983 resultados para Practical nurses
WI docs. no.: HE 1 ST.6/2:N 83/1971-1976
Description based on: 1989; title from cover.
The purpose of this study was to identify the state and trait anxiety and the perceived causes of anxiety in licensed practical nurses (LPNs) returning to an associate degree nursing program in order to become registered nurses (RNs). The subjects for this study were 98 students enrolled in a transitional LPN/RN associate degree nursing program in two community colleges in the state of Florida. The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) developed by Spielberger (1983), was used as the measuring instrument for this study.^ In addition, a Q-sort technique was used to obtain information from the subjects regarding perceived causes of anxiety. Anxiety causes for the Q-sort cards used in the study were developed from the themes identified by a sample of LPN/RN students in a pilot study. The state and trait anxiety levels were obtained using the STAI for college students scoring key and scales. Descriptive statistics were used to determine the state and trait anxiety of the students. Correlational statistics were used to determine if relationships existed between the state and trait anxiety levels and perceived causes of anxiety identified by LPN students returning to an associate degree nursing program.^ The analysis of the Q-sort was performed by computing the means, standard deviations, and frequencies of each cause. The mean trait anxiety level of the students was 57.56, $SD=29.69.$ The mean state anxiety level of the students was 68.21, $SD=25.78.$ Higher percentile scores of trait anxiety were associated with higher ranks of the Q-sort category, "failing out of the program," $\rm r\sb{s}=.27,\ p=.008.$ Implications for future nursing research and application of the findings to nursing education are presented. ^
Background: An evaluation was completed on the One-Day Meditech Magic Training Program for Registered Nurses (RNs) and Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) developed for the Long Term Care (LTC) Program. Methods: Both a literature review and consultation with stakeholders were completed to determine possible evaluation methods, expected outcomes, and ways to measure the effectiveness of the education program. A pretest/posttest design and questionnaire were chosen as the evaluation tools for this project. Results: No significant difference was found between the pretest and posttest total scores indicating that learners retained information from the orientation session (Z = -1.820, p = 0.069). Additional Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed rank tests were performed on the individual sections of the tests and revealed a significant decrease in the posttest scores for entering a Diagnostic Imaging requisition (Z = -1.975, p = 0.048). No other significant findings were present. Questionnaires were also analyzed revealing that most participants were pleased with the Meditech documentation education they received and did not indicate barriers that would affect electronic documentation. Conclusions: Further testing is required to ensure reliability and validity of the evaluation tools. Finally, caution is needed due to a small sample size. However, problematic documentation tasks were identified during the evaluation, and as a result both the training session and support materials will be improved as a result of this project.
The purpose of this study was to explore nurses' perceptions of and level of satisfaction with the medication administration system in long-term care (LTC). The cross-sectional survey design included both quantitative and open-ended questions. Data were collected from licensed registered nurses (RNs) and registered practical nurses (RPNs) at 9 LTC residences in southwestern Ontario, Canada. Using independent sample f tests, the researchers found that RNs were significantly less satisfied than RPNs with their medication administration system, particularly with respect to safety issues. RNs identified a number of related barriers, including time constraints, poor packaging, insufficient drug information, prescription changes, lack of staff competency, and unwieldy medication carts. Implications for practice and policy are discussed, including recommendations for improving medication administration practices and for addressing the workload demands of LTC nurses. © McGill University School of Nursing.
Each year, the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) requires all registered nurses and registered practical nurses in Ontario to complete a Reflective Practice learning activity. In doing so, nurses are expected to perform a self- assessment, identify a practice problem or issue, create and implement a personal learning plan, and evaluate the learning and outcomes accomplished. The process and components of CNO's Reflective Practice program are very similar to an Action Learning activity. The purpose of this qualitative research was to explore the perceptions of 1 1 nurses who completed at least 1 Action Learning activity. Data analysis of their comments provided insight into their perceptions of the Action Learning experience, perceptions of the negative and positive characteristics of various activities within the Action Learning process, and perceptions of barriers or challenges within this experience. The author concluded that participants perceived their Action Learning activities to be a positive experience because the process focused on practice problems and issues, enhanced thinking about practice problems, and achieved practice-relevant outcomes. However, the results indicated that self-directed learning and journal writing were difficult activities for some participants, and some experienced negative emotional responses during reflection. The research concluded that barriers to implementation of Action Learning include a lack of understanding of the process and a perceived lack of support from employers.
The research examines the process by which a sense of belonging to Finnish society is constructed among women of Russian and Estonian background who are multiply marginalised in Finnish society. It does so by analysing the encounters between their nationality and 'being Finnis'. Attention is focused on the question of what kind of "journey" they take after moving to Finland, how a sense of belonging is constructed especially along the paths followed in education and at work, and what kind of agency is available to them. The thesis is connected with post-colonial research and also draws from studies on citizenship and nationality as well as the social structures of interaction, when analysing careers. As the educational system forms the most central context of the research, the work is also focused on educational sociology. The research methodology includes life history and a narrative approach. The raw data is from thematic interviews concerning the life experiences of women of immigrant backgrounds. They were studying in Finland to be practical nurses or to complete Bachelor of Social Service degree. According to the study, the women had been encountered as alien, strange, and carrying a shade of "otherness". The experience of inclusion in Finnish communities and society turned out to be conditional, an inclusion based on the notion of a citizen worker, which is defined by national needs. The person from abroad is placed in the position of someone who fills gaps in the services of the welfare state. The choice of education in the care sector and the overall necessity of obtaining Finnish education turned out to be socially directed. Gendered structures of education and working life were found to act as a frame in which the decisions of the immigrant women were made. Although national education policy emphasis as an orientation to global labour markets, the immigrant student is placed above all in the position of an object to be made suitable for the Finnish labour market. Citizenship, a goal of education, requires consent to being "socialised" into Finnish society as well as learning to be Finnish. One s only option to negotiate appearing suitable as a member is to construct oneself into someone who adopts Finnish and Western cultural values, values which favour individuality. However, Finnish education is a resource to Finnishness. Finnish education enables a sense of being Finnish, and empowers the job applicant for example, and in addition to providing cultural, human and social capital strengthen inclusion as well. The study confirms the view that the encounter of an immigrant is still characterised by its colonial nature. It shows that encounters with Finns and Finnish society place the person of immigrant background, even one receiving a Finnish education, in the position of "the other". The journey as an immigrant continues. The immigrant has access only to certain predefined subject positions, which limits agency. When categorised as an immigrant, one becomes a per-son who is different and "other", while the sense of belonging as a member of Finnish society without conditions appears to be somewhat unreachable. Yet, new arrivals are capable of acting change. An immigrant woman can challenge the positions offered to her and present herself as strong. Her life story has often included struggle, and she has the fortitude strength to change her circumstances. Key words: life story, post-colonial encounter, nationality, citizenship, the career of immi-grant, position, agency
Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön 2006 julkaiseman vanhustyön ja geriatrisen lääkehoidon kehittämistä koskevan selvityksen yhtenä tärkeänä huolenaiheena oli iäkkäiden lääkehoidon useat epäkohdat, kuten iäkkäitä hoitavien hoitajien lääkeosaamiseen liittyvät puutteet ja ongelmat. Yksi keino parantaa iäkkäitä hoitavien eri tahojen lääkehoito-osaamista on täydennyskoulutus, johon kaikilla sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon ammattiryhmillä on oikeus ja velvollisuus. Täydennyskoulutuksella pystytään myös kehittämään organisaatioiden toimintaa ja tuottamaan uusia, parempia palveluita. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin Lohjan, Siuntion, Inkoon ja Karjalohjan muodostaman sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon yhteistoiminta-alueen LOSTin kotihoidon yksiköiden iäkkäiden lääkehoitoihin liittyviä koulutustarpeita. Tämän tutkimuksen avulla syvennettiin samalle tutkimusryhmälle tehdyn kyselytutkimuksen tuloksia. Tutkimusaineistona käytettiin LOST-alueen kotihoidon yksiköiden hoitajille (n=150) farmaseutin lopputyönä tehtyä kyselyaineistoa sekä työntekijöille (n=6) ja esimiehille (n=6) tehtyjä erillisiä ryhmäkeskusteluja. Lisäksi näkökulman laajentamiseksi ja moniammatillisuuden korostamiseksi aineistona käytettiin kotihoidon asiakkaita hoitavien lääkärien (n=4) teemahaastatteluja. Kyselyaineistosta analysoitiin erikseen sairaanhoitajien, lähihoitajien ja kodinhoitajien koulutustarpeet. Samat asiat nousivat esille kunkin ammattiryhmän tuloksissa. Tärkeimpinä lääkehoito-osaamiseen liittyvinä teoreettisina koulutettavina asioina kyselystä nousivat esille iäkkäiden farmakokinetiikka ja lääkkeiden käyttöön liittyvät erityispiirteet, lääkkeiden vaikutukset, lääkkeiden haittavaikutukset sekä lääkkeiden yhteisvaikutukset ja yhteensopivuus. Lisäksi teoreettisista taidoista nousi hoitotyön etiikkaan liittyvät tarkkuus ja huolellisuus työssä. Käytännön taidoista tärkeimpinä koulutettavina aiheina kyselystä nousivat asiakkaiden lääkehoidon ja voinnin seuranta, lääkkeiden jakaminen sekä lääkkeiden annosteluun liittyen se, että annostellaan oikeaa lääkettä ja vahvuutta, oikea annos ja oikeaan aikaan sekä oikeat antotavat. Ryhmäkeskusteluista ja lääkärien teemahaastatteluista haettiin syvempää ymmärrystä kyselyn tuloksiin. Yksi tärkeimmistä tämän laadullisen tutkimuksen löydöksistä oli kotihoidon yhteistyöhön liittyvät epäkohdat. Lääkehoitojen toteuttamista ja seurantaa voitaisiin tulosten perusteella parantaa lääkärien ja kotihoidon hoitajien yhteisellä koulutuksella. Tärkeimpiä sairauksia tai oireita, joihin hoitajat toivoisivat yhteisiä toimintakäytäntöjä, ovat diabetes, sydän- ja verisuonisairaudet, kipu, muistisairaudet sekä psyykensairaudet. Lisäksi koulutusaiheiksi tutkimuksesta nousivat iäkkäiden lääkehoidon erityispiirteet, lääkkeiden antoreitit ja lääkemuodot. Kyselyn sekä ryhmäkeskustelujen ja lääkärien teemahaastattelujen tuloksista tehtiin lopuksi synteesi, jonka lopputuloksena LOST-alueen kotihoidon hoitohenkilöstölle sekä kotihoidon lääkäreille koottiin yhteinen tarvelähtöinen täydennyskoulutussuunnitelma. Suunnitelma tehtiin aineistosta nousseiden koulutusaiheiden pohjalta, eikä siihen lisätty aiheita tutkimuksen ulkopuolelta.
O objeto de estudo foi o preparo e a administração de medicamentos por cateter pela enfermagem em pacientes que recebem nutrição enteral. O objetivo geral foi investigar o padrão de preparo e administração dos medicamentos por cateter em pacientes que recebem nutrição enteral concomitante. Os objetivos específicos foram apresentar o perfil dos medicamentos preparados e administrados de acordo com a possibilidade de serem administrados por cateter enteral e avaliar o tipo e a freqüência de erros que ocorrem no preparo e administração de medicamentos por cateter. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa com desenho transversal de natureza observacional, sem modelo de intervenção. Foi desenvolvida em um hospital do Rio de Janeiro onde foram observados técnicos de enfermagem preparando e administrando medicamentos por cateter na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. Foram observadas 350 doses de medicamentos sendo preparados e administrados. Os grupos de medicamentos prevalentes foram os que agem no Sistema Cardiovascular Renal com 164 doses (46,80%), seguido pelos que agem no Sistema Respiratório e Sangue com 12,85% e 12,56% respectivamente. Foram encontrados 19 medicamentos diferentes do primeiro grupo, dois no segundo e cinco no terceiro. As categorias de erro no preparo foram trituração, diluição e misturas. Encontrou-se uma taxa média de 67,71% no preparo de medicamentos. Comprimidos simples foram preparados errados em 72,54% das doses, e todos os comprimidos revestidos e de liberação prolongada foram triturados indevidamente entre sólidos a categoria de erro prevalente foi trituração com 45,47%, preparar misturando medicamentos foi um erro encontrado em quase 40% das doses de medicamentos sólidos. A trituração insuficiente ocorreu em 73,33% das doses de ácido fólico, do cloridrato de amiodarona (58,97%) e bromoprida (50,00%). A mistura com outros medicamentos ocorreu em 66,66% das doses de bromoprida, de besilato de anlodipina (53,33%), bamifilina (43,47%), ácido fólico (40,00%) e ácido acetilsalicílico (33,33%). Os erros na administração foram ausência de pausa e manejo indevido do cateter. A taxa média de erros na administração foi de 32,64%, distribuídas entre 17,14% para pausa e 48,14% para manejo do cateter. A ausência de lavagem do cateter antes foi o erro mais comum e o mais incomum foi não lavar o cateter após a administração. Os medicamentos mais envolvidos em erros na administração foram: cloridrato de amiodarona (n=39), captopril (n=33), cloridrato de hidralazina (n=7), levotiroxina sódica (n=7). Com relação à lavagem dos cateteres antes, ela não ocorreu em 330 doses de medicamentos. O preparo e administração inadequados de medicamentos podem levar à perdas na biodisponibilidade, diminuição do nível sérico e riscos de intoxicações para o paciente. Preparar e administrar medicamentos são procedimentos comuns, porém apresentou altas taxas de erros, o que talvez reflita pouco conhecimento desses profissionais sobre as boas práticas da terapia medicamentosa. Constata-se a necessidade de maior investimento de todos os profissionais envolvidos, médicos, enfermeiros e farmacêuticos nas questões que envolvam a segurança com medicamentos assim como repensar o processo de trabalho da enfermagem.
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo observar a atuação da equipe de enfermagem na atenção básica, buscando caracterizar como se dão as interações com o usuário, e priorizando a escuta como requisito da integralidade. Para que os profissionais de saúde percebam, identifiquem o sofrimento do usuário, torna-se necessário uma interação maior entre eles, ou seja, um diálogo. Para o exercício de um bom diálogo, faz-se necessário uma escuta atenta, buscando-se detalhes que podem estar ocultos nas falas, além do acolhimento e o vínculo, que são atributos responsáveis pela prática da assistência integral. A redução do sujeito a objeto tem sido a realidade das unidades básicas de saúde, lembrando que os usuários que procuram os serviços de saúde possuem uma vida fora dali, com estilos variados. O modo de falar, os cuidados prestados variam conforme a rotina de cada um. A pesquisa teve como suporte teórico a integralidade como exercício de boas práticas e produção de cuidado, enfatizando-se a escuta. Trata-se de um estudo de caráter qualitativo com abordagem etnográfica, que permite ao pesquisador fazer uma leitura detalhada da realidade. Os dados foram coletados através da observação participante e acompanhamento das atividades realizadas pela equipe de enfermagem de duas unidades básicas do município de Paranavaí-PR, e os achados foram devidamente registrados em diário de campo. Após as observações, os profissionais foram entrevistados. Participaram como sujeitos da pesquisa sete técnicos de enfermagem e um profissional administrativo. O material foi submetido à técnica de análise de conteúdo. A análise compreendeu as seguintes etapas: pré-análise, que se refere à leitura inicial de todo o conteúdo e organização dos dados, e análise, que compreende categorização e tratamento do material. Foram identificados pontos críticos na assistência durante a observação, como a falta do acolhimento, desorganização do serviço, a falta do exercício da escuta e o trabalho mecanizado. Nas entrevistas, foi possível desenvolver categorias com os relatos coletados, destacando-se a sensibilidade ao paciente, procura do melhor, falta de tempo e sentido da escuta. Conclui-se que a integralidade ainda é uma utopia na realidade dos serviços de saúde, e que a escuta é raramente utilizada e seu sentido tão pouco conhecido. A desorganização do serviço de saúde nas unidades básicas e o aparente conformismo dos profissionais frente a suas atividades são fatores predisponentes ao não-exercício da escuta, dificultando ainda mais a prática da integralidade. Considera-se fundamental a reflexão, por parte dos profissionais, e solução dos problemas encontrados, através de conscientização e sensibilização, modificando a assistência através de reorganizações do trabalho.
Estudo que possui como objeto violência laboral em hospital psiquiátrico como risco psicossocial à saúde dos trabalhadores de enfermagem, cujo interesse investigativo iniciou-se na graduação e posteriormente ao trabalhar como enfermeiro em um hospital psiquiátrico. Tais experiências marcaram de forma peculiar a minha trajetória profissional e o interesse acerca do objeto de estudo, por entender que a violência em âmbito psiquiátrico precisa ser desvelada e discutida para que medidas preventivas sejam adotadas no coletivo dos trabalhadores com vistas ao bem estar, a satisfação no trabalho e qualidade do serviço ofertado a população. Objetivou-se neste estudo, identificar os tipos de violência presentes no trabalho da enfermagem em hospital psiquiátrico; descrever as repercussões da violência laboral para a saúde dos trabalhadores de enfermagem em hospital psiquiátrico e analisar os mecanismos de enfrentamento adotados pelos trabalhadores da enfermagem diante da violência laboral em hospital psiquiátrico. Estudo qualitativo, descritivo, cujos dados foram obtidos em um hospital psiquiátrico situado no município do Rio de Janeiro, no período janeiro a fevereiro de 2013 com 16 trabalhadores (7 enfermeiros e 9 técnicos de enfermagem), a partir dos critérios de inclusão adotados. Trabalhou-se com a técnica de entrevista semiestruturada, mediante um roteiro contendo questões sobre o objeto de estudo. O projeto atendeu as exigências presentes na Resolução 196/96, do Ministério da Saúde (MS), tendo sido aprovado pela Comissão de Ética em Pesquisa (CEP) com o número 070.3.2012. Aplicada a técnica de conteúdo ao material emergiram os seguintes resultados: na vivencia dos trabalhadores do hospital psiquiátrico há três tipos de violência. A primeira refere-se à violência sofrida, principalmente durante as emergências psiquiátricas, momento em que o trabalhador sofre com as agressões verbais e, em alguns casos, físicas cometidas pelo paciente. Outro tipo de violência no trabalho foi a perpetrada pelo familiar em momentos de tensão e a terceira envolveu a violência simbólica por parte dos médicos, principalmente os residentes. A violência do trabalho foi identificada em decorrência da precarização das condições de trabalho em termos de recursos humanos e materiais. A violência laboral revelou-se como um risco psicossocial a saúde do trabalhador por acarretar sofrimento psíquico e físico evidenciado através de queixas de desgaste, estresse e medo, levando a insatisfação e desmotivação no trabalho. Para se manterem no trabalho, os trabalhadores elaboram estratégias de enfrentamento centradas na resolução dos problemas decorrentes da violência e na regulação da emoção. Diante dos resultados, concluiu-se que a violência em hospital psiquiátrico é um risco psicossocial que afeta a saúde dos trabalhadores de enfermagem, cabendo a organização juntamente com os trabalhadores propor medidas que deem visibilidade a violência sofrida, através do diagnostico, da prevenção e enfrentamento coletivo, o que pode ser realizado mediante denuncia dos próprios trabalhadores junto a instituição, sindicatos e órgãos de classe. Salienta-se a importância de suporte psicoterápico dos trabalhadores de enfermagem vitimas de violência com vistas à identificação dos fatores de risco e fortalecimento dos fatores protetores. Recomenda-se a continuidade de estudos na área, considerando a incipiência dos mesmos.
The role of the hospital-employed nurse educator is evolving. Factors influencing this change include the introduction of standards for nurse educators by the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO), a change in the way nurses are educated, the emergence of nursing as a profession, and hospital restructuring as a result of budgetary constraints. Two of these influencing factors: the introduction of the updated Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses and Registered Practical Nurses (1996) and hospital restructuring occurred over the last 7 years at several hospitals in southern Ontario. Current literature as well as the Standards of Practice (1996) were utilized to examine the current roles and responsibilities of nurse educators and subsequently develop a questionnaire to study the impact of these influencing factors on the role of the nurse educator. This questionnaire was piloted and revised before its distribution at 4 hospitals in southern Ontario. Twenty-five of the 41 surveys (61%) distributed were returned for analysis. The data reflected that the Standards of Practice had a positive influence on the role of the nurse educator, while hospital restructuring had a negative impact. In addition, many of the roles and responsibilities identified in the literature were indeed part of the current role of nurse educators, as well as several responsibilities not captured in the literature. The predictions for the future of this role in its current state were not positive given the financial status of the health care system as well as the lack of clarity for the role and the current level ofjob satisfaction among practicing nurse educators. However, a list of recommendations were generated which, if implemented, could add clarity to the role and improve job satisfaction. This could enhance the retention of current nurse educators and the possibility of recruiting competent nurse educators to the role in the future.
The aim of this study was to conduct an instrument test of the Canadian questionnaire Alberta Context Tool (ACT) version Long-Term care for Swedish conditions. ACT is designed in order to measure the context in the care environment and different behaviours related to the changes in clinical practice. In total, 159 Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) and Registered Nurses (RNs) within municipality care of the elderly were included in the survey. The test included the instrument's reliability and face validity.The reliability test was implemented through calculation of Cronbach´s Alpha, and showed internal consistency for five of the scales of the ACT-instrument with Cronbach´s Alpha values ranging between 0,728 and 0,873. However, three dimensions got lower values (0,558 - 0,683).The analysis was carried out with content analysis and carried out for LPNs and RNs in separate groups. The majority of LPNs expressed that it was easy to respond to the questions (56%), while nine percent considered it as difficult. Eleven comments were given about questions that were perceived to be unclear, complicated or contained difficult words. In the RN group only 30 percent considered that the questions were easy to respond to. One third of the RNs considered that part of the questions were unclear, and six RNs expressed also which questions they experienced as unclear. In general, the questions in the ACT were perceived as relevant. The instrument's relevance as a tool to measure contextual factors that influence the implementation of evidence based nursing can also be considered to be determined. By modifying the content in the questionnaire in accordance with what appeared in this survey and to implement yet another test, the instrument should be considered to be relevant for use within Swedish municipality care of the elderly. ACT can be used both as a tool in the work on improvement of clinical practice and as a tool for further research about implementation of evidence based nursing.
This study aimed to understand the typical ideal of the nursing technician about the systematization of nursing care in the light of the theoretical framework of Alfred Schutz. It is a comprehensive phenomenological research, using the theoretical framework of Alfred Schutz. For the unveiling of the phenomenon (the typical ideal of the nursing technician about the systematization of nursing care), the search process was configured from the proposed guiding principles for a research methodology based on the work itself of Schutz held by Zeferino (2010) in his PhD. For data collection, we used the focus group technique, counting on the collaboration of thirteen practical nurses working in a university hospital in Rio Grande do Norte, who responded positively to the inclusion criteria: working in the study hospital, performing care direct to patients. Forty-four subjects showed interest in participating, being held a draw for selection of the research sample, consisting of 14 professionals, one of whom did not attend the gathering of data collection. The focus group, entitled "What I think about the systematization of nursing care", took place on February 15th, 2013, totaling 101 minutes. It was performed according to the Experiential Education Humanescent using building posters as projective technique, from the key question: "What is the systematization of nursing care for you?". In order to understand some of the biographical situation of the participants, a questionnaire was administered to study participants. From the agreement of the subjects, the focus group was recorded and photographed with the cooperation of one reporter and two other employees. We used Microsoft Word 2010 to perform the transcript of the meeting and Microsoft Excel 2010 for synthesizing the results via a spreadsheet. The study followed the ethical and legal principles that govern scientific research on humans, recommended in Resolution nº 196/96, it was approved by Opinion Embodied Ethics Committee in Research of UFRN (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte), nº 98 424, of August 31th, 2012, CAAE No. 05906912.0.0000.5537. The analysis of the nursing staff speeches, along with the contemplation of their posters and their written descriptions, allowed from the guiding principles of Zeferino (2010), in light of the reference of Alfred Schutz, unveiling the typical ideal of nursing technicians about the systematization of nursing care, passing four themes: typing of the concept of systematization of nursing care; benefits, which resulted in the reasons to believe in the positivity of this working tool; experienced problems, revealing the world of everyday life of nursing professionals, and possibilities for improvement. It was concluded that the nursing technicians are unaware of the systematization of nursing care. However, they typify a very positive perception about the same, especially with regard to improvements that may foster care
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB