898 resultados para Popular press
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Bearing in mind the relationship between discourse and society at large, this article addresses the way the British monarchy represented Charles’s second marriage and the way the media constructed their accounts in the period from 10 February (announcement) until 9 April 2005 (wedding) in relation to wider issues such as power relations, newspaper economic structures and popular culture. Particular attention is paid to the multifunctional features of discourse (i.e. its ideational, interpersonal and textual functions), which requires a contextualized reading of a dual process of mediation: on the one hand, the staging of the ceremony by St. James’s Palace and its strategy for attaining monologic closure and, on the other hand, discursive representations by the British press open to a polyphony of voices and discursive frames
"From the 1859 gold rush through the early 1900s, popular press images linked Denver’s civic development, capitalist values and culture to the Rocky Mountains. These prints of a wilderness city sending pioneers and prospectors into the Rockies appeared in national newspapers, magazines, settlement manifestos, railroad guidebooks and tourist pamphlets. Readers were saturated with illustrations associating Denver with prosperity and rejuvenated health"-
En este trabajo de grado se aborda la relación entre las audiencias y los medios a partir de un estudio de recepción del diario Q’hubo en los sectores populares de Bogotá, específicamente en la localidad de Kennedy de esta ciudad. El estudio reconoce que las formas determinadas de interactuar con los medios están atadas a los contextos, las instituciones y los entornos culturales y sociales desde los que lector construye su realidad y se inserta en la sociedad actual. Por lo mismo, se nutre de estos elementos para entender los procesos de recepción a través de las formas cotidianas de consumo del diario Q’hubo frente al contexto mediático actual. Se sustenta que el Q’hubo se comunica con sus lectores combinando aspectos clásicos de la prensa popular y adaptando aspectos de diseño y lenguaje aportados por los nuevos medios. Lo que a su vez se relaciona con apropiaciones, usos y modos de leer de la audiencia, que reivindica interacciones tradicionales y desarrolla interacciones emergentes gracias a la convergencia de las tecnologías con la cultura letrada, oral y visual.
Telehealth programmes are rather similar to humans in the way that they are planned, develop, grow and ultimately die or disappear. To achieve good life expectancy for a telehealth programme there appear to be three major needs: nurturing, which includes the provision of money, ideas, education, training and innovation; experience, which involves an integrated management process, the achievement of long and wide patterns of usage, the development of updated policies and procedures and the involvement of multiple disciplines; success, which involves evidence of outcomes, evaluation and research, and, most important, the sharing of information through scientific and popular press publications, and conferences and collaborations with internal and external groups. The future of telehealth in Australia is at a watershed. There are now a substantial number of programmes, and there has been a large amount of financial and human investment in telehealth around the nation. There is, however, no forum for national leadership, no national association and little support at federal government level.
The impact of the implementation of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 is making itself felt across the US. Welfare roles are down dramatically, and public officials hail a new day of personal responsibility, but the popular press and ethnographic accounts increasingly challenge that interpretation, pointing to staggering human costs among those who are standing in the ideological crossfire.
Tendo presente a relação que o discurso estabelece com a sociedade como um todo, este artigo procura analisar o modo como a monarquia britânica representou o segundo casamento do Príncipe Carlos e o modo como os media construíram os relatos do acontecimento desde 10 de Fevereiro a 9 de Abril de 2005 relativamente a assuntos mais vastos, como sejam as relações de poder, as estruturas económicas dos jornais e a cultura popular. Foi dada particular relevância aos aspectos multifuncionais do discurso (por exemplo, as funções ideacional, interpessoal e textual), o que requer uma leitura contextualizada de um duplo processo de mediação: por um lado, a organização da cerimónia levada a cabo pelo Palácio de St. James e a sua subsequente estratégia para atingir um fechamento monológico e, por outro, as representações discursivas da imprensa britânica, abertas a uma polifonia de vozes e a vários enquadramentos discursivos.
This project is a deconstructive discourse analysis of smart girlhood. From a feminist post structural framework, with a focus on discourse and performative identity, I scrutinize three dominant discourses of smartness that are prevalent and academic and popular press. These constructions frame smart girls as being either Losers, Have-It-All Girls, or Imposters. By conducting semi-structured group interviews with six self-identified smart girls, I explore the question of how smart girls perform their smart girl identities in their current sociocultural context. After analyzing the data from the group interviews, I outline five themes that seem to be prevalent in the stories told by the smart girls in this thesis. Finally, I discuss how the performative identities of the smart girls in my thesis appear to be much more complex, multiple and rhizomatic than the discourses under review allow.
This paper describes the results of research intended to explore the volatility inherent in the United Nations Development Programme's (UNDP) Human Development Index (HDI). The HDI is intended to be a simple and transparent device for comparing progress in human development, and is an aggregate of life expectancy, education and GDP per capita. Values of the HDI for each country are presented in the Human Development Reports (HDRs), the first being published in 1990. However, while the methodology is consistent for all countries in each year there are notable differences between years that make temporal comparisons of progress difficult. The paper presents the results of recalculating the HDI for a simplified sample of 114 countries using various methodologies employed by the UNDP. The results are a set of deviations of recalculated HDI ranks compared to the original ranks given in the HDRs. The volatility that can result from such recalculation is shown to be substantial (+/-10-15 ranks), yet reports in the popular press are frequently sensitive to movements of only a few ranks. Such movement can easily be accounted for by changes in the HDI methodology rather than genuine progress in human development. While the HDRs often carry warnings about the inadvisability of such year-on-year comparisons, it is argued that the existence of such a high-profile index and the overt presentation within league tables do encourage such comparison. Assuming that the HDI will be retained as a focal point within the HDRs, then it is suggested that greater focus be upon more meaningful and robust categories of human development (e.g. low, medium and high) rather than league tables where shifts of a few places, perhaps as a result of nothing more than a methodological or data artefact, may be highlighted in the press and by policy makers. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
After the war Italian artists and intellectuals saw a significant and necessary confluence between their political desire to create a "new." Italy and their cultural ambition to re-invigorate the study of medieval Italy. This tendency is particularly evident, I argue, in the post-war scholarly and critical focus on Boccaccio, and especially Boccaccio’s Decameron. Not only within the academy but also in the popular press, Boccaccio was granted pride of place in the canon, venerated as the pioneer of socially conscious vernacular literary realism, the archetype for the pursuit of artistic truth in the face of social upheaval. As a result, I wish to suggest, Italian neorealism, which rose to prominence in the first years after the Second World War, was in a significant sense imbued with and realised through a profound engagement with the work of Boccaccio. In turn, the cultural currents affiliated with neorealism influenced Boccaccio studies, whose operative notions of medieval «realism» were to a perhaps surprising degree stimulated by approaches to the neo-realist poetics at work in the Italian films, novels, and criticism of the 1940s and ’50s. Situating the critical discourse surrounding Boccaccio within the post-war Italian context can therefore serve to shed unexpected light on both the cultural affirmation of neorealism and the disciplinary configuration of Italian medieval studies.
While there are many articles in the popular press and practitioner journals concerning the Millennials (i.e., who they are and what we need to do about them), the academic literature on the subject is more limited. This chapter (1) extensively reviews this literature as published in practitioner, popular press, and academic journals across disciplines including psychology, sociology, management, human resources, and accounting education, and (2) surveys the generational study literature to determine what, if any, rigorous empirical studies exist to support (or refute) the existence of a distinct Millennial generational cohort. While the popular press is voluminous when it comes to avowed generational differences between Millennials and their predecessors, there is a paucity of peer-reviewed, academic, empirical work in the area and most of the latter suffers in some way from the overarching problem with generational research: the linear relationship between age, period, and generation that results in these variables being inherently entwined. However, even absent strong empirical evidence of a unique generational cohort, the literature offers extensive suggestions about what to do about the Millennials in our classrooms and work places. This paper better informs accounting faculty about the traits of the current generation of accounting students that are supported by empirical research versus claims made in the popular press. It argues for a more reasoned ‘‘continuous improvement’’ approach to Millennials while offering some classroom suggestions for accounting faculty members.
Original cover missing. "Kegan Paul" appears at the bottom of substituted cover.
To readers of the popular press, the words ‘positive psychology’ may conjure up images of happiness gurus and people having their feet massaged, their heads resting peacefully on pink, fluffy clouds. But in this article, our aim is to demonstrate how the new science of positive psychology speaks powerfully to - and has much to contribute to - the development of leadership and the practices and processes of organisations, whether in the public or private sectors. Much of our work is concerned with the applications of this new field, and particularly with building strengths-based organisations. A key pillar of this work is around enabling strengths-based leadership, and provides our focus for this article.
Small devices, in the range of nanometers, are playing a major role in today's technology. The field of nanotechnology is concerned with materials and systems whose structures and components exhibit novel and significantly improved physical, chemical and biological properties, phenomena and processes due to their small nanoscale size. Researches more and more are finding that structural features in the range of about 1 to 100 nanometers behave quite differently than isolated molecules (1 nanometer) or bulk materials. For comparison, a 10 nanometer structure is 1000 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair. The virtues of working in the nanodomain are increasingly recognized by the scientific community and discussed in the popular press. The use of such devices is expected to revolutionize our industries and lives. ^ This work mainly focuses on the fabrication, characterization and discovery of new nanostructured thin films. This research consists of the design of a new high-deposition rate nanoparticle machine for depositing nanostructured films from beams of nanoparticles and investigation film's unique optical and physical properties.^ A high-deposition rate nanoparticle machine was designed, built and successfully tested. Different nanostructured thin films were deposited from Copper, Gold, Iron and Zirconium targets with the grain size of between 1 to 20 nm under different conditions. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), and x-ray diffraction (XRD) confirmed nanoscale grain size structures of deposited films. The optical properties of the nanostructured films deposited from copper, Iron and Zirconium targets were significantly different from optical properties of bulk and thin films. Zr, Cu and Fe films were transparent. Gold films revealed an epitaxial contact with the silicon substrate with interesting crystal structures. ^ The new high-deposition rate nanoparticle machine was able to deposit new nanostructured films with different properties from bulk and thin films reported in the literatures. ^