524 resultados para Postpartum Depression
Although anxiety disorders are documented in the literature for new mothers (but less so for fathers), rates of postpartum caseness tend to include only those with depression when diagnostic interviews or self-report measures validated on such interviews are used. This methodology therefore underestimates the true percentage of women and men who experience significant psychological difficulties postpartum. This has implications for assessment, treatment and screening for postnatal mood disorders. Two studies were conducted on a total of 408 women and 356 men expecting their first child. They were recruited antenatally, and interviewed at 6 weeks postpartum using the Diagnostic Interview Schedule. DSM-IV criteria were applied to determine the presence since birth of depression (major or minor), panic disorder, acute adjustment disorder with anxiety (meeting the criteria for generalised anxiety disorder except for the duration criterion), and phobia. The inclusion of diagnostic assessment for panic disorder and acute adjustment disorder with anxiety increased the rates of caseness by between 57 and 100% for mothers, and 31-130% for fathers, over the rates for major or minor depression. Inclusion of assessment for phobia further increased the rates of disorder in both samples.
Social factors, including poverty, are known risk factors for depression. In a previous study conducted in Khayelitsha, a very poor peri-urban settlement near Cape Town, a 34.7% prevalence rate for postpartum depression was found, roughly three times the expected rate internationally. This article is a report on a logistical regression analysis, showing that the odds ratios for the probability of maternal depression at two months were: for the infant being unwanted, OR=4.33, 95% CI: (1.75; 11.60); for the father's negative attitude towards the infant, OR=6.03, 95% CI: (2.01; 20.09); and for the mother cohabiting with (as opposed to not living with) a male partner, OR=2.77, 95% CI: (1.08; 7.69). The odds ratios for the probability of the mother being insensitive towards the infant at two months were: for the mother aged 20 to 24 years, OR=0.40, 95% CI: (0.10; 1.42); for the mother aged 25 to 29 years, OR=0.24, 95% CI: (0.06; 0.77); for the mother aged 30 years or older, OR=0.27, 95% CI: (0.07; 0.90); and for the mother receiving no help from her partner, OR=2.12, 95% CI: (1.05; 4.33). Since data were collected cross-sectionally, it is not possible to draw conclusions about causal pathways. The findings support further investigation into the precursors of, and risk factors for, postpartum depression amongst poor South African women.
Background A significant proportion of women who are vulnerable to postnatal depression refuse to engage in treatment programmes. Little is known about them, other than some general demographic characteristics. In particular, their access to health care and their own and their infants' health outcomes are uncharted. Methods We conducted a nested cohort case-control study, using data from computerized health systems, and general practitioner (GP) and maternity records, to identify the characteristics, health service contacts, and maternal and infant health outcomes for primiparous antenatal clinic attenders at high risk for postnatal depression who either refused (self-exclusion group) or else agreed (take-up group) to receive additional Health Visiting support in pregnancy and the first 2 months postpartum. Results Women excluding themselves from Health Visitor support were younger and less highly educated than women willing to take up the support. They were less likely to attend midwifery, GP and routine Health Visitor appointments, but were more likely to book in late and to attend accident and emergency department (A&E). Their infants had poorer outcome in terms of gestation, birthweight and breastfeeding. Differences between the groups still obtained when age and education were taken into account for midwifery contacts, A&E attendance and gestation;the difference in the initiation of breast feeding was attenuated, but not wholly explained, by age and education. Conclusion A subgroup of psychologically vulnerable childbearing women are at particular risk for poor access to health care and adverse infant outcome. Barriers to take-up of services need to be understood in order better to deliver care.
Background: This randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind pilot study evaluated the impact of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on clinical, cognitive, and social performance in women suffering with postpartum depression. Methods: Fourteen patients were randomized to receive 20 sessions of sham rTMS or active 5 Hz rTMS over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Psychiatric clinical scales and a neuropsychological battery were applied at baseline (pretreatment), week 4 (end of treatment), and week 6 (follow-up, posttreatment week 2). Results: The active rTMS group showed significant improvement 2 weeks after the end of rTMS treatment (week 6) in Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (P = 0.020), Global Assessment Scale (P = 0.037), Clinical Global Impression (P = 0.047), and Social Adjustment Scale-Self Report-Work at Home (P = 0.020). Conclusion: This study suggests that rTMS has the potential to improve the clinical condition in postpartum depression, while producing marginal gains in social and cognitive function.
Purpose: Understand the difficulties and experienced of individuals suffering from postpartum depression, related to mood disturbances, the mother-child bond and its repercussions in the meanings established for the experience of being a mother. Methods: Forty-one patients were interviewed, with ages ranging from 20 to 49 years, from a total of 106 attended at the Primary Care Unit, in the interior of the state of Parahiba, Brazil. A sample of 21 women was selected, presenting an inclusion profile, propitious to mapping postpartum depression. The eligible patients were referred by two PSF (Health Family) teams (one each from the urban and rural zones), aimed at diagnosing the psychic disturbance of the perperium. They were accompanied by a psychologist and all signed an informed consent form. A field diary supported the information recorded. Beck's Depression Inventory complemented the inclusion and follow-up of the patients. The data were analyzed statistically. Results: We confirmed the findings of the most recent studies that infant abandonment in the postpartum period occurs in situations where multiple and serious factors add up, such as misery (86.7%), little schooling (67%), lack of a support network (36.5%), estrangement of the mother's family relations (12%) and lack of paternal involvement (91.5%). Conclusion: The feeling of psyching pain and suffering, resulting from postpartum depression, is the most emphasized by women (87%) because it triggers the greatest discomfort, due to the difficulty in overcoming it.
The aim of the study was to investigate the characteristics of infant development at four, eight and twelve months of age, as result of postpartum depression. The prevalence of Postpartum Depression - measured by the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale - at four months after delivery was 30.3%; at eight months, 26.4%; and at 12 months, 25.0%. Chi-square tests were used to compare children of mothers with and without Postpartum Depression in relation to developmental milestones. It was found developmental delay in infants of mothers with Postpartum Depression in: two interactional indicators at four months, two motor indicators at eight months and one gross motor indicator at twelve months. However, children of mothers with Postpartum Depression showed better results in one fine motor and in two language items at 12 months. The results point to the necessity of considering external and internal factors of mother and infant in the study of the effects of maternal depression on child development.
Att bli förälder är en viktig händelse för alla kvinnor liksom deras män. Men några kan känna sig oförberedda, känslomässigt labil, oroliga och osäkra under den första tiden efter förlossningen. Nya åtaganden och ansvar som medföljer föräldraskapet kan påverka det psykiska välbefinnandet och kan utvecklas till en postpartum depression (PPD). PPD drabbar cirka 13 procent av alla kvinnor som har fött barn. Det som kännetecknar PPD är nedstämdhet, irritabilitet, känsla av hopplöshet, orkeslöshet, sömnproblem, koncentrationssvårigheter, ångest attacker, osäkerhet, likgiltighet och suicidtankar. Litteraturstudiens syfte var att undersöka vikten av en tidig upptäckt av PPD hos kvinnor och skapa kunskap i syfte att förbättra omvårdnaden. Blivande föräldrar behöver inte bara information om själva förlossningen utan också de förändringar som sker tiden efter partus. Databassökningen gjordes i Cinahl, PubMed, och PsycInfo. Sjutton vetenskapliga artiklar inkluderades och granskades med hjälp av SBU-granskningsmall. Analysen resulterade i tre kategorier, vikten av tidig upptäckt, hur familjens hälsa påverkas och hur vårdpersonal kan hjälpa. PPD har negativa effekter, inte bara på kvinnan själv, utan även på hela familjen. Det framkom tydligt hur viktigt kunskapsutvecklingen hos vårdpersonalen är för att kunna bryta PPD i ett tidigt skede. PPD är fortfarande ett relativt ”bortglömt tillstånd” då den nyförlösta kvinnan behöver kunnig vårdpersonal för att identifiera och förstå svårigheterna vid PPD.
Purpose. To evaluate the prevalence of Postpartum Depression (PPD) screening among practicing obstetrician-gynecologists in Texas, and to identify factors and barriers associated with routine depression screening practices.^ Subjects. One hundred and eighty-nine fellows and junior fellows of the Texas Association of Obstetricians & Gynecologists (District XI).^ Methods. A survey questionnaire was developed and sent to 2,028 obstetriciangynecologists, asking about their current screening practices related to PPD. The survey questions were related to the physician's demographics, the patient population, screening practices, barriers to screening, and perceptions about resources in the community. Responses were analyzed to determine associations between these factors and the physician's screening practices. ^ Results. The respondents (n=189) constituted 9.3% of the surveyed population, thus the findings cannot be considered representative of all practicing Ob-Gyns in Texas. However, the following trends were observed. Of the respondents, 85.4% reported routinely screening for PPD, while 14.6% did not. However, of those that screened, only 20.2% used the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale and 7.6% screened with the Postpartum Depression Screening Scale, both validated screening tools. The majority (77.2%) reported using an informal patient interview to screen. For those who did not routinely screen, inadequate training and inadequate resources to screen for PPD were the top two barriers. Physician's age was associated with routine screening practice, as older physicians were less likely to screen routinely. Primary insurance coverage of the patient population was also associated with screening practice; physicians with Medicaid and uninsured patients were less likely to screen routinely. Lastly, physicians that believed that adequate resources existed in their communities for the treatment of PPD were more likely to screen than those that did not.^ Conclusions. The present study is the first attempt at assessing Postpartum Depression screening practices and barriers in Texas. Although the response rate was low, the findings related to informal screening methods and inadequate training indicated that education and training with regards to PPD screening and validated screening tools among Ob-Gyns stand to be improved. Connecting physicians to psychiatric resources may also improve screening rates. This first look at screening practices in Texas serves as a platform for future research in order to gain definitive insight into the diagnosis and treatment of PPD, and ultimately design interventions to improve detection rates and treatment.^
Postpartum depression has been associated with parenting stress, impacting attachment and child development. However, the relation between antenatal depression or anxiety and postpartum parenting stress has not been investigated. We studied the effect of antenatal depression and anxiety and treatment with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (antidepressants [ADs]) on postpartum parenting stress.