923 resultados para Pre-design


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The energy efficiency of buildings should be a goal at the pre-design phase, though the importance of the design variables is often neglected even during the design process. Highlighting the relevance of these design variables, this research studies the relationships of building location variables with the electrical energy consumption of residential units. The following building design parameters are considered: orientation, story height and sky view factor (SVF). The consideration of the SVF as a location variable contributes to the originality of this research. Data of electrical energy consumption and users' profiles were collected and several variables were considered for the development of an Artificial Neural Network model. This model allows the determination of the relative importance of each variable. The results show that the apartments' orientation is the most important design variable for the energy consumption, although the story height and the sky view factor play a fundamental role in that consumption too. We pointed out that building heights above twenty-four meters do not optimize the energy efficiency of the apartments and also that an increasing SVF can influence the energy consumption of an apartment according to their orientation.


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Current research shows a relationship between healthcare architecture and patient-related Outcomes. The planning and designing of new healthcare environments is a complex process; the needs of the various end-users of the environment must be considered, including the patients, the patients’ significant others, and the staff. The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of healthcare professionals participating in group modelling utilizing system dynamics in the pre-design phase of new healthcare environments. We engaged healthcare professionals in a series of workshops using system dynamics to discuss the planning of healthcare environments in the beginning of a construction, and then interviewed them about their experience. An explorative and qualitative design was used to describe participants’ experiences of participating in the group modelling projects. Participants (n=20) were recruited from a larger intervention study using group modeling and system dynamics in planning and designing projects. The interviews were analysed by qualitative content analysis. Two themes were formed, representing the experiences in the group modeling process: ‘Partaking in the G-M created knowledge and empowerment’and ‘Partaking in the G-M was different from what was expected and required time and skills’. The method can support participants in design teams to focus more on their healthcare organization, their care activities and their aims rather than focusing on detailed layout solutions. This clarification is important when decisions about the design are discussed and prepared and will most likely lead to greater readiness for future building process.


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Australian climate is highly suitable for using outdoor air for free building cooling. In order to evaluate the suitability of hybrid cooler for specific applications, a pre-design climate assessment tool is developed and presented in this paper. In addition to the consideration of the local climate, comfort zone proposed by ASHRAE handbook and specific design of building and operation of hybrid cooler, possible influence from environmental factors (e.g. air humidity and air velocity), as well as personal factors (e.g. activity level and clothing insulation) on occupant’s thermal comfort are also considered in this tool. It is demonstrated that with the input of climatic data for a particular location and the associated design data for a specific application, the developed climate assessment tool is able to not only sort outdoor air conditions into the different process regions but also project them onto the psychrometric chart. It can also be used to estimate the hours for an individual operational mode under various climate conditions and summarize them in a table “Results”.


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[EU]Txosten honetan konexio konikodun hortzetako inplante baten eraginkortasuna aztertzen da. Zehatzagoak izanik, inplante bat ahotik kanporatu ahal izateko beharrezkoa den indarra aztertu egiten da, kontuan hartuz aldagai horren balioa ezagutzea ezinbestekoa dela pazientearen osasuna eta konforta ziurtatzeko. Proiektu honek zein eremutan garrantzia edukiko duen ikusteko, lehenik eta behin testuingurua deskribatuko da. Horren ondoren helburu nagusiak eta onura zientifiko-tekniko zein ekonomikoak adieraziko dira. Helburuak lortzeko posibleak diren bide desberdinak aztertuko dira, eta bakoitzaren abantailak eta desabantailak kontuan hartuz kasu honi hobeto egokitzen zaion alternatiba aukeratuko da. Jarraian, metodo horri dagokion azalpenari ekingo zaio, proiektuaren garapenean egindako lanak pausoz pauso deskribatuz. Proiektuaren hasieratik amaierara arte egindako lanen planifikazioa era argi batean adierazteko Gantt diagrama erabiliko da. Bertan hiru etapa nagusi ezberdindu daitezke: saiakuntzen aurre-diseinua, kanpaina esperimentala eta emaitzen interpretazioa. Azkenik, egindako saiakuntzen eta analisien emaitzak laburbilduko dira, horiek dakartzaten ondorioak azalduz. Puntu honekin hasiera batean planteatutako helburuei erantzun bat emango zaie, eta proiektu honen ondoren jarraitu ahal izango diren hurrengo pausoak aipatuko dira.


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[ES] El objeto de este estudio consiste en el diseño de un sistema de suspensión trasera regulable y progresiva, así como el prediseño de un basculante, para una motocicleta de competición. La motocicleta compite dentro de la categoría MotoStudent, por lo que se ha realizado el estudio de acuerdo con las normas de la Organización y las especificaciones del equipo de la ETSI.


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[ES]Hoy en día los vehículos usados en la extracción de sangre utilizan un motor de combustión interna, no solamente para sus desplazamientos, sino también para generar electricidad con la que poder utilizar todos los aparatos del interior. Como consecuencia, el autobús es una fuente importante de ruidos y contaminación, ya que el motor diesel está funcionando durante las largas paradas en las que se realiza dicha actividad. El objetivo del proyecto es diseñar un sistema innovador basado en pilas de combustible que sirva para alimentar todos los equipos y dispositivos, evitando el ruido, las vibraciones y los gases contaminantes. Para ello y en primer lugar, será necesario estimar el consumo total del autobús. Tras esto, también se tomarán una serie de decisiones con el fin de mejorar la eficiencia energética del autobús. Finalmente, se hará un diseño del sistema energético, el cual debe incluir una pila de combustible, junto con todos sus sistemas asociados, y todas las especificaciones.


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Trabalho de Projeto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Estruturas


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Trabalho de Projeto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Estruturas


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In this paper, a hydroelectric power plant with long tail-race tunnel has been modelled for assessing its contribution to secondary regulation reserve. Cavitation problems, caused by the discharge conduit length, are expected downstream the turbine where low pressure appears during regulation manoeuvres. Therefore, governor's gains should be selected taking into account these phenomena. On the other hand, regulation services bidden by the plant operator should fulfil TSO (Transmission System Operator) quality requirements. A methodology for tuning governor PI gains is proposed and applied to a Hydro power plant in pre-design phase in northwest area of Spain. The PI gains adjustment proposed provides a proper plant response, according to some established indexes, while avoiding cavitation phenomena.


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The importance of non-technical factors in the design and implementation of information systems has been increasingly recognised by both researchers and practitioners, and recent literature highlights the need for new tools and techniques with an organisational, rather than technical, focus. The gap between what is technically possible and what is generally practised, is particularly wide in the sales and marketing field. This research describes the design and implementation of a decision support system (DSS) for marketing planning and control in a small, but complex company and examines the nature of the difficulties encountered. An intermediary with functional, rather than technical, expertise is used as a strategy for overcoming these by taking control of the whole of the systems design and implementation cycle. Given the practical nature of the research, an action research approach is adopted with the researcher undertaking this role. This approach provides a detailed case study of what actually happens during the DSS development cycle, allowing the influence of organisational factors to be captured. The findings of the research show how the main focus of the intermediary's role needs to be adapted over the systems development cycle; from coordination and liaison in the pre-design and design stages, to systems champion during the first part of the implementation stage, and finally to catalyst to ensure that the DSS is integrated into the decision-making process. Two practical marketing exercises are undertaken which illustrate the nature of the gap between the provision of information and its use. The lack of a formal approach to planning and control is shown to have a significant effect on the way the DSS is used and the role of the intermediary is extended successfully to accommodate this factor. This leads to the conclusion that for the DSS to play a fully effective role, small firms may need to introduce more structure into their marketing planning, and that the role of the intermediary, or Information Coordinator, should include the responsibility for introducing new techniques and ideas to aid with this.


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Whether to assess the functionality of equipment or as a determinate for the accuracy of assays, reference standards are essential for the purposes of standardisation and validation. The ELISPOT assay, developed over thirty years ago, has emerged as a leading immunological assay in the development of novel vaccines for the assessment of efficacy. However, with its widespread use, there is a growing demand for a greater level of standardisation across different laboratories. One of the major difficulties in achieving this goal has been the lack of definitive reference standards. This is partly due to the ex vivo nature of the assay, which relies on cells being placed directly into the wells. Thus, the aim of this thesis was to produce an artificial reference standard using liposomes, for use within the assay. Liposomes are spherical bilayer vesicles with an enclosed aqueous compartment and therefore are models for biological membranes. Initial work examined pre-design considerations in order to produce an optimal formulation that would closely mimic the action of the cells ordinarily placed on the assay. Recognition of the structural differences between liposomes and cells led to the formulation of liposomes with increased density. This was achieved by using a synthesised cholesterol analogue. By incorporating this cholesterol analogue in liposomes, increased sedimentation rates were observed within the first few hours. The optimal liposome formulation from these studies was composed of 2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC), cholesterol (Chol) and brominated cholesterol (Brchol) at a 16:4:12 µMol ratio, based on a significantly higher (p<0.01) sedimentation (as determined by a percentage transmission of 59 ± 5.9 % compared to the control formulation at 29 ± 12 % after four hours). By considering a range of liposome formulations ‘proof of principle’ for using liposomes as ELISPOT reference standards was shown; recombinant IFN? cytokine was successfully entrapped within vesicles of different lipid compositions, which were able to promote spot formation within the ELISPOT assay. Using optimised liposome formulations composed of phosphatidylcholine with or without cholesterol (16 µMol total lipid) further development was undertaken to produce an optimised, scalable protocol for the production of liposomes as reference standards. A linear increase in spot number by the manipulation of cytokine concentration and/or lipid concentrations was not possible, potentially due to the saturation that occurred within the base of wells. Investigations into storage of the formulations demonstrated the feasibility of freezing and lyophilisation with disaccharide cryoprotectants, but also highlighted the need for further protocol optimisation to achieve a robust reference standard upon storage. Finally, the transfer of small-scale production to a medium lab-scale batch (40 mL) demonstrated this was feasible within the laboratory using the optimised protocol.


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The neural-like growing networks used in the intelligent system of recognition of images are under consideration in this paper. All operations made over the image on a pre-design stage and also classification and storage of the information about the images and their further identification are made extremely by mechanisms of neural-like networks without usage of complex algorithms requiring considerable volumes of calculus. At the conforming hardware support the neural network methods allow considerably to increase the effectiveness of the solution of the given class of problems, saving a high accuracy of result and high level of response, both in a mode of training, and in a mode of identification.