994 resultados para Plasma polymer


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Polymeric nanocomposites have been shown to possess superior electrical insulation properties compared to traditional filled-resins. However, poor dispersion uniformity and insufficient filler-matrix interaction can adversely affect insulation properties of nanocomposites. In this study, the use of plasma polymerization is proposed to coat poly(ethylene oxide) polymer layers on silica nanoparticles. It is shown that better dispersion is achieved and C-O bonds are created between the surface functional groups of the nanoparticles and the host epoxy polymer. Electrical insulation tests demonstrate that the nanocomposites with plasma polymerized silica nanoparticles feature better resistance against electrical treeing, lower dielectric constant, and also mitigated space charge built-up. Therefore, plasma polymerization offers a promising fabrication technique to further improve the synthesis of nanocomposite dielectrics with superior electrical insulation properties.


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After more than twenty years of basic and applied research, the use of nanotechnology in the design and manufacture of nanoscale materials is rapidly increasing, particularly in commercial applications that span from electronics across renewable energy areas, and biomedical devices. Novel polymers are attracting significant attention for they promise to provide a low−cost high−performance alternative to existing materials. Furthermore, these polymers have the potential to overcome limitations imposed by currently available materials thus enabling the development of new technologies and applications that are currently beyond our reach. This work focuses on the development of a range of new low−cost environmentally−friendly polymer materials for applications in areas of organic (flexible) electronics, optics, and biomaterials. The choice of the monomer reflects the environmentally−conscious focus of this project. Terpinen−4−ol is a major constituent of Australian grown Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree) oil, attributed with the oil's antimicrobial and anti−inflammatory properties. Plasma polymerisation was chosen as a deposition technique for it requires minimal use of harmful chemicals and produces no hazardous by−products. Polymer thin films were fabricated under varied process conditions to attain materials with distinct physico−chemical, optoelectrical, biological and degradation characteristics. The resultant materials, named polyterpenol, were extensively characterised using a number of well−accepted and novel techniques, and their fundamental properties were defined. Polyterpenol films were demonstrated to be hydrocarbon rich, with variable content of oxygen moieties, primarily in the form of hydroxyl and carboxyl functionalities. The level of preservation of original monomer functionality was shown to be strongly dependent on the deposition energy, with higher applied power increasing the molecular fragmentation and substrate temperature. Polyterpenol water contact angle contact angle increased from 62.7° for the 10 W samples to 76.3° for the films deposited at 100 W. Polymers were determined to resist solubilisation by water, due to the extensive intermolecular and intramolecular hydrogen bonds present, and other solvents commonly employed in electronics and biomedical processing. Independent of deposition power, the surface topography of the polymers was shown to be smooth (Rq <0.5 nm), uniform and defect free. Hardness of polyterpenol coatings increased from 0.33 GPa for 10 W to 0.51 GPa for 100 W (at 500 μN load). Coatings deposited at higher input RF powers showed less mechanical deformation during nanoscratch testing, with no considerable damage, cracking or delamination observed. Independent of the substrate, the quality of film adhesion improved with RF power, suggesting these coatings are likely to be more stable and less susceptible to wear. Independent of fabrication conditions, polyterpenol thin films were optically transparent, with refractive index approximating that of glass. Refractive index increased slightly with deposition power, from 1.54 (10 W) to 1.56 (100 W) at 500 nm. The optical band gap values declined with increasing power, from 2.95 eV to 2.64 eV, placing the material within the range for semiconductors. Introduction of iodine impurity reduced the band gap of polyterpenol, from 2.8 eV to 1.64 eV, by extending the density of states more into the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Doping decreased the transparency and increased the refractive index from 1.54 to 1.70 (at 500 nm). At optical frequencies, the real part of permittivity (k) was determined to be between 2.34 and 2.65, indicating a potential low-k material. These permittivity values were confirmed at microwave frequencies, where permittivity increased with input RF energy – from 2.32 to 2.53 (at 10 GHz ) and from 2.65 to 2.83 (at 20 GHz). At low frequencies, the dielectric constant was determined from current−voltage characteristics of Al−polyterpenol−Al devices. At frequencies below 100 kHz, the dielectric constant varied with RF power, from 3.86 to 4.42 at 1 kHz. For all samples, the resistivity was in order of 10⁸−10⁹ _m (at 6 V), confirming the insulating nature of polyterpenol material. In situ iodine doping was demonstrated to increase the conductivity of polyterpenol, from 5.05 × 10⁻⁸ S/cm to 1.20 × 10⁻⁶ S/cm (at 20 V). Exposed to ambient conditions over extended period of time, polyterpenol thin films were demonstrated to be optically, physically and chemically stable. The bulk of ageing occurred within first 150 h after deposition and was attributed to oxidation and volumetric relaxation. Thermal ageing studies indicated thermal stability increased for the films manufactured at higher RF powers, with degradation onset temperature associated with weight loss shifting from 150 ºC to 205 ºC for 10 W and 100 W polyterpenol, respectively. Annealing the films to 405 °C resulted in full dissociation of the polymer, with minimal residue. Given the outcomes of the fundamental characterisation, a number of potential applications for polyterpenol have been identified. Flexibility, tunable permittivity and loss tangent properties of polyterpenol suggest the material can be used as an insulating layer in plastic electronics. Implementation of polyterpenol as a surface modification of the gate insulator in pentacene-based Field Effect Transistor resulted in significant improvements, shifting the threshold voltage from + 20 V to –3 V, enhancing the effective mobility from 0.012 to 0.021 cm²/Vs, and improving the switching property of the device from 10⁷ to 10⁴. Polyterpenol was demonstrated to have a hole transport electron blocking property, with potential applications in many organic devices, such as organic light emitting diodes. Encapsulation of biomedical devices is also proposed, given that under favourable conditions, the original chemical and biological functionality of terpinen−4−ol molecule can be preserved. Films deposited at low RF power were shown to successfully prevent adhesion and retention of several important human pathogens, including P. aeruginosa, S. aureus, and S. epidermidis, whereas films deposited at higher RF power promoted bacterial cell adhesion and biofilm formation. Preliminary investigations into in vitro biocompatibility of polyterpenol demonstrated the coating to be non−toxic for several types of eukaryotic cells, including Balb/c mice macrophage and human monocyte type (HTP−1 non-adherent) cells. Applied to magnesium substrates, polyterpenol encapsulating layer significantly slowed down in vitro biodegradation of the metal, thus increasing the viability and growth of HTP−1 cells. Recently, applied to varied nanostructured titanium surfaces, polyterpenol thin films successfully reduced attachment, growth, and viability of P. aeruginosa and S. aureus.


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Plasma polymerization was used to coat a melt electrospun polycaprolactone scaffold to improve cell attachment and organization. Plasma polymerization was performed using an amine containing monomer, allylamine, which then allowed for the subsequent immobilization of biomolecules i.e. heparin and fibroblast growth factor-2. The stability of the plasma polymerized amine-coating was demonstrated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis and imaging time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry revealed that a uniform plasma amine-coating was deposited throughout the scaffold. Based upon comparison with controls it was evident that the combination scaffold aided cell ingress and the formation of distinct fibroblast and keratinocyte layers.


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O trabalho apresentado teve origem no projecto de investigação “Tailored Thin Plasma Polymers Films for Surface Engineering of Coil Coated Steel”, financiado pelo Programa Europeu ECSC Steel Research. Sistemas de aço galvanizado pré-pintado em banda à base de poliéster e poliuretano foram submetidos a um processo de polimerização por plasma onde um filme fino foi depositado de modo a modificar as propriedades de superfície. Foram usados reactores de cátodo oco, microondas e rádio frequência para a deposição do polímero fino. Os sistemas preparados foram analisados de modo a verificar a influência do processo de polimerização por plasma na alteração das propriedades barreira dos sistemas pré-pintados em banda. Foi estudado o efeito dos diferentes passos do processo de polimerização por plasma, bem como o efeito de diferentes variáveis operatórias. A mistura precursora foi variada de modo a modificar as propriedades da superfície de modo a poder vir a obter maior hidrofobicidade, maior resistência a marcas digitais, bem como maior facilidade de limpeza. Os testes foram conduzidos em solução de NaCl 0,5 M. Para o trabalho foram usadas técnicas de análise da morfologia da superfície como Microscopia de Força Atómica e Microscopia Electrónica de Varrimento. As propriedades electroquímicas dos sistemas foram estudadas por Espectroscopia de Impedância Electroquímica. A estrutura dos filmes gerados no processo de polimerização por plasma foi caracterizada por Microscopia de Transmissão Electrónica. A modificação das propriedades ópticas devido ao processo de polimerização por plasma foi também obtida.


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Polymer films, deposited from acetylene and argon plasma mixtures, were bombarded with 150 keV He+ ions, varying the fluence, Phi, from 10(18) to 10(21) ions/m(2). Molecular structure and optical gap of the samples were investigated by infrared and ultraviolet-visible spectroscopies, respectively. Two-point probe was employed to determine the electrical resistivity while hardness was measured by nanoindentation technique. It was verified modification of the molecular structure and composition of the films. There was loss of H and increment in the concentration of unsaturated carbon bonds with Phi. Optical gap and electrical resistivity decreased while hardness increased with Phi. Interpretation of these results is proposed in terms of chain crosslinking and unsaturation. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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This work describes the influence of the ion bombardment on the electrical, optical and mechanical properties of polymer films deposited from radio-frequency plasmas of benzene. Irradiations were conducted using N+ at 5 x 10(19) ions/m(2), varying the ion energy, E-0, from 0 to 150 keV. Film elemental composition was determined by Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy. Electrical resistivity and hardness were obtained by the two-point probe and nanoindentation technique, respectively. Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy was employed to investigate the optical constants of the samples. Etching rate was determined by exposure of the films to reactive oxygen plasmas. Ion bombardment induced gradual loss of H and increase in C and O concentrations with Eo. As a consequence the electrical, optical and mechanical properties were drastically affected. Interpretation of these results is proposed in terms of chain cross-linking and unsaturation. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Plasma polymer films are very attractive for industrial applications in several sectors such as in the electronic, mechanic, biomedic, coating and others, due to its good adhesion, being insoluble in mild acids and bases and having a high crosslinking structure. This work reports the physical, structural, and surface properties of the polymer obtained from an acetylene plasma polymerization technique and treated by dielectric barrier discharge (DBD). The film was deposited in a reactor supplied by a radio-frequency power source at low pressure. After deposition, the nanofilms were treated in a DBD plasma reactor operating in air. The treatment times varied from 1 to 5 min. The analysis of molecular structure of the samples was investigated by FTIR spectroscopy, showing absorption bands in 3480, 2930, 1720, 1450 and 1380 cm(-1). The water contact-angle was investigated by goniometric technique and presented values from 5 to 65 degrees. The aging effect of these films was also studied. The alteration in the films surface morphology was assessed by an atomic force microscopy (AFM) which indicated that the roughness increased from 60 nm to 160 nm as a result of the DBD treatment. The refractive index of the samples presented values near 1.7, measured by UV-Visible spectroscopy. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Spatial and temporal analyses of the spectra of the laser induced plasma from a polytetrafluroethylene (PTFE) target obtained with the 1.06 mu m radiation from a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser have been carried out. The spatially resolved spectra of the plasma emission show that molecular bands of C2 (Swan bands) and CN are very intense in the outer regions of the plasma, whereas higher ionized states of carbon are predominant in the core region of the plasma emission. The vibrational temperature and population distribution in the different vibrational levels have been studied as a function of laser energy. From the time resolved studies, it has been observed that there exist fairly large time delays for the onset of emission from all the species in the outer region of the plasma. The molecular bands in each region exhibit much larger time delays in comparison to the ionic lines in the plasma.


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Radio frequency (R.F.) glow discharge polyterpenol thin films were prepared on silicon wafers and irradiated with I10+ ions to fluences of 1 × 1010 and 1 × 1012 ions/cm2. Post-irradiation characterisation of these films indicated the development of well-defined nano-scale ion entry tracks, highlighting prospective applications for ion irradiated polyterpenol thin films in a variety of membrane and nanotube-fabrication functions. Optical characterisation showed the films to be optically transparent within the visible spectrum and revealed an ability to selectively control the thin film refractive index as a function of fluence. This indicates that ion irradiation processing may be employed to produce plasma-polymer waveguides to accommodate a variety of wavelengths. XRR probing of the substrate-thin film interface revealed interfacial roughness values comparable to those obtained for the uncoated substrate's surface (i.e., both on the order of 5 Å), indicating minimal substrate etching during the plasma deposition process.


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Plasma polymerisation is an effective tool for fabrication of thin films from volatile organic monomers. RF plasma assisted deposition is used for one-step, chemical-free polymerisation of nonsynthetic materials derived directly from agricultural produces. By varying the deposition parameters, especially the input RF power, the film properties can be tailored for a range of uses, including electronics or biomedical applications. The fabricated thin films are optically transparent with refractive index close to that of glass. Given the diversity of essential oils, this paper compares the chemical and physical properties of thin films fabricated from several commercially exploited essential oils and their components. It is interesting to note that some of the properties can be tailored for various applications even though the chemical structure of the derived polymer is very similar. The obtained material properties also show that the synthesised materials are suitable as encapsulating layers for biodegradable implantable metals.