1000 resultados para Posto de combustíveis
The geoelectrical methods have been widely used in research involving the evaluation and monitoring of areas with environmental risk. This paper presents the results of applying the Electrical Resistivity method by electrical profiling technique to investigate the fuel presence in soil and groundwater proceeding in station gas, located in an urban area Caçapava do Sul (RS), on soil in situ, from modification of Caçapava granite. The results suggest an association between low resistivity anomalies zone with potentially degraded from underground tanks worthless on the form of free phase, now represented as residual phase. The results of the model inversion are consistent with the standards expected for hydrocarbons present in the saturated zone. The electrical resistivity method proved to be an important tool for assessment and environmental monitoring in conjunction with direct methods of investigation.
Este trabalho aborda a identificação do grau de satisfação dos atributos valorizados pelos consumidores e usuários de um posto de serviços e propõe um plano de melhorias para fortalecer o relacionamento com os clientes, dentro da região de influência da empresa em estudo. Após uma revisão bibliográfica que permitiu conceituar os principais tópicos do tema em estudo, foram realizadas: uma pesquisa qualitativa para identificar os atributos da qualidade valorizados e percebidos pelos clientes como diferenciais importantes na escolha do posto de serviços, e uma pesquisa quantitativa para avaliar o grau de satisfação com cada um dos atributos identificados. Com base nas descobertas das pesquisas e na experiência do autor, como gestor da empresa em estudo, foi proposto um plano de melhorias para a otimização do desempenho empresarial.
natural resources that still enjoy, in the certainty that if we do not, could culminate at the end of that remains. The environmental contamination by fuels in the retail service of oil and biofuels, has been a subject of growing research in Brazil, due to the large pollution potential of this activity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the importance of implementing the Environmental Management System (EMS) in fuel retail service stations in the city of Parnamirim-RN, but also describe the current situation the same as licensing and environmental characterization; identify existing barriers to implementation of EMS on the costs, technologies, knowledge, vision, present the potential benefits for the implementation of the EMS (social, economic and environmental), to identify the existence of plans for future action to implement the EMS , as a subsidy to promote the implementation of it. The methodology was developed through analysis of documents provided by the environmental agency responsible for licensing of retail service stations and fuel pala ANP. For data collection, we used the questionnaire was applied directly to managers or managers of sub-stations. Data were collected in 12 of 30 posts in the municipality. For purposes of data treatment was performed a descriptive analysis with respect to the opinion of twelve managers (respondents). The data acquired, according to the Likert scale were tabulated and analyzed using software SPSS 17.0 and Excel 2003, it was generated tables and graphs to observe the behavior of the data. The results showed that most respondents have a schooling level higher (58.3%) of the jobs surveyed 50% work on average 6 to 10 years and 41.6% are in operation for over 11 years , 75.0% do not have a license to operate and 12 stations, 58.3% were sued for not having a license to operate and are therefore in full commercial activity, 83% of jobs have some practice environmentally responsible, 75% agree in making planning future action to implement 8 the EMS in their ventures, 70% in full agreement that the high cost is a form of impediment to implementation of EMS; 66.67% agreed that resistance to change is an impediment to implementation of EMS; 90.91% agreed that the implementation of EMS is very complex, 80% of respondents agreed in a very significant environmental legislation is also a key factor preventing the implementation of EMS is noteworthy that 100% of respondents agreed that the knowledge about the use of the EMS will help to solve environmental problems in the fuel retail service stations, the implementation of the EMS will benefit with increased efficiency of resources applied to the findings by the agreement of 91.66% of respondents, where only 8, 33% disagreed, there was also a percentage of 100%, agreed that the company's image will be a great benefit, but also a contribution to solving environmental problems in the fuel retail service stations. Thus, the importance of the implementation of EMS in the fuel retail service stations in the city of Parnamirim-RN, with an urgent need to be deployed. And the bodies responsible for policy on state-run and supervise more tightly and action, this type of activity, in order to regulate the sustainable functioning of retail service stations of fuel, thus promoting a better quality of life for the population of the municipality of natal-RN
O objetivo do estudo foi analisar a incidência do uso de álcool e anfetaminas entre caminhoneiros de estrada. Foram estudados 91 sujeitos, abordados em um posto de combustíveis em Passos, MG, em novembro de 2005. Os dados dos participantes foram obtidos por meio de um questionário contendo 19 questões de múltipla escolha. Utilizou-se para a análise dos dados estatística descritiva, teste do qui-quadrado e o coeficiente de correlação de Cramér. Os resultados indicaram que 66% dos caminhoneiros usavam anfetaminas durante os percursos de viagens, principalmente em postos de combustíveis (54%) à beira das rodovias. O álcool era utilizado por 91% deles, dos quais 43% consumiam a bebida nos postos de combustíveis. Concluiu-se que há a necessidade de campanhas preventivas e informativas voltadas para esta categoria profissional nos postos de combustíveis e empresas de transportes, alertando sobre os riscos de ingestão dessas substâncias no período de trabalho.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Este trabalho investigou a eficiência da técnica do bioaumento quando aplicada a solos contaminados com óleo diesel coletados em três postos de combustíveis. Experimentos de biodegradação foram realizados em frascos de Bartha (250 mL), usados para medir a produção microbiana de CO2. A eficiência de biodegradação também foi quantificada pela concentração de hidrocarbonetos. Conjuntamente aos experimentos de biodegradação, a capacidade das culturas estudadas e dos microrganismos nativos em biodegradar óleo diesel comprado de um posto de combustíveis local, foi verificada utilizando-se a técnica baseada no indicador redox 2,6 - diclorofenol indofenol (DCPIP). Resultados obtidos com esse teste mostraram que os inóculos empregados nos experimentos de biodegradação foram capazes de biodegradar óleo diesel e os testes com os microrganismos nativos indicaram que estes solos previamente apresentavam uma microbiota adaptada para degradar hidrocarbonetos. em suma, nenhum ganho foi obtido com a adição dos microrganismos ou mesmo efeitos negativos foram observados nos experimentos de biodegradação.
A biorremediação natural da água subterrânea contaminada com óleo diesel em um posto de combustíveis foi avaliada mediante o monitoramento de indicadores geoquímicos e ensaios laboratoriais de biodegradação. Durante um período de dois anos foram realizadas quatro coletas de água subterrânea para a avaliação de diversos parâmetros físico-químicos e a concentração de hidrocarbonetos. As análises microbiológicas consistiram na contagem de bactérias heterotróficas totais, na verificação da presença de bactérias hidrocarbonoclásticas e no teste de biodegradabilidade utilizando o indicador redox DCPIP. Foi possível identificar fatores que corroboram o emprego da técnica de biorremediação natural para o tratamento da água subterrânea, contudo, a presença de hidrocarbonetos retidos no solo representa uma fonte contínua de contaminação, por isso se faz necessário o monitoramento a longo prazo.
O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar possíveis métodos para aumentar a taxa de biodegradação aeróbia de hidrocarbonetos (tratamentos ex-situ). Neste trabalho, processos de biorremediação foram aplicados a um solo arenoso com alto nível de contaminação ocasionada por um vazamento de um tanque de armazenamento de óleo diesel subterrâneo em um posto de combustíveis. Experimentos em escala laboratorial (respirômetros de Bartha) foram utilizados para avaliar a biodegradação do óleo diesel. Estímulo da biodegradação foi realizado utilizando-se as técnicas de bioestímulo (adição de soluções de nitrogênio e fósforo ou surfactante Tween 80) e de bioaumento (consórcio bacteriano isolado de um sistema de landfarming). Para investigar as interações entre os fatores otimizadores, e encontrar a melhor combinação entre esses agentes, o estudo foi baseado em um delineamento experimental fatorial completo. A eficiência de biodegradação foi simultaneamente medida com dois métodos: respirométrico (produção de CO2 microbiano) e cromatografia gasosa. Testes de toxicidade aguda com Daphnia similis foram aplicados para examinar a eficiência dos processos em termos de geração de produtos menos tóxicos. Resultados mostraram que todas as estratégias de biorremediação aceleraram a biorremediação natural do solo contaminado e os melhores resultados foram obtidos quando os tratamentos tinham adição de nutrientes. Dados respirométricos indicaram uma máxima mineralização de hidrocarbonetos de 19,8%, obtida com a combinação dos três agentes, com uma remoção de hidrocarbonetos totais de petróleo (TPH) de 45,5% em 55 dias de tratamento. No final dos experimentos, duas espécies predominantes de bactéria foram isoladas e identificadas como Staphylococcus hominis e Kocuria palustris.
O objetivo do estudo foi analisar a incidência do uso de álcool e anfetaminas entre caminhoneiros de estrada. Foram estudados 91 sujeitos, abordados em um posto de combustíveis em Passos, MG, em novembro de 2005. Os dados dos participantes foram obtidos por meio de um questionário contendo 19 questões de múltipla escolha. Utilizou-se para a análise dos dados estatística descritiva, teste do qui-quadrado e o coeficiente de correlação de Cramér. Os resultados indicaram que 66% dos caminhoneiros usavam anfetaminas durante os percursos de viagens, principalmente em postos de combustíveis (54%) à beira das rodovias. O álcool era utilizado por 91% deles, dos quais 43% consumiam a bebida nos postos de combustíveis. Concluiu-se que há a necessidade de campanhas preventivas e informativas voltadas para esta categoria profissional nos postos de combustíveis e empresas de transportes, alertando sobre os riscos de ingestão dessas substâncias no período de trabalho.
Este trabalho consistiu na investigação geofísica da possível contaminação de um posto de combustíveis em Belém-PA, bem como no desenvolvimento de um simulador geofísico para fins educativos. A investigação consistiu no levantamento de 13 perfis com o método geofísico eletromagnético Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). Os radargramas obtidos, conjuntamente com os dados pré-existentes de sondagens mecânicas, Volatile Organics Compounds (VOC) e Benzeno-Tolueno-Etil-benzeno-Xileno (BTEX), permitiram identificar zonas de baixa reflexão do sinal eletromagnético (zonas atenuadas) em áreas com predominância de areia, o que indicaria contaminação. Como as medidas de GPR foram repetidas no período chuvoso, foi possível observar a redução da atenuação em perfil rico em areia, indicando a lixiviação dos ácidos graxos oriundos da biodegradação dos hidrocarbonetos, bem como o aumento da atenuação provocada pela argila, devido a sua elevada porosidade, e também, possivelmente, pelo aumento da biodegradação dos hidrocarbonetos que ficam retidos na argila. Este resultado constitui o primeiro caso inserido no simulador geofísico, experimento que permite mostrar o uso de diferentes métodos geofísicos. O simulador possui duas telas computacionais, a debaixo para simulação do modelo de subsuperfície escolhido e, a tela de cima, para representação da resposta geofísica obtida com o auxílio de uma unidade ótica que percorre o perfil representado na tela debaixo. Trata-se de uma modelagem analógica com recursos computacionais ainda não reportada na literatura, que permitirá mostrar diversos casos investigados constantes em dissertações e teses. O simulador poderá ser deslocado para empresas, universidades e secretarias, que fazem ou podem fazer uso da Geofísica, além de praças, escolas, etc., contribuindo de forma incisiva para a difusão da Geofísica como ferramenta na gestão de áreas contaminadas bem como para chamar a atenção da população para diferentes tipos de problemas, de modo a instruí-la sobre os mesmos.
Among the potentially polluting economic activities that compromise the quality of groundwater are the gas stations. The city of Natal has about 120 gas stations, of which only has an environmental license for operation. Discontinuities in the offices were notified by the Public Ministry of Rio Grande do Norte to carry out the environmental adaptations, among which is the investigation of environmental liabilities. The preliminary and confirmatory stages of this investigation consisted in the evaluation of soil gas surveys with two confirmatory chemical analysis of BTEX, PAH and TPH. To get a good evaluation and interpretation of results obtained in the field, it became necessary three-dimensional representation of them. We used a CAD software to graph the equipment installed in a retail service station fuel in Natal, as well as the plumes of contamination by volatile organic compounds. The tool was concluded that contamination is not located in the current system of underground storage of fuel development, but reflects the historical past in which tanks were removed not tight gasoline and diesel
Today a major responsibility for the contamination of soil and groundwater and surface water are establishments known as gas stations of fuel which has attracted increasing attention from both the general population as the state agencies of environmental control due to leaks in storage tanks and mainly to disruption of pipe corrosion of tanks and pumping. Other services, like oil changes and car wash are also causes for concern in this type of establishment. These leaks can cause or waste produced, and the contamination of aquifers, serious health problems and public safety, since most of these stations located in urban areas. Based on this, the work was to evaluate soil contamination of a particular service station and fuel sales in the city of Natal, through the quantification of heavy metals like Cd, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb, Zn of total organic carbon (TOC) and organic matter using different techniques such as optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma source (ICP OES), Total Organic Carbon analyzer and gravimetric analysis respectively. And also to characterize the soil through particle size analysis. Samples were taken in 21 georeferenced points and collected in the same period. The soils sampled in sampling stations P3, P5, P6, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P17, P18 and P20 showed the smallest size fractions ranging from fine sand to medium sand. The other study sites ranged from fine sand to medium sand, except the point P8 showed that only the type size medium sand and P19, indicating a particle size of the coarse type. The small correlation of organic matter with the elements studied in this work suggests that these are not of anthropogenic origin but geochemical support
Among the potentially polluting economic activities that compromise the quality of groundwater are the gas stations. The city of Natal has about 120 gas stations, of which only has an environmental license for operation. Discontinuities in the offices were notified by the Public Ministry of Rio Grande do Norte to carry out the environmental adaptations, among which is the investigation of environmental liabilities. The preliminary and confirmatory stages of this investigation consisted in the evaluation of soil gas surveys with two confirmatory chemical analysis of BTEX, PAH and TPH. To get a good evaluation and interpretation of results obtained in the field, it became necessary three-dimensional representation of them. We used a CAD software to graph the equipment installed in a retail service station fuel in Natal, as well as the plumes of contamination by volatile organic compounds. The tool was concluded that contamination is not located in the current system of underground storage of fuel development, but reflects the historical past in which tanks were removed not tight gasoline and diesel
Today a major responsibility for the contamination of soil and groundwater and surface water are establishments known as gas stations of fuel which has attracted increasing attention from both the general population as the state agencies of environmental control due to leaks in storage tanks and mainly to disruption of pipe corrosion of tanks and pumping. Other services, like oil changes and car wash are also causes for concern in this type of establishment. These leaks can cause or waste produced, and the contamination of aquifers, serious health problems and public safety, since most of these stations located in urban areas. Based on this, the work was to evaluate soil contamination of a particular service station and fuel sales in the city of Natal, through the quantification of heavy metals like Cd, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb, Zn of total organic carbon (TOC) and organic matter using different techniques such as optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma source (ICP OES), Total Organic Carbon analyzer and gravimetric analysis respectively. And also to characterize the soil through particle size analysis. Samples were taken in 21 georeferenced points and collected in the same period. The soils sampled in sampling stations P3, P5, P6, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P17, P18 and P20 showed the smallest size fractions ranging from fine sand to medium sand. The other study sites ranged from fine sand to medium sand, except the point P8 showed that only the type size medium sand and P19, indicating a particle size of the coarse type. The small correlation of organic matter with the elements studied in this work suggests that these are not of anthropogenic origin but geochemical support
The pursuit of competitive advantage is lobbying organizations to strategically plan the use of their material, human, technological and financial resources, so that it s possible to add value to the product, even when it is considered a commodity. The scenario for this planning should not be limited to the company in question, but cover an entire supply chain, which is composed of several organizations which have common goals of growth and sustainability of the market. They should form trade links, integrating the chains of individual values, in a perspective of value system. In this supply chain there is a flow of services, payments and information, as products well as. The training of these links can be supported by the adoption of a set of information technology, here called solutions business-to-business (B2B), which will be responsible for the production, storage and distribution of relevant information to business transactions between the companies involved. On this view, this thesis aims to describe the B2B solutions adopted in the downstream segment of the supply chain of a distributor of fuel and the nature of these technologies as well as their impact on the creation of value for business and optimization of the relationship between companies. This is a case study on a national distributor of fuels, from a model of research produced under the influence of theories of integrated logistics system and value of Michael Porter. The analyses came to the conclusion that information technology is perceived as an essential tool to the operation of all activities carried out by the company. Among them, at was also brought the key activities of integrated logistics: administration of applications, inventory management, management transport and customer services, which were highlighted in this study. It was also noticed that even these activities are, in principle, purely operational; they all had in the adoption of strategies for leadership in cost or differentiation, supported by B2B solutions identified, making it more conducive to business and direct customer, the clinic reseller of fuel, to obtain value and benefits of this market segment as competitive