833 resultados para Pop


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The Fleet Store is a project that was created to research the impact of enterprise and authentic learning models, in increasing the viability and improved career potential of fashion business, design and creative industry (fashion major) students. Reflective Thinking techniques were employed to gain valuable insights into the quality of the experience, the networking and the motivational and experiential learning for all students. The lecturer acted as the Managing Director and curator of the entire event while maintaining pedagogy to support the experience. Research focussed on the ways in which student learning outcomes have been improved by creating product a professional and economically viable pop up fashion outlet in an inner city, high profile shopping precinct. The first QUT double degree fashion business students were supervised and guided to be responsible for creating and maintaining a profitable fashion outlet in collaboration with their lecturer Kay McMahon, Wintergarden Management, Brisbane Marketing, Creative Enterprise Australia and QUT Fashion. Reflective thinking and further research into career outcomes (that are acknowledged as being supported by the experience) are currently being undertaken.


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The meaning of the body emerges through acts of seeing, looking and staring in daily and dramatic performances. Acts that are, as Maike Bleeker argues1, bound up with the scopic rules, regimes and narratives that apply in specific cultures at specific times. In Western culture, the disabled body has been seen as a sign of defect, deficiency, fear, shame or stigma. Disabled artists – Mat Fraser, Bill Shannon, Aaron Williamson, Katherine Araniello, Liz Crow and Ju Gosling – have attempted, via performances that co-opt conventional images of the disabled body, to challenge dominant ways of representing and responding such bodies from within. In this paper, I consider what happens when non-disabled artists co-opt images of the disabled body to draw attention to, affirm, and even exoticise, eroticise or beautify, other modalities of or desires for difference. As Carrie Sandahl has noted2, the signs, symbols and somatic idiosyncrasies of the disabled body are, today, transported or translated into theatre, film and television as a metaphor or "master trope" for every body’s experience of difference. This happens in performance art (Guillermo Gomez-Pena’s use of a wheelchair in Chamber of Confessions), performance (Marie Chouinard's use of crutches, canes and walkers to represent dancers’ experience of becoming different or mutant during training in bODY rEMIX /gOLDBERG vARIATIONS), and pop culture (characters in wheelchairs in Glee or Oz). In this paper, I chart changing representations and receptions of the disabled body in such contexts. I use analysis of this cultural shift as a starting point for a re-consideration of questions about whether a face-toface encounter with a disabled body is in fact a privileged site for the emergence of a politics, and whether co-opting disability as a metaphor for a range of difference differences reduces its currency as a category around which a specific group might mobilise a politics.


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This Media Arts-POP implements Media Arts curriculum in a Year 4 classroom at Waterford West State School, Queensland. While media arts form was the lead area for this package, students developed knowledge of and skills in English, visual arts and some elements of music. In the media arts elements, students learned to use media production equipment (in this case iPads, although other tablets could be used), and to use techniques such as composition and lighting to capture digital images and to record voice and sound effects. The package demonstrates that a number of curriculum areas can be combined to ensure that various curriculum areas are covered without losing the specificity of any one area.


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Review(s) of: Settling the Pop Score: Pop Texts and Identity Politics, Stan Hawkins, Aldershot, Hants. : Ashgate, 2002, ISBN 0 7546 0352 0; pb, 234pp, ill, music exx, bibl. , discog. , index. The scholarly study of popular music has its origins in sociology and cultural studies, disciplinary areas in which musical meaning is often attributed to aspects of economical and sociological function. Against this tradition, recent writers have offered what is now referred to as ‘popular musicology’: a method or approach that tends towards a specific engagement with ‘pop texts’ on aesthetic, and perhaps even ‘musical’ terms. Stan Hawkins uses the term popular musicology ‘at his own peril,’ clearly recognising the implicit scholarly danger in his approach, whereby ‘formalist questions of musical analysis’ are dealt with ‘alongside the more intertextual discursive theorisations of musical expression’ (p. xii). In other words, popular musicologists dare to tread that fine line between text and context. As editor of the journal Popular Musicology Online, Hawkins is a leading advocate of this practice, specifically in the application of music-analytical techniques to popular music. His methodology attests to the influence of other leading figures in the area, notably Richard Middleton, Allan F. Moore and Derek Scott (general editor of the Ashgate Popular and Folk Music Series in which this book is published).


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This research project was a case study for managing and innovating an interdisciplinary practice: specifically across music, performance and contemporary art. Key works included painting/sound/video installation, experimental performance, electronic pop music, music video and electronic pop music performance. An idiosyncratic and transformative use of colour emerged as an underlying theme and strategy for cohesion. The project offers strategies for the challenges of interdisciplinary practice specifically addressing the limitations related to institutionalised value systems, aesthetic traditions and disciplinary languages.


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This paper presents Rolling Stone Indonesia (RSI) and places it in an historical context to tease out some changes and continuities in Indonesian middle-class politics since the beginning of the New Order. Some political scientists have claimed that class interests were at the core of the transition from Guided Democracy to the New Order, and popular music scholars generally assert that class underlies pop genre distinctions. But few have paid attention to how class and genre were written into Indonesian pop in the New Order period; Indonesian pop has a fascinating political history that has so far been overlooked. Placing RSI in historical perspective can reveal much about the print media’s classing of pop under New Order era political constraints, and about the ways these modes of classing may or may not have endured in the post-authoritarian, globalised and liberalised media environment.


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Kangen Band, as an example of reclaiming of the derisive term kampungan. In it, I argue that this reclaiming represents an interesting case of genre manipulation, and consider what this can reveal about how Indonesian pop genres are constituted, what they ‘are’ and what they ‘do’. In so doing, I seek to rework existing scholarship relating to Indonesian pop genres and modernity, as well as interrogate some broader theories of genre. In this essay, I extend the argument that Indonesian pop genres are not purely technical categories, they touch on myths of class and nation (Wallach 2008; Weintraub 2010; Yampolsky 1989. As we shall see, in the New Order period, pop music genres reached out to these myths by positioning themselves variously vis-à-vis the capital city, Jakarta. Such positioning, achieved through use of the terms gedongan (a term that strives to infer refinement by stressing the non-masses’ central position in the urban environment) and kampungan (a term that strives to enforce subalterns’ marginal position in relation to the metropolis, see also the previous contribution by Weintraub), continues to haunt the constitution of genre in the post-New Order period, but in novel ways. These novel ways, I argue, may be seen to result from industrial transformation and new systems of knowledge production.


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In this article, cosmopatriotism is seen to describe an effect of transnational capitalism’s need to “settle down” in particular localities. The self-imaging of female singer Krisdayanti and punk band Superman is Dead serve as agentive forces in the working out of novel, post-New Order modernities. The body, in particular, is an important site to inscribe a sense of authenticity and social mobility, as well as to work out a sense of post-Suharto Indonesian-ness.


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Japanese law is going ‘pop’. Since the turn of the century, Japanese popular culture, especially prime-time television, has dedicated more time to legal themes, characters and settings. Lawyers, overwhelmingly women, are the heroes in both dramatic and comedic television series (Nakamura, 2007). Courtroom battles are the scene for plot developments (Ishikawa, 2004). Practising lawyers are the new celebrities, joining actors and singers on the light entertainment talk show circuit. To be sure, law is not a new thematic preoccupation on Japanese network television. Nor is it one that has become so dominant that it overshadows more traditional genres such as workplace romantic comedies, coming-of-age dramas or family soap operas (eg, Dissanayake, 2012, p._194). But, its growing presence on the silver screen in twenty-first-century Japan is a trend that merits analysis. The purpose of this chapter is to explore that socio-legal significance. This presents theoretical and empirical challenges. Theoretically, is there explanatory potential in the link between law and popular culture in Japan? Empirically, does the greater embrace of law-related characters, plots and scenes in prime-time television series since 2001 provide compelling evidence of changing popular attitudes to law and legal process among Japanese viewers? The inspiration for both the title and theme of this chapter comes from Sherwin’s When Law Goes Pop (2000). But it departs from Sherwin in how it defines and analyses the issues. For Sherwin, ‘pop’ means ‘implosion’.


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This article explores the extent to which the growth in law-themed popular culture since the turn of the century, especially television shows, signals a shift in popular attitudes towards law. Four decades of research into Japanese legal consciousness has called into question the extent to which there is a Japanese cultural aversion to Jaw, with most scholars expressing doubt over whether culture properly explains the comparatively low litigation rates in Japan compared to other industrialised nations. This article argues that popular culture, although not without its limitations, offers new clues into how legal consciousness is developing and changing in 21st Century Japan. The article concludes that popular culture paints a picture of a greater readiness by Japanese people to engage with Jaw, although scepticism remains about the law's promise to achieve justice and social solidarity.


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Angiogeneesi on tärkeä ilmiö elimistön fysiologiassa, mutta myös lukuisissa patologisissa tiloissa. Angiogeneesi on monivaiheinen prosessi, joka sisältää angiogeneesiä indusoivia ja sitä inhiboivia tekijöitä tasapainossa keskenään. Useat tutkimukset puoltavat sitä, että tymosiini ȕ4 (Tȕ4) ja tetrapeptidi Ac-SDKP (N-asetyyliseryyli- aspartyyli-lysyyli-proliini) indusoivat angiogeneesiä in vitro ja in vivo. Tutkimukset viittaavat myös siihen, että prolyylioligopeptidaasi (POP) hydrolysoi peptidifragmentin Ac- SDKP Tȕ4:n (43 ah) proliinin jälkeen. POP on laajalti esiintyvä seriiniproteaasi, joka pystyy pilkkomaan vain alle 30 aminohapon oligopeptidejä. Tȕ4:n tulee siksi pilkkoutua ensin jonkin, vielä tuntemattoman peptidaasin johdosta. POP:ia on löydetty eniten aivoista, minkä vuoksi sitä on tutkittu varsinkin muistin ja oppimisen häiriötiloissa sekä neurodegeneratiivisten sairausten yhteydessä. POP:in todellinen fysiologinen merkitys on kuitenkin vielä selvittämättä. Tämän pro gradun kirjallisuusosiossa selvitetään angiogeneesiin liittyvien tekijöiden yhteyksiä sekä kuvataan angiogeenisten Tȕ4:n, Ac-SDKP:n ja POP:in ominaisuuksia, esiintymistä ja toimintaa. Kokeellisen osion tarkoituksena oli osoittaa, osallistuvatko POP ja Tȕ4 tetrapeptidin Ac-SDKP muodostumiseen ja kapillaarimuodostumiseen ja edelleen, voidaanko POPaktiivisuutta, tetrapeptidi- ja kapillaarimuodostumista estää spesifisellä POP-inhibiittorilla, KYP-2047:llä. Kokeellinen osa oli kaksiosainen. Ensimmäisessä osassa tutkittiin POPaktiivisuutta ja suoritettiin Ac-SDKP –pitoisuusmittauksia ajanjaksolla 0-180 min Wistarkannan rotista tehdyillä homogenaateilla. Tutkimusryhminä olivat 0,1 ja 0,5 μM KYP-2047 (+2 μM Tȕ4), 1:20 (0,625 μM) humaaniperäinen rekombinantti-POP (+ 2 μM Tȕ4), 2 μM Tȕ4 (pos. kontrolli) ja raakahomogenaatti (neg. kontrolli). Toisessa osassa tutkittiin kapillaarimuodostumista ajanjaksolla 0-180 min humaaniperäisillä napanuoralaskimon primaariendoteelisoluilla MatrigelTM Matrix -päällystetyllä 48- kuoppalevyllä, jolle oli siirrostettu 50 000 solua/kuoppa. Naudan seerumilla ja antibiooteilla käsitellyt tutkimusryhmät olivat 5 ja 10 μM KYP-2047 (+4 μM Tȕ4), 1:20 (0,625 μM) humaaniperäinen rekombinantti-POP (+4 μM Tȕ4), 4 μM Tȕ4 (pos. kontrolli) ja DMEM (neg. kontrolli). Kuoppia inkuboitiin ja kapillaarimuodostuminen kuvattiin valomikroskoopilla digitaalikameralla. Kutakin tutkimusryhmää pipetoitiin kolmeen rinnakkaiseen kuoppaan ja kokeet toistettiin neljästi. Sulkeutuneiden kapillaarien lukumäärä laskettiin manuaalisesti ja tuloksista tehtiin tilastollinen analyysi. 7ȕ4:n ja POP:in havaittiin molempien osallistuvan tetrapeptidin AC-SDKP muodostumiseen munuaishomogenaateissa. Primaariendoteelisolut muodostivat selkeitä kapillaareja Matrigelilla, erityisesti POP- ja Tȕ4–ryhmissä. KYP-2047 inhiboi tehokkaasti POP:ia kaikissa kokeissa osoittautuen hyväksi antiangiogeeniseksi yhdisteeksi. Angiogeneesin mekanismien ja POP:in, Tȕ4:n ja Ac-SDKP:n yhteyksien selvittäminen vaatii luonnollisesti vielä lisätutkimuksia.


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The size of the shear transformation zone (STZ) that initiates the elastic to plastic transition in a Zr-based bulk metallic glass was estimated by conducting a statistical analysis of the first pop-in event during spherical nanoindentation. A series of experiments led us to a successful description of the distribution of shear strength for the transition and its dependence on the loading rate. From the activation volume determined by statistical analysis the STZ size was estimated based on a cooperative shearing model. (C) 2012 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.