977 resultados para Positive Leadership


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This study examined whether the ownership type is associated with job insecurity and worry about job stability and whether the type of employment contract, positive leadership, and fair management moderated these associations. Survey data from 1249 Finnish female elderly care staff aged 18 to 69 years were used. Job insecurity and worry about job stability were highest in not-for-profit sheltered homes. However, positive leadership and fair management were able to mitigate this insecurity and worry. Job insecurity was highest among fixed-term employees in public sheltered homes or not-for-profit nursing homes. Thus, promoting good leadership and fair management would be of importance.


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The purpose of this paper is to explore the potential and value of positive management practices to address the pain and suffering that frequently accompanies periods of large-scale austerity in public sectors. Public managers are increasingly asked to implement severe austerity measures and at the same time to build service delivery capacity; contradictory tasks. We draw on and further develop Cameron’s (2012) model of Positive Leadership to identify seven positive shared leadership practices that, while not eliminating the pain and suffering associated with austerity measures at least offer some scope, compared to traditional public management practices, for managing the austerity-build capacity duality in ways that respond to those affected with compassion and respect. We draw on published reports of a large-scale austerity program to highlight the potential and value of positive shared leadership practices for creating what we refer to as positive organisational austerity. The paper contributes to the literature on public management response to crises in two main ways. First, the paper introduces and develops the concept of shared positive leadership (Cameron, 2012; Carson et al. 2007) as a way of managing in austerity. Second, the paper introduces the concept of positive organisational austerity as a means of highlighting a reorientation in thinking about austerity measures and their implementation.


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Purpose - Benefits of positive mental health have been demonstrated across work and non-work domains. Individuals reporting positive mental health experience better work performance, better social relationships and better physical health. Additionally, positive work environments can contribute to employee mental health. The purpose of this paper is to develop "expert" consensus regarding practical, actionable strategies that organisations can implement to promote positive mental health in the workplace. Design/methodology/approach - A Delphi consensusmethod was used to establish expert consensus on strategies to promote positive workplace mental health. A 278-item questionnaire was developed and strategies were rated over three survey rounds by two panels comprising 36 workplace mental health practitioners and 36 employer representatives and employees (27 and 9, respectively), employees with experience of promoting positive mental health and well-being in the workplace (total - 72 panellists). Findings - In total, 220/278 strategies were rated as essential or important by at least 80 per cent of both panels. Endorsed strategies covered the topics of: mental health and well-being strategy, work environment that promotes positive mental health, positive leadership styles, effective communication, designing jobs for positive mental health, recruitment and selection, supporting and developing employees, work-life balance, and positive mental health and well-being initiatives. Originality/value - The guidelines arising from this study represent expert consensus on what is currently appropriate for promoting positive mental health at work from the perspectives of workplace mental health practitioners, employers and employees, and constitute a resource for translating the growing body of knowledge in this area into policy and practice.


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This study concerns the implementation of steering by contracting in health care units and in the work of the doctors employed by them. The study analyses how contracting as a process is being implemented in hospital district units, health centres and in the work of their doctors, as well as how these units carry out their operations and patient care within the restrictions set by the contracts. Based on interviews with doctors, the study analyses the realisation of operations within the units from the doctors perspective and through their work. The key result of the study is that the steering impact of contracting was not felt at the level of practical work. The contracting was implemented by assigning the related tasks to management only. The management implemented the contract by managing their resources rather than by intervening in doctors activities or the content of their tasks. The steering did not extend to improving practical care processes. This allowed the unchanged continuation of core operations in an autonomous manner and in part, protected from the impacts of contracting. In health centres, the contract concluded was viewed as merely steering the operations of the hospital district and its implementation did not receive the support of the centres. The fact that primary health care and specialised health care constitute separate contracting parties had adverse effects on the contract s implementation and the integration of care. A theoretical review unveiled several reasons for the failure of steering by contracting to alter operations within units. These included the perception steering by contracting as a weak change incentive. The doctors shunned the introduction of an economic logic and ideology into health care and viewed steering by contracting as a hindrance to delivering care to patients and a disturbance to their work and patient relationships. Contracting caused tensions between representatives of the financial administration and health care professionals. It also caused internal tensions, while it had varying impacts on different specialities, including the introduction of varying potential to influence contracts. Most factors preventing the realisation of the steering objective could have been ameliorated through positive leadership. There is a need to bridge the gap between financial steering and patient work. Key measures include encouraging the commitment of middle management, supporting leadership expertise and identifying the right methods of contributing to a mutual understanding between the cultures of financing, administration and health care. Criticism of the purchasers expertise and the view that undersized orders are due to the purchaser s financial difficulties underlines the importance of the purchaser s size. Overly detailed, product-based contracts seemed to place the focus on the quantities and costs of services rather than health impacts and efficiency of operations. Bundling contracts into larger service packages would encourage the enhancement of operations. Steering by contracting represents unexploited potential: it could function as a forum for integrated regional planning of services, and the prioritisation and integration of care, and offer an opportunity and an incentive for developing core operations.


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With the emergence and development of positive psychology, happiness has been the focus of academia and business. However, there is no uniform measure of happiness, because of many different theories of happiness, which are not compatible with others. It bounds the further development of happiness theory. It is also the same with the research of work well-being, which refers to the emotional experience and quality of psychological functioning of employee in the workplace. Subjective well-being (SWB) and psychological well-being (PWB) are two major theories of happiness. Prior research has demonstrated the integration of these two theories theoretically, but still needs more empirical support. Besides, in line with the development of positive psychology, a body of knowledge about positive leadership is advocated. Transformational leadership is treated as one kind of positive leadership, since it emphasizes the leader’s motivational and elevating effect on followers. But the extent to which the transformational leadership can enhance work well-being, and what the mechanism is, these are the questions need to be explored. Based on the integration of SWB and PWB, this research tried to investigate the structure, measurement and mechanism of work well-being, and combining with the theory of transformational leadership, this study also tried to investigate the relationship between transformational leadership and work well-being. The structure and measurement of work well-being, the relationships between work well-being and job characteristics (including job resources and job demands), the relationships among transformational leadership, job resources, work well-being and corresponding outcomes, the relationships among transformational leadership, job demands, work well-being and corresponding outcomes, and the relationships among transformational leadership, group job characteristics, group work well-being and corresponding group outcomes were explored by using content analysis, Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) discussion, and structural questionnaire surveys. More than 7000 subjects were surveyed, and Explore Factor Analysis (EFA), Confirm Factor Analysis (CFA), Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) and other statistics methods were used. The following is the major conclusions. Firstly, work well-being is a two high-order factors structure, which includes affective well-being (AWB) and cognitive well-being (CWB). AWB is similar to SWB, and CWB is similar to PWB. Besides, the construct of AWB includes sub-dimensions of positive emotional experience and negative emotional experience. And the construct of CWB consists of work autonomy, personal growth, work competent, and work significance. Secondly, the relationships between job characteristics and AWB and CWB are different. On one hand job demands are directly related to AWB, and are indirectly related to CWB through the full mediation of AWB, on the other job resources are directly related to CWB, and are indirectly related to AWB through the full mediation of CWB, which means AWB and CWB reciprocally influences each other in the model of job demands-resources. These results were concluded as the process model of work well-being. Thirdly, AWB and CWB are positively related to many workplace outcomes, including job satisfaction, group satisfaction, organizational commitment, turnover intention, job performance, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), and general psychological health and general physiological health. Fourthly, transformational leadership is indirectly related to CWB through the full mediation of job resources, and is related to AWB through the partial mediation of job demands. Meanwhile, transformational leadership is related to many workplace outcomes through the mediation of job characteristics and work well-being. These results implied that transformational leadership is indeed one kind of positive leadership. Fifthly, in the group level, transformational leadership is indirectly related to group CWB through the full mediation of group job resources, and is related to group AWB through the full mediation of group job demands. Group AWB has positive influence on group CWB, but not vice versa. Group job characteristics and group work well-being fully mediate the relationships between transformational leadership and intragroup cooperation and group performance.


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This case study deals with the reasons why the Portuguese Footwear Cluster evolved from a small industry focused on the Portuguese internal market into a high-tech industry capable of designing and producing some of the best and most expensive shoes in the world. It went from using the low labor costs of an under-developed economy to produce long series of shoes for pre-designated brands in Northern Europe to having the ability to produce some of the highest quality shoes in the world, in small orders, designed and delivered in record timing, while offering a service of excellence. In 1960, when Portugal became a founding member of EFTA, the footwear industry in Portugal was globally irrelevant, producing low quality shoes directed to the puny internal market and its African colonies. The new free trade zone with economies much more developed that itself, led to the transfer of the labor-intensive, low skilled manufacture from the UK and Scandinavian countries to Portugal. Mostly through joint ventures, the industry was able to mechanize itself so it could produce shoes in long series at low prices. It grew based on that model up until the 1990s, when the emergence of the Asian countries meant either a different strategy or extinction. Taking advantage of a clarified leadership of its trade association, it used the European funds made available to it during the 1990s, to modernize its factory floors, so it could become more nimble and flexible, expand its design capabilities and dramatically change its image abroad. The role of the trade association, APICCAPS, was instrumental throughout the process going well beyond what came to be expected of trade associations. It used its privileged position to provide understanding regarding the current situation and competitive landscape, alerting for changes ahead and at the same time providing a strategic vision on how to deal with the challenges. Moreover, it helped companies get the resources they needed by creating a research center in collaboration with a University, by creating a process that allowed companies to learn from each other via the show casing of projects sponsored by the association or by helping industrials traveling to locations where new customers could be found. The case study provides insight on how the trade association leadership, which has no formal authority over its members, was able to guide and motivate an industry through a consistent positive approach. That approach focused on the solutions, on the opportunities and on the success stories of companies in the cluster rather than on what was wrong or needed to be addressed. Based on this case, one could use the leadership role of the trade association to discuss and change leaders’ roles and styles in other sectors or even companies.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde untersucht, wie Führung zur Bewältigung von Unternehmenskrisen und Umsetzung von Veränderungen im Kontext des Interim Management beitragen kann. Dazu wurde die Theorie transformationaler Führung um aufgabenbezogene und indirekte Führung und den Einsatz von Positionsmacht ergänzt. Damit wurden diese erfolgskritischen Führungsdimensionen erstmals in einem gemeinsamen theoretischen Rahmen verbunden und die Auswirkungen einer kombinierten Anwendung untersucht. Dieser neue Ansatz wurde als „Total Range of Leadership“ bezeichnet. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung konnten neue Erkenntnisse zum Kontext und den Erfolgsfaktoren des Interim Management sowie zu den Auswirkungen und Wirkungsmechanismen transformationaler Führung und des Total Range of Leadership gewonnen werden. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass Interim Management ein hoch effektives Veränderungsinstrument ist. Als erfolgsrelevante Rahmenbedingungen wurden die Ausstattung der Interim Manager mit umfassenden Vollmachten sowie die Unterstützung durch die Auftraggeber, als wichtigster Erfolgsfaktor des Interim Management aber eindeutig die Anwendung transformationaler Führung und des Total Range of Leadership identifiziert. Die Anwendung transformationaler Führung im Rahmen des Total Range of Leadership wirkt sich positiv auf Persönlichkeit, Einstellungen, Kompetenz und Verhalten der Mitarbeiter sowie Organisationsstruktur, Unternehmenskultur, organisationale Lernfähigkeit und finanziellen und marktbezogenen Erfolg von Unternehmens aus. Dabei erzielt transformationale Führung die bei Weitem größte Wirkung aller Führungsdimensionen. Es konnte aufgezeigt werden, dass transformationale Führung diese Wirkung nur in Verbindung mit der kompetenten Anwendung von transaktionaler, aufgabenbezogener und indirekter Führung entfalten kann. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse deuten außerdem darauf hin, dass eine transformationale Führungsbeziehung nur dann entstehen kann, wenn die Mitarbeiter Vertrauen in die professionelle Kompetenz und die Integrität ihrer Führungskraft fassen. Als normative Grundlagen transformationaler Führung wurden die Gewährleistung der Wohlfahrt und des Nutzens der Geführten sowie der Bezug auf und die Berücksichtigung von geteilten und allgemein akzeptierte Werten, insbesondere der distributiven und prozeduralen Gerechtigkeit, identifiziert. Insgesamt deuten die Erkenntnisse der Untersuchung darauf hin, dass mit dem Total Range of Leadership ein ganzheitlicher Führungsansatz entwickelt wurde, der alle aktiven und positiven Führungsverhaltensweisen umfasst, die zur Bewältigung von Krisen und Durchführung von Veränderungen in Unternehmen sowie für effektive Führung überhaupt erforderlich sind.


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Looks at the relationship between emotional intelligence and choice theory in the work world, with particular emphasis on the implications on health and productivity. Most of us have a managing or leading role of some sort, whether at home, in community life, or at work. Also, as a professional, one can be leading through professional expertise and not necessarily because of one's place in the organizational hierarchy. There is an increasing awareness of the role of leadership and team development in organizational development, for example in health care where change is needed to manage the chronic disease burden (Dunbar et al., 2007) and utilizing and retaining a dwindling workforce (Schoo, Stagnitti, Mercer, & Dunbar, 2005). This is forcing leaders and their teams to work as smart as they can with resources that are available to them. Positive leadership has been associated with outcomes that include happy relationships, teamwork, learning, recognition, staff retention, and health and wellbeing. There is evidence that emotionally intelligent leaders in workplaces are able to bring about these positive out- comes because they are attuned to the emotions that move people around them (Goleman, Boyatzis, & McKee, 2002). In this sense, emotion can be defined as aroused energy that takes a direction (Hunt, 2004a) (Latin: e = from, movere = to move). Valerie Hunt regards emotion as the metronome of life (Hunt, 2004b). Although emotion can be a feeling state (e.g., fear, anger, joy, hate or sorrow) associated with action, its energy is, according to Hunt, directed to action, to behave(Hunt, 2004b). As mentioned in an earlier publication (Schoo, 2005), Pert (Flowers, Grubin, & Meryman-Brunner, 1993) regards emotions as a bridge that connects the mental and physical realities (p.187), and sees neuropeptides as the physical representations of these emotions. Negative thoughts and emotions such as excitement and anger have been found to increase gut motility, cancer risk and arterial plaque formation which can lead to a heart infarct (Pert, 1997), whereas positive emotions seem to do the opposite.


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Are there variations in behaviours and leadership styles of next-generation family members or descendants who join their family business due to different forms of commitment? Evidence from a dual respondent study of 109 Canadian and Swiss family firms suggests that descendants with affective commitment to their family firms are more likely to engage in discretionary activities going beyond the job description, thereby contributing to organizational performance. Next-generation members with normative commitment are more likely to engage in transformational leadership behaviours. Both affectively and normatively motivated next-generation members use contingent reward forms of leadership. A surprising finding of this study is the binding force of normative commitment on positive leadership behaviours of next-generation members. This study empirically tests the generalizability of the three-component model of commitment to family businesses, a context in which different forms of commitment may play a unique role.


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The purpose of this study was to examine processes and interactions that characterized positive developmental experiences in sport. A highly competitive and reputable U-17 girls' soccer team was chosen for the study through purposeful sampling, providing an information rich case from which data could be derived (Patton, 2002). Seventeen players and three coaches participated in this study. Based on an ethnographic methodology data were collected via observations and both informal and formal semi-structured interviews. Tlie data were coded according to the three procedures outlined by Seidel and Kelle (1995): a) noticing relevant phenomena, b) collecting examples of those phenomena, and c) analyzing those phenomena in order to find commonalities, differences, patterns and structures. Significant events and underlying themes were recounted chronologically through a collection of vignettes, aimed to provide a contextual lens for the reader. Results revolved around two prominent themes: Teamwork and leadership. These were closely related concepts that required players to demonstrate a wide range of developmental skills for the team to move collectively towards their end goal. Furthermore, teamwork and leadership experiences took both desirable and undesirable forms. For example, at the beginning of the season competition existed amongst the players at the expense of teamwork and leadership. As the season progressed the pursuit of a shared goal allowed the players to view each other as collaborators and teamwork and leadership skills became increasingly evident. At times, however, success on the field was prioritized above maintaining relationships off the field, requiring the coaches to intervene and re-establish equilibrium.


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To readers of the popular press, the words ‘positive psychology’ may conjure up images of happiness gurus and people having their feet massaged, their heads resting peacefully on pink, fluffy clouds. But in this article, our aim is to demonstrate how the new science of positive psychology speaks powerfully to - and has much to contribute to - the development of leadership and the practices and processes of organisations, whether in the public or private sectors. Much of our work is concerned with the applications of this new field, and particularly with building strengths-based organisations. A key pillar of this work is around enabling strengths-based leadership, and provides our focus for this article.


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Shared leadership has been identified as a key governance base for the future of government and Catholic schools in Queensland, the state’s two largest providers of school education. Shared leadership values the contributions that many individuals can make through collaboration and teamwork. It claims to improve organisational performance and reduce the increasing pressures faced by principals. However despite these positive features, shared leadership is generally not well understood, not well accepted and not valued by those who practice or study leadership. A collective case study method was chosen, incorporating a series of semi-structured interviews with principals and the use of official school documents. The study has explored the current understanding and practice of shared leadership in four Queensland schools and investigated its potential for use.


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It is noted from observations of Compton (2009), Richards (2008), Taylor and Bennett (2002), and others that succession leadership planning and development fails to receive adequate attention in the corporate sector (see Byham 2002; Richards 2008; Wellins and Byham 2001). This paper acknowledges a marked paucity of systematic succession leadership development in education organisations. The need would seem to be compounded at a time when substantial attrition in the leadership ranks is expected over the next five years, reflecting widespread workforce demographics (Busine and Watt 2005; Jacobzone, Cambois, Chaplain, and Robine 1998; Taylor and Bennett 2002). The Lantern model has been developed in response to a perceived need to offer an integrated, systematic approach to organisational and succession leadership development. The model offers an organising framework for considering succession leadership development in a strategic, integrated way. The concept is based on organisational development and leadership literature which sees leadership development not as a series of 'tacked on' activities but as an organic 'whole of organisation' approach fostering the relevant knowledge, skills and understandings which support and 'grow' leaders as the organisation goes about its business. This paper explores how such an ideal might happen, and it suggests that pursuing such an ideal is timely. The leadership baton is set to shift at an accelerated rate in universities, as for organisations broadly, owing to age-related attrition. Moreover, given the increased complexity and demands of the leadership remit in the education leadership environment, it would seem particularly opportune to explore a framework concentrating on engendering a positive, connected organisational climate capable of growing strategic leadership strength from within. Eight core elements of the model, derived from the literature and practice research, are explored. The Lantern model purports to 'cover the bases' of succession leadership development, with particular reference to the education environment. The model is next described