949 resultados para Positive discrimination


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Existing court data suggest that adult Indigenous offenders are more likely than non-Indigenous defendants to be sentenced to prison but once imprisoned generally receive shorter terms. Using findings from international and Australian multivariate statistical analyses, this paper reviews the three key hypotheses advanced as plausible explanations for these differences: 1) differential involvement, 2) negative discrimination, 3) positive discrimination. Overall, prior research shows strong support for the differential involvement thesis, some support for positive discrimination and little foundation for negative discrimination in the sentencing of Indigenous defendants. Where discrimination is found, we argue that this may be explained by the lack of a more complete set of control variables in researchers’ multivariate models.


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The gross overrepresentation of Indigenous peoples in prison populations suggests that sentencing may be a discriminatory process. Using findings from recent (1991–2011) multivariate statistical sentencing analyses from the United States, Canada, and Australia, we review the 3 key hypotheses advanced as plausible explanations for baseline sentencing discrepancies between Indigenous and non-Indigenous adult criminal defendants: (a) differential involvement, (b) negative discrimination, and (c) positive discrimination. Overall, the prior research shows strong support for the differential involvement thesis and some support for the discrimination theses (positive and negative). We argue that where discrimination is found, it may be explained by the lack of a more complete set of control variables in researchers’ multivariate models and/or differing political and social contexts.


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Both the United States and Canada have federal legislation that attempts to address employment inequities across specific target groups. The US has a long tradition of affirmative action, dating back to President Kennedy’s 1961 Executive Order; Canada enacted its Employment Equity Act in 1986. Employment Equity/Affirmative Action policy has attracted significant controversy, with high profile court cases and the repeal of state/provincial legislation. Coate and Loury (1993) examine the theoretical impact of introducing affirmative action. Unfortunately the theoretical impact of affirmative action is ambiguous. The current paper employs a laboratory experiment to shed empirical light on this theoretical ambiguity.


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This study investigated potential markers within chromosomal, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and ribosomal RNA (rRNA) with the aim of developing a DNA based method to allow differentiation between animal species. Such discrimination tests may have important applications in the forensic science, agriculture, quarantine and customs fields. DNA samples from five different animal individuals within the same species for 10 species of animal (including human) were analysed. DNA extraction and quantitation followed by PCR amplification and GeneScan visualisation formed the basis of the experimental analysis. Five gene markers from three different types of genes were investigated. These included genomic markers for the β-actin and TP53 tumor suppressor gene. Mitochondrial DNA markers, designed by Bataille et al. [Forensic Sci. Int. 99 (1999) 165], examined the Cytochrome b gene and Hypervariable Displacement Loop (D-Loop) region. Finally, a ribosomal RNA marker for the 28S rRNA gene optimised by Naito et al. [J. Forensic Sci. 37 (1992) 396] was used as a possible marker for speciation. Results showed a difference of only several base pairs between all species for the β-actin and 28S markers, with the exception of Sus scrofa (pig) β-actin fragment length, which produced a significantly smaller fragment. Multiplexing of Cytochrome b and D-Loop markers gave limited species information, although positive discrimination of human DNA was evident. The most specific and discriminatory results were shown using the TP53 gene since this marker produced greatest fragment size differences between animal species studied. Sample differentiation for all species was possible following TP53 amplification, suggesting that this gene could be used as a potential animal species identifier.


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This article presents a reflection of the application of multiculturality principles into tertiary educational programs at the University of Los Andes, Bogota Colombia. The main focus of this paper is debating the concept of 'positive discrimination' as a challenge taken by educational centres in societies with cultural diversity populations.


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This thesis investigates behavioural processes for inequality in education and solutions to mitigate such effects, applying conceptual and methodological insights from behavioural and experimental economics. It explores relative age differences in economic preferences of young individuals, the influence of stereotypes and positive discrimination on performance, and evaluates a program that offers strong encouragement for educational achievement of indigenous high school students.


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A questão abordada nesta dissertação visa o entendimento do que vem a ser a educação justa no contexto da pós-modernidade. A justiça na educação só se tornou uma questão a ser considerada a partir da década de setenta do século XX, quando foram produzidas pesquisas que apontavam que a educação reproduzia desigualdades. Pensadores como o português Carlos Estêvão e o francês François Dubet foram os pioneiros na tentativa de produzir concepções a respeito da educação justa. Estêvão apresenta a educação justa como aquela ligada aos valores da filosofia pública democrática, centralizada nos princípios da liberdade e igualdade. Quanto a Dubet, ele chega à conclusão que os princípios para uma escola justa (DUBET, 2008) são os seguintes: discriminação positiva, garantir um mínimo escolar, utilidade dos diplomas, as desigualdades escolares não podem produzir desigualdades sociais e a escola deve tratar os vencidos. Diante do cenário pós-moderno, outro encaminhamento é preciso, uma vez que a pós-modernidade se caracteriza pelo fim dos grandes relatos (Lyotard) e a destruição dos fundamentos (Vattimo). Com ela, não é mais possível, a modelação ou a padronização humana. Os grandes ideais, a finalidade e os motivos se perderam, restando apenas os átomos sociais. Diante desse cenário, o primeiro passo, em direção a uma educação justa pós-moderna, é o estabelecimento do direito à fala, expressão mais fiel de nossa liberdade. Com a pós-modernidade, temos nossa sensibilidade aguçada para as diferenças, e reforçando nossa capacidade para o sublime. Talvez assim, teremos uma vida sublime, que é a efetivação de nosso direito de sonhar.


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ISSN 1577-4430, com fator de impacto, calculado pelo IN-RECS (http://ec3.ugr.es/in-recj/ii/Derecho_Civil-2010.htm), Bases de dados de indexação: LATINDEX, DIALNET, ISOC, COMLUDOC e AGRIS]


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças, sob orientação de Doutora Deolinda Meira e Doutora Nina Aguiar


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Esta tese tem por objetivo analisar a equidade educacional no Brasil, em 2001 e 2011. Para tanto, avaliarei as oportunidades dos alunos de terem professores mais qualificados, verificando a evolução por gênero, cor/raça e nível socioeconômico. O referencial teórico da tese divide-se em duas partes: o debate sobre equidade e a discussão sobre a importância da escola e de seus recursos e processos internos. Na primeira parte, apresento diversas perspectivas sobre equidade e proponho a divisão do campo em três linhas, além de inserir o debate num contexto mais amplo sobre justiça social. Utilizarei, nesta pesquisa, a abordagem pluralista, que entende equidade como um termo que engloba recursos, processos e resultados. Na segunda parte, trato da importância da escola para o desempenho dos alunos a partir da apresentação de pesquisas que comprovam que as escolas são peças fundamentais para o desempenho dos alunos, principalmente em países desiguais. Dentre os recursos e processos escolares, verifica-se que os professores têm o maior impacto sobre as notas – e, portanto, são capazes de trazer maior contribuição para políticas educacionais equitativas. O debate sobre a importância da escola e dos professores para o desempenho dos alunos é particularmente relevante no Brasil, onde a literatura demonstra um grande impacto das escolas e dos professores sobre os resultados escolares, atrelado a uma enorme desigualdade na distribuição dos recursos. Feita a discussão teórica, apresento o modelo elaborado para analisar a equidade no Brasil, em 2001 e 2011. Desenvolvi um modelo logístico para determinar as oportunidades de um aluno ter professores mais qualificados – classificados, neste trabalho, a partir de quatro características: diploma de ensino superior, pós-graduação, experiência em sala de aula e que faça a cobertura do currículo. São apresentadas duas especificações do modelo: simples, que contém apenas características dos alunos como variáveis independentes; e completa, que, além das características dos alunos, inclui informações sobre os estados, sobre o tipo de rede (privada ou pública) e sobre a localidade (rural ou urbana). As análises são conduzidas para o 5º e 9º ano, em 2001 e 2011, utilizando os dados do SAEB de Língua Portuguesa e Matemática. Os resultados apontam para quatro conclusões importantes: em primeiro lugar, o nível socioeconômico mostrou-se mais relevante na determinação das oportunidades educacionais em comparação à cor/raça ou gênero dos alunos; em segundo lugar, há semelhança nas tendências de desempenho do 5º e 9º anos, com a identificação de três padrões de evolução das oportunidades educacionais; em terceiro lugar, verifica-se que o impacto das características observáveis dos professores sobre a proficiência dos alunos mudou de 2001 a 2011, em decorrência das políticas de incentivo à escolarização docente; por fim, verifica-se grande heterogeneidade dentre os estados brasileiros, com os estados das regiões Sul e Sudeste garantindo maior oportunidade educacional aos alunos. Com base nestes resultados, aponto, nas considerações finais, para três pilares presentes em países mais equitativos: a definição de padrões mínimos de recursos e processos; a adoção de políticas compensatórias e a discriminação positiva na distribuição dos recursos; e, por fim, o investimento nos professores.


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The affirmative action issue has split the public opinion and heated up the academic debate. While some experts and black activists see the affirmatives actions as a way to fight racism, since the positive discrimination could help the historically underprivileged to create and empower a positive identity, others see such measures as a dangerous attack against the traditional brazilian way of dealing with human differences. The latter fear that such policies may unleash racial conflicts. Although both sides barely explain what they mean for racism and how they understand that social phenomenon, it is possible to discern in those discourses different lines of argument, which can be related to different theoretical orientations about the analysis of such concepts as race and color.


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The integration of academic and non-academic knowledge is a key concern for researchers who aim at bridging the gap between research and policy. Researchers involved in the sustainability-oriented NCCR North-South programme have made the experience that linking different types of knowledge requires time and effort, and that methodologies are still lacking. One programme component was created at the inception of this transdisciplinary research programme to support exchange between researchers, development practitioners and policymakers. After 8 years of research, the programme is assessing whether research has indeed enabled a continuous communication across and beyond academic boundaries and has effected changes in the public policies of poor countries. In a first review of the data, we selected two case studies explicitly addressing the lives of women. In both cases – one in Pakistan, the other in Nepal – the dialogue between researchers and development practitioners contributed to important policy changes for female migration. In both countries, outmigration has become an increasingly important livelihood strategy. National migration policies are gendered, limiting the international migration of women. In Nepal, women were not allowed to migrate to specific countries such as the Gulf States or Malaysia. This was done in the name of positive discrimination, to protect women from potential exploitation and harassment in domestic work. However, women continued to migrate in many other and often illegal and more risky ways, increasing their vulnerability. In Pakistan, female labour migration was not allowed at all and male migration increased the vulnerability of the families remaining back home. Researchers and development practitioners in Nepal and Pakistan brought women’s shared experience of and exposure to the mechanisms of male domination into the public debate, and addressed the discriminating laws. Now, for the first time in Pakistan, the new draft policy currently under discussion would enable broadly-based female labour migration. What can we learn from the two case studies with regard to ways of relating experience- and research-based knowledge? The paper offers insights into the sequence of interactions between researchers, local people, development practitioners, and policy-makers, which eventually contributed to the formulation of a rights-based migration policy. The reflection aims at exploring the gendered dimension of ways to co-produce and share knowledge for development across boundaries. Above all, it should help researchers to better tighten the links between the spheres of research and policy in future.


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This mixed-methods study examines the perceptions and opinions of United Kingdom FTSE 350, and US Fortune 500 board of director members regarding the significance of gender and racial diversity on board governance. Perceptions were gathered from eighty-two directors using self-reported surveys and semi-structured interviews. This thesis provides: (1) an opportunity to investigate the perceptions (opinions) of directors regarding the effects of board gender and racial diversity on new board appointments and on the dynamics of board decision making (2) an opportunity to investigate the perception (opinions) of directors regarding the effects of social capital, new board appointments and the dynamics of board decision making, and (3) an opportunity to investigate comparatively the differences between UK and US director perceptions regarding the effects of board gender and racial diversity on new board appointments and board decision making. My findings indicate that directors believe that expertise and experience are by far the most important attributes when decisions on the selection of new directors are being considered. While US directors report observing tangible benefits to gender and racial diversity, for their firms, as well as a willingness to consider diversity as an attribute in the selection process; most UK directors were strongly opposed to positive discrimination measures.1 A majority of directors do not believe that their own demographic characteristics, such as race or gender were attributes to their being selected to a board position; however white males perceive that these attributes were considered attributes to the appointment of diverse directors. Moreover, in the United Kingdom, male directors reported that they may be at a disadvantage for board selection when compared to their female counterparts, hence advocating for a selection process with minimal considerations of the demographic characteristics of new directors. Directors do not seem to consider diverse social capital of directors when making board appointments. Instead, US directors were more likely to be assisted in board appointments by their having similar social capital, and UK directors indicated that they only consider director expertise, and that expertise is considered to ensure a broad mix of skills and professional experience on the board.


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RésuméCette thèse s'intéresse à l'impact du niveau d'éducation sur les attitudes envers les mesures de discrimination positive en faveur de la promotion professionnelle des femmes. La littérature consacrée à cette relation présente des résultats inconsistants : certains travaux ne montrent que l'éducation n'a pas d'effet sur l'accueil réservé aux mesures positives, tandis que d'autres suggèrent que cette relation pourrait être influencée par la nature des mesures positives. Nos attentes s'appuient sur les thèses de l'effet libérateur et de l'effet reproducteur de l'éducation. Les études réalisées dans le cadre de cette thèse, menées auprès de cadres, d'employés et d'étudiants résidant en Suisse et en Albanie, mettent en évidence un lien négatif entre le nombre d'années d'études et l'acceptation des mesures positives. Toutefois, cet effet apparaît essentiellement dans le cas de la mesure favorisant l'appartenance groupale des candidates par rapport à leurs caractéristiques personnelles, et non pas dans le cas de la mesure s'appuyant sur les compétences et le mérite des candidates. Nos études mettent en évidence les mécanismes qui génèrent ces opinions : l'orientation à la dominance sociale, l'adhésion aux principes méritocratiques, la reconnaissance de la discrimination subie par les femmes et le sentiment de menace généré par la mise en place des mesures de discrimination positive. Ces études examinent également la perception plus ou moins stéréotypée des bénéficiaires des mesures positives et de leur vulnérabilité aux conduites d'auto-handicap. Dans l'ensemble, les résultats corroborent davantage la thèse de l'effet reproducteur de l'éducation que celle de l'effet libérateur de l'éducation.


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Final report of a project carried out at Richland Community College, July 1979 to June 1980, and funded by the Research and Development Section of the Dept. of Adult, Vocational, and Technical Education in the Illinois Office of Education.