does not start until mineralization of dentin begins, impaired enamel matrix secretion could be a secondary effect. Dioxins, PAHs and organotins are all liposoluble and can be transferred to the infant by breast-feeding. Since doses are usually very low, developmental toxicity on most of the organs is difficult to indentify clinically. However, tooth may act as an indicator of exposure, since the major dental hard tissues, the dentin and the enamel, are not replaced once they have been formed. Thus, disturbed dental hard tissue formation raises the question of more extensive developmental toxicity.


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Com a introdução do flúor como o principal agente anticariogênico e, talvez, um aumento do flúor na nossa cadeia alimentar, a fluorose dentária tornou-se um problema mundial. Os mecanismos que conduzem à formação do esmalte fluorótico são desconhecidos, mas devem envolver modificações nas reações físico-químicas básicas de desmineralização e remineralização do esmalte dentário. O aumento daquantidade de flúor no cristal apatita resulta no aumento dos parâmetros de rede. O objetivo deste trabalho é caracterizar o esmalte dentário humano saudável e fluorótico usando difração de raios X com luz síncrotron. Todos os perfis de espalhamento foram medidos na linha de difração de raios X (XRD1) do Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron, Campinas SP. Os experimentos foram realizados usando amostras em pó e em lâminas polidas. As amostras em pó foram analisadas a fim de obter a caracterização do esmalte dentário saudável. As lâminas foram analisadas em áreas do esmalte específicas identificadas como fluoróticas. Todos os perfis foram comparados com amostras de esmalte de controle e também com a literatura. A evidente similaridade entre os perfis de difração mostraram a analogia entre as estruturas do esmalte dentário e a hidroxiapatita padrão. Fica evidente que os perfis de difração do esmalte dentário das amostras em lâmina são diferentes daqueles obtidos para o esmalte em pó. As diferenças encontradas incluem variação na cristalinidade e orientação preferencial. Os valores encontrados para as distâncias interplanares para o esmalte de controle e fluorótico das amostras em lâmina não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas. Isto pode ser explicado pelo fato que a hidroxiapatita e a fluoropatita formam cristais com a mesma estrutura hexagonal, mesmo grupo de simetria e têm parâmetros de rede muito próximos, os quais a habilidade do sistema não foi suficiente para resolver. Finalmente, este trabalho mostra que a difração de raios X usando radiação síncrotron é uma técnica poderosa para o estudo da cristalografia e microestrutura do esmalte dentário e, ainda, pode ser igualmente aplicada no estudo de outros tecidos biológicos duros e de biomateriais sintéticos.


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Nessa dissertação, baseada em uma perspectiva genealógica da história, realizo uma análise da psicologia escolar no Brasil, buscando delinear a inserção de suas práticas, em um momento específico da vida política do país, a ditadura militar, durante as conturbadas décadas de 60 e 70. Para tal estudo, foi necessário enfocar momentos históricos anteriores, percorrendo brevemente da Primeira República à Era Vargas. Fundamental à emergência da psicologia escolar preventiva, detive-me no cotidiano brasileiro durante a ditadura militar, enfatizando como o golpe gerou efeitos econômicos, políticos, sociais, afetivos, assim como possibilitou a pregnância de uma cultura psicológica, responsável pela explosão das práticas exercidas pelos profissionais psi, tendo como efeito a produção de subjetividades privatizadas e intimistas. Para retratar a psicologia escolar nesse período, utilizei como fonte primária seis livros sobre essa temática de autores brasileiros. Nesses livros, predominava uma abordagem preventiva, profilática da psicologia escolar, resultando em intervenções junto a alunos, professores e pais, a procura de potenciais desvios que pudessem atrapalhar o andamento desejado para os trabalhos escolares. Antecipando desvios e conflitos, controla-se e normatiza-se todo o espaço escolar. A psicologia, além de atentar para as patologias, engloba também o campo da normalidade, da vida cotidiana. Assim, no compasso dos ideais propagados pelo regime militar e pela emergência da privacidade como fim em si mesma, a psicologia escolar compactua com os modos de subjetivação intimistas e individualizantes.


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Purpose: The aim of this in situ double-blind randomised crossover study was to investigate the effect of calcium (Ca) pre-rinse on the composition of plaque and on enamel prior to the use of fluoride (F) dentifrice. Materials and Methods: During four phases (14 days each) of this study, 10 volunteers had agreed to wear dental appliances containing two healthy bovine enamel blocks. A fresh solution containing 20% weight/volume (w/v) sucrose was dripped on the enamel blocks ex vivo for 5 min three times a day. Subsequently, the appliances were replaced in the mouth, and the volunteers rinsed their mouth with 10 mL of a Ca (150 mmol/L) or a placebo rinse (1 min). In sequence, a slurry (1:3 w/v) of F (1030 ppm) or placebo dentifrice was dripped onto the blocks ex vivo for 1 min. During this time, the volunteers brushed their teeth with the respective dentifrice. The appliances were replaced in the mouth, and the volunteers rinsed their mouth with water. The plaque formed on the blocks was analysed for F and Ca. The enamel demineralisation as well as the incorporation of F on enamel was evaluated by cross-sectional microhardness and alkali-soluble F analysis, respectively. Data were tested using analysis of variance (P < 0.05). Results: The Ca pre-rinse prior to the use of the F dentifrice led to a three- and sixfold increase in the plaque F and Ca concentrations, respectively. It also did not have any additive effect on the F content on the enamel and the demineralisation of the enamel, in comparison with the use of F dentifrice alone. Conclusions: A Ca lactate rinse used prior to the F dentifrice was able to change the mineral content in the plaque, but it was unable to prevent enamel demineralisation.