800 resultados para Portuguese Language Training Workshops Centers
A conjuntura de fragilidade que caracteriza a República da Guiné-Bissau aliada à pobreza do povo deste pequeno território da África Ocidental tem tido consequências catastróficas tanto na educação como no desenvolvimento do país. Cientes de que a educação constitui uma das chaves para a superação do subdesenvolvimento, o Governo guineense e a comunidade internacional têm reunido esforços, procurando inverter o cenário registado. O Estado português, sensível à situação do sistema educativo guineense, tem concentrado cerca de 50% do orçamento da ajuda destinada ao país, no âmbito da cooperação bilateral, à educação. Com este trabalho pretende-se analisar e compreender o impacto do projeto da cooperação portuguesa Programa de Apoio ao Sistema Educativo da Guiné-Bissau (PASEG), particularmente das Oficinas em Língua Portuguesa (OfLP), na promoção e difusão do português no país. Procura-se não só compreender se estes contribuíram para o desenvolvimento do sistema educativo guineense e para o uso do português nas escolas, como para a formação contínua de professores, a dinamização e requalificação das escolas, a implementação de uma abordagem do português como língua segunda e para uma aproximação dos jovens à língua oficial. A persecução dos objetivos da investigação resultará da aplicação de questionários e da recolha de testemunhos.
This paper aims at investigating how and which theoretical aspects of linguistics are effective for implementing a Letters course directed across the educations of Portuguese language teachers. This study is anchored to a theoretical-methodological perspective of the French discourse analysis which dialogues with the History of Linguistic Ideas. Our analysis is carried out through a documental investigation of a corpus of analysis containing accounts on the Letters course, specifically at UNOCHAPECÓ-SC.
The activity of Control Center operators is important to guarantee the effective performance of Power Systems. Operators’ actions are crucial to deal with incidents, especially severe faults like blackouts. In this paper, we present an Intelligent Tutoring approach for training Portuguese Control Center operators in tasks like incident analysis and diagnosis, and service restoration of Power Systems. Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) approach is used in the training of the operators, having into account context awareness and the unobtrusive integration in the working environment. Several Artificial Intelligence techniques were criteriously used and combined together to obtain an effective Intelligent Tutoring environment, namely Multiagent Systems, Neural Networks, Constraint-based Modeling, Intelligent Planning, Knowledge Representation, Expert Systems, User Modeling, and Intelligent User Interfaces.
The use of patient-orientated questionnaires is of utmost importance in assessing the outcome of spine surgery. Standardisation, using a common set of outcome measures, is essential to aid comparisons across studies/in registries. The Core Outcome Measures Index (COMI) is a short, multidimensional outcome instrument validated for patients with spinal disorders. This study aimed to produce a Brazilian-Portuguese version of the COMI. A cross-cultural adaptation of the COMI into Brazilian-Portuguese was carried out using established guidelines. 104 outpatients with chronic LBP (> 3 months) were recruited from a Public Health Spine Medical Care Centre. They completed a questionnaire booklet containing the newly translated COMI, and other validated symptom-specific questionnaires: Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) and Roland Morris disability scale (RM), and a pain visual analogue scale. All patients completed a second questionnaire within 7-10 days to assess reproducibility. The COMI summary score displayed minimal floor and ceiling effects. On re-test, the responses for each individual domain of the COMI were within 1 category in 98% patients for the domain 'function', 96% for 'symptom-specific well-being', 97% for 'general quality of life', 99% for 'social disability' and 100% for 'work disability'. The intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC2,1) for COMI pain and COMI summary scores were 0.91-0.96, which compared favourably with the corresponding values for the RM (ICC, 0.99) and ODI (ICC, 0.98). The standard error of measurement for the COMI was 0.6, giving a "minimum detectable change" (MDC95%) of approximately 1.7 points i.e., the minimum change to be considered "real change" beyond measurement error. The COMI scores correlated as hypothesised (Rho, 0.4-0.8) with the other symptom-specific questionnaires. The reproducibility of the Brazilian-Portuguese version of the COMI was comparable to that of other language versions. The COMI scores correlated in the expected manner with existing but longer symptom-specific questionnaires suggesting good convergent validity for the COMI. The Brazilian-Portuguese COMI represents a valuable tool for Brazilian study-centres in future multicentre clinical studies and surgical registries.
PURPOSE: To indicate orthographic changes to be used as a basic reference for professionals, researchers, doctors, teachers, students and users, which are directly linked and performing activities in health services in general, aimed at implementing the correct orthography in recovery and production of their scientific studies. METHODS: For data collection, were shown some examples of terminology DeCS (Descriptors in Health Science) analyzed according to the current spelling and compared with the Orthographic Vocabulary of Portuguese Language (VOLP). RESULTS: It was select and listed examples of key words and/or terms related to Health Sciences, which was compared to the respective rules of the Orthographic Agreement of Portuguese Language, and divided into three items: graphical accentuation, the non use of dieresis and exceptions and, the use of hyphen. CONCLUSION: This study show some guidelines for the orthographic alterations of the terms used by scientific community, according the new orthographic rules, contributing for the efficiency in the description of the documents and consequently in their recovery.
Achieving long-term resettlement success is a challenge for many refugees seeking to restart their lives after displacement and being uprooted from their lives. Refugees must deal with finding employment, integrating into a society immensely different from what they have known their whole lives, and starting over from scratch. Learning a new language enables refugees to progress towards integration and long-term resettlement success, however, resettled refugees face a multitude of barriers in the U.S. to accessing language classes and attaining English proficiency. This study seeks to bridge this problem by exploring the possibilities of implementing a standardized language training program in the refugee camps to better prepare refugees for resettlement. A case study of the refugees along the Thai-Burma border demonstrated the significance of learning English in the camps on eventual English proficiency as well as the need for increased partnerships to overcome the barriers of lack of motivation and lack of funding. The author explores the possibilities of implementing a language training program in the camps by determining need, interest, barriers, and perceptions through the use of interviews, surveys, and focus groups of camp refugees, resettled refugees, and key organizational representatives. The significance of these results offers the possibility of leveraging and unlocking resettlement as a durable solution for more of the world's refugees in protracted situations.
Bibliographical footnotes.
The individual effects that echoic, mand, and sign language training procedures have on the acquisition of verbal behavior have been widely demonstrated, but more efficient strategies are still needed. This study combined all three treatment strategies into one treatment intervention in order to investigate the joint effects they may have on verbal behavior. Six participants took part in the study. Intervention totaled 1 hour/day for 5 days/week until mastery criterion for motor echoic behavior was achieved. Although motor echoic behavior were solely targeted for acquisition, significant increases in spontaneous motor mands were noted in all treatment participants. Additionally, 4 treatment participants also demonstrated significant gains in vocal echoics and spontaneous vocal mands. No significant increases were noted for the control participant. Results suggest that the aforementioned procedure may provide more efficient results as a first-step to teaching a functional repertoire of verbal behavior to developmentally delayed children.
Objective. To culturally adapt and validate a version in European Portuguese language of the HIV Antibody Testing Attitude Scale. Methods. Study conducting a methodological investigation for the adaptation and validation of an attitude measurement instrument. The instrument translation and back-translation were performed. Then, a pre-test was conducted. The study used a sample of 317 subjects from the academic community - students, professors and other professionals - who were contacted in the campus. Ethical principles were observed. Results. Three analyses were conducted using the method of principal component analysis (PCA) with five, four and three factors. A three-factor solution was achieved, which presents 50.82% variance. In the analysis of inter-item correlation, values between -0.018 and 0.749 were observed. Internal consistency shows Cronbach’s alpha coefficients of 0.860 overall and between 0.865 and 0.659 in the three factors. Conclusion. The instrument version shows psychometric properties that allow its use in Portuguese-speaking countries.
This paper presents a study made in a field poorly explored in the Portuguese language – modality and its automatic tagging. Our main goal was to find a set of attributes for the creation of automatic tag- gers with improved performance over the bag-of-words (bow) approach. The performance was measured using precision, recall and F1. Because it is a relatively unexplored field, the study covers the creation of the corpus (composed by eleven verbs), the use of a parser to extract syntac- tic and semantic information from the sentences and a machine learning approach to identify modality values. Based on three different sets of attributes – from trigger itself and the trigger’s path (from the parse tree) and context – the system creates a tagger for each verb achiev- ing (in almost every verb) an improvement in F1 when compared to the traditional bow approach.
Discutem-se neste artigo as ocorrências do verbo tomar como verbo-suporte no português arcaico, tomando como corpus de análise o Orto do Esposo, texto religioso pertencente ao fim do século XIV ou começo do século XV. Objetiva-se investigar se, já na fase arcaica da língua portuguesa, essas construções apresentavam características semelhantes àquelas identificadas em textos contemporâneos. As construções aqui eleitas para análise se restringem àquelas que apresentam, no texto, verbos plenos correspondentes à estrutura tomar + SN (sintagma nominal). Excluímos, portanto, construções com predicados nominais autônomos ou nomes autônomos.
This article aims to study the historical constitution of Portuguese Language Teaching Manuals in Brazil (PLT) in Brazil. To do this, we offer firstly an overview view of research on these Teaching Manuals as used in schools and in Portuguese language classes throughout the whole time they have existed. From this extensive period we draw attention to some historical perspectives that have decisively changed the direction of PLT, its classes and the day to day life in schools. From these we shall single out the public policies regarding quality pertaining to the National Program for Teaching Manuals (NPTM) and to the National Program for Teaching Manuals for High Schools, specifically and for 2015 (NPTMHS 2015). We seek theoretical support in: Comenius (1954), Oliveira et al. (1984), Soares (1986, 1998, 2001), Bittencourt (1993), Freitag et al. (1993), Munakata (1997), Coracini (1999), Batista (2001, 2003, 2004), Batista and Costa Val (2004), Bunzen (2001, 2005, 2009), Bunzen and Rojo (2008) Rojo and Batista (2008), among others. The result of this research will give a history of PLT made up of diverse social and political factors, as well as those continually arising.
A presente pesquisa desenvolve uma discussão acerca da formação inicial de professores de Licenciatura em Letras - Português. A crise pela qual passa a educação no Brasil hoje afeta a universidade brasileira e tem reflexos diretos sobre a qualidade da educação básica, na medida em que deveria constituir centro de formação, reflexão e produção de conhecimento para a escola. Os problemas que a universidade encara, especificamente no tocante às licenciaturas, têm raízes muito mais complexas do que a formulação de metas quantitativas para a formação inicial de professores ou para a alocação de recursos financeiros. Logo, é importante (e necessário) que se conheça melhor a constituição dos cursos de licenciatura que estão formando os professores contemporâneos. A pesquisa proposta tem como objetivo investigar, em duas instituições de ensino superior da região metropolitana de Belém-PA (uma pública e uma privada), a constituição das “disciplinas” de Metodologia do Ensino de Língua Portuguesa, denominadas como MELP. O quadro teórico que norteia este trabalho é o da Análise do Discurso de linha francesa, de maneira particular os conceitos de Função Enunciativa, Formação Discursiva e Disciplina, apresentados por Michel Foucault em suas obras Arqueologia do Saber (1987) e A Ordem do Discurso (1996). Analisamos dados coletados em pesquisa documental (Projeto Pedagógico do Curso, Ementas, Planos de ensino e Material didático) e pesquisa de campo (observação em sala de aula, anotações de alunos e diário de campo), com o intuito de verificar quais elementos de disciplinas, no sentido foucaultiano (FOUCAULT, 1996), se fazem presentes na constituição das atividades curriculares de MELP desses Cursos de Licenciatura em Letras. Os dados de duas disciplinas foram analisados a fim de identificar que objetos, métodos, proposições, definições/conceitos são reconhecidos e de que maneira se relacionam. Os resultados mostram um cenário bem diverso quanto à organização das atividades de prática de ensino e estágio supervisionado nos dois cursos no que tange a) à distribuição da carga horária no currículo; b) à articulação de objetos, métodos, conceitos e proposições de disciplinas variadas e c) ao próprio papel do aluno de Letras. O desafio que se apresenta é constituir as MELP a partir de um processo disciplinar de produção de saberes.