109 resultados para Poria incrassata.
Bibliography: p. 24-27.
LDL oxidation and oxidative stress are closely related to atherosclerosis. Therefore, natural antioxidants have been studied as promising candidates. In the present study, the LDL oxidation inhibition activity of bioactive compounds from Halimeda incrassata seaweed. associated to antioxidant capacity, was evaluated in vitro. Experimental work was conducted with lyophilized aqueous extract and phenolic-rich fractions of the seaweed and their effect on LDL oxidation was evaluated using heparin-precipitated LDL (hep-LDL) with exposure to Cu2+ ions and AAPH as the free radical generator. H. incrassata had a protective effect for hep-LDL in both systems and the presence of phenolic compounds contributed to the activity where phenolic-rich fractions showed significant capacity for inhibition of oxidation mediated by Cu2+ ions. The observed effect could be related to the antioxidant potential of polar fractions evidenced by reducing activity and DPPH center dot radical scavenging. The results obtained in vitro further support the antioxidant and LDL oxidation inhibition properties of H. incrassata and further knowledge toward future phytotherapeutic application of the seaweed.
LDL oxidation and oxidative stress are closely related to atherosclerosis. Therefore, natural antioxidants have been studied as promising candidates. In the present study, the LDL oxidation inhibition activity of bioactive compounds from Halimeda incrassata seaweed. associated to antioxidant capacity, was evaluated in vitro. Experimental work was conducted with lyophilized aqueous extract and phenolic-rich fractions of the seaweed and their effect on LDL oxidation was evaluated using heparin-precipitated LDL (hep-LDL) with exposure to Cu2+ ions and AAPH as the free radical generator. H. incrassata had a protective effect for hep-LDL in both systems and the presence of phenolic compounds contributed to the activity where phenolic-rich fractions showed significant capacity for inhibition of oxidation mediated by Cu2+ ions. The observed effect could be related to the antioxidant potential of polar fractions evidenced by reducing activity and DPPH radical scavenging. The results obtained in vitro further support the antioxidant and LDL oxidation inhibition properties of H. incrassata and further knowledge toward future phytotherapeutic application of the seaweed.
Ocean acidification poses a serious threat to a broad suite of calcifying organisms. Scleractinian corals and cal- careous algae that occupy shallow, tropical waters are vulnerable to global changes in ocean chemistry be- cause they already are subject to stressful and variable carbon dynamics at the local scale. For example, net heterotrophy increases carbon dioxide concentrations, and pH varies with diurnal fluctuations in photosyn- thesis and respiration. Few researchers, however, have investigated the possibility that carbon dioxide con- sumption during photosynthesis by non-calcifying photoautotrophs, such as seagrasses, can ameliorate deleterious effects of ocean acidi fi cation on sympatric calcareous algae. Naturally occurring variations in the density of seagrasses and associated calcareous algae provide an ecologically relevant test of the hypoth- esis that diel fl uctuations in water chemistry driven by cycles of photosynthesis and respiration within seagrass beds create microenvironments that enhance macroalgal calci fi cation. In Grape Tree Bay off Little Cayman Island BWI, we quanti fi ed net production and characterized calci fi cation for thalli of the calcareous green alga Halimeda incrassata growing within beds of Thalassia testudinum with varying shoot densities. Re- sults indicated that individual H . incrassata thalli were ~6% more calci fi ed in dense seagrass beds. On an areal basis, however, far more calcium carbonate was produced by H . incrassata in areas where seagrasses were less dense due to higher rates of production. In addition, diel pH regimes in vegetated and unvegetated areas within the lagoon were not signi fi cantly different, suggesting a high degree of water exchange and mixing throughout the lagoon. These results suggest that, especially in well-mixed lagoons, carbonate pro- duction by calcareous algae may be more related to biotic interactions between seagrasses and calcareous algae than to seagrass-mediated changes in local water chemistry.
Reduced supplies of nitrogen (N) in many soils of southern Queensland that were cropped exhaustively with cereals over many decades have been the focus of much research to avoid declines in profitability and sustainability of farming systems. A 45-month period of mixed grass (purple pigeon grass, Setaria incrassata Stapf; Rhodes grass, Chloris gayana Kunth.) and legume (lucerne, Medicago sativa L.; annual medics, M. scutellata L. Mill. and M. truncatula Gaertn.) pasture was one of several options that were compared at a fertility-depleted Vertosol at Warra, southern Queensland, to improve grain yields or increase grain protein concentration of subsequent wheat crops. Objectives of the study were to measure the productivity of a mixed grass and legume pasture grown over 45 months (cut and removed over 36 months) and its effects on yield and protein concentrations of the following wheat crops. Pasture production (DM t/ha) and aboveground plant N yield (kg/ha) for grass, legume (including a small amount of weeds) and total components of pasture responded linearly to total rainfall over the duration of each of 3 pastures sown in 1986, 1987 and 1988. Averaged over the 3 pastures, each 100 mm of rainfall resulted in 0.52 t/ha of grass, 0.44 t/ha of legume and 0.97 t/ha of total pasture DM, there being little variation between the 3 pastures. Aboveground plant N yield of the 3 pastures ranged from 17.2 to 20.5 kg/ha per 100 mm rainfall. Aboveground legume N in response to total rainfall was similar (10.6 - 13.2 kg/ha. 100 mm rainfall) across the 3 pastures in spite of very different populations of legumes and grasses at establishment. Aboveground grass N yield was 5.2 - 7.0 kg/ha per 100mm rainfall. In most wheat crops following pasture, wheat yields were similar to that of unfertilised wheat except in 1990 and 1994, when grain yields were significantly higher but similar to that for continuous wheat fertilised with 75 kg N/ha. In contrast, grain protein concentrations of most wheat crops following pasture responded positively, being substantially higher than unfertilised wheat but similar to that of wheat fertilised with 75 kg N/ha. Grain protein averaged over all years of assay was increased by 25 - 40% compared with that of unfertilised wheat. Stored water supplies after pasture were < 134mm (< 55% of plant available water capacity); for most assay crops water storages were 67 - 110 mm, an equivalent wet soil depth of only 0.3 - 0.45 m. Thus, the crop assays of pasture benefits were limited by low water supply to wheat crops. Moreover, the severity of common root rot in wheat crop was not reduced by pasture - wheat rotation.
Valko- ja ruskolahosienet tunnetaan luonnossa tehokkaimpina puun ja karikkeen lignoselluloosan lahottajina. Valkolahosienet pystyvät hajottamaan kaikkia puun osia: ligniiniä, selluloosaa ja hemiselluloosaa. Selektiivisesti ligniiniä hajottavat sienet lahottavat puusta suhteessa enemmän vaikeasti hajoavaa ligniiniä kuin selluloosaa tai hemiselluloosaa, jolloin jäljelle jää valkoista ja miltei puhdasta selluloosaa. Bioteknisissä sovelluksissa juuri selektiviiviset valkolahottajat ovat kiinnostavia. Niiden avulla voidaan puuhaketta esikäsitellä esimerkiksi paperinvalmistuksessa haitallisen ligniinin poistamiseksi. Ruskolahosienet ovat huomattavia puun, puutavaran ja puisten rakenteiden lahottajia, kuten tässä työssä käytetty Gloeophyllum trabeum (saunasieni ) ja Poria (Postia) placenta (istukkakääpä). Ruskolahosienet hajottavat puusta hemiselluloosan lisäksi selluloosaa, jolloin jää jäljelle ruskea ja jauhomaiseksi mureneva ligniini. Ruskolahosienet muovaavat ligniiniä jonkin verran. Kahden ruskolahosienen G. trabeumin ja P. placentan lisäksi tutkittiin valkolahosieniä, joista Ceriporiopsis subvermispora (karstakääpä) ja harvinainen Physisporinus rivulosus -sieni (talikääpä) hajottavat ligniiniä erittäin selektiivisesti. Phanerochaete chrysosporium on kaikkialla paljon tutkittu sieni, ja Phlebia radiata valkolahosientä (rusorypykkä) on tutkittu paljon mikrobiologian osastolla. Lisäksi tutkittiin Phlebia tremellosa -sienten (hytyrypykkä) ligninolyyttisten entsyymien tuottoa ja 14C-leimatun synteettisen ligniinin (DHP) hajotusta. P. radiata ja P. tremellosa -sienten on todettu aiemmin hajottavan ligniiniä selektiivisesti. Työssä selvitettiin miten sienten kasvua voi mitata, miten vertailukelpoisia eri mittaamismenetelmillä saadut tulokset ovat ja ilmenevätkö sienten aktiivisimmat kasvuvaiheet samaan aikaan eri menetelmillä mitattuna. Tärkeimmät tulokset olivat seuraavat havainnot: (i) P. radiata ja P. tremellosa -sienikannat tuottivat ligniini- ja mangaaniperoksidaasientsyymejä (LiP ja MnP) sekä lakkaasia, ja sienistä puhdistettiin 2-3 LiP- ja P. radiatasta yksi MnP-entsyymi; (ii) P. tremellosa -sienet hajottivat leimattua synteettistä ligniiniä (DHP) yhtä hyvin kuin paljon tutkitut P. chrysosporium ja P. radiata -sienet; (iii) puu, sienen luonnollinen kasvualusta, lisäsi valkolaho- ja ruskolahosienten demetoksylaatiota [O14CH3]-leimatusta ligniinin malliyhdisteestä 14CO2:ksi ilman puuta olleeseen alustaan verrattuna; (iv) demetoksylaatio (14CO2:n tuotto) oli normaalissa ilma-atmosfäärissä useimmiten parempi happeen verrattuna; (v) hapessa paras 14CO2:n tuotto saatiin puupalakasvatuksissa, joihin oli lisätty ravinnetyppeä tai typen lisäksi glukoosia sekä valkolaho- että ruskolahosienillä; (vi) ilmassa 14CO2:n tuotto oli puulla voimakkainta valkolahosienillä ilman lisäravinteita, kun taas G. trabeum -sienellä se oli yhtä hyvä eri alustoissa; (vii) biomassan muodostuminen rihmastojen ergosterolipitoisuuksista mitattuna oli ruskolahosienillä parempi kuin valkolahosienillä; (viii) ja biomassojen huippupitoisuudet olivat 6:lla sienellä eri suuruisia ja niiden maksimimäärien ajankohdat vaihtelivat viiden viikon kasvatusten kuluessa. Mikrobiologian osastolla Viikissä eristetty ja paljon tutkittu P. radiata -valkolahosieni oli mukana kaikissa tehdyissä kokeissa. Sienen LiP-aktiivisuus ja 14CO2:n tuotto 14C-rengas-leimatusta synteettisestä ligniinistä (DHP) korreloivat erittäin hyvin. Biomassan muodostuminen ergosterolilla määritettynä tuki hyvin entsyymiaktiivisuusmittauksilla ja isotooppikasvatuksilla saatuja tuloksia.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Antioxidant activity and hepatoprotective properties of the aqueous extract and tetrahydrofuran-extracted phenolic fractions of Halimeda opuntia (Linnaeus) Lamouroux were investigated in rats with chemically induced liver injury. Total polyphenols were determined by using the Folin-Ciocalteau reagent. Liver damage was induced by CCl4 and assessed by a histological technique. Reverse transcription/polymerase chain reaction (RT/PCR) analysis showed increased superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) gene expression and activities in the group treated with free phenolic acid (FPA) fractions of H. opuntia, suggesting inducing effects on both enzymes. In addition, rats treated with FPA fractions displayed lower liver thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS) levels than those observed for rats in the CCl4-treated group. These data suggest that the phenolic fractions from H. opuntia may protect the liver against oxidative stress-inducing effects of chemicals by modulating its antioxidant enzymes and oxidative status.