999 resultados para Plasma SF6


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L’objectif de ce mémoire de maîtrise est de développer des outils de diagnostics non-invasifs et de caractériser in-situ les dérives de procédé dans un réacteur industriel utilisé en production pour la gravure profonde du silicium par le procédé Bosch. Ce dernier repose sur l’alternance d’un plasma de SF6 pour la gravure isotrope du Si et d’un plasma de C4F8 pour la passivation des parois dans l’optique d’obtenir des tranchées profondes et étroites. Dans un premier temps, nous avons installé une sonde courant-tension sur la ligne de transmission du signal rf au porte-substrat pour l’étude de son impédance caractéristique et un spectromètre optique pour l’étude de l’émission optique du plasma. Nos travaux ont montré que l’évolution temporelle de l’impédance constitue un excellent moyen pour identifier des changements dans la dynamique du procédé, notamment une gravure complète de la photorésine. De plus, à partir des spectres d’émission, nous avons pu montrer que des produits carbonés sont libérés du substrat et des parois lors de l’alternance passivation/gravure et que ceux-ci modifient considérablement la concentration de fluor atomique dans le plasma. Dans un second temps, nous avons développé un réacteur à « substrat-tournant » pour l’analyse in-situ des interactions plasma-parois dans le procédé Bosch. Nos travaux sur ce réacteur visaient à caractériser par spectrométrie de masse l’évolution temporelle des populations de neutres réactifs et d’ions positifs. Dans les conditions opératoires étudiées, le SF6 se dissocie à près de 45% alors que le degré de dissociation du C4F8 atteint 70%. Le SF6 est avant tout dissocié en F et SF3 et l’ion dominant est le SF3+ alors que le C4F8 est fragmenté en CF, CF3 et CF4 et nous mesurons plusieurs ions significatifs. Dans les deux cas, la chaîne de dissociation demeure loin d’être complète. Nous avons noté une désorption importante des parois de CF4 lors du passage du cycle de passivation au cycle de gravure. Un modèle d’interactions plasmas-parois est proposé pour expliquer cette observation.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Polymer films were grown in rf discharges containing different proportions of C2H2 and SF6. Quantitative optical emission spectrometry (actinometry) was used to follow the trends in the plasma concentrations of the species H and F, and more tentatively, of CH, CF, and CF2, as a function of the feed composition. Infrared spectroscopy revealed the density of CH and CF bonds in the deposited material. As the partial pressure of SF6 in the feed was increased, the degree of fluorination of the polymer also rose. The form of the dependency of the deposition rate on the proportion of SF6 in the feed was in good qualitative agreement with the activated growth model. From transmission ultraviolet visible spectroscopy data the refractive index and the absorption coefficient of the polymers were calculated as a function of the deposition parameters. Since the optical gap depended to some extent upon the degree of fluorination, it could, within limits, be determined by a suitable choice of the proportion of SF6 in the feed. A qualitative explanation of this relationship is given.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The ratio of diffusion coefficient to mobility (D/¿) for electrons has been measured in SF6-air and freon-nitrogen mixtures for various concentrations of SF6 and freon in the mixtures over the range 140¿ E/p¿ 220 V.cm-1 - torr-1. In SF6-air mixtures, the values of D/¿ were always observed to lie intermediate between the values for the pure gases. However, in freon-nitrogen mixtures, with a small concentration (10 percent) of freon in the mixture, the values of D/¿ are found to lie above the boundaries determined by the pure gases. In this mixture, over the lower E/p range (140 to 190) the electrons appear to lose a large fraction of their energy by the excitation of the complex freon molecules, while at higher E/p values (200 to 240), the excitation and consequent deexcitation of nitrogen molecules and its metastables seem to cause an increased rate of ionization of freon molecules.


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The sparking potentials and swarm coefficients (ionization and attachment coefficients) have been measured in sulphurhexafluoride- air and freon-nitrogen mixtures over the range of 110 ¿ E/p ¿ 240 V cm-1 torr-l and gas pressures varying between 1 and 20 torr, at 20°C. Addition of strongly attaching salphur-hexafluoride and freon gases increased the sparking potentials and the rate of increase of the attachment coefficient with increasing percentage of the strongly attaching gases in the mixtures was much larger than the rate of change of the first ionization coefficient.


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The absolute yields of gaseous oxyfluorides SOF2, SO2F2, and SOF4 from negative, point-plane corona discharges in pressurized gas mixtures of SF6 with O2 and H2O enriched with18O2 and H2 18O have been measured using a gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer. The predominant SF6 oxidation mechanisms have been revealed from a determination of the relative18O and16O isotope content of the observed oxyfluoride by-product. The results are consistent with previously proposed production mechanisms and indicate that SOF2 and SO2F2 derive oxygen predominantly from H2O and O2, respectively, in slow, gas-phase reactions involving SF4, SF3, and SF2 that occur outside of the discharge region. The species SOF4 derives oxygen from both H2O and O2 through fast reactions in the active discharge region involving free radicals or ions such as OH and O, with SF5 and SF4.


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The temperature (T) and electric field-to-gas pressure (E/P) dependences of the rate coefficientk for the reaction SF 6 � +SOF4rarrSOF 5 � +SF5 have been measured. ForT<270>k approaches a constant of 2.1×10�9 cm3/s, and for 433>T>270 K,k decreases withT according tok (cm3/s)=0.124 exp [�3.3 lnT(K)]. ForE/Pk has a constant value of about 2.5×10�10 cm3/s, and for 130 V/cm·torr>E/P>60 V/cm·torr, the rate is approximately given byk (cm3/s)sim7.0×10�10 exp (�0.022E/P). The measured rate coefficient is used to estimate the influence of this reaction on SOF4 production from negative, point-plane, glow-type corona discharges in gas mixtures containing SF6 and at least trace amounts of O2 and H2O. A chemical kinetics model of the ion-drift region in the discharge gap is used to fit experimental data on SOF4 yields assuming that the SF 6 � +SOF4 reaction is the predominant SOF4 loss mechanism. It is found that the contribution of this reaction to SOF4 destruction falls considerably below the estimated maximum effect assuming that SF 6 � is the predominant charge carrier which reacts only with SOF4. The results of this analysis suggest that SF 6 � is efficiently deactivated by other reactions, and the influence of SF 6 � +SOF4 on SOF4 production is not necessarily more significant than that of other slower secondary processes such as gas-phase hydrolysis


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Downscaling of yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) based electrochemical devices and gate oxide layers requires successful pattern transfer on YSZ thin films. Among a number of techniques available to transfer patterns to a material, reactive ion etching has the capability to offer high resolution, easily controllable, tunable anisotropic/isotropic pattern transfer for batch processing. This work reports inductively coupled reactive ion etching studies on sputtered YSZ thin films in fluorine and chlorine based plasmas and their etch chemistry analyses using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Etching in SF6 plasma gives an etch rate of 7 nm/min chiefly through physical etching process. For same process parameters, in Cl-2 and BCl3 plasmas, YSZ etch rate is 17 nm/min and 45 nm/min, respectively. Increased etch rate in BCl3 plasma is attributed to its oxygen scavenging property synergetic with other chemical and physical etch pathways. BCl3 etched YSZ films show residue-free and smooth surface. The surface atomic concentration ratio of Zr/Y in BCl3 etched films is closer to as-annealed YSZ thin films. On the other hand, Cl-2 etched films show surface yttrium enrichment. Selectivity ratio of YSZ over silicon (Si), silicon dioxide (SiO2) and silicon nitride (Si3N4) are 1:2.7, 1:1, and 1:0.75, respectively, in BCl3 plasma. YSZ etch rate increases to 53 nm/min when nonoxygen supplying carrier wafer like Si3N4 is used. (C) 2015 American Vacuum Society.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)