994 resultados para Power asymmetries
This paper focuses on Australian development firms in the console and mobile games industry in order to understand how small firms in a geographically remote and marginal position in the global industry are able to relate to global firms and capture revenue share. This paper shows that, while technological change in the games industry has resulted in the emergence of new industry segments based on transactional rather than relational forms of economic coordination, in which we might therefore expect less asymmetrical power relations, lead firms retain a position of power in the global games entertainment industry relative to remote developers. This has been possible because lead firms in the emerging mobile devices market have developed and sustained bottlenecks in their segment of the industry through platform competition and the development of an intensely competitive ecosystem of developers. Our research shows the critical role of platform competition and bottlenecks in influencing power asymmetries within global markets.
Using the Education Queensland Reform Agenda to illustrate examples and approaches to education reform, this article discusses education reform for at-risk youth. It argues that the characteristics of modernity, the rise of Mode 2 Society, and the power asymmetries associated with the emergence of the politico-economic will contain the reform ambitions of the Education Queensland and other education reform agendas. It is proposed that the State adopt a transgressive and complimentary set of reform strategies including the adoption of distributed governance, making available meaningful school performance data, encouraging experimentation and facilitating broad stakeholder, community and neighbourhood engagement in school planning and operations. The article argues that measures such as these will assist to mobilize trust, minimise social fragmentation, generate and regenerate community resources, build cohesion, foster the socio-cultural-self-identities of 'at-risk' youth and will assist youth to achieve full participation in a robust and vibrant democracy.
New public management (NPFM), with its hands-on, private sector-style performance measurement, output control, parsimonious use of resources, disaggreation of public sector units and greater competition in the public sector, has significantly affected charitable and nonprofit organisations delivering community services (Hood, 1991; Dunleavy, 1994; George & Wilding, 2002). The literature indicates that nonprofit organisations under NPM believe they are doing more for less: while administration is increasing, core costs are not being met; their dependence on government funding comes at the expense of other funding strategies; and there are concerns about proportionality and power asymmetries in the relationship (Kerr & Savelsberg, 2001; Powell & Dalton, 2011; Smith, 2002, p. 175; Morris, 1999, 2000a). Government agencies are under increased pressure to do more with less, demonstrate value for money, measure social outcomes, not merely outputs and minimise political risk (Grant, 2008; McGreogor-Lowndes, 2008). Government-community service organisation relationships are often viewed as 'uneasy alliances' characterised by the pressures that come with the parties' differing roles and expectations and the pressures that come with the parties' differing roles and expectations and the pressurs of funding and security (Productivity Commission, 2010, p. 308; McGregor-Lowndes, 2008, p. 45; Morris, 200a). Significant community services are now delivered to citizens through such relationships, often to the most disadvantaged in the community, and it is important for this to be achieved with equity, efficiently and effectively. On one level, the welfare state was seen as a 'risk management system' for the poor, with the state mitigating the risks of sickness, job loss and old age (Giddens, 1999) with the subsequent neoliberalist outlook shifting this risk back to households (Hacker, 2006). At the core of this risk shift are written contracts. Vincent-Jones (1999,2006) has mapped how NPM is characterised by the use of written contracts for all manner of relations; e.g., relgulation of dealings between government agencies, between individual citizens and the state, and the creation of quais-markets of service providers and infrastructure partners. We take this lens of contracts to examine where risk falls in relation to the outsourcing of community services. First we examine the concept of risk. We consider how risk might be managed and apportioned between governments and community serivce organisations (CSOs) in grant agreements, which are quasiy-market transactions at best. This is informed by insights from the law and economics literature. Then, standard grant agreements covering several years in two jurisdictions - Australia and the United Kingdom - are analysed, to establish the risk allocation between government and CSOs. This is placed in the context of the reform agenda in both jurisdictions. In Australia this context is th enonprofit reforms built around the creation of a national charities regulator, and red tape reduction. In the United Kingdom, the backdrop is the THird Way agenda with its compacts, succeed by Big Society in a climate of austerity. These 'case studies' inform a discussion about who is best placed to bear and manage the risks of community service provision on behalf of government. We conclude by identifying the lessons to be learned from our analysis and possible pathways for further scholarship.
A política de Atenção Básica à Saúde no Brasil, revitalizada pelo Ministério da Saúde, tem a saúde da família como estratégia prioritária para a sua organização. Ancorada no trabalho em equipe multidisciplinar, na vinculação de compromissos e na corresponsabilidade da atenção às famílias, esta estratégia pretende reformular o modelo de atenção à saúde. Isto significa ultrapassar a tradicional assistência institucionalizada que prioriza a tutela para ir na direção da atenção à saúde, o cuidado sendo capaz de gerar a autonomia dos indivíduos. O Agente Comunitário de Saúde, integrante da equipe, é o sujeito do povo facilitador da interlocução entre o saber científico e o saber popular. Depositário de poder transformador, ele tem nas suas funções de educação e promoção de saúde o instrumento para a disseminação de conhecimento emancipatório, promotor de autonomia , com vigilância em saúde, operar o cuidado como essência humana. Entretanto, esse novo resultado dos normas e das regras instituídas na organização dos serviços de saúde, o que se soma às relações que se estabelecem entre os trabalhadores da saúde e os mais distintos grupos sociais. Esta dissertação consiste em um estudo de caso que encontra razão da forma com que os ACSs das Equipes de Saúde da Família de Manguinhos (Rio de Janeiro), contribuem para a atenção à saúde; nela, o cuidado emancipador promove a desconstrução de desigualdades. Esta é uma pesquisa de origem qualitativa que obteve, através da técnica de grupo focal, seu material de análise de conteúdo. Utilizando a categoria analítica o agente cuidador, identificamos as seguintes categorias empíricas: o agente tem que ser paciente, o agente sentindo-se excluído, o agente é dono da chave da porta. Diante do material analisado, pudemos observar que os agentes de Manguinhos adotam a paciência de saber escutar como ferramenta tecnológica, além da paciência perseverante, utilizada diante das muitas dificuldades reveladas por eles. Ainda na dinâmica relacional, observamos que os ACSs alternam sentimentos de exclusão e inclusão diante de determinados grupos sociais. Entretanto, o sentimento de exclusão é potencializado, a nosso ver, pela estigmatização social sofrida por serem moradores de comunidades submetidas a todo tipo de violência. Enquanto, facilitadores da entrada dos usuários no sistema de saúde, observamos um monopólio da assistência à saúde que não ocorre para transformações da produção do cuidado em saúde, e que são verificadas nas tensões características de ações na forma de ajuda-poder, revelando um dos mecanismos utilizados pelos ACSs no seu reconhecimentos sócio-ocupacional. Acreditamos que, embora esta dissertação seja um estudo de caso, é possível estabelecer analogias com as ESFs de metrópoles brasileiras. Neste sentido, somente a formação técnica do ACS baseada na problematização dos temas levantados poderá superar ações mantenedoras de assimetrias de poder. Devem ser ultrapassadas metodologias que reforcem o lugar social do ACS no último nível da hierarquia da divisão do trabalho em saúde. Apenas desta forma será possível impedir a captura dos ACSs por poderes hegemonicamente institucionalizados. Então, e só então, será possível veicular um saber emancipador, construtor de autonomia, mitigador de desigualdades, no qual a utopia tornar-se-á realidade.
This dissertation focuses on military cooperation between the United States and its special allies. It argues that alliance expectations determine the level of military cooperation, while two intervening variables - the level of government cohesion and military capabilities - determine its implementation. This study also shows how secondary states deploy strategies to overcome power asymmetries through bilateral concessions, international organizations and by appealing to principle. The focus of the research is on special allies, as they have the most to gain or lose by going along with American plans. My contention is that secondary allies can rarely influence the dominant ally decisively, but they can act autonomously and resist to pressures exerted by the stronger alliance partner. The argument builds on three central claims. First, power asymmetries between allies translate into different assessments of international threats. Second, when disagreements over threats arise, the outcome of intra-alliance bargaining is not necessarily dictated by the preferences of the stronger power. Third, secondary states, as opposed to the dominant partner, face unique constraints when facing major foreign policy decisions, i.e. they face a trade-off between establishing a credible reputation as an alliance partner in a politically feasible way while minimizing domestic audience costs. To examine the theoretical puzzle presented by asymmetric military cooperation, I introduce a causal explanation that builds on neoclassical realism, to zone in on the interaction between systemic and domestic variables. My research makes a contribution to alliance theory and foreign policy decision-making by studying how special allies respond to American decisions in times of threat and how systemic constraints are channeled through state-level variables. To investigate the causal link between threat perception, alliance expectations and domestic constraints, this study relies on the method of structured focused comparison with three detailed case studies. The focus is on the initial decision made by special allies regarding whether or not to participle in joint mobilization with the United States. The decision-making process is presented from the perspective of secondary allied states and measures the explanatory factors that motivated the decision on military cooperation. The case studies are the UK, Canada and Australia’s response to the war in Afghanistan and the war in Iraq during the period of 2001 to 2003.
Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar, la incidencia que tienen actualmente las ONG s internacionales sobre la toma de decisiones de los gobiernos de diferentes Estados. Con el fin de hacer más específico dicho análisis, el trabajo se centra en el estudio del caso de la firma del Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Estados Unidos cuyo proceso, según se explica a lo largo del texto, se vio afectado de manera significativa por la acción de Human Rights Watch. El artículo presenta una exposición de la mecánica política requerida para la aprobación de este tipo de tratados en ambos países involucrados, así como la forma en que las asimetrías de poder entre ellos abrieron el campo a la acción de Human Rights Watch.
Dynamic relationships between technologies and organizations are investigated through research on digital visualization technologies and their use in the construction sector. Theoretical work highlights mutual adaptation between technologies and organizations but does not explain instances of sustained, sudden, or increasing maladaptation. By focusing on the technological field, I draw attention to hierarchical structuring around inter-dependent levels of technology; technological priorities of diverse groups; power asymmetries and disjunctures between contexts of development and use. For complex technologies, such as digital technologies, I argue these field-level features explain why organizations peripheral to the field may experience difficulty using emerging technology.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate analytically how entrepreneurial action as learning relating to diversifying into technical clothing – i.e. a high-value manufacturing sector – can take place. This is particularly relevant to recent discussion and debate in academic and policy-making circles concerning the survival of the clothing manufacture industry in developed industrialised countries. Design/methodology/approach – Using situated learning theory (SLT) as the major analytical lens, this case study examines an episode of entrepreneurial action relating to diversification into a high-value manufacturing sector. It is considered on instrumentality grounds, revealing wider tendencies in the management of knowledge and capabilities requisite for effective entrepreneurial action of this kind. Findings – Boundary events, brokers, boundary objects, membership structures and inclusive participation that addresses power asymmetries are found to be crucial organisational design elements, enabling the development of inter- and intracommunal capacities. These together constitute a dynamic learning capability, which underpins entrepreneurial action, such as diversification into high-value manufacturing sectors. Originality/value – Through a refinement of SLT in the context of entrepreneurial action, the paper contributes to an advancement of a substantive theory of managing technological knowledge and capabilities for effective diversification into high-value manufacturing sectors.
Our article focuses on the region of Chilean Patagonia and considers how it has developed as a leading producer of salmon for global food markets. It addresses the problem of how to decentre conventional views of the forces driving regional development that give primacy to the role of capital and technology, instead giving due recognition to the knowledge and practices of situated actors and to the relationships that form between human and non-human entities in food producing regions. As an alternative, we ask whether an assemblage approach can improve our understanding of regional transformation. To explore this question, we present original ethnographic data on constitutive practices that have transformed the Patagonian region, from the territorialization of Salmonidae species to experimentation in ocean ranching and sea water fish farming, and finally the development of a global industry. The evidence leads us to argue that in a complex globalised world, assemblage theory offers a valuable approach for understanding how regional potential is realised. In the case of Chilean Patagonia, it is apparent that forms of bio-power generate new relations between life, agency and nature, stimulating contemporary regional transformations in ways overlooked by the lineal logic of capital objectification discourses. Applying an assemblage approach enables the significance of new contemporary human – non-human relationships and inter-subjectivities to come to the fore, keeping the social in view as potential for regional transformation and new power asymmetries continuously emerge.
A criação de poder compensatório decorrente da ação concertada daqueles prejudicados em uma relação de poder assimétrica pode gerar aumento de bem-estar social. O desenvolvimento analítico a partir da estrutura proposta por Dobson et al. (1998) permite constatar que as condições para que sejam verificados os efeitos positivos são restritivas e estão diretamente relacionadas ao reconhecimento da interdependência e à cooperação entre os agentes envolvidos. Foi possível observar também que, diferentemente do que previu a análise de Dobson et al. (1998), a criação de poder compensatório pode ter efeitos positivos em termos de bem-estar, ainda que as partes não reconheçam sua interdependência e não cooperem entre si – o que depende da relação das elasticidades-preço da demanda e da oferta. A despeito da possibilidade de efeitos benéficos, as doutrinas de defesa da concorrência brasileira e nas demais jurisdições, como EUA e Comunidade Européia, aplicam de maneira equivocada o conceito de poder compensatório ou ignoram por completo sua existência. Há que se considerar, contudo, que o objetivo da política antitruste e o da criação de poder compensatório estão alinhados: equilíbrio de assimetrias de poder nas relações entre os agentes, coibindo o exercício abusivo do poder de uma das partes na transação. Verifica-se, portanto, uma incongruência entre a jurisprudência e a teoria econômica. O conflito na aplicação do conceito de poder compensatório pela doutrina antitruste pode ser nitidamente observado no mercado de saúde suplementar brasileiro. Um fenômeno verificado nesse setor é a coordenação de médicos em cooperativas para fazer frente ao exercício de poder de compra por parte das operadoras de planos de saúde. Essa ação concertada tem sido condenada pelas autoridades de defesa da concorrência com base na interpretação de que a coordenação entre médicos constitui formação de cartel, passível de condenação pelas autoridades antitruste. A análise empírica corrobora as proposições teóricas: no setor de saúde suplementar, pelo menos na dimensão preço, existe a possibilidade de efeitos positivos associados ao poder compensatório. Destaca-se, contudo, que esse resultado estaria associado às cooperativas condenadas pelo CADE, que devem representar o grupo de associações que efetivamente deteriam poder econômico para equilibrar a assimetria de poder na negociação com as operadoras de planos de saúde. Diante dessa constatação, é importante reavaliar as decisões do CADE acerca das cooperativas médicas enquanto política pública que visa aumentar o bem-estar social.
A temática ambiental está cada vez mais presente, não apenas na esfera de governos, organizações internacionais e de grandes corporações, como também em pesquisas e trabalhos acadêmicos na área de Estratégia de negócios. Apesar da histórica negligência a essa temática, a literatura de gestão estratégica vem incorporando crescentemente elementos relacionados ao meio ambiente no âmbito da estratégia. Uma das formas de se obter desempenho condizente com demandas ambientais tem sido protagonizada por meio de investimentos em biocombustíveis, passando a ter implicações práticas nas estratégias de diversas organizações no mundo. O objetivo de pesquisa deste trabalho foi o de investigar por que e como o etanol foi incorporado na estratégia formal de uma organização brasileira historicamente vinculada ao setor petrolífero no Brasil. Partindo de uma perspectiva geopolítica, esta tese argumenta que a dinâmica que envolve a incorporação do etanol na estratégia dessa organização não pode ser compreendida apenas por meio de uma dimensão estritamente econômica. No decorrer da tese, é considerada a pertinência de se levar em conta ou não uma dimensão de poder para compreender o fenômeno investigado. Para a condução da pesquisa, buscou-se para mostrar a importância do conceito de legitimidade na dinâmica das estratégias relacionadas aos biocombustíveis. No decorrer da investigação, a distinção entre Norte e Sul global foi apontada como uma das facetas do processo de incorporação do meio ambiente em estratégias e políticas no nível internacional, na qual perspectivas neoliberais buscam sustentar a centralidade da dimensão econômica, tornando menos visível as assimetrias de poder entre países do Norte e Sul global. As implicações do processo de incorporação do etanol na estratégia da organização estudada também foram analisadas nos níveis organizacional e nacional, na qual foram ressaltados os conflitos de interesses existentes em cada um desses níveis. Conclui-se que a incorporação do etanol está imersa em um contexto caracterizado por disputas geopolíticas, tanto no nível nacional quanto internacional, mostra a pertinência de considerar outras dimensões de análise em investigações na área de Estratégia, como os aspectos relacionados a poder e espaço geográfico.
With the disorganized decentralization occurred in Brazil after the 1988 Constitution, municipalities have risen to the level of federal entities. This phenomenon became known as "municipalism" also brought some negative effects such as low capacity financial, economic and political of these entities. In the face of this reality , the municipalities sought in models of collaborative features to address public policy issues ultrarregionais, one of these models are the Public Consortia. Characterized as the organization of all federal entities that aim to solve public policy implementation alone that they could not, or spend great resources for such. This reality of the municipalities have an aggravating factor when looking at the situation in Metropolitan Regions (MRs). This is because the RMs has a historical process of formation that does not encourage cooperation, since that were created top-down during the military regime. Furthermore, the metropolitan municipalities have significant power asymmetries, localist vision, rigidity earmarked revenues, different scenarios conurbation, difficulty standardization of concepts and others that contribute to the vision of low cooperation of these metropolitan areas. Thus, the problem of this work is in the presence of collaborative arrangements, such as the Public Consortia in metropolitan areas, which are seen as areas of low cooperation. To elucidate this research was used for analysis the cases of CONDIAM/PB and Consórcio Grande Recife/PE, because they are apparently antagonistic, but with some points of similarity. The cases has as foundation the Theory of Common Resources, which provides the possibility of collective action through the initiative of individuals. This theory has as its methodology for analyzing the picture IAD Framework, which proposes its analysis based on three axes: external variables, the arena of action and results. The nature of the method of this research was classified as exploratory and descriptive. For the stage of date analysis, was used the method of document analysis and content, Further than of separation of the cases according to theur especificities. At the end of the study, noted that the CONDIAM/PB was a strategy of municipal government of Joao Pessoa to attract funds from the Federal Government for the purpose of to build a landfill, and over the years the ideology of cooperation was left aside, the prevailing view localist municipalities. In the case of Consórcio Grande Recife/PE, members act with some degree of cooperation, especially the collaborative aspect of the region, however, still prevails with greater strength the power of the state of Pernambuco in the decisions and paths of the consortium. Thus, was conclude that the Public Consortia analyzed are an experience of collaborative arrangement, from the initiative of members, as the theory of common resources says, but has not actually signed as a practice of collective action to overcome the dilemmas faced by metropolitan areas
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate analytically how entrepreneurial action as learning relating to diversifying into technical clothing - i.e. a high-value manufacturing sector - can take place. This is particularly relevant to recent discussion and debate in academic and policy-making circles concerning the survival of the clothing manufacture industry in developed industrialised countries. Design/methodology/approach - Using situated learning theory (SLT) as the major analytical lens, this case study examines an episode of entrepreneurial action relating to diversification into a high-value manufacturing sector. It is considered on instrumentality grounds, revealing wider tendencies in the management of knowledge and capabilities requisite for effective entrepreneurial action of this kind. Findings - Boundary events, brokers, boundary objects, membership structures and inclusive participation that addresses power asymmetries are found to be crucial organisational design elements, enabling the development of inter- and intracommunal capacities. These together constitute a dynamic learning capability, which underpins entrepreneurial action, such as diversification into high-value manufacturing sectors. Originality/value - Through a refinement of SLT in the context of entrepreneurial action, the paper contributes to an advancement of a substantive theory of managing technological knowledge and capabilities for effective diversification into high-value manufacturing sectors. Copyright © 2014 Emerald Group Publishing Limited. All rights reserved.
This article considers the opportunities of civilians to peacefully resist violent conflicts or civil wars. The argument developed here is based on a field-based research on the peace community San José de Apartadó in Colombia. The analytical and theoretical framework, which delimits the use of the term ‘resistance’ in this article, builds on the conceptual considerations of Hollander and Einwohner (2004) and on the theoretical concept of ‘rightful resistance’ developed by O’Brien (1996). Beginning with a conflict-analytical classification of the case study, we will describe the long-term socio-historical processes and the organizational experiences of the civilian population, which favoured the emergence of this resistance initiative. The analytical approach to the dimensions and aims of the resistance of this peace community leads to the differentiation of O`Brian’s concept of ‘rightful resistance’.