998 resultados para Point Sal


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Five basalt samples from the Point Sal ophiolite, California, were examined using HRTEM and AEM in order to compare observations with interpretations of XRD patterns and microprobe analyses. XRD data from ethylene-glycol-saturated samples indicate the following percentages of chlorite in mixed-layer chlorite-smectite identified for each specimen: (i) L2036 almost-equal-to 50%, (ii) L2035 almost-equal-to 70 and 20%, (iii) 1A-13 almost-equal-to 70%, (iv) 1B-42 almost-equal-to 70%, and (v) 1B-55 = 100%. Detailed electron microprobe analyses show that 'chlorite' analyses with high Si, K, Na and Ca contents are the result of interlayering with smectite-like layers. The Fe/(Fe + Mg) ratios of mixed-layer phyllosilicates from Point Sal samples are influenced by the bulk rock composition, not by the percentage of chlorite nor the structure of the phyllosilicate. Measurements of lattice-fringe images indicate that both smectite and chlorite layers are present in the Point Sal samples in abundances similar to those predicted with XRD techniques and that regular alternation of chlorite and smectite occurs at the unit-cell scale. Both 10- and 14-angstrom layers were recorded with HRTEM and interpreted to be smectite and chlorite, respectively. Regular alternation of chlorite and smectite (24-angstrom periodicity) occurs in upper lava samples L2036 and 1A-13, and lower lava sample 1B-42 for as many as seven alternations per crystallite with local layer mistakes. Sample L2035 shows disordered alternation of chlorite and smectite, with juxtaposition of smectite-like layers, suggesting that randomly interlayered chlorite (< 0.5)-smectite exists. Images of lower lava sample 1B-55 show predominantly 14-angstrom layers. Units of 24 angstrom tend to cluster in what may otherwise appear to be disordered mixtures, suggesting the existence of a corrensite end-member having thermodynamic significance.


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Vesicular and groundmass phyllosilicates in a hydrothermally altered basalt from the Point Sal ophiolite, California, have been studied using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Pore-filling phyllosilicates are texturally characterized as having coherent, relatively thick and defect-free crystals of chlorite (14 Å) with occasional 24-Å periodicities. Groundmass phyllosilicates are texturally characterized as 1) randomly oriented crystals up to 200 Å in width and 2) larger, more coherent crystals up to 1000 Å in width. Small crystallites contain predominantly 14-Å layers with some 24-Å units. Large crystals show randomly interlayered chlorite/smectite (C/S), with approximately 50% chlorite on average. Adjacent smectite-like layers are not uncommon in the groundmass phyllosilicates. Electron microprobe analyses show that Fe/Mg ratios of both groundmass and vesicular phyllosilicates are fairly constant. Termination of brucite-like interlayers has been identified in some of the TEM images. The transformation mechanisms represented by these layer terminations are 1) growth of a brucite-like interlayer within smectite interlayer regions and 2) the dissolution and reprecipitation of elements to form chlorite layers. Both mechanisms require an increase in volume as smectite transforms to chlorite. The data, combined with that from previously published reports, suggest that randomly interlayered C/S is a metastable phase formed in microenvironments with low water/rock ratios. Chlorite forms in microenvironments in the same sample dominated by higher water/rock ratios. The relatively constant number of Mg's in the structure (Mg#) of both structures indicates that in both microenvironments the bulk rock composition has influence over the composition of phyllosilicates.


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The priority management goal of the National Marine Sanctuaries Program (NMSP) is to protect marine ecosystems and biodiversity. This goal requires an understanding of broad-scale ecological relationships and linkages between marine resources and physical oceanography to support an ecosystem management approach. The Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary (CINMS) is currently reviewing its management plan and investigating boundary expansion. A management plan study area (henceforth, Study Area) was described that extends from the current boundary north to the mainland, and extends north to Point Sal and south to Point Dume. Six additional boundary concepts were developed that vary in area and include the majority of the Study Area. The NMSP and CINMS partnered with NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science Biogeography Team to conduct a biogeographic assessment to characterize marine resources and oceanographic patterns within and adjacent to the sanctuary. This assessment includes a suite of quantitative spatial and statistical analyses that characterize biological and oceanographic patterns in the marine region from Point Sal to the U.S.-Mexico border. These data were analyzed using an index which evaluates an ecological “cost-benefit” within the proposed boundary concepts and the Study Area. The sanctuary resides in a dynamic setting where two oceanographic regimes meet. Cold northern waters mix with warm southern waters around the Channel Islands creating an area of transition that strongly influences the regions oceanography. In turn, these processes drive the biological distributions within the region. This assessment analyzes bathymetry, benthic substrate, bathymetric life-zones, sea surface temperature, primary production, currents, submerged aquatic vegetation, and kelp in the context of broad-scale patterns and relative to the proposed boundary concepts and the Study Area. Boundary cost-benefit results for these parameters were variable due to their dynamic nature; however, when analyzed in composite the Study Area and Boundary Concept 2 were considered the most favorable. Biological data were collected from numerous resource agencies and university scientists for this assessment. Fish and invertebrate trawl data were used to characterize community structure. Habitat suitability models were developed for 15 species of macroinvertebrates and 11 species of fish that have significant ecological, commercial, or recreational importance in the region and general patterns of ichthyoplankton distribution are described. Six surveys of ship and plane at-sea surveys were used to model marine bird diversity from Point Arena to the U.S.-Mexico border. Additional surveys were utilized to estimate density and colony counts for nine bird species. Critical habitat for western snowy plover and the location of California least tern breeding pairs were also analyzed. At-sea surveys were also used to describe the distribution of 14 species of cetaceans and five species of pinnipeds. Boundary concept cost-benefit indices revealed that Boundary Concept 2 and the Study Area were most favorable for the majority of the species-specific analyses. Boundary Concept 3 was most favorable for bird diversity across the region. Inadequate spatial resolution for fish and invertebrate community data and incompatible sampling effort information for bird and mammal data precluded boundary cost-benefit analysis.


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This study describes fish assemblages and their spatial patterns off the coast of California from Point Arena to Point Sal, by combining the results of the multivariate analyses of several fisheries datasets with a geographic information system. In order to provide comprehensive spatial coverage for the areas of inshore, continental shelf, and continental slope, three fisheries datasets were analyzed: 1) Inshore: the California Department of Fish and Game dataset of fishery-dependent commercial passenger fishing vessel trips that targeted rockfish; 2) Continental Shelf: the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) fishery-independent bottom trawls; and 3) Continental Slope: the NMFS fishery-independent bottom trawls on the continental slope. One-hundred seven species were analyzed. These species represented those captured in at least 5% of the fishing trips or trawls in at least one of the three data sets. We analyzed each of the three datasets separately, and the three sets of results were combined to define 28 species assemblages and 23 site groups. A species assemblage consisted of species caught together, whereas a site group consisted of fishing trips or trawl locations that tended to have the same species assemblages. At the scale of these datasets, 97% of all site groups were significantly segregated by depth.


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[ES]La sustitución de los millones por el crecimiento en el precio de la sal que Felipe IV estableció en 1631 provocó reacciones generalizadas en toda Castilla, y en particular entre las provincias que se hallaban exentas de pagarlos. Son conocidos los violentos disturbios de Vizcaya. En cambio, poco se sabe acerca de lo sucedido en las otras dos Provincias Exentas. El presente artículo analiza, en conjunto, la actitud que tanto Vizcaya como Guipúzcoa y Álava adoptaron ante el nuevo impuesto. Aunque las tres coincidieron en rechazarlo, lo hicieron mediante discursos y métodos bien diferentes. No en vano, lejos de lo que suele pensarse no gozaban de una plena equiparación fiscal ni jurídica.


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Photosynthetic parameters of phytoplankton and sea ice algae from landfast sea ice of the Chukchi Sea off Point Barrow, Alaska, were assessed in spring 2005 and winter through spring 2006 using Pulse Amplitude Modulated (PAM) fluorometry including estimates of maximum quantum efficiency (Fv/Fm), maximum relative electron transport rate (rETRmax), photosynthetic efficiency (alpha), and the photoadaptive index (Ek). The use of centrifuged brine samples allowed to document vertical gradients in ice algal acclimation with 5 cm vertical resolution for the first time. Bottom ice algae (0-5 cm from ice-water interface) expressed low Fv/Fm (0.331-0.426) and low alpha (0.098-0.130 /(µmol photons/m**2/s)) in December. Fv/Fm and alpha increased in March and May (0.468-0.588 and 0.141-0.438 /(µmol photons/m**2/s), respectively) indicating increased photosynthetic activity. In addition, increases in rETRmax (3.3-16.4 a.u.) and Ek (20-88 µmol photons/m**2/s) from December to May illustrates a higher potential for primary productivity as communities become better acclimated to under-ice light conditions. In conclusion, photosynthetic performance by ice algae (as assessed by PAM fluorometry) was tightly linked to sea ice salinity, temperature, and inorganic nutrient concentrations (mainly nitrogen).


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Los paisajes protagonistas de esta investigación han sido creados gracias a la actividad de las salinas, explotaciones “donde se beneficia la sal de las aguas del mar o de ciertos manantiales, cuando se ha evaporado el agua.” (RAE). Son lugares de características únicas, tanto por sus valores naturales y medioambientales, como por los valores culturales, patrimoniales, históricos, sociales e identitarios, “resultado de la acción e interacción de factores naturales y humanos en el territorio” (CEP, 2000). Existen salinas en muchos lugares del mundo, pero es en la Península Ibérica donde se encuentra la mayor concentración de estas explotaciones en toda Europa y, por consiguiente, de los singulares paisajes asociados y generados por ellas. Es también la única región europea donde existen salinas de interior que utilizan métodos de evaporación para la obtención de sal: las energías y circunstancias naturales aprovechadas en ellas, sol, viento, gravedad y humedad relativa, propician la evaporación del agua salada, una de las estrategias fundamentales para su funcionamiento. Esta circunstancia determina su posición geográfica en el territorio y su dependencia de los ciclos climáticos estacionales, del régimen hidrológico, la estructura geológica del subsuelo, la geomorfología y la acción humana para potenciar la eficiencia de los procesos productivos, creando para ello un extenso e interesante patrimonio natural y cultural en torno a ellas. Por tanto, son también paisajes culturales, resultado de un proceso artesanal de producción y comercialización de la sal, que se articula a través de la construcción de una serie de instalaciones preindustriales diseminadas y conectadas en puntos estratégicos del territorio costero e interior. La presente tesis aborda la grave situación a la que se enfrentan en la actualidad los paisajes ibéricos de la sal, concretamente los ubicados en la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía, que están sufriendo un ávido proceso de abandono y desaparición desde mediados del s. XX, con la consiguiente pérdida para la sociedad de este valioso patrimonio cultural y natural, que se ha ido construyendo durante siglos, prácticamente desde el inicio de la humanidad. De las diversas tipologías de salinas que existen, se han seleccionado las explotaciones, tanto marítimas como de interior, que utilizan o han utilizado en su origen técnicas de explotación artesanal basadas en la evaporación. El interés de esta acotación tipológica se ha basado en las relaciones de dependencia que estas explotaciones de sal establecen con el entorno físico y climático donde se ubican para poder existir y funcionar. El objetivo principal de esta investigación ha perseguido el establecimiento y definición de un marco territorial, global e integrador, para los paisajes culturales salineros andaluces, a través de la observación directa realizada durante el trabajo de campo, el análisis de textos, imágenes, documentos, gráficos, palabras y entrevistas abiertas. Lo anterior ha permitido identificar, clasificar, analizar y valorar sus principales características y su evolución en el tiempo, identificando las causas del deterioro y desaparición del patrimonio salinero, evaluando la efectividad de las iniciativas, públicas y/o privadas, y de las figuras de protección, así como analizar las relaciones que establecen con su entorno próximo, con los núcleos de población y habitantes a los que sirven, la red de carreteas y caminos que las conectan y los ríos y mares que las proveen de materia prima. Finalmente, se ha establecido una sistemática integral de análisis, con el fin de poder actuar, a partir del conocimiento, a favor de la gestión, salvaguarda y pervivencia de los excepcionales valores culturales y naturales, que definen el carácter e identidad de estos singulares paisajes. ----------------------ABSTRACT----------------- The landscapes of this research have been created by the activity of saltworks, sites “where salt from sea water or certain springs is obtained, when water evaporates.” (RAE). They are places with unique characteristics, because of their natural and environmental values, as well as their cultural, historic and social values, their heritage and identity, “the result of the action and interaction of natural and human factors on the territory” (European Landscape Convention, 2000). There are many saltworks in many places around the world, but it is in the Iberian Peninsula where we find the highest concentration of salt industries within Europe and, therefore, the particular landscapes associated and created by them. It is as well the only European region where we can find inland saltworks with evaporation methods to obtain salt: the energies and natural circumstances used in them are sun, wind, gravity and relative humidity, favouring salt water evaporation, one of the main strategies of their functioning. This circumstance determines their geographic position in the territory and its dependence on seasonal climatic cycles, hydrological regimes, geological subsoil structure, geomorphology and human action to strengthen productive processes efficiency, creating an extensive and interesting natural and cultural heritage around them. Therefore, they are also cultural landscapes, result of a traditional salt production process and marketing, organized through the construction of certain preindustrial buildings scattered and connected in strategic inland and seaside spots. This thesis deals with the plight today’s salt landscapes are facing, particularly those within the Andalucian Region, since the middle of the 20th century undergoing an avid process of abandonment and disappearance, meaning a great loss for society of a cultural and natural heritage constructed along centuries, almost since the beginning of mankind. Among the diverse typologies of saltworks, the selection made consists on those inland and seaside ones, which use or have originally used traditional production techniques based on evaporation. The interest in this particular saltwork typology is based on the dependency relationships these industries establish with the environment and climate where they are located, in order to be able to exist and function. The main goal of this research has pursued to establish and define a global and inclusive territorial framework for Andalucian cultural saltworks landscapes, through direct observation carried out during fieldwork, analysis of texts, images, documents, graphs, words and open interviews. All of it has allowed to identify, classify, analyze and evaluate their main characteristics and evolution over time, identifying the causes of deterioration and disappearance of the saltworks heritage, assessing the effectiveness of public and private initiatives, and protection projects, as well as analyzing the relationships with their surroundings, population centers and residents they serve, road networks connecting them and rivers and seas supplying the raw material. Finally, a comprehensive analysis systematic has been established, in order to be able to take action, with knowledge as starting point, for the management, preservation and survival of the unique cultural and natural values that define the character and identity of these singular landscapes.


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Los paisajes protagonistas de esta investigación han sido creados gracias a la actividad de las salinas, explotaciones “donde se beneficia la sal de las aguas del mar o de ciertos manantiales, cuando se ha evaporado el agua.” (RAE). Son lugares de características únicas, tanto por sus valores naturales y medioambientales, como por los valores culturales, patrimoniales, históricos, sociales e identitarios, “resultado de la acción e interacción de factores naturales y humanos en el territorio” (CEP, 2000). Existen salinas en muchos lugares del mundo, pero es en la Península Ibérica donde se encuentra la mayor concentración de estas explotaciones en toda Europa y, por consiguiente, de los singulares paisajes asociados y generados por ellas. Es también la única región europea donde existen salinas de interior que utilizan métodos de evaporación para la obtención de sal: las energías y circunstancias naturales aprovechadas en ellas, sol, viento, gravedad y humedad relativa, propician la evaporación del agua salada, una de las estrategias fundamentales para su funcionamiento. Esta circunstancia determina su posición geográfica en el territorio y su dependencia de los ciclos climáticos estacionales, del régimen hidrológico, la estructura geológica del subsuelo, la geomorfología y la acción humana para potenciar la eficiencia de los procesos productivos, creando para ello un extenso e interesante patrimonio natural y cultural en torno a ellas. Por tanto, son también paisajes culturales, resultado de un proceso artesanal de producción y comercialización de la sal, que se articula a través de la construcción de una serie de instalaciones preindustriales diseminadas y conectadas en puntos estratégicos del territorio costero e interior. La presente tesis aborda la grave situación a la que se enfrentan en la actualidad los paisajes ibéricos de la sal, concretamente los ubicados en la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía, que están sufriendo un ávido proceso de abandono y desaparición desde mediados del s. XX, con la consiguiente pérdida para la sociedad de este valioso patrimonio cultural y natural, que se ha ido construyendo durante siglos, prácticamente desde el inicio de la humanidad. De las diversas tipologías de salinas que existen, se han seleccionado las explotaciones, tanto marítimas como de interior, que utilizan o han utilizado en su origen técnicas de explotación artesanal basadas en la evaporación. El interés de esta acotación tipológica se ha basado en las relaciones de dependencia que estas explotaciones de sal establecen con el entorno físico y climático donde se ubican para poder existir y funcionar. El objetivo principal de esta investigación ha perseguido el establecimiento y definición de un marco territorial, global e integrador, para los paisajes culturales salineros andaluces, a través de la observación directa realizada durante el trabajo de campo, el análisis de textos, imágenes, documentos, gráficos, palabras y entrevistas abiertas. Lo anterior ha permitido identificar, clasificar, analizar y valorar sus principales características y su evolución en el tiempo, identificando las causas del deterioro y desaparición del patrimonio salinero, evaluando la efectividad de las iniciativas, públicas y/o privadas, y de las figuras de protección, así como analizar las relaciones que establecen con su entorno próximo, con los núcleos de población y habitantes a los que sirven, la red de carreteas y caminos que las conectan y los ríos y mares que las proveen de materia prima. Finalmente, se ha establecido una sistemática integral de análisis, con el fin de poder actuar, a partir del conocimiento, a favor de la gestión, salvaguarda y pervivencia de los excepcionales valores culturales y naturales, que definen el carácter e identidad de estos singulares paisajes. ----------------------ABSTRACT----------------- The landscapes of this research have been created by the activity of saltworks, sites “where salt from sea water or certain springs is obtained, when water evaporates.” (RAE). They are places with unique characteristics, because of their natural and environmental values, as well as their cultural, historic and social values, their heritage and identity, “the result of the action and interaction of natural and human factors on the territory” (European Landscape Convention, 2000). There are many saltworks in many places around the world, but it is in the Iberian Peninsula where we find the highest concentration of salt industries within Europe and, therefore, the particular landscapes associated and created by them. It is as well the only European region where we can find inland saltworks with evaporation methods to obtain salt: the energies and natural circumstances used in them are sun, wind, gravity and relative humidity, favouring salt water evaporation, one of the main strategies of their functioning. This circumstance determines their geographic position in the territory and its dependence on seasonal climatic cycles, hydrological regimes, geological subsoil structure, geomorphology and human action to strengthen productive processes efficiency, creating an extensive and interesting natural and cultural heritage around them. Therefore, they are also cultural landscapes, result of a traditional salt production process and marketing, organized through the construction of certain preindustrial buildings scattered and connected in strategic inland and seaside spots. This thesis deals with the plight today’s salt landscapes are facing, particularly those within the Andalucian Region, since the middle of the 20th century undergoing an avid process of abandonment and disappearance, meaning a great loss for society of a cultural and natural heritage constructed along centuries, almost since the beginning of mankind. Among the diverse typologies of saltworks, the selection made consists on those inland and seaside ones, which use or have originally used traditional production techniques based on evaporation. The interest in this particular saltwork typology is based on the dependency relationships these industries establish with the environment and climate where they are located, in order to be able to exist and function. The main goal of this research has pursued to establish and define a global and inclusive territorial framework for Andalucian cultural saltworks landscapes, through direct observation carried out during fieldwork, analysis of texts, images, documents, graphs, words and open interviews. All of it has allowed to identify, classify, analyze and evaluate their main characteristics and evolution over time, identifying the causes of deterioration and disappearance of the saltworks heritage, assessing the effectiveness of public and private initiatives, and protection projects, as well as analyzing the relationships with their surroundings, population centers and residents they serve, road networks connecting them and rivers and seas supplying the raw material. Finally, a comprehensive analysis systematic has been established, in order to be able to take action, with knowledge as starting point, for the management, preservation and survival of the unique cultural and natural values that define the character and identity of these singular landscapes.


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We assessed whether the relative importance of positive and negative interactions in early successional communities varied across a large landslide on Casita Volcano (Nicaragua). We tested several hypotheses concerning the signatures of these processes in the spatial patterns of woody pioneer plants, as well as those of mortality and recruitment events, in several zones of the landslide differing in substrate stability and fertility, over a period of two years (2001 and 2002). We identified all woody individuals with a diameter >1 cm and mapped them in 28 plots measuring 10 × 10-m. On these maps, we performed a spatial point pattern analysis using univariate and bivariate pair-correlation functions; g (r) and g12 (r), and pairwise differences of univariate and bivariate functions. Spatial signatures of positive and negative interactions among woody plants were more prevalent in the most and least stressful zones of the landslide, respectively. Natural and human-induced disturbances such as the occurrence of fire, removal of newly colonizing plants through erosion and clearcutting of pioneer trees were also identified as potentially important pattern-creating processes. These results are in agreement with the stress-gradient hypothesis, which states that the relative importance of facilitation and competition varies inversely across gradients of abiotic stress. Our findings also indicate that the assembly of early successional plant communities in large heterogeneous landslides might be driven by a much larger array of processes than previously thought.


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The text starts with a praise of the Sultan Abdülhamid and his governor Osman Nuri Paşa. Then it discusses the necessity of obedience to the Sultan and the authorities from a religious point of view. It then touches briefly on several ethical issues. The text may or may not be complete at the end.


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Ecological succession provides a widely accepted description of seasonal changes in phytoplankton and mesozooplankton assemblages in the natural environment, but concurrent changes in smaller (i.e. microbes) and larger (i.e. macroplankton) organisms are not included in the model because plankton ranging from bacteria to jellies are seldom sampled and analyzed simultaneously. Here we studied, for the first time in the aquatic literature, the succession of marine plankton in the whole-plankton assemblage that spanned 5 orders of magnitude in size from microbes to macroplankton predators (not including fish or fish larvae, for which no consistent data were available). Samples were collected in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea (Bay of Villefranche) weekly during 10 months. Simultaneously collected samples were analyzed by flow cytometry, inverse microscopy, FlowCam, and ZooScan. The whole-plankton assemblage underwent sharp reorganizations that corresponded to bottom-up events of vertical mixing in the water-column, and its development was top-down controlled by large gelatinous filter feeders and predators. Based on the results provided by our novel whole-plankton assemblage approach, we propose a new comprehensive conceptual model of the annual plankton succession (i.e. whole plankton model) characterized by both stepwise stacking of four broad trophic communities from early spring through summer, which is a new concept, and progressive replacement of ecological plankton categories within the different trophic communities, as recognised traditionally.


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Um dos grandes desafios a serem enfrentados pelas cidades brasileiras é a problemática vivenciada pela população em situação de rua, cada vez mais numerosa nos centros urbanos. Essa população heterogênea e complexa vem sendo cada vez mais, alvo de discussões que buscam compreendê-la melhor, tentando quantificá-la e descrevê-la para delinear caminhos de intervenção em sua situação-limite, que melhor contemple suas necessidades. As ações pastorais adotadas com a população em situação de rua nas cidades, por sua vez, geralmente têm privilegiado o proselitismo e o assistencialismo, que acabam por reproduzir os mecanismos que os excluem e os tornam sobrantes em todos os aspectos da vida, inclusive da própria religião. Essa postura se explica por sua pastoral estar pautada no antigo paradigma de missão, no qual o assistido não tem voz e torna-se apenas um depositário de assistência e de dogmas. Na busca de uma ação pastoral alternativa, encontramos a Missão SAL, em Santo André, que realiza sua missão a partir da convivência familiar com pessoas sobrantes dos centros urbanos, como aquela que pode revelar-se uma importante expressão do rosto da missão para eles. Assim, a presente dissertação se propôs a analisar a ação pastoral da Missão SAL a partir da seguinte pergunta norteadora: A ação pastoral adotada pela Missão Sal possui suas bases em uma metodologia da convivência, que promova o diálogo, devolvendo a voz às pessoas sobrantes que acolhe, contribuindo para a construção de sua autonomia? A metodologia utilizada contou com dois momentos distintos. Iniciamos com a sistematização de referencial bibliográfico sobre a população em situação de rua, especialmente o que convencionamos chamar de sobrantes, bem como o contexto em que esta está inserida na contemporaneidade e a sistematização da bibliografia sobre o referencial teórico para uma avaliação crítica da metodologia de ação pastoral utilizada na Missão SAL. Em seguida nos detivemos ao estudo de caso, que teve como objeto a metodologia de ação pastoral da Missão SAL, em Santo André, que foi analisada a partir da observação participativa e de entrevistas não estruturadas com os moradores da casa. Essa dissertação está composta em três capítulos. O primeiro capítulo buscou apresentar os sobrantes que fazem parte de um exército de excluídos e marginalizados, que vivem em situação de rua nos centros urbanos, apontando sua relação com a cidade. O segundo capítulo apresentou os resultados obtidos no estudo de caso da Missão SAL e, por fim, o terceiro capítulo procurou apontar caminhos para uma metodologia da convivência na ação pastoral para a população sobrante dos centros urbanos, como aquela que pode contribuir para a autonomia dessa população.


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Increasing in resolution of numerical weather prediction models has allowed more and more realistic forecasts of atmospheric parameters. Due to the growing variability into predicted fields the traditional verification methods are not always able to describe the model ability because they are based on a grid-point-by-grid-point matching between observation and prediction. Recently, new spatial verification methods have been developed with the aim of show the benefit associated to the high resolution forecast. Nested in among of the MesoVICT international project, the initially aim of this work is to compare the newly tecniques remarking advantages and disadvantages. First of all, the MesoVICT basic examples, represented by synthetic precipitation fields, have been examined. Giving an error evaluation in terms of structure, amplitude and localization of the precipitation fields, the SAL method has been studied more thoroughly respect to the others approaches with its implementation in the core cases of the project. The verification procedure has concerned precipitation fields over central Europe: comparisons between the forecasts performed by the 00z COSMO-2 model and the VERA (Vienna Enhanced Resolution Analysis) have been done. The study of these cases has shown some weaknesses of the methodology examined; in particular has been highlighted the presence of a correlation between the optimal domain size and the extention of the precipitation systems. In order to increase ability of SAL, a subdivision of the original domain in three subdomains has been done and the method has been applied again. Some limits have been found in cases in which at least one of the two domains does not show precipitation. The overall results for the subdomains have been summarized on scatter plots. With the aim to identify systematic errors of the model the variability of the three parameters has been studied for each subdomain.


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Traditional information retrieval (IR) systems respond to user queries with ranked lists of relevant documents. The separation of content and structure in XML documents allows individual XML elements to be selected in isolation. Thus, users expect XML-IR systems to return highly relevant results that are more precise than entire documents. In this paper we describe the implementation of a search engine for XML document collections. The system is keyword based and is built upon an XML inverted file system. We describe the approach that was adopted to meet the requirements of Content Only (CO) and Vague Content and Structure (VCAS) queries in INEX 2004.