858 resultados para Practical Error Estimator
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With the objective to improve the reactor physics calculation on a 2D and 3D nuclear reactor via the Diffusion Equation, an adaptive automatic finite element remeshing method, based on the elementary area (2D) or volume (3D) constraints, has been developed. The adaptive remeshing technique, guided by a posteriori error estimator, makes use of two external mesh generator programs: Triangle and TetGen. The use of these free external finite element mesh generators and an adaptive remeshing technique based on the current field continuity show that they are powerful tools to improve the neutron flux distribution calculation and by consequence the power solution of the reactor core even though they have a minor influence on the critical coefficient of the calculated reactor core examples. Two numerical examples are presented: the 2D IAEA reactor core numerical benchmark and the 3D model of the Argonauta research reactor, built in Brasil.
We use theoretical and numerical methods to investigate the general pore-fluid flow patterns near geological lenses in hydrodynamic and hydrothermal systems respectively. Analytical solutions have been rigorously derived for the pore-fluid velocity, stream function and excess pore-fluid pressure near a circular lens in a hydrodynamic system. These analytical solutions provide not only a better understanding of the physics behind the problem, but also a valuable benchmark solution for validating any numerical method. Since a geological lens is surrounded by a medium of large extent in nature and the finite element method is efficient at modelling only media of finite size, the determination of the size of the computational domain of a finite element model, which is often overlooked by numerical analysts, is very important in order to ensure both the efficiency of the method and the accuracy of the numerical solution obtained. To highlight this issue, we use the derived analytical solutions to deduce a rigorous mathematical formula for designing the computational domain size of a finite element model. The proposed mathematical formula has indicated that, no matter how fine the mesh or how high the order of elements, the desired accuracy of a finite element solution for pore-fluid flow near a geological lens cannot be achieved unless the size of the finite element model is determined appropriately. Once the finite element computational model has been appropriately designed and validated in a hydrodynamic system, it is used to examine general pore-fluid flow patterns near geological lenses in hydrothermal systems. Some interesting conclusions on the behaviour of geological lenses in hydrodynamic and hydrothermal systems have been reached through the analytical and numerical analyses carried out in this paper.
This article is concerned with the numerical detection of bifurcation points of nonlinear partial differential equations as some parameter of interest is varied. In particular, we study in detail the numerical approximation of the Bratu problem, based on exploiting the symmetric version of the interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin finite element method. A framework for a posteriori control of the discretization error in the computed critical parameter value is developed based upon the application of the dual weighted residual (DWR) approach. Numerical experiments are presented to highlight the practical performance of the proposed a posteriori error estimator.
We derive energy-norm a posteriori error bounds, using gradient recovery (ZZ) estimators to control the spatial error, for fully discrete schemes for the linear heat equation. This appears to be the �rst completely rigorous derivation of ZZ estimators for fully discrete schemes for evolution problems, without any restrictive assumption on the timestep size. An essential tool for the analysis is the elliptic reconstruction technique.Our theoretical results are backed with extensive numerical experimentation aimed at (a) testing the practical sharpness and asymptotic behaviour of the error estimator against the error, and (b) deriving an adaptive method based on our estimators. An extra novelty provided is an implementation of a coarsening error "preindicator", with a complete implementation guide in ALBERTA in the appendix.
We develop the a posteriori error estimation of interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin discretizations for H(curl)-elliptic problems that arise in eddy current models. Computable upper and lower bounds on the error measured in terms of a natural (mesh-dependent) energy norm are derived. The proposed a posteriori error estimator is validated by numerical experiments, illustrating its reliability and efficiency for a range of test problems.
This technical note develops information filter and array algorithms for a linear minimum mean square error estimator of discrete-time Markovian jump linear systems. A numerical example for a two-mode Markovian jump linear system, to show the advantage of using array algorithms to filter this class of systems, is provided.
This paper presents an HP-Adaptive Procedure with Hierarchical formulation for the Boundary Element Method in 2-D Elasticity problems. Firstly, H, P and HP formulations are defined. Then, the hierarchical concept, which allows a substantial reduction in the dimension of equation system, is introduced. The error estimator used is based on the residual computation over each node inside an element. Finally, the HP strategy is defined and applied to two examples.
On s’intéresse ici aux erreurs de modélisation liées à l’usage de modèles de flammelette sous-maille en combustion turbulente non prémélangée. Le but de cette thèse est de développer une stratégie d’estimation d’erreur a posteriori pour déterminer le meilleur modèle parmi une hiérarchie, à un coût numérique similaire à l’utilisation de ces mêmes modèles. Dans un premier temps, une stratégie faisant appel à un estimateur basé sur les résidus pondérés est développée et testée sur un système d’équations d’advection-diffusion-réaction. Dans un deuxième temps, on teste la méthodologie d’estimation d’erreur sur un autre système d’équations, où des effets d’extinction et de réallumage sont ajoutés. Lorsqu’il n’y a pas d’advection, une analyse asymptotique rigoureuse montre l’existence de plusieurs régimes de combustion déjà observés dans les simulations numériques. Nous obtenons une approximation des paramètres de réallumage et d’extinction avec la courbe en «S», un graphe de la température maximale de la flamme en fonction du nombre de Damköhler, composée de trois branches et d’une double courbure. En ajoutant des effets advectifs, on obtient également une courbe en «S» correspondant aux régimes de combustion déjà identifiés. Nous comparons les erreurs de modélisation liées aux approximations asymptotiques dans les deux régimes stables et établissons une nouvelle hiérarchie des modèles en fonction du régime de combustion. Ces erreurs sont comparées aux estimations données par la stratégie d’estimation d’erreur. Si un seul régime stable de combustion existe, l’estimateur d’erreur l’identifie correctement ; si plus d’un régime est possible, on obtient une fac˛on systématique de choisir un régime. Pour les régimes où plus d’un modèle est approprié, la hiérarchie prédite par l’estimateur est correcte.
A one-dimensional water column model using the Mellor and Yamada level 2.5 parameterization of vertical turbulent fluxes is presented. The model equations are discretized with a mixed finite element scheme. Details of the finite element discrete equations are given and adaptive mesh refinement strategies are presented. The refinement criterion is an "a posteriori" error estimator based on stratification, shear and distance to surface. The model performances are assessed by studying the stress driven penetration of a turbulent layer into a stratified fluid. This example illustrates the ability of the presented model to follow some internal structures of the flow and paves the way for truly generalized vertical coordinates. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this work we develop and analyze an adaptive numerical scheme for simulating a class of macroscopic semiconductor models. At first the numerical modelling of semiconductors is reviewed in order to classify the Energy-Transport models for semiconductors that are later simulated in 2D. In this class of models the flow of charged particles, that are negatively charged electrons and so-called holes, which are quasi-particles of positive charge, as well as their energy distributions are described by a coupled system of nonlinear partial differential equations. A considerable difficulty in simulating these convection-dominated equations is posed by the nonlinear coupling as well as due to the fact that the local phenomena such as "hot electron effects" are only partially assessable through the given data. The primary variables that are used in the simulations are the particle density and the particle energy density. The user of these simulations is mostly interested in the current flow through parts of the domain boundary - the contacts. The numerical method considered here utilizes mixed finite-elements as trial functions for the discrete solution. The continuous discretization of the normal fluxes is the most important property of this discretization from the users perspective. It will be proven that under certain assumptions on the triangulation the particle density remains positive in the iterative solution algorithm. Connected to this result an a priori error estimate for the discrete solution of linear convection-diffusion equations is derived. The local charge transport phenomena will be resolved by an adaptive algorithm, which is based on a posteriori error estimators. At that stage a comparison of different estimations is performed. Additionally a method to effectively estimate the error in local quantities derived from the solution, so-called "functional outputs", is developed by transferring the dual weighted residual method to mixed finite elements. For a model problem we present how this method can deliver promising results even when standard error estimator fail completely to reduce the error in an iterative mesh refinement process.
Allgemein erlaubt adaptive Gitterverfeinerung eine Steigerung der Effizienz numerischer Simulationen ohne dabei die Genauigkeit des Ergebnisses signifikant zu verschlechtern. Es ist jedoch noch nicht erforscht, in welchen Bereichen des Rechengebietes die räumliche Auflösung tatsächlich vergröbert werden kann, ohne die Genauigkeit des Ergebnisses signifikant zu beeinflussen. Diese Frage wird hier für ein konkretes Beispiel von trockener atmosphärischer Konvektion untersucht, nämlich der Simulation von warmen Luftblasen. Zu diesem Zweck wird ein neuartiges numerisches Modell entwickelt, das auf diese spezielle Anwendung ausgerichtet ist. Die kompressiblen Euler-Gleichungen werden mit einer unstetigen Galerkin Methode gelöst. Die Zeitintegration geschieht mit einer semi-implizite Methode und die dynamische Adaptivität verwendet raumfüllende Kurven mit Hilfe der Funktionsbibliothek AMATOS. Das numerische Modell wird validiert mit Hilfe einer Konvergenzstudie und fünf Standard-Testfällen. Eine Methode zum Vergleich der Genauigkeit von Simulationen mit verschiedenen Verfeinerungsgebieten wird eingeführt, die ohne das Vorhandensein einer exakten Lösung auskommt. Im Wesentlichen geschieht dies durch den Vergleich von Eigenschaften der Lösung, die stark von der verwendeten räumlichen Auflösung abhängen. Im Fall einer aufsteigenden Warmluftblase ist der zusätzliche numerische Fehler durch die Verwendung der Adaptivität kleiner als 1% des gesamten numerischen Fehlers, wenn die adaptive Simulation mehr als 50% der Elemente einer uniformen hoch-aufgelösten Simulation verwendet. Entsprechend ist die adaptive Simulation fast doppelt so schnell wie die uniforme Simulation.
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) is a non-invasive technique which is commonly used to quantify changes in blood oxygenation and flow coupled to neuronal activation. One of the primary goals of fMRI studies is to identify localized brain regions where neuronal activation levels vary between groups. Single voxel t-tests have been commonly used to determine whether activation related to the protocol differs across groups. Due to the generally limited number of subjects within each study, accurate estimation of variance at each voxel is difficult. Thus, combining information across voxels in the statistical analysis of fMRI data is desirable in order to improve efficiency. Here we construct a hierarchical model and apply an Empirical Bayes framework on the analysis of group fMRI data, employing techniques used in high throughput genomic studies. The key idea is to shrink residual variances by combining information across voxels, and subsequently to construct an improved test statistic in lieu of the classical t-statistic. This hierarchical model results in a shrinkage of voxel-wise residual sample variances towards a common value. The shrunken estimator for voxelspecific variance components on the group analyses outperforms the classical residual error estimator in terms of mean squared error. Moreover, the shrunken test-statistic decreases false positive rate when testing differences in brain contrast maps across a wide range of simulation studies. This methodology was also applied to experimental data regarding a cognitive activation task.
In this work we propose a method to accelerate time dependent numerical solvers of systems of PDEs that require a high cost in computational time and memory. The method is based on the combined use of such numerical solver with a proper orthogonal decomposition, from which we identify modes, a Galerkin projection (that provides a reduced system of equations) and the integration of the reduced system, studying the evolution of the modal amplitudes. We integrate the reduced model until our a priori error estimator indicates that our approximation in not accurate. At this point we use again our original numerical code in a short time interval to adapt the POD manifold and continue then with the integration of the reduced model. Application will be made to two model problems: the Ginzburg-Landau equation in transient chaos conditions and the two-dimensional pulsating cavity problem, which describes the motion of liquid in a box whose upper wall is moving back and forth in a quasi-periodic fashion. Finally, we will discuss a way of improving the performance of the method using experimental data or information from numerical simulations
A necessidade de obter solução de grandes sistemas lineares resultantes de processos de discretização de equações diferenciais parciais provenientes da modelagem de diferentes fenômenos físicos conduz à busca de técnicas numéricas escaláveis. Métodos multigrid são classificados como algoritmos escaláveis.Um estimador de erros deve estar associado à solução numérica do problema discreto de modo a propiciar a adequada avaliação da solução obtida pelo processo de aproximação. Nesse contexto, a presente tese caracteriza-se pela proposta de reutilização das estruturas matriciais hierárquicas de operadores de transferência e restrição dos métodos multigrid algébricos para acelerar o tempo de solução dos sistemas lineares associados à equação do transporte de contaminantes em meio poroso saturado. Adicionalmente, caracteriza-se pela implementação das estimativas residuais para os problemas que envolvem dados constantes ou não constantes, os regimes de pequena ou grande advecção e pela proposta de utilização das estimativas residuais associadas ao termo de fonte e à condição inicial para construir procedimentos adaptativos para os dados do problema. O desenvolvimento dos códigos do método de elementos finitos, do estimador residual e dos procedimentos adaptativos foram baseados no projeto FEniCS, utilizando a linguagem de programação PYTHONR e desenvolvidos na plataforma Eclipse. A implementação dos métodos multigrid algébricos com reutilização considera a biblioteca PyAMG. Baseado na reutilização das estruturas hierárquicas, os métodos multigrid com reutilização com parâmetro fixo e automática são propostos, e esses conceitos são estendidos para os métodos iterativos não-estacionários tais como GMRES e BICGSTAB. Os resultados numéricos mostraram que o estimador residual captura o comportamento do erro real da solução numérica, e fornece algoritmos adaptativos para os dados cuja malha retornada produz uma solução numérica similar à uma malha uniforme com mais elementos. Adicionalmente, os métodos com reutilização são mais rápidos que os métodos que não empregam o processo de reutilização de estruturas. Além disso, a eficiência dos métodos com reutilização também pode ser observada na solução do problema auxiliar, o qual é necessário para obtenção das estimativas residuais para o regime de grande advecção. Esses resultados englobam tanto os métodos multigrid algébricos do tipo SA quanto os métodos pré-condicionados por métodos multigrid algébrico SA, e envolvem o transporte de contaminantes em regime de pequena e grande advecção, malhas estruturadas e não estruturadas, problemas bidimensionais, problemas tridimensionais e domínios com diferentes escalas.